Scenario of a new show for a cob school. Novorichna theatricalized vistava for the cob school

Thought. Incentive plot based on seven mini-scenes.

The Lisova Fairy seems to be unacceptable to the children: Did Frost and the Snow Maid will not come to them, because they have trapilia in them (as a matter of fact, there was a foolish radio). The fairy proponates the lads themselves to drink through the forest to Novorichny bagatty for a start-up from Dyd Frost and Sniguronkoyu. She's a terrible mess. Yogo zagorodzhuyut:


Babtsi uzhachki;

Lisovik i Chorti;

Stara Shapoklyak;

Kit Basilio and Lisa Alisa;

Snow queen.

The students of the skin mini-sketches will sing to the children of the viconati їkhni zavdannya, schob prodovzhiti shlyakh.

Podolayuy all cross, children come to the choly with Lisova Feuyu to come to Novorichny bagatty and see Dida Frost there, who will see him, as the Sniguronka Vicrav Koschiy Immortal. Koshchіya ask for a sacred one to turn the Snіguronka.

Fox fairy. Privit, kids! Let me introduce myself, I am Lisova Fairy. How about you? Not intelligence. Let's do it brutally like this: on the "tri-chotiri" rakhunok, say your own name. Now it’s lightning. The i axis is known. I would like to have chosen this season for the show with Dyd Frost and Sniguronka. So? It's a pity, I have two new items for you: one is good, іnsha is nasty. What to fix? With a garniture? The good news is that I'm kind of the Fox Fairy and I always help children who smell of hearing. Aje vi sushnyani? And the axis is nasty new: Dіd Frost zі Snіguronkoyu will not come this year to you, lads. Well, there they have become, about the price was noticed by our lisov radio. Sum, right? Ale vikhid є, I'm happy with you! You can drink before them. Shkopravda, the road to Novorichny bagatty, de known Did Frost from Sniguronkoyu, lie through a dreamy forest. She's a terrible mess. Who can be learned from a dormant Kazkov fox? (Suggestions for children.) I don’t know who you want to go to the road this year, ala, to my thought, try to try to go through the whole road. Truth? And I will help you at the house. Chi zgodni? Good. In order not to ruin the fox, it is necessary to firmly understand one mind: to flatten the eyes and not to squash them until, the docks are not impressed by the music. I present to you Fairy Melody. Vaughn suprovodzhuvatime at our price. Let's wash it again. (Repeat.) Wonderful. Are you ready? There will be only one happy way. Pochinaєmo more expensive!

Sound melody. Z'yavlyayutsya embellish.

Melody zmovkaє.

Scene 1. Razbіyniki and Nightingale-razbіynik

Decorations: pine, hemp.

Razbіyniki go on stage to the melody "Pisnі rozbіynikіv" from the m / f "Bremenskі muzykanti" (music by G. Gladkov), dancing. The moon whistle. Rozbіyniki fall, close their hands to the wind. The Nightingale-rogue appears on the stage. The rozbіyniki get up on the quiet, stealthily glancing at Solov'ya.

Nightingale. Whoa, my beast's whistle was angry?

Head rozbіynik(Zaykayuchis). That same yak, do not be angry with you, Nightingale, if the drums are interrupted, then the drums may shine ...

Nightingale... Mabut, not rocking. It means that there is still gunpowder in the powder boxes! Improve the situation!

1st distributor... Over the past ten days, 7 carriages have been robbed!

2nd distributor... Collected 17 horses!

3rd distributor... Taken mito for travel 100 rubles in gold!

Nightingale. Hmm, it’s not bad ... Tell me the question?

Head rozbyynik. Rosvidka reported that there will be a group of children on our territory with a group of children with Lisova Feya!

Nightingale. Means, grabuvatimo!

Head rozbіynik... Look out for them, Nightingale ... There are children.

Vigilant... Blow! Blow!

We have taken the battle positions. Whistle nightingale.

Nightingale. Who are you? Stiy! Strіlyatimo!

Fairy. Stop.

Nightingale. Strіlyaєmo!

Razbіyniki firing at the povіtrya. Whistle of the Nightingale. All zmovkaє.

Nightingale... Life chi gamanets?

Fairy... Yakiy gamanets, Nightingale-rooster? We are not a penny.

Mi ydemo to Novorichny Vognishch for a start from Did Moroz and Sniguronkoyu. I ask you.

Razbіyniki vmovlyayut Solov'ya go to the new bagatty.

Salesmen. Nightingale, walk! Nightingale, wait a minute!

Nightingale. Vzagal mi also got ready for the New Rock.

He took the yalinka.

Fairy. The yalinka is beautiful. Well done. then yak? Chi zgodni?

Nightingale... Bach, yak spritni ... How can we overwhelm our territory? Who are the people of Lyaktime?

Fairy. And now the Lyakati people?

Nightingale... Afraid of the schob!

Fairy. Ah, Nightingale, you are incomparable! Ale would like to be kind to the honor of the Newborn saint.

Nightingale... Hmm, let's do this: not ours, not yours. Get in on our staff - like a tablecloth road, and don't bite into it - go for yourself!

Fairy. Mi zgodni!

Razbіyniki by іnіdnіmayut cards with letters, it is necessary to know the words in between them, scho "hobbled".







Nightingale... Well done! Toz іdemo with you!

Razbіyniki on cholі іz Solov'єm go down to the bay.

For a signal from Feya, the children will shrink their eyes. Sound melody. Change decoration.

Scene 2. Grandma Їjachki

Decorations: booth, steel, on the table a samovar, hemp, fly agaric, mitla.

The eldest and middle of the Grandmother Їzhachki sit on stumps at the samovar, hard to sleep.

Babtsi uzhachki.

Chamomile shoots, buttercups drooped,

The water is cold in the ripple.

Navischo vi, devchatka, love garniki,

Some citizens from that kohan ...

Young Babtsya Їzhachka to sit on pidlozi, stepping on a stump, directing a "marafet".

Molodsha... Well, they got started ... Tuga is green! Yak at the commemoration!

Naystarsha. And why don't you marvel at your portrait of rozmalovush?

Middle... Mabut, I know about the devil to the disco. Do you want to get rid of the wounds?

Molodsha... Yes. Do you want your brush to be pink?

Are you afraid of rozsipatsya? Is it weak?

Naystarsha. Tse htos rozsipetsya?

Middle... Tse mi rozsipaєmos?

Naystarsha. We'll shut you up for your belt!

Youngster. Come on!

Download and play parts of the film "Flying Ship".

Younger sposterіgaє, then, not being vitrimed, have to.

I went to the fox side,

The devil followed me.

I thought - cholovik,

What for the devil?

I got a drink

І litala in mіtlі,

I don't want to believe it myself

Have ci zaboboni.

I know I go to home,

I know the devil follow me.

Spat on batig yomu

I sent to Lisovyk.

The most eldest of people -

Tse kazkar-dashing,

The axis is already maisterny nonsense,

It’s a pity that he’s not wet!

Y. Entin

The older one sits on the stump, the middle one falls on the pidlog. Having resigned, the elder is wary of walking from the stump.

Senior... I smell a human spirit!

Middle(Sniff). Smell exactly!

Senior... Tse hto mocked to invade our volodinnya?

Gay hto there?

Middle that Young. Who's here? Whoa?

Fairy. Vibachte, Babtsi uzhachki, they pounded you. We go to Novorichniy bagatty, that our way will lie through your volodinnya.

Senior... Bach, whatever they wanted! Do not buvati tsyomu!

Middle that Young.Ні ні! Nizascho! Chi is not allowed on our territory!

Fairy. Maybe you think?

Naystarsha. Well, garazd, it’s okay for you to see my riddles. (Get a leaf from the swarm of winter.)

Sitting at the cat's little girl

At the wedmedic behind his back,

Vin, I don’t know it myself,

Carry on to the house.

Well, guessing the riddle?

Come on soon!

The name of the tsієї kazka ...

("Masha and і Vedmіd")

Joiner Giuseppe-Siziy nis

Polino yakos to hati prinіs.

It seems to me that it’s robotic,

Talk a little.

Who is in that half of Kazav?

Whom is Giuseppe shy about?


Sooner, when the evening is approaching

The first year of the dovgoochіkuvan has come,

For me in a gilded carriage

Come to the Kazkov ball.

Nichto in the palace is not suitable,

I sound, I sound like,

Ale tilki opіvnochі nastane,

I will turn to myself on the mountain.


Little girl to sleep and do not know

Scho in tsiy kaztsi on her check.

Toad from wounds її віднее,

Near the burrow there is a bezsovіsny krіt.

Wow, years!

What is the need for a cue?

Who is tsya divchinka?

Chia tse kazka?

("Thumbelina", Andersen)

Babtsi uzhachki praise the children, they will zahoplyuyutsya, how to know the stench of everything.

Senior... So i boo, come in!

Fairy. Would you like to see us before Novorichny Bagatty?

Middle. Will there be dancing? And pisnі?

Youngster. And what about you? Do you have a yak? Show.

Children call songs, show dancing hands. Babtsi uzhachki repeat after them.

Naystarsha. So, bachu, you’ll be on your holy day. Let's go with you!

Babtsi uzhachki go down to the bay.

Scene 3. Lisovik i Chorti

Decorations: swamp (mask), latatta, ryatuvalnaya circle written "OMUT", pinechki.

Lisovik to sit on pni, from natchnennyam read zavdannya.

Lisovik.“Before Mukhi-Tsokotukha, onuki and great-grandchildren flew to Novy Rik. The hall has 30 flies. Five flies are pouring tea from kalyuzhi on the table, ten flies around the light bulb, and the rush is walking around the stele. How many flies walk on the stele?

Two chortіv sit by the swamp: 1st to go deep in the nose, grize nіgtі; 2nd start-up of mile bulbs.

Lisovik pidnimє eyes on them.

Lisovik. Well, for the evil spirits Lisova! You are blessed with colupati and bulbs, let’s substitute for doing science!

1st devil. Think, know the teachings! .. Having finished three classes and two corridors, now I will not give any peace of mind.

2nd devil. Axis axis! Koschiyya distav (zaginaє fingers), Babu Yagu distav, Kikimora Bolotyana navigate the place of living change. Now take us!

1st devil. And we here at our watermisch don't care about your science. Who is rahuvati, toads, why? ..

Lisovik... Eh, temryava! At the end of the XXI century! Do you know what kind of rick?

1st devil. Well, that one?

Lisovik... 2017. Until then it ends. And what kind of offensive will come, you know?

Chorti... Yakiy?

Lisovik... 2018. People are holy - Noviy Rik. Chuli?

2nd devil... New rik! .. Yalinka, Dіd Frost zі Snіguronkoyu ...

1st devil. From bi hoch with one eye ...

Lisovik... The magpie on the tail brought people without a bar to go through our line to Novorichnoye Bagatty.

Chorti(go ahead). Oh, Lyoshenko, mile, so bad, the stench passed through our swamp. You are good, you can ...

Lisovik... That I myself bi is not against people after it. Zdichav here you are calling ... Garazd, I am angry! (Chakuє.) And the axis і stink! Hello, honest people! Kudi direct the road?

Fairy... To Novorichny Bagatty.

Lisovik. Well, it’s unlikely that you’re going to give in ...

Chorti... So, you cannot go through our swamp. We are not allowed to enter our territory!

Lisovik(Pom'yakshivshi). Ale yakscho vi virishute zi zi zavdannya, then I will help you.

Fairy... Hello, virishuєmo zavdannya z Oleksієm?

Yaksho Koschіya will be honored at once from Baboy Yagoi - we will see 80 kg. Yaksho zavazhiti Baba Yaga without Koschіya - viida 50 kg. How important is Koschiy?

On the day of the People's Day, 7 guests came to Kolobok. Leather guests have a gift from a gift for 2 combs. Skіlki combіntsіv otrimav from donuts zvsіm fox Kolobok?

Skіlki shmatkіv tsukru razchinyayutsya in Papi Karlo's tea, if he himself threw 2 pieces of tudi, and Buratino, as tilki Papa Carlo pozіhav, pokavіt tudi more than 12 pieces?

Vovk having asked for three piglets for the day of the nation, seven gozen and one Chervona Riding Hood. Ask for a few appetizing guests for a holy day of the People's Day Vovk?

Winnie-Pooh from P'yatachkom made 11 kg of honey. P'yatachku has 2 kg of honey. How many kg of honey was taken from Vinny-Pusi?

Lisovik. Well done! (To turn to hell.) Bachili, ignorant swamps, how can a child be devoured? Come in, kids!

Rice. And take us from you to Novorichny bagatty! Please!..

Fairy... Well, horribly well, come on!

Lisovik and Chorti descend to the hall.

Scene 4. Stara Shapoklyak

Decorations ti sami.

Stara Shapoklyak vbigak on stage with a wild roar.

Shapoklyak... Oh, matusya! De me? (Look around.) A huge fossil mass! Did I eat the kudi? Tse scho for water? What a swamp? So і є! Swamp! Help-i-those! I’ll go! I’ll be lost for shou at the colory rocks! (Marvel at the audience.) Oh, who tse? (Coquettishly adjusting the droplet.)

Fairy. Hello, Shapoklyak. Mi ydemo to Novorichny Bagatty. And why are you robbing here?

Shapoklyak. Oh, don't feed ... (Cry.) It's all wrong! Unregistered Kazochnik! It's all vin! You can tell me, the woman of the balzac's vika, the lady of the day, taking and throwing it from the creature and from the quiet landscape of the world from the whole dreary forest, from the ugly swamp! Tse zovsіm unprofitable klіmat for my health! Yak vin mig so vchiniti! Yak vin mig!

Fairy. Really, tsikavo, why are you so?

Shapoklyak... Axis I am drilled to the depth of my soul! "For everything - it seems - your booby caposts". And for such caposts? For yak kaposti? Oh my God, well, I’ve fizzled out ... Well, the bomb in Genie’s cake has gone ... Tse zhart!

Fairy. Well, vi obviously overdid it ...

Shapoklyak... I'm ready to blame my guilt! I am ready for forgiveness on the knees of grace. (Wringing my hands.) So, I’m not the one who is not, seeing me as a person. Having said, “I’m sitting in the forest, I’ve given people, I don’t see the docks.” Ah, de vono? (Shukaє.) Axis. And how am I showing you, how can I not help me? (Chita) Hear: "Name the names of the Kazkov heroes, who are repaired from letters A, B, C, D D, E, F, 3." And I only know Gena in the letter G. And what about the sieve? Here, at the fox, the library is dumb! (Cry.) Oh, lost, lost for nothing!

Fairy. Don't cry, Shapoklyak, you can do it.

Children to see the zavdannya. Shapoklyak dyaku all and ask to take її with you, to marvel at Dida Frost and Snіguronka. Obіtsyaє is no more dirty trick. Behind the zgalya zgodoy go down to the bay.

Pidkazka... First name of the Kazkov heroes:

Aybolit, Olenka, Ali-Baba ...

Buratino, Barmaley, Baba Yaga, Balda ...

Vinny-Pooh, Vovk, Vodyaniy, Vasilisa ...

Gerda, Goodwin, Gnome, Gingema, Geese-swans, Guliver ...

Duremar, Thumbelina, Did Moroz, Brownie, Dobrin ...

Єmelya, Єlisey, Olena Beautiful, Єnot-krykhta ...

Zal_zny Woodcutter, Toad, Firebird ...

Popelyushka, Zmiy Gorinich, Zolota Ribka, Golden Pivnik ...

Scene 5. Kit Basilio and Lisa Alisa

Decorations: pine, kviti, khmari, sonechko, pinechki.

Kit and Fox walk on stage, holding their hands.

Fox nakulguє.

Fox... Serve the poor dumb Cat Basilio to the devil ... Serve the idiotic Cat Basilio to the devil ...

Zupinyayutsya at the edge of the stage.

Kit... Help people, people are kind ... (Simple drops.)

Fairy. Garazd, garazd, godі pretend! We know, yak vi slapi and kulgavi!

Kit(Built-in eyepieces). And why, is it disgusting to go out with us?

Fox... Are we not respectful gramo?

Fairy... That ni, we just read a book about Buratyno's usefulness.

Fox... Would you like to be smart! Read books! And where do you go?

Fairy... To Novorichny Bagatty.

Fox. Happy! .. And mi, mabut, nikoli do not vibrate from the Land of Durniv. And the ugly here, beside us, has not been deprived of anyone. Effortlessly, they began to find themselves at schools, read books ... Shchopravda, Kazochnik nadislav us encryption text. Having said: as soon as it is deciphered, vibrating from the Land of Durniv. We tried - do not go ...

Fairy. Also, let us help you. Is it possible, lads?

Fox... Oh, right?

Kit. Good kids!

Lisitsya distaє from bags of packets, rozvertє.



Fairy... Do you want to visit us? Fox. Surely, now, you guys, my friends!

Descend to the bay.

Scene 6. Snigova Queen

Decorations: pine, kuchugura, pinechki, babies to the castle of the Snow Queen.

At the start of the curse (aka "Pori rock" Vivaldi), Snowflake appears on the stage, dancing, then naked: "The Greatness of the Snow Queen." The snowflake "vidlita", the Snigova Queen appears.

Snow queen. Who was laughing to get close to my residence? (In a terrible voice.) I’ll freeze it! I will press my pivnichny viter! I will outline a lot of kuchuguri! I will transform it into krizhany shaved! (A quick change to the heat.) Don't be afraid. Price is a new joke! I'm kind this year. I know, where you go, and I'll tell you a secret, that from the castle you can see a galyavin, on which Novorichne bagattya is already burning. I do not obey you, do not overshadow you, if you please, keep the rest of the vip. Viber one view from three.

How does Did Frost spiral for an hour of walking? (To the skiff, to the club, to the Sniguronka.)

Yak to call onuk Dida Frost? (Snigova Baba, Snigova Queen, Sniguronka.)

How are children going to get obsessed with Noviy Rik? (Puts, gifts, tillers.)

Is it a tradition to erect a tree at our booths on Noviy Rik? (Yalinka, palm, baobab.)

What kind of Russian tsars have you seen the Decree on the introduction of the New Rock in Russia the first sichnya? (Ivan the Terrible, Petro Pershy, Mikola Other.)

Yak to be called the land, de, for a bit, is the residence of the Snow Queen? (Finland, Iceland, Lapland.)

For some quotes, did the machuha take a step to the right? (For sleepyheads, for chamomiles, for proles.)

Yak was the name of the girl from the Kazka "Snegova Queen"? (Greta, Gerda, Gita.)

Snow queen... I don’t get over it. Happy New Rock!

Descend to the bay.

Scene 7. Did Moroz

Decorations: bagatty, pinechki, pine, kuchugura.

Enter Did Frost.

Did Moroz. Hello, lads! Hello, my good, hello, my garnie. Yak, I radiy you bachiti, my dear! Dive in, see the bile of Novorichny bagatty. Vtomilsya, mabut, from the road. Skoda, Sneguronki are not with us ...

Fairy. And whoa, dіdu?

Did Moroz(Zitkhayuchi). I will join my troubles with you. Hear. We are rushing from my granddaughter to you for holy. Our shlyakh lie across the forest. The weather is frosty, clear, quiet. Horses carry us merrily, only ringing little bells ... Raptom, no sound, the snig's zvіryuha flew, whirled, swept ... Marvel at, and the Sneguronki ni! My granddaughter is angry! And the sleigh has an envelope. Axis vin. I see, I read it, I don’t see it with my eyes. Axis, hear: “Do not be impatient, Dida Morose, your granddaughter is in good hands. Happiness їy vipalo is great: I'm going to take її for the squad. The baggage, as it is, is not worldly for me. Living with me as a Snow Maiden queen. " 1st signature: "Koschiy Bezsmertny".

Fairy. Axis already grief so grief!

Did Moroz. Oh, I don’t seem!

Fairy. Well robiti, lads? Require ryatuvati Sneguronka! And the yak? Perhaps, mi Koschia are poklémém, I’ll try not to rob him?

Did Moroz. Vzagal I can deliver Koschia here. I will just give a club, I will make a madness in front of us. That axis is unlikely to wake you up ... Tse is not in my possession.

Fairy. And we will try it.

Did Moroz... Well, good. (With a club.) And the axis and the win!

Fairy. Hello, Shanovny Koschiy Bezsmertny! Laskavo ask to see us on Novorichne sacred.

Koschiy... Hmm, no reason. I’m at the vyaznitsa buv, I’m snuggling with the Sniguronkoy, enticing me to come to my name. (To marvel at Dida Frost.) And, tse ti, maybutny relative, tried hard, patted with his mace!

Did Moroz... Nicholas are not your kindred! Don't go Sneguronka for you, old, indulgent!

Koschiy... Well, in a Persian way, not old, but immortal, in a different way, not indulgent, but to see an even cute cholovik in the juice itself, but thirdly, not mind, how can your unreasonable onuka be seen from your happiness? I don’t know anything else in the fox.

Did Moroz... Eh t! Having lived a thousand years by the light, and so and not in the mind: not in the wealth of happiness.

Koschiy. Chi is not in the bag? And in what?

Did Moroz... At kohanna, povazi, warmth of people.

Koschiy... ... Human warmth? And what about it?

Fairy. And the axis zalishaite with us on holy - know. And let me leave you little bitch, sleepy, you see, as I love the Sniguronka. Let us, lads, send the Snigurontsi sound to the kingdom of Koschia.

Children singing the song "Granddaughter at didusya".

Koschiy... Pisenka has been worthy of me even more. In the kingdom of mine, I don't have a song.

Fairy. I dance, mabut, don't I dance?

Koschiy... I don't danceє ...

Fairy... Everyone knows that Snowy is the sister of the Snow Maiden. Surprise, Koschiy, yak dances Snowflake, yak sumu without Sniguronka ...

The dance of the little girl is going on.

Koschiy. Ay-ay-ay! .. She's worried, yak, heartfelt ...

Fairy. Axis і love and warmth to people.

Koschiy... ... Warmly people. Give it up, I'm fixing my mind ...

Fairy. Happy Frost, why should we light a yalinka in a round dance of stavati?

Did Moroz. The same yak without the Snіguronka? Not accepted.

Fairy. Hello, we ask the shanovny Koschiy to turn us the Sniguronka. I kindly ask you if you can wait a bit later.

Koschiy. That me myself would like to marvel at the fired yalinka - no bacon. And why, without the Sneguronka it is impossible to do anything? Well garazd, so that th bootie. I love you so much the Snow Maiden, I will see you. Try it here. To get to sob I will be called poshukati.

Fairy. Do you go far? We have three Babtsi uzhachki here. Vibrate!

Koschiy. Bach, cunning yaki! Babok uzhek and in us at lisi vistachak. I, perhaps, want to be red, to be the winner of the beauty contest. Well, that garazd. (Chakuє.)

The Sniguronka appears.

Did Moroz. Vnuchechko, blue! Turned around!

Sniguronka... Privit, didusyu! Hello, lads. I'm glad I know you! Who is me less zvіlniv?

Fairy. Koschiy the Immortal himself!

Sniguronka... Can't bootie!

Fairy. Maybe, Sneguronka. You know, well, come Noviy Rik everything is possible.

Koschiy... Sneguronka, don't get angry at me. Having changed my mind, I’m going to be a bachelor. Maybe there is less peace ...

Sniguronka. Obov'yazkovo pokhaєsh, as soon as you become good. Thank you.

Did Moroz... It's time to light the yalinka! I will give a mace once, I will give a mace two, I will give a mace three! Yalinka, burn! (Yalinka will ignite.)

Fairy. And now the round dance has a mustache!

To sound the song "A yalinka was born at the fox" (words by R. Kudashev).

Dіd Frost and Snіguronka, Lisova Feya, Feya Melody to play children in groups, go down to the flood and to spend іgry with a skin group.

Fairy. And goodbye, lads, let’s sleepy and cheerful little guy "Do not go booze". (Muz. K. Krilatov, lyrics by Y. Entin.

Scenarios of a new saint for young schoolchildren "Neymovirna podiya na Yalintsi"

Novorichna vistava bilya yalinka for young schoolchildren

Dіyuchі lycea



Did Moroz

Noviy Rik

Dr. Aibolit







Zvіrі - otocheniya doctor Aibolit.

The doors were filled with lads to make fun of the buffoons. The stench will ask the lads before they go to the yalinka.

1st buffoon.

Friends! At the hall we have

Holy new fun!

2nd buffoon.

Sleep, sleep, sleep better!

Aje is holy to our dumb merry!

3rd buffoon.

We are together with you on our holy

Zigraєmo, zaspіvaєmo, laughing, dancing!

If all the lads have picked up at the hall, the buffoons will be killed before they are present.

1st buffoon.

Let's rock! We wish you happiness,

Dear children!

Holy radish, more cheerful

Fix the hour!

2nd buffoon.

Privit, boys,

Dovchata and lads!

Deer and Valenki!

Natasha's knees!

Let's go without a blame

Ask for our fun!

3rd buffoon.

With New Rock, for a good afternoon.

Z yalinka new!

Our holy will be held

Happy Christmas!

1st buffoon.

Privit sacredly new!

Privit, our yalinka!

We are near you

I sleepy, and we dance!

2nd buffoon.

Yalinka is glad! Check yalinkaє,

I will ask you before the round dance!

The round dance of the yalinka should be repaired.

3rd buffoon.

Well, guys, well done,

Effortlessly from souls!

And now, don't nudguwati.

We'll be grati with you!

The game "Merry Bubo" will be held.

2nd buffoon.

Yalinka is glad to be holy

Opinilas at the boys,

Scho igrashki and clappers

Hang on gilkah.

1st buffoon. Let’s, boys, be reconciled to hang on our yalinets. Be even more respectful. To say "So" in a voice, as if the objects were hanging on the yalints, and if they were not, they were moving.

Conducted the game "What to hang on yalintsi?" Skomorokhs name objects according to their name.

- Garni igrashki?

- M'yakі іgrashki?

- Tasty gingerbread?

- Gucci dynamics?

- Golden cones?

- Torn books?

- Paper garlands?

- Hockey commands?

- Gucci poppers?

- Bronze garmati?

- Chervonі lіkhtariki?

- Dzvinki mosquitoes?

- Ore chanterelles?

- Little girls?

- Tasty zukerki?

- Fresh cutlets?

- Bili snіzhinky?

- Torn skulls?

- Are the ribbons gilded?

- Baked pies?

1st buffoon.

We've got it wrong for sure.

Who are we here before us?

Fun music sound. On the scooter there is a leaf-beetle Pachkin.


Anu, guess, friends,

I am a leaf-bearer! I’m scared!

I have sent you a telegram.

Give me Did Moroz himself!

2nd buffoon(Read telegram).

“Dear children!

Have fun! Laugh!

Dumb with your feet

Splash in the valley!

Do not take in the greedy hviliya,

That dance more fun.

Pisni nehai, virshi and zhaty

Lunaut all friends!

And leave my order to you:

"Show up at Yalintsy at once!"

Pachkin. Dear lads, at least an hour. On my telegrams they check on the other yalinkas. Good bye! (Viizhzhak.)

3rd buffoon... That axis and guests! Make sure you guys, friends!

Children applaud. Fun music sound. Buratino, aybolit likar at the superconductor tvarin.


Privit, kids!

Let's rock!

I am a kind lykar Aybolit.

Who has someone to hurt

Come on to me shvidshe sleep.

1st buffoon. Well you, lykaryu, we have great health!


And I'll change the axis at once!

I ask you, children,

Get ready before charging.

Get shirsh on the maidanchik.

Hai bayan gra is ours.

Everybody at the mісtsі crocus march!

One two three chotiri.

One two three chotiri.

Feet vishchі, glibshe dikhaєmo.

We sat down, we were all made.

I know they have, they have stood up again.

Get ready for the season,

Ale is not low, but high.

One two three chotiri

And at once for a month of steel.

Really, you guys are healthy.

Buratino(Vibigayuchi from the stake).

This means that it is possible to dance.

I am cheerful Buratino.

Nis my gostry, nis my dovgy.

I will put the axis of the robot

Wooden skewers.

Try to dance the dance "Kachenyata".

Unsatisfied moonє deafening whistle, gurkit. Until you fill in Rozbyynik and Shapoklyak in your mail.

Dance to lean back.


I'm on the great road

I'll see you off to the nights.

I'm pulling my legs

Viewport to the watchman.

Be kinniy ti chi pishy,

I'll piss you off.

I am less afraid of the lisovik,

Ale, I'm yogo kohayu!

Don't go dear

Yaky I walk.

On nіy pereshkod is rich,

I'm sitting at the start ...


I am old Shapoklyak,

Even worse than evil.

I sit all day without dil,

I wanted to grow up.


Dida Moroza, it’s over here.

Gifts of yogo sob will be taken away.

Shapoklyak. Who, lads, are you fried?

Rozbyynik... Who, lads, have you switched off?

Aybolit. You were not asked here.

Retinue. And we took that we had.


I don't want to, smіh that hot

Lunali here and there.


Squeeze in to know the beauties.

Mi zipsuumo is sacred to you.


We don’t need lads here.

Pioneri, Zhovten.

Virus dodoma

Do not give us more beautiful things.

Rozbyynik. The concert program of our unclean force is shown by all Shanovna Titonka Lin. Please, please.

Lin(lіnivo stretch, spіvaє)

I don’t know you.

Take me a tonka Lin.

I dragged myself into the house forcibly:

It was a rough day for a rough day.

To love gotuwati lessons,

That call is not up to my heart,

Ale Ledarі and Lezhnі

I want to talk to you wholeheartedly!

However, the ice, not the chill,

We know, yak tin ...

I will soon be called an orphan

Get lost tonka Lin!

Shapoklyak. And now the word is clear to all of us kohaniy Odinitsa.

One(vidkashlyuyuchis, fix spivati).

I am a stray spivachka

On a prisvisko Odinitsya.

I have been numb for a long time,

Pozhovtila, thin.

I go from school to school.

Shlyakh my dear gloom.

Star, star.

The sound did not signal.

De бідній Single

Obіgrіtisya, dati pritulok

May the boy of mercy

Would you give a headroom to the schoolchildren?

I wouldn't leave yogo,

With him, I was bored.

Not vіk bi, not vіk bi.

Do not pishov bi lad vid me

Yak uvi sni, yogo I bach.

I'm not going to scream it.

There will be no comments.

Units of values!

Ale, it's a pity, marni slyozi,

Oaths, cheat that pogroz.

Wiggle, wiggle,

Viganyayut me schoolchildren.

Shapoklyak And now the word is our shanovniy Quarrels-Klyauzi.


For me it is dumb girshe, ni girshe,

It’s good to be friends.

For me there is no malt, no malt,

I will weld more often!

For me it is dumb, dumb, dumb,

Yaksho htoh evil-contemptuous

For me no more success,

Yaksho hto weep here.

Gay, boys, you live boringly!

Well, you won't be the only one?

Gay. дівчата, darma you sit,

Vi one one evil taunt!

I'll get on with myself

I will cook with myself.

I'm on myself.

I can’t live peacefully!

Rozbyynik. Shanovna Klyaksa, please tell us about yourself.

Blot. Out of satisfaction!

Spіvа, inherited from the national spіvakіv.

I am the Blot of Chornomaz.

I don't like cleanliness.

I often climb at zoshiti.

I love some sluts!

I'll go to the side.

It’s all over the place.

Mene itself is a little girl

You can’t overshadow it.

Neat to shake

Vir_shit me erase ...

I am youmu striking at the peak

I sit there!

Rozbyynik. And what about to move, to summon Crammed, Cheat sheet and Pidkazka?

Chisel (plutano)

I am a Tooth ... Tooth ... Tooth ... Chipped!

Zovsim zubrinnya

I twisted me!

I am not mindful at all now.

I forget the lesson to the bison.

I forget everything in the light,

To write in books and in newspapers.

Look, you are in peace.

I cry loudly, I have no time for laughing.

Cheat sheet and Pidkazka (at once).

To us, Shpargals and Pidkaztsi,

Life is very important!

Do not appreciate us,

Not to love us

How are we now bootie?

Nabridlo once in a while

Begin at the kut.

Soon we will be from schools

I know!

Shapoklyak. Well, the axis, we rehearsed everything is wonderful. The hour is sacred for us to work out. A little bit of us from the request of all the lads to drive away.

Aybolit. It’s worth wondering who’s been married.

3rd buffoon... Children, let's call for help from Santa Claus. Happy Frost, help us!

Effort lads at the hall repeat. To sound the musician of the musician, Did Moroz appears.

Did Moroz.

Hello my friends!

Before you, come from lisu me.

What do you see here?

Buratino. Happy Frost, evil Shapoklyak with his friends will make us sacredly spend a new time with his friends.

Did Moroz... Anu, Shapoklyak, ta y ty, Rozbiynichka. that and vi, darlings, get in, leave it not pizno, otherwise I will freeze.

Shapoklyak. Who are we lyakaє?

Rozbyynik. There’s no fight.

Shapoklyak. Let's make peace with our forces more beautifully. Who wants to appear strong for us, that and lose.

Did Moroz... Well, well, okay.

Shapoklyak... Anu, Rozbyynichka, hang it like that, Did Frost flew all over the place and out of the hoop all the kids played.

Rozbyynik whistle, but do not go into anything new.

Did Moroz. Try disgustingly. Nicholas you all do not see the same.

Shapoklyak... And the axis wonders, which is the best for you, which is the best zoom to dance my friends.

2nd buffoon. Hlops, try to dance Shapoklyak.

Sound "Pani". Effortless lads and the participants are dancing. Ale duzhe soon honors Shapoklyak at the znemoza padaє.

Did Moroz... Well, Shapoklyak, do not go to your thought?

Shapoklyak. And the axis is immediately visible. My riddles cannot be seen. Persha axis riddle:

At a new paper-box,

All chornilі nіs, shirt.

Pants are taken by the boy,

To that, it's a fault ...

All. Nechupara!


And you can't guess the qiu axis.

For two z'ydaє lad.

Win, mabut, lusne nezbarom.

Having become round, mov m'yachik,

To that, it's a fault ...

All. Nenazhera!


During the lessons of the wine pozikhak.

Sleep at Mityai's desk.


Whoops ...

all... Strіchka!

Did Moroz... Well, well, Shapoklyak, having instructed you to climb up for an hour, I’ll pick you up, and do not hesitate, I’ll rewrite it in the drills.

Wrap your mace - Shapoklyak, Rozbyynik and їхni friends wake up in unhandy poses.

Shapoklyak, Rozbyynik, Svita(At once). Happy Frost, try us. We won't do it anymore. Let us in.

Shapoklyak(With lyos). I don’t want to change my mind on the boozer. Probach for me, Didu Morose.

all... Vibach us.

Did Moroz.

Well, lads, is it probable їkh?

Hoptsi say "So!"

Get out, go!

Shapoklyak, Rozbyynik and the honor of leaving the yalinka.

And mi, guys, say charming words, what vices have come from our life. And with Shapoklyak and Rozbyinik, they missed out on the sides of books. Repeat everything after me.

We do not need slander,

We don't need welding,

We don’t need ice,

Do not need extra energy.

Do not need us to be,

Nechupara, zabіyaki.

Not needed not only for us.

For our land!

And now we can and sacredly prodovzhuvati

The first axis is at the taku grupo.

The game "Tse I, tse I, tse all my friends!"

1st buffoon.

What for you to see pragne

Do you want to get a grasp on p'yatirki?

Children. Tse I, tse I, tse all my friends!

2nd buffoon.

Whoa spіva and have fun

І are robots not afraid?

3rd buffoon.

Who kolis sick

To what happened?

Did Moroz.

Who is on the rankov_y charge

Do the camps have that on the Maidan?

1st buffoon.

What for you, brothers,

Zabuvaє vmivatisya?

2nd buffoon.

That's a good ribalok,

Catching woodworms?

3rd buffoon.

Who cares for you here,

Let's first create radium for the Sniguronka?

Sound empty music, appearSniguronka in otochennі snіzhinka, they are playing.

Did Moroz.

Axis i my granddaughter.

Checked all to you.


Good day, lady!

Hello lads!

Glad to be with you on holy days!

With a svyatkova yalinka, I wind you,

Joy, happiness to all of you!

More of your young friends and girlfriends

I ask for a round dance, at the colo!

Did Moroz. Yakraz set fire to us on our yalinets. Repeat everything after me:

The canics of fun days have come,

Get in touch, get excited about yalintsi, fire!

Buffoons. Come on, lads,

Shvidshe in a round dance.

I sing, dance that merry

Welcome New Rik to you!

The song "A yalinka was born at the fox".

Did Moroz. And now I will be amazed that you are not afraid of the frost, and that I am ready to spare, to add.

The game "Dida Frost's Mitten" will be held.

1st buffoon.

To the music voice, please grate,

It infects all of us dancesuvatimo.

Viconu dance "Friendship".

Did Moroz.

Oh, having gotten in, oh, having gotten in,

I haven't danced like that for a long time.

Without twisting my leg a little.

For some reason now there are three.

2nd buffoon. Siday, didusyu Frost, see the trochi. And the lads will read it, or maybe they will sleep. We have a lot of talent.

3rd buffoon. Show talent at a glance

Young musicians.

1st buffoon.

Usi dancers, usi spіvaki.

Anu to the yalinka, well done!

Trivial performances concert from 5-6 numbers.

Did Moroz. Well, lads, thats good! Bachu, a lot of talent for your Yalintsy.

Sniguronka. Happy Frost, captivated, the skіls of the wondrous costumes were being prepared for the skillet by the lads.

Did Moroz... Bachu, very good. Dobre patted to the holy children. I ask Muzyka to have fun at once. Let's go with you, Sneguronko, that with our virgin priests, Skomorokhs, who wondered at the city of lads. That bogeyman їkh.

To go through the carnival of costumes, awarded for the most beautiful costume.

2nd buffoon... Hlops, and who hasn’t been seen on our yalintsi yet?

Along the edge of the country

Our merry ...

All. New Rik!

Did Moroz zmakhuє his club. The sound of the urochist musician. Before entering Noviy Rіk.

Noviy Rik.

I am our starter radium!

I'm among friends here!

Come to the skin booth yalinkove vbrannya

To burn with garlands of fires!

3rd buffoon. And all at once, lads, let's dance one more dance with New Rock.

Be-like a Masovian dance.

Did Moroz... Bachu, all of you for the New Rozi. Hour priishov give youmu your club. І goodbye please:


Let's rock!

Happy New Years!

Did Moroz.

You, devchata and lads,

Check on frosty days.

Don't know how to fix it

Sledge, lizhi and kovzani!


Axis virshik is our new one.

Happy to you this year.

At the sichni - exchange of the quarter,

They were more beautiful than you,

You were dying three times,

She is not in the birch, but in the lime ...

Did Moroz.

Schob, skіlki hlіb not rіzhemo,

Buv vіn m'yakim, buv svіzhim.

Flask tops

Fountains gave you a taste.

Noviy Rik.

Yaksho tse zabagato,

Do not judge nadto suvoro.

Did Moroz.

And we don’t need a lot.

Your joy to us in the city.


It's time for us to part,

Ale u new rotsi

On a yalinka I'm up to you

I’ll come again!

Did Moroz.

Do not forget us, friends!

Dyakuyu all for respect!

We don't say goodbye

And "to the moment", to the point!

Did Frost and Sneguroonka go.

Effort lads at once from the participants in the show will see them off. Sleep again I write about the yalinka, then, holding hands, I lance the hall with a lance.

V. Lifshitsa, Z. Shura, S. Bogomazov, Y. Tseitlin, N. Komovskaya, V. Poluyan and I.N.

Scenarios of a new wound for children of the cob school

Dіyuchі lyce:

Did Moroz - Ivan Golovin

Snіguronka - Kuznetsova Liza

Buffoons- Ilya Julia, Mikhalova Ira

Baba Yaga - Bezsmiltseva Zhenya

Lisovik - Volokitin Kirilo

The music is merry, the children come in before the waterfall, and the yalinka is worth it. Om nazustrich vibigayut zazyali - buffoons. The stench beats up to the guests, it’s fun that dzvinko vimovlyayuchi text now in chorus, then on. №1


    Dear guests, welcome!

    Little and great, welcome!

    Guests are invited that bazhani, for the saint you!

    Lads and girls, daddies and mothers,

O holy you!

1. Didus and babusi, tonki that uncle,

O holy you!

At once ... Let's rock!

2. Come in, guests!

1. Throw a frown!

2. Come before us!

1. Have a laugh!

2. There is a smile like a ticket!

1. No laugh at the entrance!

All at once. With New rock vitaєmo!

2. We will fix it!

    And see all the miracle

With a round dance spіlnoї pisnі!

2. At Novy Rik at a good yalinka

For the old hours, we were so drunk!

A round dance is held on stage write "__________________________________" №2


1. We slept wonderfully at once!

2. And now for everyone for you

At once: We are continuing our discussion!

1. Mi - lads are just a class!

2. Mi namagaєmosya for you!

1. Maystri mi in all hands,

2. We will not die of nudgi with us!

1. Order! At the same hour

2. Make us a visitor for you!

1. How many more of you are here?

Do not overreach me in a day!

2. Here і Sashka, і Natasha,

Vani, Ksyusha and Lyubasha,

Vovi, Slavi, Peti -

At once: The axis of yaki children!

1. Bilya yalinka with us

New Years Celebration

2. Proponate to all dances,

And we do it additionally!

1. A Noviy rik of creation, friends,

2. We cannot do without writing.

Go dancing _________________________________________ №3

1. In the cold, in the cold and in the frost
Winter is sacred before us.

2.I, obviously, Did Moroz to us,
Bring us gifts!

1. Let me know, guys,
Why is it sacred for all of us?

2. Suggest amicably, dzvinko,
Mi zustrіchaєmo ...
All: Noviy Rik!


1. Shirshe Kolo. Shirshe for a colo.

Good day, our cheerful friend.

Coniferous odeag, resin nizhka.

2. Day of the Monsters is now

Nastaє Noviy Rik!

Holy smіhu and vіtіvok

Holy happiness for children.

1. And what a New Rik without Sneguronka.

Hlops, let's all at once to Sneguronka, she knew that there was nothing wrong with me.

Children in chorus Sni - gu - roch - ka! Sni - gu - roch - ka! Sni - gu - roch - ka!

Enter Sniguronka sumna.

Ck. 2 What about you, Sneguronko? Why is taka suma? Chi did not laugh. Oh-oh-oh. Singingly, they were enchanted. Well robiti? Lads, maybe with funny parts (for songs, dances) rozcharuєmo, get out and have fun. Ty sitay, Sneguroonka and hear our little parts.



The axis is dyakuyu to you, friends.

I have become a know-how.

Turn around to the yalinka

Our skiff climbed,
Nache devchina-beauty,
At Riznokolorov igrashka,
Axis yaki diva!

I sleep with you, boys,
Can you give me a message?
Ale think with a spat,
"So" say or "Hi".

Why grow on yalintsi kolorovy burulki? (So)
And the bags, zirochki rozpisnі? ...
Maybe orange oranges? ...
Smile and mugs of pigs? ...
Down pillows? ...
Galoshes bliscule?
Zuckerki help?
Well, lads! Usi said!
We've solved the riddles!
Sniguronka... Hello, and who is not a vistach on holy days?

Children. Dida Moroz.

Sniguronka... Right. Let’s unanimously proclaim in unison: Didu Moroz, you are lucky!

5 Sensitively, the noise of the engine, into the hall on the mіtlі vlіta Baba Yaga with his friend Loshim Babi Yaga has a small backpack (bear) on his shoulders, before the groin of the trim of Igor Dida Frost.

Sniguronka... Vi hto?

Baba Yaga. Hto hto? I am granny Yaga, and tse is Lisovik.

Sniguronka... Mi zustrіchaєmo Dida Moroz! De f Did Moroz? Why are the gifts?

Baba Yaga... That's right, watch out. Axis to you Did Moroz (put іgrashka) ... And the axis to you and the little one from the gifts (Know the backpack).

Sniguronka. I have nothing to say.

Baba Yaga... There is not much sense here. The price of Koschiya's vitivka. Win and transforming your grandfather into a lyalka.

Sniguronka... Oh, how can I be robiti at once? Yak goose rozcharuvati? (Cry.)

Baba Yaga... Well, well, generally you, Sneguronko, raise phlegm. Still, it is sacred with us. Do you want me to cheer you up, sleep up your sweetheart?

Tilki yak to be called out, I zabula. I have a yak yogo ... chlorophos memory. Oh, tobto ... dichlorvos, Ні, ні, not dichlorvos, but the head of state department. Thu, call me lost.

Lisovik... You have sclerosis, dear.

Baba Yaga. Axis-axis, I think it is sclerosis. Tepericha guessed how to be called a pisenka - "A heifer was born at the fox."

Lisovik. That is not a heifer, but a skiff.

Baba Yaga (spіvaє).

A yalinka was born at the fox,

She grew up at the fox,

Bribe that drink.

Lisovik. Not a blind, but a string.

Baba Yaga.

The panties have a gray bunny

Jumping with a yalinka.

Lisovik. Jumping to whom?

Baba Yaga. The panties. It’s cold, they’ve got the axle and they galloped, so they don’t freeze. Don't screw it up, Lisovik!

Baba Yaga.

The panties have a gray bunny

Jumping with a yalinka,

Hour wowk, angry wowk

I tried all the time.

Lisovik. What's with the vivcea?

Baba Yaga. You foolish ty, Lisovik, more than ever to love the sheep, the axis of guilt with her and probig.

Chu, snig on a lis often

Squeak with a runner,

Uplifted horse

Pospishak, lie down.

Lisovik. How to rob?

Baba Yaga. To lie down, I was tired, from and fell down. Hear, razumnik, why do you get everything? Give me a picture of my life!

To spare the little horse,

І vugіlla, і oats.

And in the quiet woods a man sidiv

I yalinku children viz.

Yaga bow out, beg for splashes.

Sniguronka... Dyakuyu, grandma, for a song. Shchepravda, with her words she made a mistake, ale the lads and made me laugh.

Veducha... Hey, at once the lads sleep on you little boy

Children singing a new song ___________________________________________ №6

Veducha. Hlops, and at once let's think at once, how can you vryatuvati Didusya Frost?

Baba Yaga. Perhaps, before the police, declare?

Lisovik(fiercely). It’s not up to the police. I vzagal, here it smells of chakluny. This is not ryatuvati, but treasure ryatuvatisya.

Sniguronka... And the yak is a yalinka? We can’t miss it, he won’t have such guests!

Lisovik... Now kidachi? We all at once will riatuvati of Dida Frost, and the yalinka at once will be chilling with me. (Succeed for sokir, prepared from cardboard)

Sniguronka... Ty scho, Lisoviy, you can't cut the yalinka. Granny, aje ti chaklunka, come up with something.

Baba Yaga... You can think of it, just the axis, let's get a bit of the program.

The game "Tse I, tse I, tse all my friends" will be held.

Baba Yaga.

If it’s not good - move, but if it’s good - say in chorus:

Who is the best here?

I sleep at once with everyone:

Who is there to love the song, laugh?

Hto sound you up to order,

Zranka rocking charging?

What for you, brothers,

Zabuvaє vmivatisya?

First meal:

Who is not my nose?

Baba Yaga. Ay, that good fellow!

Baba Yaga to bypass the yalinka, before the yalinka to see the envelope.

Baba Yaga. I was surprised that I knew. Banderali is worth it. Just don't mind, what is it written here? Handwriting is unbearable. (Showing Snegurontsi.)

Sniguronka... So the price is.

Lisovik... Ha, nervous! I’ve already said b, I’m not reading it.

Baba Yaga... I will - I will not. Movchi, rozumnik!

Sniguronka (read the sheet).“Do not bach your Dida Frost for you, if I have enchanted him, if you see my enchantment, then I will be charmed back. Koschiy ".

Lisovik. Damn the axis, everything is sacred to us dogє.

Sniguronka. Do not be proud, mi viconamo all the staff of Koschia.

1 factory. Guess riddles

Who has the best sounds

A whiff of fluffs and those who have survived? (Fox)

Hto on gіltsі cones grizzly

І throwing deficiencies down?

Hto with a yalinka spontaneously skipping

І zlіtaє on the oaks?

Who is in the hollow of the mountains,

Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Bіlka).

Angry nedotorka

Alive in the wilderness.

Golok is even more bagato,

And the threads are zhodnoi. (їzhak).

Wine at Barlozi sleep on request

By the majestic pine tree,

And if spring comes

Proceed to sleep. (Vedmid)

2 zavdannya. Gra "Unscented wheel" No. 7

Kozhen class stood at the colo. On the hands of the leader hang a hoop. Do not open your hands, try to slip through the edge (colo). Hto shvidshe.

(4-3 hoops, 4-3 classes, 2 buffoons, Snіguronka and Lisovik)

Sniguronka. Well done, lads! Thank you. I think that you miraculously fit in with your employees.


Mi, lads, played

I got used to it.

Only you do not accept

At once: Dida Frost, call me

At once for children: Didu Frost, come in!

Come to the school hall soon!

Here at the yalinka it is called,

Come shvidshe, mi chekaєmo!

I go, I go, I go,

I don’t know the way to you!

Anu, blow hard,

Make snow from my road!

Try to dim the children. Noise in the morning.

From the music to enter Did Moroz.

Did Moroz.

Hello, lads, welcome, dear guests!

Privit you, onuche Sneguronka!

Dyakuyu, how have you been hiding me!

I am wandering with new rock,

I'll be healthy.

Let's rock! Let's rock!

І we have fun with a round dance!

Shcheb will be more cheerful,
Schab bulo here svitlishe -
Yalinka, Did Frost, sunk,
Those guys have fun!
Did Moroz:
Get caught up in the flames -
Green and red,
Hsiai in honor of the fate of the colic
I rocky instruct!
Once! Two! Three!
Syay, light, burn!
Vdaryaє mace, yalinka slept in flames.
In honor of the red yalinka
We are happy with the little pisenka.
In honor of the red yalinka
Mi dances pidemo.

Go round dance __________________________________ №8

Did Moroz and Sneguronka ask for usih from the round dance.

Did Moroz. And now I want to play with you. Viconize all my zavdannya she will not have mercy!

Gra "A frost on the street"

And on the street there is frost,

Anu all took up nis!

Why do we need to beat the baidiki,

Anu took hold of everything,

Twisted, twisted,

Axis and vuha saw.

They knocked on the knees,

They stole my head

Splashed on the shoulders

First trochs were drowned.


Axis and went! Chi is warm to you?

Did Moroz.

Oh, I'm dumb, oh, dancing,
I stood still strongly.
I'll sit for yalinka,
Hto talanovitiy - I will marvel.

Anu, young talents:
Spivaks, dancers, musicians -
Smilishhe go to the yalinka,
Show your talent.

Children read to Dida Moroz virshi

Did Moroz: We had fun miraculously
Quieten me down.
In rіk at an hour to an hour
I know I will be with you.

Sniguronka: Ty scho tse, Didu Morose, saying goodbye to us? And what about the presents?
Did Moroz: Oh, forgetting, forgetting! Calling old becoming.
(chakluє) Kryzhinki, snіzhinki,
Burulki, snіzhok.
Come to the hall
My charming bear!

At the hall for the music to enter Lisovik, the "charming bear", from the ny hang candy wrappers from the tsukerok. Did Moroz rozvyazuє yogo. Baba Yaga is sitting at the bear, and she is finishing the tsukerki.

Sniguronka: Surprise, lads, Baba Yaga and Lisovik mustache tsukerki z'yili.
Did Moroz: Strip. It’s not like that. Could not stink, ditlahs, all zukerki z'ist. Infectious perevіrimo - zmusimo їkh tantsyuvati.

Did Moroz knocking three times with a club about pidlog. Sound music. Baba Yaga and Lisovik are dancing, ale, dancing. Gifs vipadayut from the bosom.
B. Ya. i Lisovik Probach us, Dida Morose. We won't do it anymore.

Did Moroz: Anu, know it well, where did all the presents?

B. Ya. i Lisovik They picked up the skiff.

Did Moroz: So shvid shvid go
Give it to the lads!


1. All the best to us,

Fun Christmas,

2.Tomu come before us

Holy Novorichne.

1. Yalinka, yalinka, happy skilki,

Circling, circlingє round dance.

Chudova yalinka

She came to Noviy Rik before us!
Did Moroz.

Gloriously past day with us,

І in total I am aware of,

Farewell time has come,

It's time for us to part.

Usikh, who knows us, who knows us,

Mi z New rock vitaєmo!


Good luck and good luck!

Good health for the donation!

Baba Yaga and Lisovik.

Kanіkul radіsnykh, merry!

Ale, tzur, don't forget about school!

1st buffoon... Read on "4", "5".

2nd buffoon... In the house of mama do help.

1st buffoon Bazhaєmo, schob kozhen budinok

2nd buffoon... Bagatiy buv the world with that warmth!

Did Moroz.

Z New rock, lads,


With New Rock, dear guests!

All at once

With new rock, good years!

Sound new melodies, children dance and take pictures

Scenario of a new show for young schoolchildren "Miracles from New Rik!"

Purpose: Education and popularization of the activity of schoolchildren in creative activities.
development of creative zd_bnosti, uyav;
vikhovannya lyubov_ that dbaylivaya put one to one;
admission in the organization of the initial and proportional activity of scientists;
the formulation of moral values;
openness of the creative individuality of the schoolboy;
the emergence of talented children and the development of minds for their self-realization.
Material for teachers, who are engaged in the theatrical and late-hour activities, for the conduct of the New Year's saint. Loan insurance for children of the school age.
Dіyuchі lyce:
Did Moroz
Druzhina Gorinich
Angela, daughter of Gorinich
Kit Matviy
Baba Yaga

(New dance)
Did Moroz: (The headphones have spivє)
Snіguronka: Happy Frost, you are not ready yet? The guys are already checking on us at the new yalintsy.
Did Moroz: Now, is it time to go?
Snіguronka: So, you need to have a little sleep.
Did Moroz: I am at once. And you yourself, dear Sneguronka, haven’t been sick?
Sniguronka: Ні. Presents, little girls and souvenirs were prepared for the lads.
Did Moroz: And the requested was sent to everyone?
Snіguronka: Okay, I'm happy Frost.
Did Moroz: And about evil spirits, didn’t it?
Sniguronka: Oh, come on ahead.
Did Moroz: I am grateful that the stench cannot be taken away by us.
Sniguronka: І everything will be worthless.
(Music sound)
Did Moroz: The holy hoof of the New Year's Cossack will not end, but the hoop of the New Year's Cossack will not end.
Sneguronka: Once upon a time in the winter it is holy - Noviy Rik. The skin is sacredly aware of impatience for a new check.
Did Moroz: Know the heroes will come before us!
Sniguronka: Try the lads at once from them to our time to drink. (Walk)
(Go to Gorinich)
Gorinich: Oh, nudges. Kistki niyut, the soul hurts. And bouly hours, if I am a glamorous, youthful one.
Gorinich: And at once?
Druzhina: (Behind the lashtunks) Voldemar? Dear te de?
Gorinovich: Axis. Semeyne life. I am here, my soul.
Druzhina: Nezabarom Noviy Rik! And I don’t have much to wear.
Gorinich: Chest of drawers otak from the ganchirok to burst.
Druzhina: I would like a fur coat, a yak at the Snіguronka.
Gorinich: The rabbit skin is nothing. Zagalom wore 100 rubles.
(Walk Angela)
Angela: Don't let me go to Noviy Rik?
Gorinich: Why did you shout? In whom are you taka?
Angela: We did our best with mom. The axis is now marveling at its daughter, marvelously greener.
Druzhina: Bite my tongue, or I'll turn it into a toad.
Angela: More beautiful than a toad, but I know nothing about a stove New ric of development. I want to go to the ball!
Gorinich: Thu, swamp evil. Why should you let me go there?
Druzhina: There are decent people, vikhovans. And by my unclean power you vvazhaєmosya.
Angela: I don’t want to rakhuvatisya. It's more fun there! I want to be a Sneguronkoyu!
Gorinich: Sneguronkoyu? Well, uh-huh?
Angela: (Crying)
Druzhina: What kind of blood is there for?
Gorinich: Garazd, calm down. I need to think about it. Strive, but what if our old know how to use the telephone?
(To ring the bell)
Druzhina: And let's go to the clothes of the world. Do not roar if you will be a ball.
(Music sound)
Snіguronka: Didusyu, how far is it?
Did Moroz: The same order, very good. Let's re-fix the trochas. At me, mabut, I know the vice has come up. To stay with the weather: sometimes boards, then snig.
Sniguronka: This is because people have ceased to take care of nature.
Did Moroz: And why should we have more fun, sleep up a new song.
Sniguronka: Good. Respect, be weasel!
(Snіguronka spіva pisenka "Yalinka, bags, claps")
Did Moroz: Rozumnitsya, Snіguronka! Garna Pisenka. Hodimo. (Zabuvaє club)
(Enter Kit Matviy)
Kit Matviy: (Know the club) So. So. So!
The club is clearly not simple,
Є I have a secret.
And what about the charivna raptom?
It’s a pity that the instruction is dumb.
Treba try it out
Ї for sure viprobuvati.
Anu, to the club, how can you,
Then try a penny dati.
(Dzvin coins)
Kit Matviy: Bah! Pratsyuє infection! And the dashing sp_vakom can you zrobiti?
(Dance and dance)
Kit Matviy: Whoa, palitse, ofigela?
Isn't it ripe for the oak?
With such a dream
For the legs, stop the head!
(Viizhzhaє trash)
Baba Yaga: The stupa has become junk,
Well now, are you walking around?
But they didn’t bother me,
What is supposed to be:
Kikimora: They shtovhal on the stakes,
Fary was rubbed with ganchirkoy
І from the glove compartment to navіt
The candy wrappers have been thrown away!
Loudness: I don't want Ale pratsyuvati.
The blue sky is not lita
Kit Matviy: Otse so, grandmothers, greetings!
Whoa, wait, dumb?
Baba-Yaga: Nushchayoshsya, ne_dnik?
All, you come to the end!
Kikimora: Rosirvemo, yak tuzik grilku,
Katya: Rozkushimo, yak ice man!
(Step on the cat)
Kit Matviy: Quiet! Quiet! Їjobs,
Кістяні ві ніжки!
Let's not cook.
Are you not people?
Baba Yaga: Kit, I'm not mindful,
Tobi kiyok what?
Chi is now taka fashion,
Until the putty, I am not satisfied?
Kit Matviy: The power of the batman is given,
I charivna won.
Make a guess.
Well, let's pull someone!
Kikimora: Gaps, Kotyara, Mabut,
And you fool, then marvel!
Baba Yaga: Zagadaєmo for the ear ...
Stupa, fly to the sky!
(Marvel at the sky)
Vogkist: Hey, kudi, what about yak?
Kikimora: Kit, de our steps?
Baba Yaga: Koperfield, now trim. Mi tobi vlashtuєmo life!
Kit Matviy: I'm just okay. I don’t mind myself, yak pratsyuє.
Kikimora: Oh, wonder, what are the guys from the do-it-yourself school?
Loudness: Why are you robbing here, fulyugani?
Baba-Yaga: What are you doing here? Al trapilosya what?
Kit Matviy: Whoa? Yakshcho the skewer is taken in, which means soon Noviy Rik.
Baba Yaga: Everything is clear, they know that they have asked for us.
Kikimora: I don't think we need it here.
Baba Yaga: And we can have fun.
Kikimora: Aje skin is from us-star.
Baba Yaga: Oh, they did it.
Lack: Everything is dry at the throat.
Kikimora: Should we drink some water?
(Look around at all sides)
Kit Matviy: Marvel at the dance?
Baba Yaga: Old-fashioned.
Skill: A saw, a saw. (Sneezeє)
Kikimora: Gay! Who has lost the dance?
Kit Matviy: Chiya dance? Hey! Nikogo is dumb. My little dance will be.
Baba Yaga: Hi, ours! See the dance!
Kit Matviy: Not viddam! My dance!
(Borotba, skidna music)
Baba Yaga: Oh, matusya, zhakh yakis!
Loudness: Help!
Kikimora: Come on, you can!
(Jin Dance)
Uncleanness: Ti hto takiy?
Kit Matviy: Did you pick up the stars?
Jin: Hasan-Abdurahman-ibn-Khattab. Gin from the dance. And who, my good rivals?
Baba Yaga: I, Yaga, and my friends.
Kit: And I'm Cat-ibn Matviy.
(Phone phone)
Baba Yaga: Quiet everyone! Gorinich call. (Picks up the phone) At the device.
Gorinich: Zmiy Gorinich turbu. We are advancing to you.
Baba Yaga: Oh, I’m grateful. Bored, falcon?
Gorinich: Right є, Yaga.
Baba Yaga: And I grew up! Well, what are you asking for, vicladai?
Gorinich: My Angelka to ask for the New Year's ball. Why is it not possible to re-do it for the next hour on the Sniguronka?
Baba Yaga: That garazd? Your Angela? Vaughn wondered at herself in the mirror for a long time?
Gorinich: I'd ask. That's my daughter. Will you also help chi ni?
Baba Yaga. Garazd, I’m yakraz here Gina shot. Win from the dance. Having said, all the bazhannya of the viconє.
Gorinovich: Dyakuyu axis! Z me to lay down.
Baba Yaga: Dear you, see you.
(Hang up the phone)
Baba Yaga: So, kazhesh, your rivals? Tse is kind.
Kikimora: Hey, it seems like Gini can do everything she can.
Jin: To tell the truth.
Luck: Tse is even better.
Baba Yaga: Well, so the axis. So go on, so Angelka changed into Sneguronka.
Jin: Be weasel, only treasure, Angela and Sniguronka were right.
Baba Yaga: I of all dil-those. Kit, knock the tsypkom.
Kit Matviy: There is nothing to go around.
Liceness: The axis of you and the charming stick.
Kit Matviy: Otzhe, it’s not good to go to Sneguronka.
Yak zrobiti so, why did the Sniguronka come here?
Snіguronka: (behind the lashtunks) Don’t get sick, Dіdusya Moroz! Ty staff, mabut, having overlaid on the nodes.
Katya: Oh, easy to guess.
Baba Yaga: Luck itself is up to us.
Kikimor: Well, Kotiku, you know, how robiti.
Sniguronka: I'll bring it at once. Dee club? Oh, and hto vi?
Kit Matviy: I am Kit Matviy. Yak good, that we have done well with you. Tse share. It’s like me at once to create a New Rik.
Snіguronka: Vibachte, ale on me check, I'm happy Frost. We go to the skiff before the kids.
Kit Matviy: Check in. Wonder, I am hopeful. With me zhytimesh, yak at kaztsi, natural blonde, with blue eyes, yak kryzhinka.
Sniguronka: Don't replace my teeth, kit Matviy. I don’t know you, and I don’t want nobility.
Kit Matviy: Whoa? Ah, proud, we will be surprised.
(Dance "Tango")
Sniguronka: Let it be safe for me.
Kit Matviy: Infected.
Uncleanness: Trimay її mіtsnіshe.
(Kit takes the Sniguronka)
Uncleanness: Hurray!
Baba Yaga: Frost has gone without Sneguronka.
Liberty: So you and I need you.
Kikimora: Well guys, z'ili. Don't bachiti be holy to you. (Wіkayut)
(Enter Did Moroz)
Did Moroz: Vnuchechko, ty de? Sniguronka? (Know the mittens) Ah, woe to the old! My beard is Siwa, my head is empty. I didn’t take away a child, I’m beloved. Sniguronka, ay, children? (Walk)
(Scum walk, Jin is the homeland of Gorinich)
Druzhina: Well, don't be overwhelmed. Fix the miracle.
Jin: I hear and hear, pan! Fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh!
(Skhidna muzyka, Jin chakluk)
Gorinich: Wow, vilita Sniguronka.
Angela: Well, years of balacati. They checked out for me at the ball. Oh, I rule there.
Jin: What do you want to be?
Baba Yaga: And now, my friend, you are sacred.
Kit Matviy: Come on dance to all the girls.
Jin: It's easy. Vicona!
(Skidny dance)
(Enter Did Moroz)
Did Moroz: My onuka, Sneguronka?
Angela: I am that axis, Happy Frost!
Did Moroz: Whoa, my granddaughter?
Angela: Yours, yours! Ty scho, didusyu, overheated on the sun? Well, be astonished, fur coat, hat! I am Sneguronka, bachish, yak figurochka.
Did Moroz: Oh, onuchechko, ty, do you think so?
Angela: Garazd, let's take a New Year's ball. I can't wait directly.
Did Moroz: Strive, onuche, you haven’t asked for your girlfriends-little girls. Stop the stink of the dance.
Angela: Snowflakes, kazhesh? One, two, three, help from evil spirits.
Did Moroz: Tse scho also bulo?
Angela: What about? On my dumka, it was okay.
Did Moroz: Anu, come closer to me.
Angela: So now?
Did Moroz: Doesn't look like my Sneguronka. Ydi syudi.
Angela: Well from shche.
Father Frost: The axis of the body. Chuu, my heart is not without Gorinich here.
Vichno tsei snake to us, I say to the gidota vlashtu! Sneguroonka, children?
(Music sound)
Gorinich: Has the Snowy Yak been dressed?
Oh, I'm still talking about it.
Fur coat - sable blakitniy-
I didn’t dream about you,
Expensive earrings and sap'yanov chobits.
Druzhina: The infection can be lost without eyes, the womanizer is not happy.
Gorinich: My soul! I'm so nothing.
Sniguronka: You live boringly, Gorinich.
Gorinich: Nichogo, I won't skar. In the evenings I marvel at filmy zhakhiv.
Sniguronka: Oh, I don't like fear.
Druzhina: Think, nіzhna. And me of your kind pisen is boring.
Snіguronka: And most of the foolish whale before you in the cave of princes?
Gorinich: And maybe it’s the same, as and everything, I want a New Rik of creation.
Druzhina: Z yalinka, igrashkami.
(Music sound)
Gorinich: And the axis and my friend have arrived at the guest.
(Enter Koschiy)
Koschiy: Privit, Snake! We are advancing! I’m not alone.
Gorinich: The visitor is good, that axis is a bore. Having made happy bi її.
Koschiy: Let me introduce myself, Koschiy.
Am I cunning, am I angry, am I greedy?
Rough, cruel and merciless.
Cold-bloodedly use the sword!
Do not know me hvilyuvannya, -
I am building my heart on zberigannya
I’m not pathetic about it!
(Important rock)
Druzhina: Koscha! Well, just a class! You can go to the road.
Koschiy: Well yak, Sneguroonka, have you done it?
Snіguronka: I didn’t vouch for the call. One is anger that hatred.
Koschiy: Zirka at the shots. Ty yak zi elders rozmovlyaєsh? Taku wikopaw sounds? All the settings for me!
Gorinich: Why don't you know? Tse f Sneguronka, onuk Dida Frost!
Koschiy: Sneguroonka? Yakim vіtrom її skidded? Well, well, having mastered, here is a little childish garden! Thumbelina asking for it! Eh, Gorinich, zipsuvav mood! I'm going more beautifully to the Snow Queen. Bach, don't be like it. There is nothing in the fossil mystery, it’s not razumієsh.
Gorinich: So, do not have fun with us.
Sniguronka: Turn me back to Moroz, inakshe girshe bude
Gorinovich: What did you say? Has thought of me, Serpent Gorinich, lyakati ?! I'm not afraid of anyone! And what will you do?
Sneguronka: Noviy Rik is not nastane, the axis is right!
Druzhina: Tse chomu?
Snіguronka: I am guilty of charming a new yalinka to light a new yalinka with frost.
Gorinovich: There, without you, who will light it!
Druzhina: Our little darling Angelka is not the worst to fit in!
Gorinich: I didn’t so much of a chill - I burned two hectares of skiffs!
Snіguronka: She didn’t get fired, but the guards on the yalintsi lit up. Dramucha ty specialty, Gorinich! Turn me until you go.
Gorinovich: Well, I don’t know.
(the light goes out)
Druzhina: Oh, and where's the Sniguronka?
Gorinich: Tse, mabut, Jin did his best.
Druzhina: It can be more beautiful. Hodimo, dear, for our little girl.
(Music sound)
Did Moroz: Who koistya at the tsiy kaztsi?
Give me feedback without asking.
Uncleanness sneaked into the Kazku,
The evil spirits filled with anger.
Jin: Privit, Didus Moroz. And what about such sadness?
Did Moroz: It's fun there. I have trashed the Snіguronka. The whole fox was obshukav - as if the earth collapsed!
Jin: I’m guilty of everything. I was fooled by evil spirits.
Did Moroz: Isn't that right, Gina?
Jin: I’m already one thousand rockies. As a matter of self-determination I want to curl up. The guard is dumb souls alive. Razuchivya see good from evil, de smirk, de slyosa.
Did Moroz: Garazd, garazd, I forgive. Ale in me one power supply: De Sniguronka?
Jin: Don't be bad, Santa Claus! Nini I will correct everything. And the lads will help us. Let’s all be unanimously acclaimed to the Sniguronka.
(Children sound)
Sniguronka: Happy Frost!
Did Moroz: Snіguronka! Vnuchechko! Kudi did you know? I’m already zbivya s nig, making fun of you!
Snіguronka: Oh, dіdu Frost, with me takе trapilia. I have a bull at the Serpent Gorinich. Here, here's your little darling, Angela, I wanted some food on the yalinka.
Did Moroz: That’s my little don’t need to be replaced by you! Ale z neyu so Sneguronka, yak from me snіzhinka!
Jin: Come on, isn't it easy to be a Sneguronka?
Sniguronka: But for me it is even easier to build, it’s even simpler, you need to bless all the good and start working, just kindly help me, from everything!
(Music sound)
Baba Yaga: Sho take? Why is there so much light?
Lore: How was the trapilia?
Kikimora: Ay! Dida Morose, did you pick up the stars?
Kit Matviy: Is the Snow Maiden here ?!
Angela: This is all the garna, it’s inappropriate. Just fluid.
Gorinich: Tse is all Jin.
Squad: Shaman of curses.
Koschiy: Eh vi, we couldn’t fit in with Snegurka.
Baba Yaga: Whoa? Ні, you wonder at the new one.
Kikimora: Infectious to me, I’m vlashtuєmo dark.
Kit Matviy: I know. (Refine Koschia)
Sniguronka: Don't bark. Holy Christmas.
Did Moroz: Let's have some more fun.
Kikimora: Do you ask all of them to go to the skiff?
Baba Yaga: Only one, without a saint, that requested has been lost.
Snіguronka: Didn't they sacredly get rid of the list from the ones requested for ours?
Baba Yaga: They did not cut them off, who knows what?
Kit Matviy: Priyshov papіrets yakis, that I can't read it.
Liceness: Non-written,
Kikimora: Dark individuals.
Sniguronka: Anu, show me the leaflet.
Baba Yaga. Nini. De tse won at me? From trimay.
Sneguronka: Shanovna Baba Yaga, noble Kit Matviy and cheerful yozhki!
Did Moroz: I will ask you for the holy day!
Sniguronka: 1st signature, Did Moroz and Sniguronka.
Kit Matviy: Yak, yak you kazhesh? Gentleman?
Did Moroz: І for the motherland of Gorinich and friend Koschіya they overpowered the requested.
Druzhina: Is that what you asked for? And I was thinking of paying for the light.
Angela: Well, maman, do you see?
Koschiy: I haven't been deprived of a saint without a saint.
Gorinich: Why didn’t you tell me if there was a bully in us?
Snіguronka: We didn't feed them.
Did Moroz: Shanovna trash, let me welcome you to the new saint.
Uncleanness: Otse іnsha on the right.
(On the motive of the song "Vaudeville")
The axis has been knocking for a long timeє
Noviy Rik - holy merry.
The little things will become -
This is such a great empty place!
Bagato bude rozvag,
Nepodivanok children.
But what about the vrazhen?
Yaskravikh, those wonderful miracles!
Prispiv: Ah, Noviy Rik, Noviy Rik, Noviy Rik.
Music, songs, costumes and dance,
Everywhere there is a grailive round dance.
Heat, smiles and masks.
I want to sleep, have fun, mriyati.
Effortlessly, learn the mood.
The joy of the gift and with all the heart of the bazhati,
Shcheb triski triva mity!
(Sounds like words on the music)
Did Moroz: Dear friends! With the rock of the Dragons, you are vitaєmo!
Snіguronka: І in Noviy Rіk from souls please:
Dіd Moroz: Winter snow of the іskristiy,
The sky is springy, clear,
Litnє sun exchange promeniste,
Autumn golden day!
Snіguronka: Nekhai rіk merry Drakoshi
You will not remember to hide,
And a few sums and neglected
Ob_ide you!
At once: Z New Rock! Hooray!
(All artists dance "Kankan")

Dіyuchі lyce:

Did Moroz
Baba Yaga
Toadstool-fly agaric
Presenter 1. Hello, boys!
Dovchata and lads!
We grew up in school, finished with the help,
Kanikuli merry winter has brought you,
I new yalinka, and a friendly round dance.
Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Leading 2. Hello, holy novorichne, blisk vogniv.
Privit, yalinka, guest of bazhany, friend of children.
All in brand new igrashkas, vogniks,
All in the middle pops and warriors.

Leading 1. Oh, it's a happy day!
Did Frost will arrive at once.
Wine on yalintsi tsієї axis
Light three hundred bulbs.
Did Frost at the great zaparty -
Ice is more attracted to you gifts.
Without rosipaw bi, don_s.

Leading 2. Win is strong, Didu Moroze!
And the gifts, it seems,
Give me a drink!
Let's get up in a round dance
Happy New Year!

Song "Novorichnі snіzhinki".

Leading 1. Mi on hilinka to the door.
Raptom Did Frost knocks to us?

Leading tikayut. There is Grebe Mukhomorivna and Kikimora.

Toadstool Mukhomorivna.
Chula? Get ready for the entertainment of important guests.
And mi, otzhe, so so?
Also me. Know the important ones - a great daddy and a dvchinka
Sniguronka. Сі-сі-сі, la-la-la!

Kikimora. Who are they sensitive to?
Three hundred light bulbs must be ignited.

Toadstool Mukhomorivna.
Well, it’s not forty on the tail of your news
to bring trash. Navit cover: mi well, better for them, why?
Why am I not a Snіguronka, and Koschіy - not Dіd Frost?

Kikimora. The new rik is insistent, so I want dirty tricks like zrobiti.

Toadstool Mukhomorivna.
Kikimora, we have a napresamisha vigadnitsa
on the green. Think!

Kikimora. Do you know what? Request to ask my relatives
Babu Yaga and Lisovik. With them we can think of more beautifully.
On those mi th evil spirits!

Sound music. Baba Yaga and Lisovik appear.

Baba Yaga and Lisovik are flying in the air, shouting on the go:
Take care! Come on!
Everywhere, zupinis!

Lisovik. For zbigovisko with you
Have a neurotic winter time?

Kikimora. Dіd Frost will arrive at once, give us a gift.

Baba Yaga. Chuv, Lech? We will give the gift of the gift to the child.
Bagato, from the same, at a new gift of tsikh.
Zuckerki, mabut, sla-a-a-days. Want bi time
in rotsi poisti, and then about tsikh Ivanushek and Olenukh
all teeth were broken ...
Chuєsh, Llosh, there’s a cholovik with us. Help us.
See, well, they gave us gifts.

Shown to Grebe Mukhomorivna and Kikimoru.

Lisovik. Well, grandma, think about it. Yak is hungry, stealthily - i from the right
in a drop.

Baba Yaga. E-ee (Lisovik mimicking), yak will ...
Would you like to catch us, to catch us ... to wiggle ...
Thu! Such, it seems, is great, stealing is not good.
Is that yak mi here stealthily? He's a bit of evidence.
Smell the odd thing to try to get money in the life.
(Turn to children):
Would you like to be able to visit the young people?

Children. So!

Baba Yaga and Lisovik (sounding mild):
Wow, sneak!

Baba Yaga. Think, Lech, think, creak with zvivins!

Lisovik. And we are stolen without evidence. Dida Moroz zі Snіguronkoyu
zacharuєmo, the stink of the stink address, kudi yti. The stench will get lost
get tired, fall asleep on the bench, and we creep in and the gifts
old man.

Baba Yaga. Otse well done! Axis tse cholovik! Head!
Well for the robot!

Sound of a frowning music. Baba Yaga mіte mіtloyu i chakluє:
Follow - I am hiding the paths,
I beat the passers-by on the road,
The transitions disappear
Kudi go - forget.
Stink blot, blot,
Light up on the benches.

For 1 - 2 classes:
Toadstool Mukhomorivna and Kikimora.
Let's be reconsidered, what chaklunism has come.
Is there a charming dance in us?
If the water changes color, then it's good!

Lisovik. Well, babko, whistle chakluvati,
The hour of the gift of the crush.

Sound music. Blow. Z'avuchayutsya.

Leading 2. There were doors.
Don't bach the guests.

Presenter 1. What is there boo? Who is boo here?
Before you do not go?

Nurture children, as it seems about the plan of Babi Yaga, Lisovik, Kikimori and Toadstool Mukhomorivny.

Leading 2. Oh, bida, bida, bida!
Don't come Frost here ...

Sound music. Soroka appears.

Magpie. I am a magpie - a bilobok. I brought you a telegram from Dida Moroz.
Telegram, telegram:
“Having slept so much, it became speculative,
She rozsipalis gifts.
Having buried in a twig,
І torn my mіy mіshok.
I'm going to leave.
I'll do Zaychenya until you.

Go to Zaєts for music, without carrots.

Zєts. I spent a lot of time on the holy day of friends yaknaishvidsha,
Nesyachi New rіk and gifts.
Ale Baba Yaga robbed me,
Stole the carrot. It's a pity! (Cry)

Leading 1. Bunny, do not cry, we know, її,
Let's turn our nezabar.
Play here and rest with the child,
The atmosphere is fun.

Children and Zaets play at the group "Who shvidshe?"

Zєts. Put 2 stiles, on one lay a ring, grat 2
participant. The students flock back one to one after the signal
to beat the sides of the cola. The one who was the first to go in, the sound -
the thread at the ring and it is used in the middle.

I am with you, friends, chimalo,
Now I'm going to shukati Baba Yaga! (Walk)

Presenter 2. ї mi pokaraєmo, we know shvidshe.
In the image of my friends, I will not be ladies!

Leading 1. Terpіnnu all the same come kіnets!
Well, de Did Moroz? Well, come nareshty!
Come on, friends, we call you.

Having felt the words of the leading ones, an evil power appears.
Seemingly at once:
Ah, vibast, fire out!
They just got lost
Shcho with Frost - do not fry!

Sound music. Go out with carrots.

Zєts. Hurray, carrots on m_sci,
Sp_vatimemo now my psn_,
І grati, і dances,
Vodnochas Noviy Rik show.

Presenter 2. Let’s all along Dida Frost!
Did Moroz! Did Moroz!

To sound the music, Did Moroz and Snіguronka appear.

Did Moroz. Let's rock! Let's rock!
I welcome all children!
I welcome all the guests!
I am healthy, having recovered that strength.
Douzhe, lads, here I sleep!
Trochi without falling into a hole on the way,
Ale, be built, welcome to visit!
Buv you have a chance
Bachiti all I am duzhe radium!
Nekhay tsey Noviy Rіk
Bring Bagato Happiness!
Anu, give me a message:
Aren't you bored here, kids? (Ні!)
I love the one who is fun
Also, I'm Happy Frost.
Yakshcho htos n_s having risen,
Let’s go!

Sniguronka. Before you on Christmastide yalinka
We came nearby.
Let's take a breath to reach dovgo
Through the krigs, through the snigi.
Yshli all the days, I don’t know,
Do not beat us to the road.
They sat on the reindeer,
That - at the minibus taxi.
Buli in villages, places,
Bully at schools, kindergartens.
Vitali mi pospil
With the New Rock of the Lads!

Did Moroz. We didn't get lost a little,
On the road we got stuck on the road.

Sniguronka. Shchepravda, we are not forgotten?
It is not possible to spyznyuvatisya,
I check at the osshatny hall
Our most beautiful friends.
This is where our journey ends.
At once with you
Tsey Slavny Noviy Rіk
An honorable honor.

Dance and song.

Presenter 1. Chi is not tired of the road?
Tilki de your mіshok?

Enter the Mіlіtsіoner, Veda Babu Yaga, Lisovyk, Kіkіmoru and Poganku Mukhomorіvna.
In the hands of a new bear.

Mіlіcіoner. I am wandering with new rock,
Hromadyanin Morozov Did,
Vibachte, I see,
Ale me, your opinion is required:
We did not destroy anything
For the last pivgodini?
I have not forgotten anywhere
The axis of such a river bear?

Did Moroz. Oh, I’m just like that
Forget the teddy bears?
Dyakuyu axis, dear,
Turning the little mouse!

Mіlіcіoner. And from the tsikh kulіganіv I will lead with me.
I’ll tell the right to tell the truth.

Presenter 2. Check out, check out,
Maybe on such a day
Chi is not karati oh?
Be cool with us.

Unclean power - all at once:
Probate to us, be weasel,
Do not be suvorim,
Mi not shkіdlivі - shkіdlivі,
Just a little more self-reliance.

Presenter 1. Get lost, if so,
Ale is washed away:
You are grateful with us,
And do not cook.

Leading 2. Happy Frost, but our skiff does not burn!
A yak sacred without a new yalinka?

Did Moroz. Do not let your heart go out this year,
Hai to rush at the frosty weather.
I will come to light your skiff.
Krasunya yalinka - burned!

Sniguronka. Hlops, let's help Father Frost light up the yalinka
Riznokolorovymi vogny.
Let's say together: 1, 2, 3, yalinka, burn!

The sound of Kazkov's music that will ignite the likhtariki.

Presenter 1. Anu, hold hands,
Have fun laughing.
Bilya yalinka will start in a round dance.
Hello, hello, Noviy Rik!

Children dance in a round dance "A yalinka was born at the fox."

Did Moroz. Now let's get to know.
On rakhunok 1, 2, 3 skinny voice shout out your im'ya.
(To carry out the group "Imena").

Sniguronka. Hlops, and you know, power is laid in the club of Santa Claus
strong, freezing. Contagion mi yogo on a cola is permissible, who has a fault
fall back in your hands, that and frozen will.

Sniguronka. Axis, didusyu, all the children were "frozen". And now oh
"frost freeze" is required.

Did Moroz. Put chi in the stove?

Sniguronka. Well, that's not how they say it.
Om slid date zavdannya.

Did Moroz. Yake zavdannya?

Sniguronka. Yake wants. For example, you can ask them to dance abo

Play song "Russian Did Moroz".

Sniguronka. And they whispered to us at the school, well, tedious in the hall,
I’m not dancing, not gra, but mobs of stini pidpiraє.
I ask everyone to have time to dance the little ones.

"The dance of the little ones is swinging."

Until the entrance to Soroka.

Magpie. I brought you telegrams
Chi is not seen tata, not seen by mami,
See whom - do not let go,
You will be lucky.

Read in telegrams to Dida Moroz, Snigurontsi and lads.

New telegrams:
Mi bazhaєmo without pereshkodi
Grizzly for you for a day of gorіkha,
Stribati ta grati in palniki.
Let's rock! Yours ... (bіlki).

I do not know in Yalintsi koristi,
Tse tree for vovka.
For a tree, say,
All reports are victorious.
Address simply: Nil.
Let's rock! (Crocodile)

Ide snig. What a wonderful day!
I will, your ... (deer).
Taking a ticket for litak.
Instantly start ... (Noviy Rіk).

Short tail for vuho,
Shvidki calls.
I rush, for the spirit,
Holy without looking back.
Whoa I, guess!
Well, slyly, ... (bunny).

Baba Yaga. I may know what is needed to be distributed to the commanders.
We have one team from Lloshim, and one team from Dida Moroz and
Snіguronki. It is grateful for those who are more than New Years
guessє. I remember one axis:

A palm tree was born by the jungle,
By the jungle, the won grew.
With coconuts and mangas
That little palm ...

Presenter 1. Oh, yak you are smart, Baba Yaga!
Well, guys, zigraemo?

By the way, I’m talking about it.

Did Moroz looking at the costumes of the boys:

Oh, Sneguronko, cut it off!
Follow you into the class of simple people,
Ale, I have to live, have some food
Straight to the house

Sniguronka. That and me, tell the truth
Why all dress up miracles!

Did Moroz. And lads, yak on me,
So it's not a good idea to dress up!
І be built in all beauty,
I am busy with the mission.

Show of costumes.

Did Moroz. And now and my hour,
Until you are sacred for rik
Did Moroz I will come again,
Until then, ditlahi,
Dovchata and lads!

Sniguronka. We don't want to say goodbye so much.

Zєts. Mi nudguvatimo without you.

Baba Yaga and Lisovik.
Nekhay tsey rik, it's so fun to play,
Bring you good luck to your life!

Kikimora and Grebe Mukhomorivna.
At once we say goodbye to you:

Magpie. Don’t forget your mother and father!

Leading 1. With New Rock, dear friends!

Presenter 2. Happy New Years!

To sound the song "Pidnimit fingers".
