Autumn colors. Use any colors to create the most beautiful autumn flower card picture

Autumn fills the garden with bright, aromatic colors. The green leaves change to red, orange, and yellow. What about the flower beds? The riot of flowers ends with the end of summer, and many flower beds look even deserted... If you know how to flower in spring, you can revive the garden and delay the onset of winter.

There are significantly fewer spring flowers in spring and summer, but there are still enough species to create any kind of composition.

Autumn rooms

No matter how different the autumn flowering plants may be, they all have one thing in common – they require a short day of light to set buds and flowers. Below is a look at the widest garden gardens.

Calistephus sinensis- By all accounts, the aster is one-sided, as it often encourages gardeners with its varied flowers. There are over 3000 varieties, which vary in shape and fertilization, their quantity and size. There are dwarf varieties with cushion-shaped bush contours, as well as medium- and tall-growing specimens that create columnar or branched forms.

Color terms may vary, but, as a rule, most varieties bloom buds until the end of summer and continue to please the eye until mid-autumn, and in dry areas without frost, the color will continue There is also a charge.

Calistephus is invisible to the eye and can grow on any kind of soil, smut, or choose a dormouse spot for planting. The content of the wine is also transferred, but it is indicated on the number and sizes of the cups. The best way to grow this flower is in the gardening method.

Aster– this is a rich herbaceous plant, as it is also known for its abundance. Is itself
a strong chagarna with a lot of different flowers. The leaves can be guessed by the shape of the leaves of the aistri single-pointed, or even slightly fractional.

In the middle of this culture there are also dwarfs and giants with different shapes of bushes. The brewing and size of the cups can also be varied. Autumn asters bloom on the buds of the spring and burst with buds right up to the middle of leaf fall.

The growth is unshakable, but the place for planting, as with other fruit trees, needs to be thought out ahead of time.

Croxomia- Chudova Tsibulinna Roslina comes from Africa. This relative of the iris blooms until late autumn with bright, hot or red flowers from large flowers. The whole bush looks very decorative - a cluster of sword-like leaves and gills of flowering plant, full of buds.

The growth is large and reaches a height of up to 70 cm, and the crowns also grow significantly.

Croxomia is stable and grows, but stagnation does not occur. Plant them in the spring to a depth of 7-10 cm, depending on the size of the bulbocybulin. Frost resistance depends on the variety, but it is better to endure our winters from the shelter of a thick ball of thyrsi.

- another flower that is essential for autumn, these bright bushes decorate almost any garden.

Chrysanthemums are used to decorate thick, strong bushes of curls from 20 to 150 cm. Forms and sizes are also different - there are simple, double and semi-double varieties, varieties with holoparts, pinnate, tubular pellets drains. The overindulgence can be extremely addictive.

The terms of color are also very different, the early ones are covered with flowers already in the dark, and the autumn ones can bloom right before the snow falls. Well, after all, you can create a flowerbed with just a few chrysanthemums with such a rosette.

The best place for chrysanthemums is where the heights or slopes are well illuminated. The earth will be suitable, but the largest bush will grow in the light, rich soil.

Helenium- Another wonderful bagator for the kvitnik. It is a thick and tall (70-150 cm) bush with divided lanceolate leaves and yaskravimi kvitami. The color varies from yellow to red-brown, depending on the variety. This is the time period for buds to open - between autumn and spring and summer varieties.

Vlasna, Kushch Helenium – this is not a bush at all, but a colony of single specimens. The flowering plants live for one season, until winter produces new leaf rosettes, which is how the flowering plant grows.

Helenium loves sleepy places and wet soil. As long as there is close proximity with other representatives of the flora, there is no need to become agitated - this species does not grow well in densely planted flower beds.

Colchicum- small cibulinum bagatorium, very similar to a crocus. Its large flat leaves appear in the spring, but die off until mid-summer. The lower flowers of the black-buzka color appear in the heather.

This wonderful flower is superior to light soils and sunny light, although it can grow in flooded conditions. Looks impressive when planted in groups. Please remember that all parts of the hardship have been destroyed.

Autumn cereals

Ornamental grasses are another group of species for decorating an autumn garden. As a rule, such plants preserve their beauty and cost. Minor leaves and flowers begin to cut early spring Before the cob grows, it is primarily not necessary to cover it for the winter (for this type of plant, pruning should be done in the spring).

Gostrovitkovy reed grass- Finish the tall bagator, whose fluff appears to grow to a height of up to one and a half meters. Vuzka and Zhorstka get the leaves of the cereal. Fluffy flowers appear in a sticky state and are washed until the cold weather, although they can last through the winter.

Reed grass is non-vibrant, grows best on dry soils sleepy places. Spring leaves and flower stalks, which have been lost after winter, are cut off almost entirely from the ground itself.

Moliniya blakytna- a compact bushy plant up to 60 cm high. It creates a thick, plump bush, which is especially decorative in the spring - buds grow on yellow flower stalks, and then the leaves swell with a bright yellow fermentation.

The bushes of molin are uniformly bluish, and there are also ripple-leaved varieties. Suits appear in the sickle and linger until it gets cold.

The prayer gives relief to the wet, acidic soil and a large amount of sunny light. Regions with harsh winters require shelter.

Flat-leafed flatleaf- herbaceous roslin with wide, bamboo-like leaves. The frond grows up to a meter. The great thing is that over time, fate changes its spoilage. The leaves grow light green, and until autumn gradually develop a golden color. The noticeable color of this cereal is that the stench suggests hop cones, but they are flat, otherwise dusted with sand. The stinks bloom green, and then fade into bronze or rye-yellow.

For the sake of complete manifestation light-colored The flat grate requires good lighting and cultivation. Love red watering.

Boutelois vitonchen- a small single-origin cereal native to Mexico. It reduces the compact fluff of the jacket. The leaves are even thinner, rather stiff, and curl at the ends. Of particular interest is the essence of botelua - the stench appears from the lime on the verge, the tip of the red, and then lightens and becomes straw-like. Behind the shape of the stench one can guess miniature brushes that spread horizontally.

Butelua grows on any kind of soil and is miraculously tolerated on dry land.

Tabernacles, bushes of spring

With all the diversity of herbaceous representatives of the flora, it is not good to forget about tea leaves.

Hydrangea- chagarnik, which brings diversity to autumn garden. And all that sweet hydrangeas are prepared in colors that are independent of fate. Rozhevy, white or black, the stinks look contrasting against the aphids of the hot-hot leaves of the excessive growths. The hydrangeas are blooming, kvituchi vlitku, and there are varieties, the time of which is from the end of summer to mid-autumn.

This chagarnik loves dear soil and watering. Winter hardiness depends on the variety, the large-leaved form is less resistant to cold weather and soaks in moisture. Often the fermented hydrangea flowers lie in the acidity of the substrate.

Erikaі veres- low-growing evergreen chagarniks with unusual luscious leaves. These two species often get confused, but they can be distinguished in terms of color. The heather blooms, otherwise the flowers will be lost on the whole bush autumn period, which have already dried up, but have not spent their fertilization.

And the erika is covered with buds in the middle of autumn. Bushes and teacups of heathers, when they bloom, look like erysipelas, buzkov or white mushrooms.

Resentment seems invisible and grows on poor soil. Ideal for them is a mixture of coniferous soil and sand.

Troyanda- the queen is visible to everyone in the garden. Many of these varieties bloom until late autumn.

Features of landscape design

Rich in growths, like the flowers of spring, do not have any decorative value during the seasons, but others, however, are garnishes from spring until the onset of cold weather. Before planning a wedding or any other composition, you need to prepare it.

It is also a sign of remembering that the rich people in power will inevitably grow.


Autumn flora representatives often grow in flower beds endless color. For these purposes, low-growing cereals, chrysanthemums, austria and licholitta are wonderfully suitable. And the place of autumn waters and alpine hills.

The large ones look wonderful either individually or in small groups. Beautiful flowering specimens look great on aphids, tall cereals or a mixture of cereals of various species.

Autumn flowering species, along with others, decorate lawns and banks of water, tall plants are planted in parks and gardens.

No matter what the composition is planned, it is important to carefully select the plants from the same soil, watering and lighting.

Until the flowering autumn we can see the absence of miracle growths, and we will look at some of them in our statistics. This is necessary in order to broaden your horizons a little and learn about new species. autumn groves, understand how the flowers themselves can delight us in the spring and clearly decorate the garden area for the aphids of the sun.


An example can be the autumn crocus, which grows well on rich, native soil, quickly develops, gains strength and pleases us with purple, blue and white flowers. What is typical is that the plant has a clear color and practically does not show its leaves, so that with a dense planting you can grow a “flower kilim”.


Next we go to the crocosmias - to get the original and nutritious plants that have been harvested from warmer countries before us. The most important fact is that, in addition to the autumn colors, crocosmias tend to hibernate in our minds, which makes them less likely to protect against moisture. You can use a special polyethylene melt for baking, or a thick ball of dry shavings about 20 cm in size.


It is impossible to detect this period without phloxes. These are flowers of different colors and shades of beech, rye, violet and red. They strike the eye with a doubly-colored form of planting, making the plants even more attractive and practically exclusive. And recently, breeders have introduced new varieties. The scents are noticeable because they do not completely bloom and the flowers last a little longer on the stem, which allows you to admire the beautiful flowers for more than an hour.


Monardi are miracles, as seen and described in detail on our website. You can enjoy their flowers in the sickle and heather, watch out for how the singing part of the garden will be enchanted by the flowers of the countless small flowers of raspberry, purple, rye, white, and red colors. Of all their strengths. Monardi flowers and their leaves, which summer residents often replace bergamot in tea, extracting a unique taste and aroma.


Rudbeckia - the coming flowers of autumn, which we would like to guess about. The stench grows wider in the gardens of our region and the daisies are calling. Most often, rudbeckia yellow color Ale varieties can delight us with shades of red and brown. The thick (sometimes up to two meters) and strong texture of the table is non-vibrating and resistant to cold weather, which can preserve color until frost.


Before the growths that spring blossoms, enter the pretty Helenium. Its flowers are divided into rudbeckia with different flowers and bright farbs. Roslin most often consists of small clumps of 3-5 cm, which are made up of reed brown, orange, red and yellow colors. These are the ones that in nature can be divided into heleniums of the same color, as well as the pairs of colors of cats that combine them.


Goldenrod, spring mimosa, autumn mimosa, solidago, gold cut... can be called by different names, which can clearly complement the design of the garden between summer and spring. Goldenrod can be planted in group plantings, or small flower beds of the same type can be planted. Vikorist in autumn bouquets And it’s a wonderful winter, so try to find a small little spot in the sunny garden for growing this beautiful growth.


Aistri is the right princess of your garden. Perhaps the annual autumn flower cake cannot be done without these trees. The aistris are getting ready to bloom at the end of summer, and even at the beginning of autumn we can look forward to the velvety and bright colors. In some regions, the color quality of asters is minor, but most often it is up to late autumn Sometime until the first snow. Aistries can be dwarf and tall, but this does not fit into them at all external beauty, which attracts people with bubbly, purple, white, rye and red flowers.


Garden flower beds in spring can also be decorated with bozulniks. The stench imparts a special mood to the place of landing, which is obligingly transmitted to the ruler of the plot. Decorative plants From yellow flowers collected from various flowers, and herbaceous aggregators, whose planting does not require planting special minds. Of course, it’s timely and correct insight will give you the opportunity to preserve the wonderful autumn flowers almost until the cold weather.


Georgies are truly beautiful flowers for the garden, which you simply cannot forget about. The stinks of the heather bloom and decorate the garden until the first frost, when its leaves and flowers wither and fall. If the frosts were short-lived and the Georgians were not able to shed their buds, then in some cases they may rebloom and re-bloom (out of the blue).


Tritsirtis - another one decorative flower Autumn comes from Japan. It can be considered not only decorative, but also tropical, which it suits external look tricirtis. Judge for yourself - white, medium-sized, bright flowers, transparent inclusions, overflow of shades, bright color... everything gives the impression that the garden has moved to a different place matic zone. Respect Varto, what a miracle autumn book not liking the sun and dry soil is felt much more beautifully in a valley with damp soil.

This list is not complete and we know about it great quantity roslins, built to delight us with wonderful colors in the autumn period. It’s not a good idea to worry about everything at once and try to create the perfect garden in just one season. Keep an eye on the bushes, enjoy the fruits, choose the plants that are best suited for your climate and clear your minds, plant them and ensure proper autumn care for the plants. Next, take note of the specifics and make recommendations. Only then will you be able to formulate a garden clearly. Of course, there are many articles and series that help you find out what flowers are blooming in the spring, how to observe them, and so on, but the most important point is that you will be deprived of practice.

The most beautiful flowers that bloom in spring (video)

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Having sounded until the flowerbed “burns” with stringy farbs in the spring, I want the same thing in the spring. It’s nice when, around the falling yellow leaves, the look sparkles with their bright flowers of various autumn garden flowers.

In order not to be complacent with the choice and plant the very same flowers that will last not only in the spring, early, but also until frost, it is necessary to turn around, as there are autumn one-sided and rich varieties colors, like the terms of their colors.

For molding garden flower beds In such unique compositions it is necessary to take into account the height of the shoots, their fertilization, shape, terminology and color quality. Below are the quotes that are best suited for your quote book.

- These are one-sided, sometimes richer ones. Annuals demonstrate the diversity of their varieties. Depending on the variety, the color depends on early spring until late autumn. In the middle of the same year, varieties are growing to bloom in the spring.

By height you can see the following types of asters: dwarf - height does not exceed 45 cm, short - height reaches 80 cm, tall - up to half a meter in height. The trees grow like bushes or around the bushes.

The frames of the boxes are erect and level. The leaves are complete, the teeth are. Koreneva system the cards are a bit wet .

The autumn flower bed, decorated with asters, allows you to enjoy the farbs of summer and bring the cold season to ruin. The aystri, when spring blooms, bursts forth with thick, loosened stems, great hairy and parasol-like flowers.

The flowers of asters are shaped by the same flowers as the great amount small colors (pelustok). At the center of the blossom a yellow core grows. The barley of the pellets is different. There are white, erysipelas, violet, black, salmon, buzkov, red, yellow stinks. Aistries can be one or two colors.

Do you know? Among the people, aistri is called differently: winter road, woman's summer, frost or kvitka-zirka.

- this is wonderful, bright, lush autumn garden flower. Roslin is brought to rich, unforgettable results. The flowering of the plants begins at sprouting and lasts until frost. The height of herbaceous single or bushy phloxes varies from 10 to 150 cm. They are erect and erect.

Oval or egg-shaped leaves grow along the stem. Kviti of snow, rye, buzkov, red, blakyt, buzkov brewed, with a pleasant fragrant aroma. The shape of the tubes is often funnel-like with five petals extended under the straight edge of the tube.

The petals create different types of crowns – wheel-shaped, mirror-shaped, bowl-shaped, saucer-shaped. The diameter of the bowl reaches several centimeters, and there is an eyelid at the center of it. The cells produce fibrous or scutellous flowers of different sizes.

Coming to our list of autumn flowers, the roots of trees grow. This bagatorik is called goldenrod. The branches of the plant are erect, densely covered with leaves of oval or eliptical shape.

The height of the plant varies from 30 cm to a meter. Stovbur is green-barked, sometimes with hints of red and purple in the lower part. The sheet plate is blocked on the sides of the gear. All the growth is covered with tiny, dirty fibers.

Zabarvlennya of dribnyh kvitok sonyachno-zhovte. The buds grow in cats, which, in their own way, create narrow, erect racemes or volotisti sutsvitya. The buds of the flowers are interspersed with leaves. The flowering period is from grass to spring inclusive. The advantage of goldenrod is dryness and frost resistance.

Important! Goldenrod is a weedy plant; it is necessary to handle it with mittens.

Another flower that blooms in the spring - this. Bagatoric growth, whose name in translation from Latin means – breaks the rocks. Roslina is invisible to the eye. The root system is a little thin.

The lengths of the crowbars grow from 50 cm to one and a half meters. The leaves of cultivated species can have a simple, pinnate or palmate structure. The leaves may be plump or thin, skinny, thick, round or oval.

The size of the leaf reaches 6 cm, the color of the leaf varies from emerald to gray with a greenish tint. Friendly rooms, similar to twins, collected in hurtovina or racemose flowers or grown singly.

The fermentation of buds can be white, erysipelas, yellow, bright raspberry or red. As the winters are too cold, the broken stones grow like same-river lines splinters at air temperatures below +6 ºC, the growth slowly dies.

Do you know? Saxifragas, which grow high in the mountains, are found on the top of the leaf blades. The leaves are visible on the leaf blades of the vapn seen by the dew, the vlog from this one is vaporized less.

In the autumn it reaches the same river and rich growths. This is a herbaceous plant that has a specific potency. The root system of the helenium in the spring dies out of the mounds at once, just as the underground branches of the same mounds create new leaf rosettes with the root system. May the rosette of the vikin have a fresh stem.

Helenium - surrounded by the growth of an upright tree with greened logs in the mountains. The stem of the flower grows from 0.75 m to 1.6 m. The leaves are oval or lanceolate. Thyroid-like tubes are formed from cauliflowers, which are formed by the marginal lingual and central tubular tubes.

The color of the outer reed buds is orange, brown, yellow, red, and the central tube parts are yellow or brown. The flowers of Helenium will become a wonderful beauty Autumn Quitnik. Cats of a golden color, built to change the barvleniya, will fascinate with their simplicity. The flowering period is the end of the linden tree - the beginning of the heather.

The widest flowers in late autumn are the same. Batkivshchyna whose garnoy kvitki- Japan. Roslina is a rich chagarnik with thin tree-like erect stems of green-brown fermentation. The height of the bush is 30 cm (dwarf) to 1.5 m (tall).

Leaves of sessile rotted, green-gray fermentation with a specific aroma. Depending on the variety of flowers, they can be simple, semi-double, terry, bare-parted, tubular-parted. The sizes of the buds are different: great and different.

The fermentation of chrysanthemums can be any kind black color. Such autumn flowers, like chrysanthemums, can grow into a vegetable form, which grows especially for curing in cooking. Flowers appear from the beginning of the spring until frost.

Lay down until bagatoric grassy roslins What does the bulb's root mean? Today, the number of varieties of jorgina is approximately 15 thousand. Fatherlandism in this area is not clearly defined. Thoughts on how to travel around the world were divided between Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala.

Georgies are wonderful, beautiful autumn flowers for your yard and flower beds. The canvas pieces are erect, ironed, smooth or short in texture. The height of the spans can be changed between 30-250 cm. The stovbur in the middle is hollow, the base of the tree is rustic.

The leaves of the flowers are imparipinnate, thick, and covered with villi. Leaves of smaragdine or brown-red leaves. Flowers are made up of flowers of different diameters (3-30 cm), sharpened by uterine ligulate flowers, of different shapes (pompons, coulet, cactus-like, pine-like, commercial), size and color .

I can't help but remember the Georgies of blue, black or blaquette bark. The center of the world is occupied by different two-state pipes of the yellow and brown bark. Georginas begin to bloom from linden to frost. Beautiful autumn flowers are presented for your respects in the photo below.

Important! Khoch georgini ta Bagatoric Rosliny, but they need to be covered for the winter, since temperatures below zero are lethal for bulbs.

relate to the Iris family. This bulbous plant blooms in spring or spring. Whenever you put food on what flowers bloom in the heather, the answer is simple - these are rich crocuses. The central stem of the flower is dayless.

The leaves are narrow, linear in shape, dark green with white creases in the middle. The shape of the kvitka is bell-funnel-like. The height of the color does not exceed 15 centimeters. The wine is formed with six pellets. The pellets are arranged in two rows: the outer row is three large pellets, the inner row is three smaller pellets.

The flowers are lonely, and there is a lot of confusion about them. The buds that have blossomed look like stars. The flower flows for two miles near the verna.

Fatherland Monardi – Pivnichna America. Scientists know about 20 species of Monardi. - This is one thing, or rich grass. The stem of the plant is straight, leafed, grows up to 150 cm. The leaves of the monardi are lanceolate, toothed, emerald color, and have a pleasant fragrant smell. Through this aroma, Monarda Trivaliy Chas was gently infused with bergamot.

Do you know? I spice up the herb with a mint-lemon scent to congeal when making tea. Fragrant double-lipped flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm are created by brush-like flowers spread one above the other. The spoilage of tickets can be white, red, yellow, horny, purple, or even a nickel. Due to their shape, the buds of the monardi on the great stand are similar to a spider. The color of monarda is from black to vermillion inclusive. The axis of the flowers is not deprived of blooming in the spring, but maybe.

Do you want to know what kind of flowers bloom until late autumn? Vona begins to bloom in linden and bright colors until frost. Rudbeckia is native to Northern America. The flower contains both rich and similar varieties.

Among the kvitnikars there is a hairy species of rudbeckia. The height of the lint-covered stovbur, which softens under the ground, does not exceed 2 m. The root is straightened. The leaves are oval and stem-shaped, large, fluffy.

You can only notice that there are beautiful autumn rudbeckia flowers. The stench is similar to great chamomile, prepared in yellow, red, orange color. The diameter of the flower reaches 15 cm. The core, lined with pellets, is made up of tubular pellets in a tan or red-black color.

– this is a rich herbaceous flower. Batkivshchyna for this book – Japan. People call it a garden orchid or a toad lily. There are up to 20 species of Tricyrtis.

The bush grows 70 to 90 cm, the stems are erect, cylindrical. The root system is expanded close to the surface, and is susceptible to regeneration after damage in the shortest possible time. The large leaves, speckled with red or erysipelas, have an egg-like or female shape. The shape of the buds is similar to the shape of orchid flowers.

The size of the flowers reaches 4 cm, and there is a smell in the axils of the leaves. Rozmalovka comes in cream, white, rozheva, zhovta, buzkova, and is shaded with flowers. The term is color – lime – first frost. Autumn flowers of the tricity in the garden are truly a wonder that enchant and sparkle the soul.

Important! During the flowering stage, the plant often suffers from frost.

– this is a flowerbed with upright pagons, the height of which is two meters. The tops of the trunks end in corymbose flowers, up to one quarter of a meter in diameter. Great, whole-looking leaves are spread across the entire height of the panels. The leaves are dark green with burgundy veins or purple streaks.

Flowers of different sizes, white, purple, cream and rye marinated. As the flowers begin to bloom, the window sill exudes a pleasant aroma. Among the kvetnikars of our latitudes, they are gaining great popularity. Planting a window sill in a flower bed is ideal for the blooming flowers of the plants. Flowering begins in mid-summer and ends with the arrival of frost.

Do you know? Purple sapling is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of wounds and fire processes.

Tsinnia (majori)

How flowers grow more beautifully in spring, lower major. The saturation of cinnamon with bright farbs on the aphids of nature, which is dying, opens up another death.

- These are high- and low-growing upright plants with flattened or compact pagons. The stem at a height of 30-100 cm is covered with pubescence. Light green abo leaves dark green color, oval-pointed, covered with thick fibers

The diameter of the flowers reaches 15 cm. The shape of the flowers can be terry, semi-double or simple. The tubular part of the rounded core gives rise to a series of different shapes and varnish. The majors, like the Georgies with chrysanthemums, have nothing but blue and blaquette intoxication.

Pelyustki can be produced in Zhovte, Bile, Rozheve, Orange, Lilov, Buzkov, Chervona, and Burgundy. Majori blooms near the lime tree and blooms until dawn. The variety of shapes and patterns allows you to use zinnia for decorating flower beds, flower beds and alpine gardens.

Chornobrivtsi (tagetes)

– these are rich and unilateral growths of the Aistrov family. Before us, the trees were consumed from Pivdennaya and Central America. There are dwarf, medium-sized and tall forms of black-browns.

The height of the stems in maturity varies from 20 to 120 cm depending on the variety. The stems are flattened, the leaves are whole or jagged, emerald color. Oxamite bud pellets are prepared in yellow, orange, and brown colors.

Cats' colors are: carnation-coloured, swoopy, splashy-bowed, luscious; simple or double, large (bud diameter 10 cm) or small (bud diameter 2-3 cm). The flowers and stems of blackbrows exude a specific smell.

Important! Chornobrivtsi is not only beautiful quotes, the stench of phytoncidal power still lingers. Tagetes, which grow near the city bed, are growing plants due to fungal diseases. To your respects, this is a presentation of the autumn flowers: their names, photos and short descriptions. If you want to plant a dewberry in your flower bed, please tell me.

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