Tickets for small tickets. White color of flowers. Name, describe and describe the photographs of the bilih colors

The white color for bagats is a symbol of purity, joy, lack of turbotness and childishness.

But if in yoga it’s not particularly practical, then in the garden, in the flowerpots and in the flower beds there were more flowers - an ideal solution. Landscaping, viking in white tones, to allow access to the zor zbіlshennya space and the feeling of freedom.

More tickets: name description

For roslin, a white color is not rare, it grows in nature in spring, if it blooms fruits of the tree, and fox galyavins cover the streaks.

Today's selection can boast a great list of varieties. How not to get lost in such a rіznomanіttі? Adzhe y kvіtіv z bіlimi kvіtkami raznі rosemіri, vіnochka form, kіlkіst peliustі іn.

You can divide and see the varieties into groups - sprues, gardeners, cibulins, Bagatorichni kvіti white color. I called a lot of people, especially those who have long been suffocated by gardening. For the first time, this information will be especially valuable.

Ageratum has a white fluffy bloom, a rose variety "Summer Snow". I will delight you with my flowers of vines from mid-summer to yellow.

Violet, or the brothers can think of different things. Є th monophonic variety with white vouchers, for example, "White Crystal".

Bіlі aistry price for great cards, like miraculously look not only in the flower beds, but also near the bouquets.

The middle begonia is also a variety, like a vishukano and a lower one in a white zabarvlenni, for example, Thousand Wonder White.

Turkish carnation also does not waste its popularity, the Albus variety is suitable. Also, G. Sadova and G. Shabo have a lot of needed varieties.

Small flowers of thinned gypsophila, such as they are already rich, predict a light haze, like to embellish your garden from the ear of summer to the ear of autumn.

Also, there were flowers for winter peas (White Ensign variety), parasol iberis, and middle bellweed.

The hats of the low-growing sea lobular look even thinner - varieties "Carpet of snow", "Tetra schneereiben" (large flowers, leafing with a white oblyamіvkoy).

Do not forget about the daisies ("The pearl" variety), petunias, the middle variety of zabarvleny that grow and white flowers ("Snow ball"), zinnia ("Polar witch").

Decorative cineraria, which has no more flowers, but it is even more popular with light-bright openwork leaves.

In the middle of the roslyn bagatoric group, spring anemones of the White giant variety are seen. Beautiful that low kilim makes the rіzuha, like a miraculous fit for creation alpine mountains.

The openwork hair of astilbe, varieties Deutscland (A. Arends), Schtrausenfeder (A. Thunberg) look even more romantic.

Roslina is popular in white color - aster alpіyska (Albus), new English or new Belgian.

The fluffy white hairs of the Volzhanka also embellish your garden. Even the original shape of the vouchers beat the water intake, the stinks look thinner in small groups. There are more tickets for the variety Snow Queen.

A lot of different varieties are in pinnate carnations, for example, White ladies. It was wonderful to feel the geranium in the garden.

The white hearts of the dicentri variety Alba look spectacular. At the kilim kvіtnik you can plant a zirok, but cheer, for the growth is rotten. For the alpine girka, it’s good to go iberis, crowbars, mangers.

You can also easily find irises, clematis, daylilies of white color for sale.

There are a lot of varieties with white flowers at the little ones, and the stench can be of different shapes. Kupena that konvalії - beloved spring suits, always presented in white color. And the white pivonії are not only beautiful, but they can have a welcoming fragrance.

Cibulinni roslini: varieties with large flowers

Beautiful and large flowers in the begonia of the bulbous variety "Diana Wynyart". In autumn, with its beauty, you will be pleased with the hardiness of the "Album" variety, the flowers of which are even more similar to crocuses. In the middle of the rest, you will know a lot of varieties from large quilts.

This group of roslyns has more views of spring flowers. Tse white flowers, hyacinths ("Carnegie"), irises, muscari (variety "Album"), white flowers varieties of daffodils, tulips, proliskiv, proliska.

Beautiful bіlі kvіti in georgina (cultivars "Sneezy", "Bambino"), gladiolus (cultivar "White Prosperity" with corrugated edges, cultivar "White city"), lily.

Quotes of white color: photo

A rich assortment will help you choose a white color for flowerbeds, alpine girka and other beautiful compositions in the garden. Do not be afraid to win only 1 color for landscape design. Tse will look superbly stylish.

What does white color mean? Bigness is a symbol of purity, purity, joy, happiness, lack of turbotness, childishness.

And if in this color scheme is not practical, then why not transfer yoga to the garden.

Like interior design, landscaping, showing off in white colors, allowing space, lightness, and discretion to reach the dawn.

Therefore, today we can look at how many flowers for the garden, we will bring the main assortment, which you can speed up when making a kvitnik.

Selection of a range of herbaceous species from large flowers

In the world of roslin, a white color is not rare, you can sprout spring flowers, if the blossoms of the fruits of a tree begin, and fox dormouse galyavins cover the first flowers - streaks.

Modern genetics, that selection today can boast of a long list of bred varieties, how can you not get lost in which one is different? Aje kvіti with large kvіtkami mayut different roses, the shape of a vіnochka, the number of pelyustok thinly.

Let's divide it into three groups- leonniks and janitors, bagatorists and cibulins. We will know a lot of names, especially those who have long been busy with gardening, and for the first time, this information will become more familiar.

Single and courtyard growth

Ageratum - may have a lot of fluffy flowers, especially the garni variety Summer Snow (A. Houston). Please your flowers from lime to yellow.

Violet, or brothers. Buvayut different zabarvlennya, prote є single-color varieties with white flowers, for example, the variety "White Crystal".

Bіlі odnorichnі аistry аs especially valued for large kvіti, like miraculous look not only on the flower bed, but also near the bouquet.

In the middle of the begonia є tsіkavі varieties, like vishukano and lower, for example, Thousand Wonder White.

The Turkish carnation also does not waste its popularity, we are given the Albus variety. Also, there are no particular varieties of G. sadovaya and G. Shabo.

Small numbers of small letters of thinned gypsophila make me think that I will lighten the gloom, so as to decorate the garden with worms in spring.

Also, there are white flowers of winter peas (White Ensign variety), umbrella iberis, middle bell varieties.

The caps of a low-growing sea lobular look even more beautiful - varieties "Carpet of snow", "Tetra schneereiben" (large flowers, leafing with a white oblyamіvkoy).

Also, do not forget about the lovely white daisies (The pearl variety), petunias, the middle of the variety of zabarvleny, which grow and white flowers (Snow ball), cinnamon (Polar witch).

Even more decorative is cineraria, because it doesn’t have more flowers, but then it is popular for its bright openwork leaves.

Bagatorichni roslini with white tickets

The middle Roslyn group can be called spring anemones, the White giant variety. A beautiful low kilim is made up of rіzuh, which is especially suitable for alpine gyros.

The openwork hairs of astilbi, varieties Deutscland (A. Arends), Schtrausenfeder (A. Thunberg) look even more beautiful.

Roslin is popular - aistra alpіyska ("Albus"), new English and new Belgian.

Rozlogі bіli volotі volzhanka also embellish the garden. Even the original shape of the tickets was for the water intake, which looks beautiful in small groups. More tickets are available for the Snow Queen variety.

There are a lot of varieties of carnation pinnate, for example, White ladies. Even better you feel geraniums in the garden, as you can also sort of a different color.

Well, small numbers of gypsophila hairy stars will look beautiful not only in the garden, but at the bouquet (“Bristol fairy”).

Effectively and nicely look the white hearts of dicentri miraculous, variety "Alba".

Plant a star at the kilim's kvіtnik; For a stony garden, that alpine gyrka should be iberis, quarry, yaskochka.

Today you can find irises, clematis, daylilies for sale in any color, including some.

A lot of varieties with white flowers were a little bit of a twinkle, and the stench can be of different shapes. Kupena ta konvalії - one of the favorite spring flowers, like a mili primrose (P. high grade "Alba"). Well, and obviously, guess about the nivyanik, which is similar to the chamomile we all see, only a little bigger.

Bіlі pіvonії guess about yourself with a pleasant aroma.

Our list can include white-bordered hostas, as well as її sorts of lined leaves.

Cybulinni roslini

Even more beautiful are the large flowers of the bulbous bulb variety "Diana Wynyart". In the autumn you will be pleased with the flowers of the feverishness, the variety "Album", the flowers of which are similar to crocuses. In the middle of the rest there are also a lot of varieties from white flowers.

In this group, the most species bloom canopy. Tse white flower, hyacinth ("Carnegie"), varieties of cibulin irises, muscari (variety "Album"), white flowers varieties of narcissus, tulip, sprouts, sprouts.

Such beautiful flowers are like a georgina (varieties "Sneezy", "Bambino"), gladiolus (cultivars "White Prosperity" with a corrugated edge, "White city"), a lily will also become a white embellishment of your garden.

Now, vikoristovuyuchi zaproponovanie range, you can choose a white color for flowerbeds, borders, alpine girka and other compositions in the garden.

Apply the design of the garden to the white color.

It is possible, let me say, that the white landscape design is tedious and unforgiving. However, only the one who does not make any such profit can think so.

Aje tse is not a monotonous white wall. The whole volume composition, the debility color effectively blends with the green, the large flowers contrast with the others, the high ones with the low ones. Only a dense planting can radically change the whole look.

And if the cream of herbaceous growths picks up the chagars of that tree, if they bloom with white flowers, or if they grow whiter leaves, then such a picture looks like more succumbing, and I know those close ones.

The axis of the kіlka was applied in a distant garden decorated with roslins from white flowers. Marvel at how bright and pure such compositions look.

Don’t be afraid to vicorate more than one color in the garden. Tse bude look stylish and modern. The headline rule is to harmonize all the elements of the landscape, including budovi, small architectural forms, and, of course, growth.

In the rest of the hour, it is fashionable to enter the design of kvіtnikіv (and sometimes to create a whole garden) in one color scheme. Such monochrome solutions give the landscape an unparalleled and bold beauty. A special place in such a design is occupied by the same number of tickets.

The white color is given to be a flower bed to the effect of lightness and lightness. Add elegance and romanticism to the garden. Miraculous collection of white flowers from green leaves, that grass calms and relaxes. Aja is not a gift white color suits rich people.

Viber roslin with white vouchers is also wide, single bagatorichni roslini, chagarniki and wind flowers of the tree. You can pick up such growths even during the flowering period, so that the flowerbed and the garden were gradually overrun with shabby ones.

Zavdyaki robots of breeders of the middle of any species fluffy roslins there are bilobarvnі varieties. It’s not easy to get lost, even if you know more about it. Let's try a little rozіbratisya.


Traditionally bіlі cibulin kvіti - tse prolisok(Galanthus) and even similar to New balokvitnik(Leucojum), moreover, the flower can be sorted, so it’s not enough to quote the awning, but the snail.

At the square rose bouquets chionodoxy, a large number of representations by varieties Chionodoxa luciliae alba and Chionodoxa gigantea alba. Beautiful large white variety crocus- Crocus Jeanne D'Arc.

Among the impersonal various varieties narcissistsі tulips we can only see the deeds. Narcissus (Narcissus) with more tickets: Beersheba, Mount Hood, Ice King, Poeticus Plenus, Cheerfullness. White tulips (Tulips): White Liberstar, Cardinal Mindszenty, Daytona, White Parrot, Tres Chic, Spring Green.

Crocus "Jeanna D'Arc"

Tulip "White Liberstar"

Bіli lilies even more numerous, I would like to designate such varieties, like Appleton, Annemarie Dream, New Wave, Speciosum Album, White Heaven, Casa Blanca.

gladioli(Gladiolus) of the white color of the venison selection is represented by the floorings widely, so it is even more foldable to choose a sprat from them. You can call it like Moscow white kam'yana, Blosnіzhka, White witch, White fringe, Poplar fluff and a lot of others.

There are varieties with a large number of tickets and Muscari(Muscari Botryoides Album), fritillaries herbaceous(Fritillaria Meleagris white), garden hyacinths(Hyacinthus orientalis Antarctica), Kolkhikumiv(Simple Colchicum Album and terry Colchicum Alboplenum).

For lovers of decorative bows, a new variety can be produced aliumu- gigantic Mount Everest (height up to 140 cm, diameter of large flower sacks - 20 cm).

Fritilaria herb'yanista

Allium giant "Mount Everest"

How much do you love exotic roslini and get ready to mess around, then show respect for the tropical guests, like, to the point of speech, not even primly.

- Іksіya(Ixia), she will become a gidnoy color of the alpine girka. Іksії lie down to the family of irises, bloom in a vlitku. The vouchers are similar to little ones, about 4 cm long, and are ruffled on a long-term votive-spike, 12-20 pieces each. Michevidne leafing zibrane at the virva. May have a pleasant aroma. May be white-coloured sorts, for example Giant.

- Liatris(Liatris), yogo tubular other tickets gathered into a fluffy ear, similar to a jascar candle. Blossom in a vlіtku and vprominyuє marvelous aroma (widely vikoristovuєєtsya in the perfume industry). Cover the stem without thin thin leaves. With more tickets, you will be pleased with the variety Spicata Alba.

Ixia "Giant"

Lyatris "Spicata Alba"

- Acidantera(Acidanthera bicolor), її still called gladiolus Muriel, because it has the same sword-like leaves, like gladiolus. The flower has six sharpened feathers in a white color, with a dark base (mostly dark raspberry). The flowers are collected in a plump ear, they can receive a light aroma. Summer flowers.

We looked at the deacons of cibulin roslin, among them you can turn daily copies for decorating the garden in white colors. Just don’t forget that more cibulin flowers may have a non-trival flower that will require a transplant.

Bagatoria tickets

If you don’t want to spend an hour for transplanting cibulin and post-planting odnorichniki, then you’ll pay respect to bagatorichni kvituchi growing. Some of them can be rich enough and create the basis of your composition for a trivalent hour.

We want to see the sign of spring convalia(Convallaria) bought bagatokvitkov(Polygonatum multiflorum), kohanu vsima garden chamomile or niv'yanik(Leucanthemum). Break the heart of the beautiful dicentri can also be used, for example, Dicentra formosa Aurora and Dicentra White. All the growths will help to decorate the garden in the white din of tіnistі.

Chamomile garden abo niv'yanik

Dicentro "Formosa aurora"

astilba(Astilbe), yak is widely vinified in rich flowery compositions, will please the chandeliers in white color with such varieties yak Brautschleier, Bumalda, Weisse Gloria.

Vigadlivy vykljuchno bіli kviti aquilegia(Aquilegia) show us Nivea, Alaska, Dove-Whit, Diamond varieties.

Pivonia with large tickets presented by a great number of varieties, for example, terry varieties Ballerina, Baronesse Schroeder, Edit M. Snook, Miss America terry, Jan van Leeuwen, Krinkled White, Lois Kelsey and many others.

Astilba "Weisse Gloria"

Pivonia "Krinkled White"

The majestic variety of white-flowered forms can be iris(Iris), for example, varieties Bubbling Lace, Lark Ascending, Arctic Wind, Zero.

Practically in skin protection little twinks(Campanula) breeders have bred varieties from white flowers. And similar to a twinkle from a wide ticket platycodon(Platycodon) also has a white variety Grandiflorus Albus.

It is impossible to respect such a flower, so beloved by gardeners, like phlox(Phlox). Tsya roslina is also possible without any different varieties and species. We call deyaki pure white varieties. Tse Belosniejka, David, Pina colada, Neon Jade, Younique White, Panama, White Admiral and many others.

Platycodon "Grandiflorus Albu"

Phlox "White Admiral"

Quote pizno chrysanthemums(Chrysanthemum) help preserve the beauty of the garden and autumn. You can choose more varieties, different according to the height and size of the ticket. Tse give wide possibilities of their choice in landscape design.

When arranging a kvіtnik, one cannot do without low-growing and ground-covering roslins. The stench is indispensable for alpine rockers, rockeries, as well as the creation of low curbs.

Alysum or lobularia(Alyssum) - low-growing herbaceous roslin up to 20 cm, can be single and bagatoric. Dribni kvіti zbranі in picnic brushes. Rozkvita on the cob of litas. Bilokvіtkovі specimens are found in such species as sea yak (Benthamii, Compactum, Easter Bonnet White, Klein Dorrit, Schneeteppich) and Pyrinean.

Creep evergreens periwinkle(Vinca) traditionally black color, Ale y u tsієї roslini є varieties іz bіlimi kvіtami (Alboplena, Emily). Periwinkle of these varieties can create for you a garni of rich-green kilim from woolly leaves, on aphids, which you can clearly see a lot of five-flowered flowers.

Arabis "Schneehaube"

Arabis or rіzuha(Arabis) - evergreen ground-covered roslina with silvery-grey leaves (sometimes slightly pubescent). Yogo stems take root well and make kilimki. Miniatures (up to 1.5 cm) are white quotations collected in a short brush. Variety Schneehaube, Plena.

Among the weaving roslins, you want to be more popular clematis(Clematis). Beautiful suits of a varied form and a challenge to shave a bunch of rosemary for gardeners. For a white garden, you can propagate deyaki see that variety.

Straight clematis (Clematis recta) is a herbaceous bagatorium up to two meters long, which requires cutting. Magnificent fluffy blossoms from white white flowers create a fragrant pin.

Clematis Fargesioides

Fargesioides (Fargesioides) - nevibagly liana up to 7 meters of curl. In the middle of summer, milky-white flowers are released, like falling snowflakes on aphids of a green leaf (Summer Snow, Paul Farges varieties).

Whole leaves (Integrifolia) - a type of low-growing clematis, reaching only 0.5 m. White varieties: Hakuree, Baby White, Alba.

Significantly more so clematis, like a double-coloured variety with white White Swan flowers, Valge Daam varieties may have an ice-coloured black eye, which gradually appears, and the Roko-Kolla variety may have flowers with green smuga on the skin pelus qi.

Kvituchi Chagarniki

Speaking about the creation of a white garden or a flower garden, it is impossible to deprive without respect of the beautiful flowers of chagars, like a white flower.

Spirea(Spiraea) - chagarnik, which won the popularity of non-vibrant and brighten the flowers. Spira variety, fluent spring, Spiraea vanhouttei is called “named” among the people. Її rozlogі hіlki, whithering to the ground, densely sighing with white flowers-parasols, which are made up of small flowers. Blossom at grass-chervni. There are also richly seen chagars and in the skin of them є copies with white flowers. Moreover, the stench may have a wide range of flower terms (from spring to late autumn).

It is impossible to forget about the gloomy beauty of the beauty. hydrangeas(Hydrangea). Tsei Chagarnik will become the color of the composition. Significantly the most popular pure white varieties. Wood-like - Annabelle, Sterilis. Zaviryuha - Kyushu.

To all in the house of unviable bushes buzku(Siringa vulgaris) No one is left with chic chic cone-shaped flowers with a marvelous aroma. The versatility of varieties made from white flowers is simply mind boggling. Tse i simple - Lebedushka, Monument, Flora. Makhrovi - Zashchitnikam Bresta, Mme Lemoine, Krasawica Moskwy. And also densely terry - Pamyat' o Kolesnikove, d.Alice Harding, Mme Casimir Perier.

Dorechny in the garden, be it a type, nevibaglivy that beautifully fluffy chagarnik weigels(Weigela) Decorate a white garden with Alba, Candida, Black and White varieties.

Erika(Erica) - evergreen chagar from the heather family with bare-like leaves and may be varieties with white flowers. Tse - Alba, Snow Queen, Golden Starlet, Springwood White, Silberschmelze, Silver Bells and others. Blossom with twisted twines, which make the bough-ear. beautiful roslina, but will require winter shelter.

duje nevibagly chagarnik snowberry(Symphoricarpos) hanging roses with white (sometimes pale erysipelas) flowers, and even more smut those that until autumn the flowers are transformed into white fruit bags, as they save decorativeness from the cold weather. Varieties: Albus, White Hedge, Rivularis.

Erika "Golden Starlet"

Snowflake "Albus"

І navіt u zvichno zhovtoї forsythiaє an unrecognized white-flowered variant of Forsythia abeliophzllum.

Kalina Buldenezh

Present varieties with white tickets hibiscus(Hibiscus) jasmine(Jasminum) buddles(Buddleja) actions(Deutzia) Kalini Buldenezh(Viburnum Boule de Neige), rhododendrons(Rhododendron), skumpii(Cotinus) that in the numerical views of the queen's garden - trojandi.

Bіlі one-year-olds

Odnorichny bіli kvіti can be seen everywhere. Aster(Callistephus), Chornobrivtsi(Tagetes), verbena(Verbena) carnation(Dianthus), single delphinium(delphinium) iberis(Iberis), kosmeya(Cosmos), lion(Linum) mouths(antirrhinum), lupine(Lupinus) matіola(Matthiola) winter tyutyun(Nicotiana alata), salvia(Salvia) eshsholtsiya(Eschscholzia) you can see a lot of other kinds of white flowers.



We tried to make a small look at the roslins, as if they would become the basis for creating your white garden and kvtnik. To start from a simple flower bed and as if the nobility of a white color suits you, then you can, having added small architectural forms, create a romantic little piece on the dilyantsi. And the miracle garden of a month will become the best harvest of "white flower charm".

The garden, in which the tone is set by the white flowers, framed by the lower greenery of the leaves, can be especially charming. The white color is like a symbol of the purity of the building, to bring into the atmosphere a touch of tenderness and cleanliness. Appearing to the optical changes of all colors, the white cumulus of his own merriment, reminiscent of the expanse with the power of that over-the-top pidyom. Landscaping, showing off in white tones, creating the effect of a visual increase in space, giving a sense of lightness and freedom. How to choose white flowers for the garden, to create a harmonious edge and create a “shine” shading of the little bit, we can see it in the article.

The idea of ​​decorating a garden in one color palettes not new. Today's designers, who set trends in gardening, are less likely to follow the initiatives of creators, as they were creating pictorial compositions in the middle ages.

Sadi, inspired by the principle of one color, gained a wide recognition hundreds of years ago. In grі pіvtonіv i vіdtіnіkіv rozmіri i form roslyn played the main role.

Particularly miraculous compositions of white colors look at the hour of the day, if the rest of the proms are on the bright pelusts.

In the XVI-XVII centuries, in ancient India and the lands of Northern Asia, such gardens were called “monthly”. The stench took its name from the zavdyaks to those who created marvelous pictures from the white silhouettes of the flowers during the present days.

In order to enhance the whiteness of the lower flowers and the strength of the vibrating effect of the leafy composition in the garden, they were supplemented with stones covered with white farboi, piece water holes and sea squeak, which sparkle at the moonlight.

One of the most famous gardens in the whole world, in which everything is ordered by a single color, is Sissinghurst White Garden in England. The wines of creations are still on the cob of the 20th century, but the dossi is filled with a vision for the legacy that rich gardeners breathe on the creation of their own “living” masterpieces.

Walking in such a garden is one of satisfaction: dozens of thousands of thin white flowers of various forms and rose to make the place especially romantic

To embellish the garden, varieties were victorious from brightly white leaves and flowers of all kinds of white colors. The creator of the English writer Vitya Sackville-West was so pleased to pick up an assortment of tickets of one type, that the composition rejoices in a riot of flowers stretching through the earth.

The one who wants to enjoy such beauty in his garden has nothing to put together. It is necessary to be less important, like tickets with more tickets to show the priority and how to put together compositions, so that the lines, not super-matching one with one, imagined a wild mood.

We choose herbaceous growths in white colors

The white garden is beautiful at the time of fate. It’s better to choose the right growing line for decorating the lot, vrakhovuychi assortment, what is in the arsenal, and climate mind, what is more important in your world.

One and the same courtyard

At growing world white color is not rare. Yogo mi posterigaєmo springtime, savoring the flowers of the trees, under the canopy of such prihovani malovnichі galyavini, covered with blizzards.

The first to streak fine days, crying at the lagoon spring changes of primroses: there are no more golden stars on the bare earth, white crocuses and miniature terry galanthus are blooming

Trochs later to replace the cibulin primroses, the lower convales, embellished with miniature bright little twins, and miles of primrose Alba will bloom.

In the spring, alissum, which is also known under the name of sea lobularia, appears with a shaky color of rockeries or alpine gyrka. A non-vibrant, short-growing odnorichnik with shabby oval leaves and selected flowers in narrow clusters with bright flowers is a delight for the long growing season.

The alissum looks superbly beautiful, which can lie down to the varieties Tetra schneereiben and Carpet of snow, the caps of which softly sway when the wind blows

Having planted tulips in autumn, in the spring months you can enjoy the beauty of these miracle flowers. In the middle of tulips, the pellusts of some kind are adorned with white flowers, varieties are famous for their special decorativeness: White Parrot, White Marv, White Triumphator, Daytona fringes.

Large glades on the cob of grass bloom undercoats: carnations of bagataria and Caucasian arabic. Turkish carnations will peep out on the smoldering lower spring greens of the cicada, fringed, often-cut pellets, which will spread the ice in the garden with a pleasant lower aroma.

For decorativeness and non-vibrancy, among the middle varieties of Turkish cloves, bagatma flowers are especially loved by Albus or Dianthus plumarius

The baton of flowers will be handed over by the ground-coverers to the herbaceous vines and irises. On aphids of green leaves, red irises with corrugated slips of such varieties look superbly effective: Jayceetee Grosvenor, Arctic Express, Swordfish, Mesmerizer Byers.

The bagatma is loved by the gardeners, the violet is famous for the rіznomanіttya vіdtіnkіv. Ale zavdyaki zusillyam selektsionerіv for sale you can know the monotonous variety, for example "White Crystal".

Rejoice the flowers from the lime until the yellow will be ageratum. Embellishments with fluffy fluffy flowers, to save zabarvlennya flowers before the first frost.

Flower compositions in white tones miraculously look against the backdrop of lustrous and gray-blaky conifers with glistening leaves.

Yak tlo flower composition you can boldly choose: thuja, yalina, cotoneaster glistening. The bright coniferous trees of the buildings are visually evocative of the cold elegance and the vishukanism of the white-blooming dews.

Bagatorichni beautifully colorful see

The middle of the summer is rightfully given to the government quick trojans. You can graciously assign the whole garden to roses, and only play with the wine: the picture for the participation of these superbly beautiful flowers comes out like a picnic, bright and unforgettable.

Trojans, however, look effectively like in a decorated flower beds and borders, so it is like living flesh that divides the plot into zones

The white trojans also look beautiful as elements of vertical gardening. Weaving Trojans you can launch on the trellis, arches and pergolas, creating green crit arcades, which give the reception a little protection. Varieties are perfect for decorating alpine gir: Swany, Kent, Sea Foam.

For a white garden, vіdmіnno pіdіdit:

  • bourbon trojans Boule de Neige with full terry vouchers;
  • polyanthus trojans Yvonne Rabier from small roses;
  • musky trojans Trier and Prosperity with fragrant notes of creamy white notes.

At the kilim kvіtnik obov'yazkovo plant a star, a manger and a crowbar. Ground-covering grades with miniature vouchers look strikingly at the bottom with decorative white gravel.

Forming a monochrome flower bed, focus on the range of textures of the dewy composition. Let the roses flaunt at the kvіtnik, which is remembered for the shape of the leaf.

If, when folding a stringed ridge, such texture becomes unmarked, then in a monophonic quilt it will be thrown into the eyes, dumb "3D" effect

Recreate the most showy clumps in the garden of building aconity and large-flowered daisies. These wondrous cultures are ideal for creating landscape gardens with a forest character, which is powerful mystery and mystery.

Daisies delight the flowers in the summer months, and the great blossoms of aconites decorate the garden with great candles for the season.

Don't forget to complete the quiz with cute daisies with pompon cats of The pearl variety and snowy petunias Snow ball

The petunia floorings are beautiful in their own right, so when creating a majestic landscape design, it is not necessary to especially look at the folded compositions. Roslini miraculously looks like flowerbeds paved with stones, so do parkaniv.

Vibirayuchi, you can embellish with flower garlands. Flowers smelling "gloomy" act as a gidny color of gazebos, verandas and terraces.

To add more “curvature” to the kvіtnik add the sіruvaty lace leaves of the seaside cineraria, with love, as they call kvіtnikars, like “drinking drank”.

Among the popular varieties of Primorsky cineraria varto see: Cirrus with oval leaves and Silver Dust with ribbed leaves. A brighter sight and a streaked leaf of a building's sprouting is visually accommodating an abundance of flowers and seeing the greenery that frames them.

For special respect meritorious beauty. Wash the middle latitude to calmly endure royal trumpet lilies, Asian and similar hybrids.

Lilium candidum is one of the most ancient species of white lilies, such as Hippocrates, attributing the divine nature of that life of power.

Povіtryany bіlі gloom on the sleepy flower bed utvoryut numerical kvіti gypsophila. For the lightness and lightness of the miniature, dumb beads, flowers, the gardeners called the ground cover “the veil of the appointed one”. Among decorative varieties, the most common are Bristol Fairy with terry white flowers and Monstrozoa.

Gilles stems of low-growing gypsophila, reaching a height of 20-50 cm, embellish hairy succulent light-colored windows, framed with thinned leaves

Pishne tsvіtіnnya in white tones at the summer month for safety:

  • calimeris virizny;
  • twinkle of peach-leaved Grandiflora Alba;
  • kotivnik Nepeta x faassenii;
  • delphinium Casa Blanca;
  • Pauline Silver Queen.

In this autumn, you can lift the palette, vicarious queens autumn ball- Chrysanthemum. Take care what is superb beautiful tickets building to continue life. Ale among the gardeners, this bagatorist is shaking for this building, pozhavlyuvati garden of autumn, zmushyuyuchi yogo grati with new farbs, if there is already snow on the ground.

It is with the Chinese legend that the monarch, who ruled over the old days of dew, who sips, with chrysanthemums, could live over six hundred years.

For the lower credits, yak, the strokes of the artist's penzle, the garden is littered by the light, the bagatma is rich with gardeners. Її bіli napіvsferi miraculously look not only on the flower beds, but also in the bouquets. For special respect meritorious varieties of tall aistri Agleni, hulls that are clearly fluffed up with crisp white flowers, and Weisser Schirm.

For some additional additions to the lower aistri tickets, the openwork hair of the astilbe should be used. Rozlogі gіlki with effektnimi svіttami feel comfortable navіt with slight shading.

Among the most famous varieties of varto you can see "Deutschland" with white repeated flowers and Schtrausenfeder s fluffy hairs rhomboid shape

From the last summer, miraculous additions to the white garden to speak:

  • Japanese anemone Wirbelwind;
  • hairy phlox White Admiral;
  • tree Achillea decolorans;
  • Echinacea purpurea Alba.

All of the proponated species of cultures are famous for their bright colors and unsightly sight. That's why it doesn't matter to put together compositions, adding color terms. In times of difficulty, you can always insure yourself by supplementing the compositions with rippled cultures. Geyheri, zhivokop, hosts, lungworts are successfully attacked by them.

A white-bordered hosta can become a “princess”, whether it be a flower bed, giving the composition a touch of elegance and elegance

The hosts, who make up the “pillows”, visually help the transition between the suites, bringing harmony to the composition. A string of leaves interspersed with blackite, gray and silvery vigidity can reinforce the whiteness of the lower petals of the flowers.

Chagarniki that tree with white flowers

Crimea of ​​herbaceous cultures in the design of a white garden of obov'yazkovo varto of vicorist trees and chagarniki. In the distance, the growth of tall growths of the building "visvitlit" shading little patches of the garden.

Weigela is the undisputed leader in this subgroup. A decorative chagarnik made of tubular buds is filled with shanuvalniks in the right beauty. Among the varieties of white zabarvlennyam especially beautiful Candida, Black and White. Chagarnik can miraculously grow in the minds of a small shade, reaching a height of 1.5-2.5 meters.

Weigela with hanging needles is embellished with dozens of penny-like blossoms, which are let loose on the cob of grass and decorate the garden for 20 coming days.

Quotes decorative chagars especially delight the flowers of the first summer month, giving the opportunity for grassy cultures to re-read and gain strength to bloom in the whole world.

From spring to summer, you pass unfailingly under the aroma of the buzka, which, having blossomed, creates a particularly calm and romantic atmosphere in the garden. The chagarnik is ideal for molding livestock and the creation of bagator_outdoor plant compositions. Buzok looks good in tandem with herbaceous pivonies, as if blooming with her at the same time.

Unseen persons of the summer garden in white colors will perform khurtovin and tree-like hydrangea, kvituchі "kuli" of some buildings to transform to create the most inconspicuous little little

Ospivuyuchi ode miraculously flying trees, I want to see and without that fall in love with bagatma wild cherry with її inexpressible openwork, sip with white "stars" almonds and jasmine, and wait with textured flowers on arched pagons.

Near the monochrome garden, plant a snow berry. Berries, which adorn the chicks of a bare bush, which droop, bring their yaskrav note into the symphony of the white garden.

Chagarniki snizhnoyagidnika, usiyani, instead of beads, white wax-like berries, appear in all beauty in cold weather.

The compositional completeness of the garden in white colors is added by the selection of monocolored decorative elements: garden figures, lavi, improvised mlini and wells. The romanticism of the situation, created in the garden, is reinforced with a white trimmed stone.
