How to shake off in front of a beautiful friend.

We got into trouble with you,
It's no longer my fault.

Be a stranger
Am I now completely guilty?
Viyavi before me patience
I study for me, friend.

My heart is only sorry,
Why was she so mean?
My beloved friend
Vibach me, for all probach,

I love you so much, crazy
Why does my heart freeze with pain?
Please don't look at me
I know everything will work out, even though I’m your friend,

And our friendship is important every day.
And we cannot live alone without one.
Friend, sweet vibach,
I promise that we talk to you more often,

Come on, take your keys
Put the kettle on, lay the table, and let’s sip on it.
Vibach me, kohana friend,
I value our friendship so much!

I know there’s a turbulence between us now,
I'm shaking all over in the cold!
I ask you for vibration now,
Let the sun of our friendship shine!

I'm hoping you'll get away with it,
Let me know everything as soon as we have it!
Vibach for everything friend,
What I imagined for you.

There is no one in the world closer to each other,
With you, like you, I was honest.
Maybe I accidentally missed it,
There is a word on your address.

I just might have completely forgotten,
How much you have earned in life for me.
My dear little flower,
You are the only one in the world in me,

Vibach me, for my stupidity,
Other friends don’t keep up with me.
Ti jaskrava, garna taka,
And I can’t live without you at all,

You are my dear,
I need to make peace with you!
Are you testing me, are you testing me?
I know what's wrong

To the one who can manage at once,
The cruelty is completely removed.
Don't forget my words,
But they are less painful.

Those words are like a boomerang
They hurt me accidentally.
Our wounds will heal
Only we can do it alone,

To foster friendship,
It’s difficult to tell.
Hey, my friend, let's do it -
Bachu, are you mad at me?

I figure it all out myself -
I'm asking you to make peace.
Well, try to fool me,
I don't need any trouble.

My language is my fiercest enemy,
Don't tell the truth.
What she said is already rotten,
Listen to what I say honestly:

I want to be friends with you
Vibachennya I’m writing.
My dear friend,
You probach, be kind to me,

The pillow is wet with tears,
It’s even more important without you.
I didn't want to imagine
Apparently the evil spirit has stuck in,

I want you a little bit
Let's call this scandal out.
We know the same fate from so many fates,
My dear friend.

Soon the image is forgotten...
For the first time - test me!
I value and respect you,
For your stupidity, you're vibach!

Aje is not a mess, I know
For our friendship and love!
I didn't fall out of love with you,
I ask for forgiveness.

My fingers are dumb with you
On the same hand is a friend.
I don't want to say goodbye to you,
The white whale is roaring loudly.

I don’t dare go near you,
I can’t be obsessed with those
Ale believe, it’s even stronger
I want to make peace...

I'm bored, I'm bored, I can't be angry,
I really want to make peace with you, friend,
Vibachennya please, please give me a vibration,
And let your image go.
Don't pretend and don't be evil,
I need your friendship,
I decided to follow the words,
I will be wiser in the future.

I know that it’s not easy to study me,
Ale meni believe even more folded,
To let you know that you have left your friend,
Which one is more painful.

Let's forget the past images,
It’s so bad for me without you, I’m not lying,
Therefore, we hope for forgiveness,
I'm asking for a vibration.

Sometimes we will moan
Zi sliv one before one,
Ale mercury roses the veins,
If you are with us, friend.

All I have to do is look,
Pobachiti - you could forgive.
Friend, soul and love,
Vibach: I was wrong!

Friend, Vibach me
For this stupid little thing.
For God's sake, I repent,
The barking was endless.
Please, give me a punch soon,
I call you, friend.
I can go with you
One life at a time!

My girlfriends don’t spill water,
And they cooked through dribnitsy,
I'm the only one to blame for everything,
And I recognize my mercy.
Vibach, my friend Lyuba,
You won't be evil for a long time, I know
Ti me for everything vibach,
Give me a chance to find friendship again.

Please don't be angry with me,
I'm guilty, I know
Better yet, just laugh
I kiss you with all my soul.

You are my friend,
Dear people,
Never again will I
Let us move closer, below you.

Girlfriend, extend your hand,
I'm still friends with you,
I stumbled, and I know
We are solely to blame for this darkness.

Best wishes to you
I didn’t try to figure it out.
Give me a lot of love,
I want you to laugh again!

It’s so quiet without you, empty,
All my light is in the dark,
Even without you I feel miserable,
Well, please give me some confirmation!

Our welding has dragged on
Our welding needs to be pinned,
I want to be friends with you
It's time to forgive me!

Vibach, I repented a long time ago,
I have all my sins,
It’s important to me without you,
Selfishness and trouble.

I hope there is a truce,
I ask for a truce
You show me the foolish thing,
I fool my girlfriend!

Vibration in front of my best friend to the point of tears

So it happened, we got into trouble with you,
I don’t know how to deal with such trouble,
I'll definitely be lost without you,
I won’t find my best friend anywhere.
You, be a caress, I’ll help you for everything,
Take my vibration,
I can no longer be depicted to you,
Your thought will always be respected.

The welding fell on us so uncontrollably,
I myself didn’t understand how everything happened,
In a word I pictured to you,
You know, it’s not all that bad.
I don’t know a beautiful friend,
You and I are just like you,
Take my vibration,
And don’t trim the image anymore.

Did I picture it for you?
Believe me, I didn't mean to.
Something has come over me,
I didn’t look at my own language.

Vibach is my friend,
I accidentally
I won't repeat myself
Be a lesson to me.

I am so shameful, unnatural,
My soul felt bad,
Vibach me be a caress,
I’ll get better, I’ll become more beautiful!

Friend, you're working for me
Probach the words that she said
I don’t want to rap to you
I blame myself for being rude
Vibach me, my friend
Get back to me
You can't screw a friend like that
You are not given this time to waste!

Our welding has dragged on
It’s time to rule,
You are in love with a friend,
We need to establish friendship!

We need to forget the images,
Allow us to let go of anger and turmoil,
I may be getting off my back,
And ask for forgiveness.

We won’t cook anymore,
It’s important without you,
You understand, you always support,
You are a problem, you are a problem for me!

Friend, Lyuba, please, me Vibach,
I don’t really want to bark at you,
I’m not in the dark, try for me, sane,
I want, as before, to be friends with you - to laugh.
Let go of the conflicts, images and discords of vile little ones,
There will no longer be life between us,
I want you to be happy forever,
Let's forget all our images and sorrows?

You've lost a ton of salt,
We all went through and survived.
Days flew by, thick,
Alya valued her friendship.

We didn’t throw one at each other,
Have a twist, have a bustle.
I love you, friend.
There are no others like you.

The welding has already begun,
And then we made up again.
We've done it all alone
And they became even closer.

So let's forget everything,
Hydraulic water and vantage image.
Let's discuss everything with you.
I believe that friendship will overcome.

It’s dull, empty, it’s become a raft of dovkol,
Silence while you pick up the phone,
You are for everything, sane...
Just don’t turn away, turn around.
I share a hundred fates with you!
We've gone through and experienced a lot,
We're still ahead.
Dear friend, just a little girl!

Vibach me, friend!
I was wrong.
Forget, I ask, be rude,
Form words.

I’m incompetently greedy,
I languish with my guilt.
We're foolish and gloomy
We got along with you.

I'll run after you
I know you will succeed.
I hope
What are you doing to me?

Much vibachenya in front of a friend

I'm in love with a friend, sooner than later,
I understand - you are now in my image,
I curse - I don’t behave so lousy,
I’ll get better, that’s for sure!
And if you want anything, just ask,
I will try to save you everything in the world,
Please, take care of our friendship, trust it,
The image of evil, I ask you, do not need to be remembered!

Girlfriend, vibach, I was wrong,
I know the words are unacceptable
Let me be reasonable and accept it,
I for thoughtlessness, stupidity, vibach.

There are no closer to you, the wiser and the kinder,
I will drown in your kindness,
Let's just kiss one another,
To preserve the treasure of friendship forever.

Vibach me, my friend,
Our conflict is pressing on me,
I'm thinking about him with Perelak
And at night, and throughout the day.

Such as you are, friends in life
I know for sure, I don’t know,
I kindly ask you to study,
So that our paths do not fall apart.

Well, finish it, vibach, please,
So, I admit that I got angry,
I want to make amends
Let's forget what happened!

You're my friend, what's wrong?
I'm no good without you,
And without you there is no more thirst, fear,
Trust me, I say honestly!

Let's make peace, I'm crazy about welding,
I know you're crazy about me,
The most beautiful friend on Earth,
Tell me, why do you forgive me?

Listen to me, dear friend.
Vibach meni shvidshe, my love,
I know everything - my guilt is very great,
And I wish to beg your forgiveness as soon as possible,
Let's screw it all up, let's try and forget,
And we won’t cook any more,
You are also my closest and best friend,
We are not strangers, we love each other.

Girlfriend, fuck me!
I was wrong.
I depicted it for you for free,
Everything is my fault.

Let's make peace with you.
Vibach me, I bless you!
You yourself are a dear person,
I love you!

My best friend,
My good sister
Ti probach me, dear,
What did I imagine for you!
You test me, you fool,
I can't live without you.
Samy best friend in the light,
I'm drooling about you!
I'm suffering for you now,
My soul hurts about you.
Ti probach me, dear,
What did I imagine for you!

Well, that's it, finish it, godi,
You don't need to be angry with me,
I’m not comfortable, I’m restless,
I know what I pictured for you.

I know you are angry, dissatisfied,
And maybe, just like I can,
Please, let's do it as before,
Call me today.

It’s not possible, so that my friends would be embarrassed,
It's all about karma,
Well, take your respect to the torment,
I won’t do it again, I promise!

Vibe in front of a friend in your own words

Vibach me, friend, vibach for my fools.

I couldn’t even realize what I was telling you.

I want to tell my dear friend that I love you even more and trust you with everything!

Let's not cook with you, let's help and encourage one another!

Vibach me for all the bad things I said to you - all the emotions.

I really respect and trust you!

I’m so happy, my friend, that I forgot about everything in the world!

Vibach me for a long time in Moscow, for unexpected calls and disrespect to your SMS.

When the time comes, I will recognize you as soon as possible! Don’t pretend, my love, but rather rejoice for me from the bottom of your heart! I wish you to be so happy!

If you’ve justly blamed yourself - you’ve been too busy playing around, you’ve been rude or, God forbid, you’ve been too surprised at your pretty girlfriend - then you’ll have to stock up on terpines and show some imagination in order to earn forgiveness.

The most important thing is your happiness, but in general you know that there are a number of sure-fire ways to

Kayattya mae buti shirim

Remember the basic rule: so that you don’t end up ruining it, your relationship can be absolutely confidential and don’t ask your girlfriend for any doubt.

It’s true that the offense is insignificant (in your opinion), or rather, you have at least a few mortal sins behind your shoulders.

Desperate irony and lack of satisfaction!

The girl should realize that you really value hundreds of dollars and are afraid of spending them.

This is the main point, how to gain respect under the hour of supreme nutrition “how to get educated correctly.” Your pride here is absolutely misplaced. With a note in the middle, in which, of course, there will be words of mercy and blessings about mercy.

And as soon as the beauty allows you to exchange anger for mercy, you can consolidate your success with a romantic evening with candles.

The fortress is gone!

Nayvazhchiy vipadok

How can you show off in front of your friend that you changed her, and in what way did she find out about it?
For whose failure your fault effectively deserves punishment, then prepare to suffer.
It will take an hour for the girl to get over the shock and begin to trust you again.
Stock up on terpines, they'll last forever...
You can use all the above-mentioned methods, but even romance cannot be replaced by extreme, thorny and difficult romance.
Try to explain why you did this, and try to turn it into something that will never happen again.
Friend Lyuba,
Vibach me, dear.

My guilt is great
I'm sorry.
We'll forget everything,
And we won’t cook.
Aje ti is my friend,
I love each other!
My friend, I'll follow you,
The soul is so confused, everything is so messy.

Please teach me, I want to know -
You can cook the dribnitsa.
Let our friendship set everything right,
I know everything will be fine,
I'm reporting everything,
Let this storm overwhelm us!
My dear friend, my true one,
I ask you to vibrate in you.

Friend, Vibach me
For this stupid little thing.
For God's sake, I repent,
The barking was endless.
Please, give me a punch soon,
I call you, friend.
I can go with you
One life at a time!

Well, finish it, vibach, please,
So, I admit that I got angry,
I want to make amends
Vibach, without thinking, she imagined this for you.
You're my friend, what's wrong?
I'm no good without you,
And without you there is no more thirst, fear,
You are my friend and I appreciate you.
Let's make peace, I'm crazy about welding,
I know you're crazy about me,
The most beautiful friend on Earth,
Tell me, why do you forgive me?

And for me there is no dearer friend in the world,
Around you, we all started to get crazy.
And we have dealt with such difficulty more than once,
So be merciful to me again!
Let's forget what happened!
Trust me, I say honestly!
Sorry for me, but what do you mean:
I almost got my friends covered.

Said zayve, and os
There is a whole place between us.
I’m going somewhere else now
Let's get involved.
“Probach friend, what am I raptom
She said the wrong thing, sinner.”
There are images between us at once, Between us there is turmoil and turmoil,,
It's a pity, I ask for forgiveness,

Take my vibration!
Stop sulking, I have informed everything,
So, I don’t like to get cooked,
You're mine
dear friend
I can’t live without you for long!
The hope in your heart is great.
Vibach me, girlfriend, well, probach.
Otherwise, like a homeless animal, under the doors
I scrape everything non-stop all night.
I'll wheeze with sheets of mail,
I'm painting all the asphalt in front of the house,

I will especially sob for myself,
If you want, I’ll bite you
To myself, so that it doesn’t hurt me
I'd love to make a person laugh.
True, I’m completely gloomy without you.
We pamper you as we used to,
And I won’t even guess
Everything you said to me in your heart.

For rock, you drink cola -
Family, work, children, man.
I'm even a close friend
Decorate your life like a ruffle of cloth.
Days fly by without bliss
And life is like a tournament.
You shoot at the target, and then turn again.
Ah, having caught something in tow...
Trumpet cry - go fight!
I have to go.
Radna, don't pretend
And all my sins are taken away.

Vibach, my dear friend.
Vibach, who burned with anger.
I know I left myself
And she said a lot of funny things.
Please, please forgive me for my mistake.
I did something really bad
You are the most valuable to me!
I bark to myself endlessly!

Girlfriend, I beg you, don’t be angry,
Frowns appear as aggression,
And better yet, laugh at me again,
There are also reasons for your smile.
I definitely realized my wrongdoing,
And for the least time...
Get ready to shvidshe kryshtal's kelikhs,
And I’ll come with wine in a minute.

Dear, the years will come!
Your anger is so creepy.
How to get angry - offended by tsatsi -
They got cooked, they got mad from the khurtoviny.
And the reason is the woman’s nature:
Now ecstasy, now - pull and pull off...
The teeth sunk into the glossy manicure.
Sorry! I'm so guilty.
Our friendship is priceless to me!
Aje for you, be like a tigress
I’ll tear Mitya apart if necessary.
Sonechko, let’s make peace with each other!

I bow low before you,
I am a remaining radish
Vibach me, please
I wear a stone near my heart!
I swear to you what happened,
So don’t feel sorry for it later,
I will stitch vigorously,
Please don't say anything about it!

The image of the sea poured out -
Men alone cannot be crossed,
With you, friend, with you,
Please, please give me a try.
She said a lot of harsh words
And I’m mischievous about those,
Aje, we have one road,
You are my encouragement.
Without you, it’s impossible to crib
I am unforgivable in life,
Never know my happy days,
We will be together with you.
Vibach me for being rude,
I won't repeat it
Our welding is just stupidity,
Aje I love you so much!

Vibach me, friend love!
A shadow fell between us.
I don’t know how I’m doing my wrong,
Believe me, it was no bad thing!
I ask for vibration, I ask for vertices,
I hope that the image is short,
Let's forget all the differences between us,
May our friendship last forever!

I know you are on the right
And the reason for the image is not rubbish,
Alas, I didn’t want to lock you up,
Foolishly, I hit the halepa.
Vibach me, friend, I bless you,
Our friendship is very dear to me,
I'm scattering rubbish,
Be kind, don't be a jerk to me!

Sometimes we will moan
Zi sliv one before one,
Ale mercury roses the veins,
If you are with us, friend.
All I have to do is look,
Pobachiti - you could forgive.
Friend, soul and love,
Vibach: I was wrong!

Beautiful words to get married to friends

Girlfriend, extend your hand,
I'm still friends with you,
I stumbled, and I know
We are solely to blame for this darkness.
Best wishes to you
I didn’t try to figure it out.
Give me a lot of love,
I want you to laugh again!

Friend, you're working for me
Probach the words that she said
I don’t want to rap to you
I blame myself for being rude
Vibach me, my friend
Get back to me
You can't screw a friend like that
You are not given this time to waste!

It’s dull, empty, it’s become a raft of dovkol,
Silence while you pick up the phone,
You are for everything, sane...
Just don’t turn away, turn around.
I share a hundred fates with you!
We've gone through and experienced a lot,
We're still ahead.
Dear friend, just a little girl!

Vibach me, my friend,
Our conflict is pressing on me,
I'm thinking about him with Perelak
And at night, and throughout the day.
Such as you are, friends in life
I know for sure, I don’t know,
I kindly ask you to study,
So that our paths do not fall apart.

Vibach, even if I’m wrong,
We'll cook with you for an hour
And I don’t note that,
Why are people so angry?
And you are alone, my friend -
My encouragement to the river.
Let there be no turbulence between us,
And then friendship, forever.

Vibach ti mene for God's sake!
I didn't mean to be deceitful to you.
Maybe I just fell out of love a little bit,
Ale has already told me about everything.
Tibula was my closest friend,
I'm miserable and miserable without you.
Don't be mad at me, thank you!
Ti mene vibach, yakscho is possible.

My best friend,
My good sister
Ti probach me, dear,
What did I imagine for you!
You test me, you fool,
I can't live without you.
The best friend in the world,
I'm drooling about you!
I'm suffering for you now,
My soul hurts about you.
Ti probach me, dear,
What did I imagine for you!

Girlfriend, it's my fault...
Probach, be kind to me!
Life is no better for me without you,
How bad I was...
Let's make peace with you,
Can I come home to you?
Let's sit together before,
Friend, we're working on everything!

I want to ask for a vibration
You, my dear friend!
I’ll ask for a generous vibration,
Be careful, in your ear...
I hope everything will get better
Our hundreds of days are made of you.
It’s not negative to get ready to rock,
Let us not spill water!

I'm bored, I'm bored, I can't be angry,
I really want to make peace with you, friend,
Vibachennya please, please give me a vibration,
And let your image go.
Don't pretend and don't be evil,
I need your friendship,
I decided to follow the words,
I will be wiser in the future.

I know that it’s not easy to study me,
Ale meni believe even more folded,
To let you know that you have left your friend,
Which one is more painful.
Let's forget the past images,
It’s so bad for me without you, I’m not lying,
Therefore, we hope for forgiveness,
I'm asking for a vibration.

My girlfriends don’t spill water,
And they cooked through dribnitsy,
I'm the only one to blame for everything,
And I recognize my mercy.
Vibach, my friend Lyuba,
You won't be evil for a long time, I know
Ti me for everything vibach,
Give me a chance to find friendship again.

Please don't be angry with me,
I'm guilty, I know
Better yet, just laugh
I kiss you with all my soul.
You are my friend,
Dear people,
Never again will I
Let us move closer, below you.

I depicted you for free,
My friend my...
Forgive me!
It became clear to me
It's so bad without you!
Vibach me my friend!
Let's have a chat.
It’s really bad for us to be alone without one,

And at the same time you will have more fun!
Since yesterday I've been with you, friend, at the svartsa,
For me, grief is rightful,
Our svartsa has only me to blame,
Therefore, I’ll ask you again.
Let's be friends for a long time, don't cry,
Come on, let's be friends like before,
And don’t trim the image anymore.

Please be kind to me, for all the problems,
The guts ran between us,
And my heart felt sad,
For me, be kind, friend, vibach,
And don’t be mean to me anymore.
For everything that happened, I’m vibach,
I told you these prickly words for good reason,
I still can’t come on my own,

Please, be kind, dear friend, to me.
I'm in trouble with you, and that's my fault,
I understand that words can hurt,
I was angry yesterday, I repent, probach,
And picture it on me, friend, don’t touch it.
Don't look at me, I beg you,
Aje ti is my best friend,
Like the people knew about me,

I’m impressed, everything will be fine with us.
I'm in turmoil with you, I'm suffering,
I accept all calls from my b_k,
I've been wrong a hundred hundred times,
I depicted you, friend, with no harm.
Vibach me, be kind, vibach,
And don’t trim the image anymore,
Let us all have a good time,

I really value your friendship.
I'm not in the mood today,
I got upset with you, it’s a pity
I am guilty of everything, without a doubt,
Shiro, I kindly ask you for a vibration.
I know you understand and study me,
Don't be mean to me anymore,
I drank my cup of guilt to the bottom.

Garni vertshi zi words vybachennya friend

Mila friend, you are for me, like a sister,
Our friendship will die forever,
Alas, yesterday I imagined for you for nothing,
And I ask you for inspiration from a wide heart.
Let's make peace with you, dear friend,
And imagine everything will be forgotten tomorrow,
May our friendship be bright and great,
And my friends with you are like water.

We are offended even more,
So let's cook,
Ale friendship is right
I'll be there for Shana.
That's why I'm happy
I’m coming to the fore,
Aje is more guilty than I am
Yesterday, perhaps.
Let's forget the stilettos
Our hearts are full of nams,
Youth cannot be wasted
Let's talk about it.
Let's get together one by one
A little bit more bearable,
And the sun is setting,
And the world will become happy.

Our fight with you is unexpected,
We don't need this welding from you!
At the same time I'm staying at the rose's -
Call me for a conversation!
Ti me vibach, yakshcho you can!
Please, if you can, vibach!
I don’t want to, my dear friend,
Let our paths grow!

You didn’t understand me so well.
Vibach, I wanted to say the wrong thing.
Friend, my love,
I didn’t want to show you off.
You know, I’m telling you.
And our friendship lasts for a long time.
About those that have been said - I will sum it up.
Girlfriend, let's make peace.

Friend, I ask you for a test,
Not everything goes smoothly in our life.
Hello, guess how many joyful events there are,
Friendship gives us back.
You, thank me for everything that happened,
And you are the best in me,
I want our friendship not to grow cold,
And with the fates the mіtsna has become great!

Friend, my love,
Please, vibach, please help me.
Once you make people understand,
Trust me, I mean no harm.
Vibach, did you say something wrong?
I created it, I didn’t save it,
We are together, and friendship is strength,
Yaka is given to us.
Twisted with a boot like a cowlick,
Ale in the heart, like a spirit of goodness,
We save one thing,
And we know that friendship is wise!

Vibach, girlfriend!
Don't be angry!
Give me a sweet laugh again!
We know so many rocks,
And between us there is no darkness!
You, friend, like sister,
Give us an hour to forget.
And to the continuation of these rows

So it happened, we got into trouble with you,
I don’t know how to deal with such trouble,
I'll definitely be lost without you,
I won’t find my best friend anywhere.
You, be a caress, I’ll help you for everything,
Take my vibration,
I can no longer be depicted to you,
Your thought will always be respected.

The welding fell on us so uncontrollably,
I myself didn’t understand how everything happened,
In a word I pictured to you,
You know, it’s not all that bad.
I don’t know a beautiful friend,
You and I are just like you,
Take my vibration,
And don’t trim the image anymore.

Friend, Lyuba, please, me Vibach,
I don’t really want to bark at you,
I’m not in the dark, try for me, sane,
I want, as before, to be friends with you - to laugh.
Let go of the conflicts, images and discords of vile little ones,
There will no longer be life between us,
I want you to be happy forever,
Let's forget all our images and sorrows?

I'm in love with a friend, sooner than later,
I understand - you are now in my image,
I curse - I don’t behave so lousy,
I’ll get better, that’s for sure!
And if you want anything, just ask,
I will try to save you everything in the world,
Please, take care of our friendship, trust it,
The image of evil, I ask you, do not need to be remembered!

It's a Yuletide pie!
Friends like us
There's no need to get boiled,
And how did it go like this -
It’s not your fault to show up!
I ask you, my assistant,
Best friend,
It’s not our fault to be separated

Through this stupid fall.
For whose failure your fault effectively deserves punishment, then prepare to suffer.
My girlfriend,
So. I'm not a gift.
For whom I suffer.
Alas your heart,
I know, gold.
Vibach me, lyublyachi.

I don't want you to be a varty.
Friend, you are a vibach,
I don't want to bark at you!
Please be kind and sane to me,
Let's have a good laugh!
There are no differences
May you not be between us,
Forget worries and confusion!

A friend is a close person,
Tomorrow we can support you,
You are the dearest to me,
Please, be kind, forgive.
She said all sorts of things
You, my love!
Hello, may the bastard live in your soul,
And if it’s like that, you’ll test me!

I ask my friend for forgiveness,
You, be kind, don’t pretend to be,
I, my taken away vibration,
Forget about everything and try!
I want them to not cook me,
And one of them has been brought to justice!
They didn’t face each other one on one,
They didn’t know any of the usual diversities!

I ask my friend for forgiveness,
Dear, let go
Diversity and doubt
Be sure to bypass us with you!
Let's get started
Make compromises with you!
Let us go in life only the most beautifully,
Let us believe and trust!

My dear friend,
Together with you, together,
I stand up one for one
We can go along with you.
I ask you for a drink,
Welding is definitely not a problem!
I will make my decision
Be in control first!

Below is a collection of materials on the topic: learn from a friend in your own words from the fakhivs of your certificate.

Words vibachennya in front of the lad

Today you have no mood at all, you don’t laugh and you don’t get hot like before.

The whole reason is only in me and I will inform you of that.

I brought you an image today, brought you undeserved pain. Try me, be kind, my love and united. I’m so sorry for the changes, but there’s no turning back.

Now we need to earn your forgiveness.

Allow me to be punished for intimidation and intangibility.

The situation was set up in such a way that this situation was imminent.

I crushed everything in order to lighten those that had collapsed, and a little of it appeared.


Specially for

A short shake-up before the girl

The situation was set up in such a way that this situation was imminent.

I hear a scandal, I hear an image.

The situation was set up in such a way that this situation was imminent.

Vibe in front of a friend in your own words

My heart is tight again.
I'm really hurting what I did to you.

My one, vibach me.