Olya cocoa comes from a snake on the face - a reference "elixir" of youth. Olya cocoa - the corny of power and protection in cosmetology

The aroma of olea cocoa was known to have been stored in the modern cosmetology from the food industry and the confectionery industry. Tsikavo, oily elixir Vikorisovyvali many old Mayan tribes to save the beauty of exposure. I’m firm for the consistency of the roslinnogo pidyde for a home victorian, and I’ll look after any type of shkiri.

Yak to clean

The chocolate tree, or cocoa, is native to Pivdennaya Africa, and protein cultivation has expanded in all its light due to the zeal of rejecting gircuvates for the relish of fruits and vegetables. We have remained familiar with the field of culture and medicine, as well as cosmetology.

Olya is made using the folding hot method of pressing bobs, for which two ready-made products are established: cocoa powder and butter. Remaining a lot of nutrient components at the warehouse, middle brown for a lot of fatty acids and a complex of essential vitamins.

Kintseviy product - cocoa olia, rich buttery texture, char brown vidtink It is harder at temperatures lower than + 32-35 degrees, so it’s worthwhile to store it in the refrigerator for a dark and cool ice.

Corinth power

Cosmetic olea cocoa is inherently corny for a person of discernment, you have to go for a look at any type and is especially corny for a creepy epidermis. The fatty acid product has a bitter-milk aroma and is used in cosmetology and medicine to combat the inadequacies of the diet and natural defects.

  • Cocoa butter the establishment of the presence of lauric acid at the storehouse, as a supplementary aid to the utrimuvativologist at the cells of the shkiri.
  • Roslinny product to fight against the hateful і shkіroy, to peel, Linoleic acid was also lost to the last component.
  • Keeping an eye on the problematic cocoa extract for additional cocoa extract allows the normalization of the oleic acid balance instead of oleic acid, as normalization of the bacterial fat production and the prey of the epidermis of the clogging
  • Stearic acid allows the extract of cocoa to seize the land of accusation abo tila vid zapalen and start developing schoolyard bacteria on the surface.
  • Watching for accusations z Pigmenty beaches, for example, after acne, you can't do without a valuable cocoa olia: palmate extract at the warehouse of virivnyu coli epidermis and trocha illumination.
  • The corrosiveness of the cocoa fruit is visible to the adult: the oily extract will cause the appearance of large wisps and will appear as a natural irritant to the epidermis, which will grow.
  • Besides, a fragrant product miraculous to fight against UV trades, how to put yogo on the shkіra denounce that tіla before going to the beach chi take a walk at a sleepy day.
  • Gorichovy extract stash at the warehouse of home masks and scrabs, Yogo addition in ready-made cosmetic products and vicoristovu yak non-spirits cream.
  • Zasosuvannya cocoa butter is not a blind eye for accusations: yogo zasosovuyut for the body, hair and nigtiv zavdyaki vivyavshie authorities.

Obviously, there is a great complex of cocoa fruits that can be used widely; Universality of the way allows you to trim yogo on the cosmetic police as a product for a child's eye or an extraordinary friend in case of sadness or porosity.

More about the brown power of cocoa butter in the upcoming video.

Shown to sucking

Stagnation of cocoa beans is common in cases where there are problems with epidermis of a natural character, for example, dryness and dryness of the surface of the skin, harshness, sniffles, small pores, and some of them.

  • Vikoristovuvati roslinny extract of cocoa olіya dorechno y adult vіtsі: The product is effective for rejuvenation for the release of cinnamic fatty acids at the warehouse and antioxidant components, which miraculously fight against the radicals in the cells and trust their old age. Living authorities allow olii to allow shkіrі nabuty mіtsnostі and elasticity, reminiscent of the will and valuable vitamins A, E, K, phytosterols.
  • For a look behind bold shkіroy cocoa butter tezh підійде: oleic acid normalizes lipid exchange in the cells and vyroblenaya hated lard, like and clogging the pore when seen, firing black specks and burning on epidermis. The antiseptic power of the product additionally fights against obscene microbes, and the arachic acids allow to improve the transport of living elements in the inner balls of the epidermis.
  • Olya cocoa to be stuck for dry shkiri for її food and drink; fight for the husks on the surface of the surface, penetrating into the gliboki shari and the visibility of the whole world.
  • Victory Olya in warm rock time before going to the beach: put trochas in the warehouse on the shkіra of revealing that tila, I will pay respect to the hands, shiі and décolleté, lips and shkіrі povіk. Fatty acids and at the storage place the product on the surface of the epidermis invisible plyvochka - bar'єr from the penetration of the teeth sleepy exchanges.
  • A non-trivial massage exposing the activeness of the communication processes in the school and the stimulation of blood circulation, Then, after applied to the warehouse, rub the surface of the trochas. The warmth of the shkіra hands rozіgrіvaє firmly oliyu and heating її, for which the warehouse more penetrates into the structure of the epidermisu.
  • Besides, when you see dryness on a dull day, use a rostoplain oily yak non-dull cream. Apply the warehouse to the skirting and allow the yom to soak up to 10 quilins, so that the excess can be dabbed with dry servetka.
  • Shown for vicarious product will become sad on the face (podryapini). Olya is a man of zealous and conscientious powers.


Roslinniy extract of cocoa fruit can be susceptible to allergies: before being taken out by the household minds, carry out a test - apply a warehouse on the bottle and check 10 quilins. Yakshcho pochervoninnya and little sverblyachki, you can vikoristovuvati for a frivolous look.

Prototype indications for storage; a product from a pure viglyadі can shkoditi shkіrі and even more clog the pore. In short, you can vikoristovuvati yogo in the minds of the mask as an additional component.

Before the speech, be-yak pure olіya, the power to clog the pores and wickle acne in case of improper vikoristanny (for insufficiently cleaned skin, for that, which I have increased fatness).

Shown to the product until the end of the day, be-yak іnsha shkіra, nіchutlіvі, oskіlnі roslinna olіya do not dry the shkіra and do not spoil the іnshі negative pouring on it.

It’s good for the nobility, as vikoristovuvati is a solid fragrant olive for the health of the shkiri exposed. There are many ways to get the best homework available.

  • Innocent cream for denunciations- the best budgetary service for eating epidermisu, especially hot and overdried, which is very poor and visible on the surface. Apply the butter with a stretch of one month on a clean surface, like a very fine cream, mark the excess with dry servetka. Let all the good things come in and just go back to the lodge.

Before the speech, you can use the product on the day before the day's trip to the street in the warmth and sleepy time of fate in order to capture the exposure of the dental infusion of UV-exchanges (stink before the hour is old shkiri).

On the thought of cosmetologists, the storage of a pure roselin extract can be replaced with a living cream for revealing, madly, cocoa butter can be victorious for a glance behind the eyes and lips, hands, nails, hair and hair - on the wall in the gallery.

  • Oliya cocoa can be vikoristovatysya yak base for homemade scrub how to add up to new abrasive elements for kshtalt soli, zukru, melenoi cavi or hard satin.
  • Cosmetic rostoplen can become a supplementary component of a store product: shampoo for hair, cleansing, or signs for exposure, some cream, masks for hair, or even, as if right in a clean viewer add a couple of dots in the product.
  • Won’t get stuck for making home masks for looking after the fat and combined, normal and sensitive, worn out and mature school.

Mask recipes

For a peek behind the dry skin with twisted peeled husks, pick a fat mask of homemade cooking: Change by one tea tray of cocoa, olive oil, jojoba extract (pidyde shi), in front of them on the water bath. Apply to a clean skin of disguise and shia, fill it on the floor and mark it with a cotton pad or dry servetka. It is recommended to carry out the procedure of a home SPA for exposure in the evenings, when the surplus of the growing components is prodovzhuvati to the whole extent.

Against the sniff, pick: carrot juice, dots of lemon, honey and egg yoghtok - change the ingredients between yourself and give the rostome an olia of cocoa.

To create a moist revitalizing cream: mix the cocoa extract with the oils of the oblast and sipshini, give them along the specks of the wild vitamins A, E, and a trocha of snazzy ones for the sake of the cream. It is recommended to apply a homemade product on the cleaned surface, 1-1.5 before bedtime, when the product is good.

The statute speaks about cocoa oliya, її korisnі power, storing in kulіnaria, cosmetology and medicine. You know that it’s natural for the child to be exposed, because it’s hairy, and it’s okay to take cocoa from a cough.

Cocoa is a whole fat, which can be washed from grated cocoa.

Grate cocoa - the price of grain (beans) of the fruit of the chocolate tree.

Cocoa butter is hard and lamina consistency, blue-yellow color and characteristic aroma of chocolate. At temperatures of 32-35 degrees, the olive melts and grows old.

Warehouse for cocoa olia:

  • oleic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • lauric acid;
  • palmitic acid;
  • linolic acid;
  • arachinic acid;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin K;
  • tanini;
  • coffee

Yak cocoa butter infused into the body:

  • assimilated ignition processes;
  • lowering blood cholesterol level;
  • I will reduce the circulation of blood;
  • zbіlshu rіven hemoglobin;
  • sprying accelerated regeneration processes;
  • I will paint the etching.

Basically, the supply of cocoa olia is confectionery virobnizstvo. The product is made of cocoa beans to make a fat base for preparing chocolate, chocolate zukerki, vipichki and other virobes.

Stasis a natural product in perfumery and pharmaceutical industry - as a viddushka, for preparing suppositories, cosmetic creams and ointments.

Cocoa butter was widely used in cosmetology. It is very important for a pure vigilante to be victorious as the main ingredient for preparing masks in home minds. The knowledge of tanning and coffee will preserve the wounds and tonicity of the product, that is, the oil is vicious for the development of the new face and the kind of stretch marks on the floor. The corrosiveness of that Skoda cocoa-olії is hidden from її zasosuvannya.

See cocoa olii

We can sell unrefined and refined cocoa butter.

Unrefined olia is a product that has been grafted from the beans of a chocolate tree and cannot be further purified. Such a revenge maximum number cinnamon flutes, thickening consistency, yaskraviy aroma.

Raffinovana olia is a product that is specially cleaned. Vono more soft and delicate, including a smaller amount of fatty acids. Such an olia svitlisha, the smell of her in every day. For the procedure of refining, the term of obtaining the product is improved. Rafinovanu Oliya can vikoristovuvati women who are not afraid of the development of an allergic reaction.

For cosmetology and medical purposes, the product is not refined, it is also used for flavoring chocolate and desserts.

Cocoa olia in cosmetology

Cosmetology has cocoa butter for new corny power... The product is oil-proof, regenerating and pampering. Aromatic zasib poured into the shkіra of revealing that tila yak antioxidant, anti-cellulite dіyu. Olya rozgladzhu zmorshki, pіdvischu elasticity of shkіri, spryє to shorten the mastery of the corny speeches.

To expose

A natural product that is vicarious for a quick glance behind the dry and v'yanuchy shkіroyu of denunciations. With the systematic consumption of cocoa butter, it is smoothed and smoothed to the surface of the skin, and the dark cola is absorbed by the ochima.

It is possible to vikoristovuvati for exposure to a pure viglyad. It is not necessary to swallow it in order to navigate. In case of contact with shkіroy, the oil will become ridkish, and it will be easy to grow. The product can be applied to the cream before going to bed.

To fight against other small moths on the screen, mix cocoa butter with rare vitamin E, adding 2-3 drops of tocopherol to a portion. Gently apply the sum on the shkiru and add 20 chilins. Take the song to the end of the hour.

For tila

For tila butter with cocoa beans vikoristovyuty for prophylaxis, appear the strains on the shkіrі and usunennya vzhe explicitly. Natural reliance on the springiness of the shkiri, when the collagen is twisted and elastic, the upper balls of the epidermis.

For tsikh goals, make up for life, that stiff chest is a day. The product can be applied in a clean viglyadі, zmіshuvati in equal proportions z olive olives abo the oil of the region. Apply with light massage rods, wake up after 20-25 minutes.

Olya cocoa spriy to usunennyu cellulite. Vicorize yourself for a lymphatic drainage massage, massage problem dilenks with 10-15 quills. It is possible to carry out obscenity from the product. For a whole range of cocoa-olives, wrap grubs and fill them on pivgodini. Snake with warm water.

For hair

Vikoristovuyut ol_ya of a chocolate tree and for beauty and health of hair. Please, apply rostopljyut on a water bath and apply to the whole amount of curls or only on knickers. The product must be stored in a clean viglyad, and in a warehouse of new masks. An hour of showcase can be found in a specific recipe; in a pure view, you can trim 30-50 khvili in a hair.

Regularly vikorystannya oliyya for the hair to rob them by hearing, shining, writing bilya korinnya. I will paint the structure of the skin hair, seal the knots, so I can feel it.

Cocoa olia has a strong consistency, so it is not recommended to vikoristovuvati in a clean viglyad with oily type of hair.

For lips

Oskilki oil is a wound-zagovalny effect, yogo vikoristovuyut for the treatment of cracked or dry lips. Apply with a thin ball 3 times a day. Olya vikoristovuyut for the sake of frost in the winter hour and sleepy exchanges during the summer.

If you add cocoa to the roasted oily tsukor chi honey, you can use a homemade scrub. Scrub the lips with 3-5 quilins, and then use warm water, apply an energizing or life-giving balm.

Cocoa olia cough

The olive of the chocolate tree can be used not only in cosmetology, but also in home medicine. Actively vikoristovuyut product for coughing in older adults and children. Vilykuvati cough for help is possible with colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. However, it’s not going to be forgotten, but it’s mainly drug use.

For usunennya cough ½ teaspoon of cocoa ole roztopljut at a glass of hot milk and vipivayut drink. For an additional help, with ailments of the organs of the dichanna, to carry out a massage of the back and breast tissue.

Cocoa butter in kulіnaria

Cocoa is one of the main ingredients in white, milk, dark and hot chocolate. Before the speech, as dark and girky varieties of slabs can be cooked without the fat of the herb, then bili chocolate can be grown without cocoa-olive.

The product is also used for making candies, bars, cakes, creams, glazes. You can add cocoa olia to vipichka, porridge, puddings and drink drinks.

Cocoa olia kids

Products with cocoa butter can be given to children without beating, as the stench does not cause an allergic reaction to the new one.

It is also very useful for coughing up a cough, which is most important for small children, if it is allowed to take not all drugs.

Cocoa olia for vaginosti

When cocoa is viscous, it is safe to drink oily food - products from cocoa beans, together with fat, can be grown for any particular intolerance.

It is recommended that the body should be surrounded by chocolate and other desserts for a normal reaction to the body. Coffee, scho to take revenge in cocoa butter, with the help of an arterial grip. The drug is used for the absorption of calcium by the body.

Zovnishnє zasosuvannya vasobu will help you to unify the appearance of stretches on the belly, stegna, and breasts, to shrink the camp of the shkiri denounced and hairy. That is why it is cosmetic that the cocoa olii is filled with vaginosity.


Equivalent cocoa olii is a substitute for a natural product, and, more precisely, a group of substitutes. Equivalent cocoa olії є hydrogenized rose linseed fats - bavan, rapeseed, soy, palm and inshim. Such olii to undergo a special processing, which allows them to come to power, which is necessary for the preparation of chocolate.

Equivalent cocoa-olії vikoristovuyt for the cheap production of chocolate bars, tsukerok and other confectionery virobіv.

Yak roztopiti cocoa oliyu

Roztopiti cocoa olіyu can be in a water bath, the product can be melted at a temperature of 32-35 degrees. If you want to vikoristovuvati zіb at a pure viglyadі for the shkіri to expose that tila, zadalegіd roztopluvati it is not necessary. If you contact me, I will become childish.


Zasosuvannya cocoa olії not categorical contraindications. Do not vikoristovuvati product in the middle that is called in case of manifestation of individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to implant cocoa olії and products with it together in case of sleeplessness and overwhelming vase.

Yak zberigati oliyu in home minds

It is necessary to take cocoa butter in dry and stolen from sleepy exchanges at temperatures of 16-18 degrees.

Termіn zberіgannya product - 2 rocks from date virobnitstva.

De buy

You can buy butter from cocoa beans from a specialized store and online stores natural cosmetics, organic products.

The average price for 100 g of cocoa from the warehouse is 150 rubles.

Olya cocoa ("Gift of Aphrodite", "Ozha gods") is actively stuck in the cooler's galusa, but the price is not right. We have a lot of fatty acids that are cinnamon for a shkiri, the zavdyaki yakim our shkіra is a trivial hour, the beauty that looks healthy and long-awaited. The product itself is so often delivered to the warehouse. cosmetic tasks with a lively, healthy, newfound i, smut, dyu, scho rejuvenation. It is more correct to increase the efficiency of the system.

Cocoa butter corrosiveness for exposing.
Cocoa butter actively helps to live a rough and overdried skin, preserves the old skin by itself, soothes a particularly sensitive skin, assists in growing, toning, absorbing water-fat balance, absorbing The product is universal and goes to the point of being stagnant for any type of school, but I especially recommend it for an adult school of being exposed with clear signs of old age, in which it is obvious. As a result of the regular consumption of cocoa butter, our skin is immediately smoothed, other small marks will increase, and the glitches will turn slightly, the quality of the skin will move, such as springiness, elasticity, and reddening. Olya cocoa is very strong (overwhelming the penetration of shkidlivnyh speeches in the shkiru, preoccupied with UV-vypromynuvannya), active regenerative and effective innovative powers. The stench itself is known to be efficiently stagnant in the salmon before the salmon, as well as in the winter cosmetics.

All of the most recent authorities are exposed to the presence of cinnamic acids, vitamins, antioxidants, phytosterols in cocoa butter. Olia cocoa is an indispensable aid at cosmetology salons, during healthy procedures, to innovate and rejuvenate.

Olya cocoa is wonderful to see such problems as vikova pigmentation of shkiri and rosacea chi sudinni germs. It is also great to help reduce cosmetic defects in the presence of minor inheritances of furunculosis, acne (post-acne).

Olya cocoa maє shvidke poglinannya, when the surplus of butter was siphoned off papery servetka for usunennya of a small fat blisk.

Cocoa butter is universally applicable and can be used for a childish look at any part of the face (including for the zone of pockets, the lips of the lips); For homemade victoria, you can buy cocoa from a pure viglyad from specialty stores. I’ll say right away that it’s decent to finish it, but I’ll look at those who, alone, effectively understand practically all cosmetic problems, and the economy is good. Until then, it’s absolutely natural and hypoallergenic, the vines become individual intolerance.

Ways to get some cocoa for exposure.
Cocoa butter is good enough to be victorious for exposing a self-contained product (wipe it with a piece of bread at the bottom, do not wipe it), even if on the basis of this, prepare homemade masks or live creams, the effect is to multiply. Wono wonderfully practical in tandem with fresh cosmetic and essential oils. Yogo is also effective when ready to be ready for a quick glance, as you can use the day (creams, masks).

Oliya cocoa is a solid product, and it becomes like this at temperatures up to 27 degrees, and when the indicator is increased, tanuti will be repaired. To that, when applied to the shkiru olya mittєvo znika, like an ice cube. Ale for preparing home masks, in which the appearance of the ether is transferred, before the cycle of rostopiti on the water bath.

I guess, well, be-yaki procedures for catching the accusations will need to be carried out on the foreground and cleaned up skin! All warehouses with cocoa butter should be applied to the skirting immediately after being prepared with light colossal ruffs, strictly behind the massage lines. In the summer, the product has been stashed in courses for usunennya cosmetic problems, ten days in stasis, ten days in vidpochivamo. And the axis is cold autumn, winter and early spring oliyu can be koristuvatisya today.

Cocoa butter mask recipes.
Itself simple mask on the basis of cocoa oliiya with lively and innovative food. Apply the product to the skin of the face, including the area of ​​the skin. After twenty chilines, wipe the denunciations with a cotton swab, soak in warm milk, and then dab with papery servetka. A robiti mask before bed. For a great effect, a teaspoon of melted cocoa butter is taken from such a small quantity of wheat germs, an avocado pulp is added to the sum (maybe a harmelon), a tablespoon is enough. A warehouse was created according to the size of the room and twenty chilines were displayed, being immersed in boiled water at a room temperature. Such a mask can be robiti three-chotiri razi for a day.

And the axis is the recipe for a vidminnoy mask with an antiapaline design: read more on other tertsi ogirok, then take a tablespoon of ogirkovy mass, add to it fresh sic, cut from one leaf of aloe (in the middle of the trimmate in the refrigerator). Introduce a tea spoon of olive chamomile and cocoa to the masu. Put on the mask on twenty chilin, mark the mask with warm water, rob it for nothing.

Universalny zasib for a peek behind the school about the eyes and the back of the lips.
To relieve the symptoms and prevent them from setting up such a sum: from the cocoa and the region of the region, to add the changes to the E in the case. Try to take on the tablespoons. Vikoristovuvati three for a day for a night. To be afraid of the orange substance of the oblast olihiya is not vapid, everything is upside down, there will be no farming. Possibility of the effect can be added to the warehouse efіrnoї olії Trojandi (1-2 drops).

Aging cream for dry skin.
Three tablespoons of Olivia taken from a tablespoon of cocoa (rostopiti), add a teaspoon of olia jojoba, trokhi pіdіgrіti to the warehouse, and then, more often than not, beat for the help of a mixer, add two specks of sruandal.

For the food of the shkiri, it’s quite fast and with such a recipe: take a tablespoon of olive cocoa with a teaspoon of olive oil and such a small amount of oblipikh. I’m ready to go crazy, as I’m still standing in the water bath, drip two dots of vitamins A and E (2 dots each). Otrimaniy zіb znyati z vognyu and z'єdnati zі with a table spoon revitalizing cream(yakim vi blame). In the process of cooling, it is necessary to use it.

To revive the shkіrа, scho v'yane, to adjust the springiness and elasticity, you can also use such a mask: cocoa butter in a melted glass in a teaspoonful amount with a tablespoon of butter grape brush, add aloe leaf (pulp). Put the heat of the sum_sh on the accusation and pour it over twenty chilin. Snake with warm water.

Natural scrub for any type of shkiri (vinyatok - it is fatty and problematic).
Back to prepare the base: rostopiti in a water bath, two tablespoons of cocoa olia, add some small coffee for a friend hairy mountains(you can take absolutely be-like cleanly, a house of solid shkara and you can injure a child) At the rotoplain, add a tablespoon of honey to a tablespoon of honey, if the madness becomes childish, take a tablespoon of mountainous madness with a tablespoon of bitterness and all the changes are made. Vikoristovuvati two per day.

Ointment for dry and chapped lips (including lips).
A tablespoon of olії cocoa rostopiti, do not know about lasnі, add a teaspoon of bjolin wax. If the mass is old and one-sided, introduce two tablespoons of olii wheat germs. All sizes and dates are okolonuti. Put the ointment in a jar with a crush and zberigati by the refrigerator.

Rejuvenating mask for all types of children.
A tablespoon of cocoa butter go to the water bath, and then add up to two tablespoons of green parsley, in front of a different amount. Masu naklashi on denouncing that lash on twenty khilin. Capture with warm water. It is possible to work out a little bit for a day.

Overwhelmingly dry and wistful shkіrі with visible signs in'yanennya and old pіdіyde takiy zіb: rostopitia on teaspoons honey and cocoa butter for additional water laziness, snacks, three crumbs of lemon juice, tea spoon Put the mask on fifteen chilin, snake it with a cotton disk, soak it at the boiling water of the room temperature. It’s not rosaceous, you can rub it with a cube of ice on top of herbs, parsley and green tea.

Compresses from the worms, the dark colors and the embryos from the ochima.
Pidgotuvati servetka for compress near the eyes. The folds of the balls of gauze are edged and gnarled for the eyes. In warm cocoa butter (rostopiti on a water bath), soak the servet and put it on the area near the eyes for twenty chilines, on top of it, put on the papir for compressing and rushnik. I blamed the compress with cold water, and wipe the skin near the eyes with a cube of parsley infusion. If you have a dry shkіra with signs of v'yanennya, such a procedure can be robbed for all denunciations.

At the end, I want to say that the divine "Gift of Aphrodite" can be victorious for a change and growth. The procedure for applying is the same itself, as it is in the least with the same oliyah for all, but at the very least.

Tonizuvannya that perversion. In order to achieve the maximum effect of all cosmetic procedures, it is possible to use fast supplemental methods. Cocoa butter for revealing is one of them.

The Danish product is victorious for even more than a trivial hour (close to 3 tablespoons), which is explained by the corny authorities of that unique warehouse.

What about olea cocoa?

The product must be covered with a folding path. A handful of grains of the chocolate tree are blamed until fermenting, the warehouse is dark and filled with more swirling relish and smell. An hour later, go through a sortuvannya, thermal processing, and cocoa powder. Krupka, scho to pretend when presumed, to transform into oliyya. Kintseviy product of processing small and lamina consistency with a little bit goes into a small mill at a temperature of 35 degrees.

Fruit a tree, grow your own warehouse, build a normal blood circulation system, have a good antioxidant effect, revenge great number Mineral speeches and vitamins.

The range of data storage is wide, just as soon as possible. cosmetic corist... For example, in case of general ailments, the consumption of cocoa with milk and honey is supplemented with vilikuvati ailments in the throat. For the additional help, you can work out massage, take care of it, or get it on shkiri.

Yaku dіu on shkіru maє cocoa butter?

Daniy wants to take revenge on the great turn of speech, which is even more corny for the shkiri:

  • Vitamin E is a rejuvenating component, a great increase in the springiness of the skin, the smoothness of insignificant irregularities on the surface of the skin, including and small snorts;
  • Vitamin K - additional help to fit in the ignition processes on the shkiri of accusation;
  • lauric acid - I will read it to a doctor on epidermis, which will be useful;
  • oleinic acid - good for the change of latin shkiri;
  • stearic acid - an increase in the opacity of a shkidlivy infusion, both for the first time, as well as for the internal one;
  • linolev acid - for dryness and peeling of skins;
  • natural phytosterols - stream natural processes old school and rejuvenate.

Give a touch to the one who has cocoa butter for revealing є in a personal way before an hour of carrying out cosmetic procedures.

Shown to vikoristannya cocoa olia for revealing

Danium is a natural component that is most often found at the warehouse.

Yakshcho brothers to respect the oily structure of the speech, next to vrahovuvati nuances її zasosuvannya and vikorystannya.

Cocoa butter is effective for exposure when:

  • early and early snakes;
  • the presence of "drooping" paws "at the cocks of the eyes and lips;
  • in'yanennya and old school curvatures;
  • dryness and strong shelled skins;
  • manifestations of avitaminoza;
  • to the dodatkovoglyadі at the specter that cold time of fate;
  • sore colori shkiri;
  • lively speeches of dermis;
  • decrease in turnover;
  • disturbance epidermisu;
  • lykuvanni and scars;
  • lowered fieryness that teasing on the skirts;
  • regulation.

The product is even more effective when pouring into the snakes, it can be used regularly to put on the little snares, to change and to improve the color, to refresh the color, in addition to “mask” the blue to cleanse, to grind.

Cocoa olia for exposure: contraindication to vikorystannya

Even though people have an individual intolerance, or allergies to chocolate are made from the fruit of a chocolate tree, the product cannot be victorious. It is also easy for people to get clogged and burned pores are more stained with cocoa butter.

Vlasnytsia thin shkiri it is not guilty to put on the faces of the fat olii, for them the tall warehouses will be more effective and cinnamon, so they may have a light texture: thorns, grape seeds.

You can try with cocoa butter and find it for yourself, befit a product that you want to use, and the result is that you can afford it.

Cocoa butter for which shkiri is exposed

Natural olіya from cocoa fruits, garnishing steps, peeled, do not take revenge on additional houses and perfume additives.

The whole product will become a good friend and "likarem" when:

  • very dry і shkіrі, peeling off;
  • nadto sensitive shkіrі;
  • shkіrі, how to give in to the wines;
  • blessed, sickly shkiri.

Stuck cocoa olii in household minds

With an independent look for accusations, you can choose to prepare cosmetic products with cocoa butter: cream, emulsion. Yakshcho product is planned to add to self-prepared masks, more beautifully than cupuvati from special stores.

Cocoa oliyu for exposure in a pure viglyadі can be applied to replace any life-giving or pom'yakshuvalny cream.

Before the deposited warehouse, the shkіra of denunciation needs to be cleaned, then the shkіra must be covered with a rosy mass. In case of cosmetic procedures on shkіrі, the oil is more colorful than the consumption in the evenings, and it’s more than an hour for you to drink. When tightened and peeled crusty curls, you can pick up cocoa butter as a liquid or life-giving cream.

In case of cracks on the lips, self-made lip balm with cocoa olii can help you peel and wounds through a few days.

Naturally, oil is given to give a shvidka to help your eyes and eyebrows, to help your eyes and eyebrows, to help your eyes and eyes grow. Slightly rozіgrіtny warehouse you can make hairs before going to bed, you can use them for all the time, as in the case of victorian carcasses for all.

Cocoa mask

For fatty shkiri

Take 3 tsp cocoa powder 1 tbsp each. sira and vivsyanogo boroshna. Use the components of the zmishati, dilute the kefir until the porridge is approved, apply the yaku to the accusation for 20 khvili. Snake with warm water.

With a dry shkіrі denouncing

2 tsp cocoa powder zm_shati z 1 yєchny zhovtkom Apply masa in disguise, vitrimati 20 khilin. Snake with warm water.

A mask for living in the yanucho shkiri

Take 1 hour. cocoa powder, honey, boroshna, add milk, pasta-like warehouse. Apply 20 khvili to the sheath of that shkira. Snake.

Mask for exposing cocoa vid zmorshok

Roztopiti on a small water 1 hour. cocoa olives, as well as quantity i. Dodati 3h. mineral water, cool. Apply 30 khilin to the denunciations, cover the mask with warm water. Pislya procedure, rub the exposing with a cube of ice.

Cocoa butter for exposure is a unique product, it is good to get into the epidermis shkiri, without adding a fat blisk. Zastosovuvati yogo that easily, ale, nigolovnіshe, even more efficiently.


Power supply: For which types of people are exposed to olea cocoa?

View: When dry and schilny until husked shkіri; with shkіrі іz vіkovy zmіnami; when you are sick with a sick person zovnishnim viglyadom, you can achieve significant results with a victorian mask or in a pure viglyad of cocoa butter for exposure.

Power supply: Why is it possible for acne, cocoa butter?

View: In case of high visibility, vicoristovuvati is not required in cosmetic procedures, because the skin is problematic, and so it is rich in fat, so it is not fat to add fat.

Pitannya: On any problems with your child, can you insert a victorious cocoa olia?

View: The producers of cocoa olives can reduce the appearance of vіkov and mіchіchnyh zmorshok, vіvіvnyati color and structure of hіkіri denunciations; Suck the dryness, pidzhiviti shkirni pokrivi with vitamins and microelements.

At the statti there is negotiated cocoa butter in cosmetology, its power for the hair, the shkiri expose that tila, the knowledge about the proof to the last one. Take a course of masks on the basis of olii and get rid of the snarls around your eyes, adjust the springiness of the epidermis, make your hair look tiny and enlarge, and also put in the stretches and inconsistencies.

Cocoa power in cosmetology

Oliya cocoa is a fat, which is produced from the small grains of the fruit of the chocolate tree. Vono zalishaєtsya we repeat at temperatures up to 25-27 degrees of heat and melt at 32-35 degrees of heat. Yogo victoriously when you look after the face and face. Yak tilki butter stosuєtsya shkiri, wono tane.

The product is to take revenge on the great weight of fatty acids and antioxidants:

  • oleic acid according to the strength of the lipid exchange to the patient;
  • palmitic acid nadaє lipophilic powers, so that cocoa butter is more active and penetrates into epidermis more quickly;
  • stearic acid develops acidic and bar'erni functions of the shkiri;
  • lauric acid will be consumed in the cells of the dermivologist;
  • linolic acid fights the problem of peeling and dryness;
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) blooms, increases elasticity, activates the blooming of collagen and smoothes.

The color of the power of cocoa olia from the glance of fakhivtsiv-cosmetologists:

  • regeneration, disturbance and improvement of the shkiri;
  • anti-cellulite power;
  • Usunennya sverlyachki, pechinnya, pochervoninnya and nagryklostі;
  • healing of wounds, additional help in case of opіk;
  • Recall from negative UV-changes.

The area of ​​the product is wide enough for the product - it is suitable for exposure, lips, body and hair. Oliya cocoa in the process of massage helps to normalize the robot's nervous system and to shake off sleep.

Oliya cocoa for revealing

Olya cocoa maє korisnu diyu on the shkira of accusation:

  • I accelerate the regeneration processes, so that you can enter the warehouse with anti-aging cosmetics;
  • picking up scars, cicatrices, plyami from prischiv;
  • additional help, covered, dry, old and in 'yayoi shkiri - covered with water-impermeable zhisnoy plavkoy and will fix it in the new vologue;
  • landlord vid low temperatures at the winter hour;
  • improve tone, live and renew water and water balance;
  • assimilation of the children of the day and the pigmentation of the children.

Zasosuvannya cocoa butter from a pure viglyadі we will think it over. For a new characteristic high comedogenic power - 4 positions on the scale of comedogenicity. Yaksho you will put such zasib on fat anyway troubled shkira, then oil will bring і cinnamon, і Skoda. It's time to get into more trouble, to get fired up, to get on with it.

In pure viglyad, cocoa butter is effective for anti-virus therapy in shkiri, or for strong shelling.

Yak vikoristovuvati:

  • Good to clean up the faces of decorative cosmetics.
  • Take the shmatok of olia into your hands and take the trochies, if you don't want to.
  • To inflict zasіb on the shkіra, besides mutilations.

Likewise, it’s not worth it, if you have been wrapped in lips, and there are tremors in coils. Zasіb zagoyuє wounds, p'yakshu that let go of the upper ball of the shkiri.

If you are victorious, cocoa-oliyu in the preparation of masks for exposure in the home minds, heat it up in a water bath until a child is born.

Mask for v'yanucho shkiri


  1. Olia cocoa (ridka) - 1 tsp
  2. Parsley (pickled) - 1 tablespoon

Yak prigotuvati: Take parsley and olіyu until the porridge.

Yak vikoristovuvati: Crumble on massage lines Apply gruel to the face and trim 20-30 ghilin. Then gently snake the cool water.

Result: The mask is very bright and smooth to the skin, filled with cinnamon vitamins and microelements, to smack it with a velvety meat on a dot, tidying up the burning, peeling and crumbling and small parts.

Mask from the snake


  1. Olia cocoa (ridka) - 1 tsp
  2. Natural honey (natural) - 1 tsp
  3. Chicken egg (zhovtok) - 1 pc.
  4. Sic of carrots - 1 tsp
  5. Sic lemon - 10 drops.

Yak prigotuvati: Kindly mix the Ingredients to the same consistency.

Yak vikoristovuvati: Apply to the face, unique zones and around the eyes and trim 10-15 minutes. Know the mask with a cotton pad, soaked in warm water.

Result: I wish I had a rejuvenating action for a zmorshkuvata and an angry shkira of denunciations, helping and intensively evolving.

Cocoa butter for tila

The main cinnamon of cocoa butter for tea is the healthiness of accelerating the regeneration processes in cells. With the active microcirculation, changing capillary walls, cleaning up the stove, sverbіzh, swelling and scarring tissue, intensively flowing and preserving as a negative inflow of the midst of the colony.

Keeping an eye on the door from the supply of cocoa beans to bring an offensive effect:

  • help with frostbite hands, opeyas, or fussing;
  • scars and scars;
  • overshooting getting into the school of high-grade toxins, as in practice from the high-flown words on the virus;
  • zakist from sleepyheads;
  • reduction of chlorine dosage when bathing in the pool;
  • ryatuvannya vіd sverlyachki;
  • prevention of fungal disease;
  • Retrieval of cellulite, stretch marks and other nerves of the shkiri.

As long as your shkіra is instigated by some irregularities, oil can be helped to grow them, let's remember. For the whole, carry out the chopping. Mix in the usual proportions of cocoa, liquorice and olive. Apply to problem areas, wrap with polyethylene plastic and wear warm clothes, paint a sports suit. Lie on the carpet for about 40 pounds to take a warm shower.

Repeat the procedure of abortion 2-3 times per day for a course of 10 sessions.

Oliya cocoa for hair

Olya will introduce a lamina that is dry hair, change in the middle of its structure, live a hairy cybulin, turn a blisk and beauty for a first time. To make a positive impression on cocoa beans, add some components to the recipe for hair masks. At the same time, heat the olive itself in a water bath.

Hair mask


  1. Oliya cocoa (rіdka) - 1 tbsp.
  2. Oliya rep'yakhov - 1 tbsp.
  3. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  4. Kefir - 1 tbsp.

Yak prigotuvati: Boil an egg and roast a gruel of chews. Take your time to melt in a water bath with cocoa butter, turnip butter and kefir.

Yak vikoristovuvati: Apply the mask to the root of the hair and throughout the entire length of the hair, rubbing in with light massage rucks. Cover your head with a hot scarf and a warm scarf. Snake your sum in 1 year with warm water and an extraordinary shampoo. The course of treatment is 12-16 procedures with the frequency of applying the mask 2-3 times per day.

Result: The sum of oils, eggs and kefir zapobigє vipadannyu hairs, stimulates їх active growth, nadaє elasticity that volume, lays down.

Mask for fragile and loose hair


  1. Oliya cocoa (ridka) - 2-3 tbsp.
  2. Rosemary - 2 tablespoons
  3. Hot water - 100 ml.

Yak prigotuvati: Fill the rosemary with water and pour close to 60 quilins, then pass through cheesecloth. Give nastіy olіyu in otrimany herbs.

Yak vikoristovuvati: Introduce the sum of the hair at the root of the hair and evenly raise it all over, if you wrap your head in a polyethylene floss, and on top with your towel. After 2-3 years, take an oily sum for additional shampoo. Repeat the skin procedure for 3 days in a course of 10-12 procedures.

Result: The mask is new to the hair lamina, changeable, rotated blisk, sharpness and smoothness.


One shortage of cocoa butter is a possibility of individual intolerance. To turn on the reaction of the shkiri in the viglyadi red visip, the sprinkler and the sverblyachki, change it to the licky zgin until the last victorian in masks and creams.
