Presentation of great features of the participants in the conflict relations. Shlyakhi resurrection of confl ict situations and participants of the enlightenment process

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"Science is holy - see one thing." Bulat Okudzhava Confl i k t v sh k o l.

Conflict is the connection of protolezhny straightforward goals, interests, positions, thoughts and glances of people. Conflict is the struggle for the values ​​and claims to the singing status, power, resources, for the purpose of neutralization, for the purpose of making the supernatural beset.

Conflict situation - a number of super-precise positions of the sides, whether it is a drive, a defense against other purposes, a victorious development of new tasks for their achievement, a distribution of interests, a bazhan then.

During a large confl ict there will be: Intrinsic specialties - the parties to the conflict will be two or more warehouse ones and the same specialties (about rice, especially to the nature of the behavior of the people). Mіzhosobistіsnі - the parties to the conflict come up with two and more specialties, such as the confrontation of motives, goals, values.

For a lot of confrontation there will be: Conflict between a specialty and a group - a supernumerary of people and others with respect to specialties and norms of behavior and practice formed by the group. Mіzhgroupovі - conflicts in the middle of formal groups, informal groups too.

According to the triviality of repetition: Short-term - є a lot of mutually unreasonable pardons, as they are quickly learned. Protracted - tied with deep moral and psychological traumas and obstructive difficulties.

Conflicts can be found at the link with conflicts: a) when an innovation is introduced, if there is innovation and conservatism; B) group interests, if people are interested in depriving their group of people for an hour to ignore them; C) tied with special, hisistic sponukans, if the sponkiness of all other motives.

It is a matter of the way of seeing: A destructive conflict is a prototype of thoughts and positions, as a result of how it is possible to overcome the destruction of fashion and the destruction of money. Constructive confrontation - opposition to parties, the result of which will see change, development of specialness to the team

Particularity of pedagogical conflicts. Reasons for this “Conflict between a teacher and a child, between a teacher and fathers, a teacher and a collective - the school is great. The confusion is one of the warehouse parts of the teacher's pedagogical wisdom. Think about the child fairly - there won't be any conflicts. The confrontation alternates, the teacher yak zberigak, and the first turn the power to the team. " V.A. Sukhomlinsky

All pedagogical conflicts can be divided into three groups:

Motivational Conflict. Smell to be recognized by teachers and scholars through the primary motivation of scholars (through those who are schoolchildren, or do not want to start, or go without interest, with a kerosene stove)

Conflicts tied with wads at the end of the day. I confrontational period go to school, if the first grader is worried to finish the folding stage in his life: to see the change of game performance on the ground. II conflict period - transition from 5th grade. For a change, one reader will receive a copy of the subject reader. New items appear. III Conflict Period - on the cob 9th grade, if you need to see it, then go to the middle of the beginning to start the 10th grade. IV conflict period - the end of the school, the vibration of the future profession, ЄDI, the ear of a special life.

Conflict of relations Conflict of scholars in oneself, gurus in oneself, gurus and scholars, gurus and administrators, gurus and fathers. Smells are perceived, in the main, through the special features of the conflicts: a) the middle of the scholars of the most widespread leadership conflicts; b) Conflict "teacher-teacher" against motivating mothers and moral-aesthetic character; c) Conflict "teacher-teacher" may be due to different reasons: special character, between teachers of cob classes and teachers of subject teachers too; d) Conflict "teacher-administrative" related to the problems of power and order, innovations.

The peculiarities of pedagogical conflicts є: The professional attitude of the teacher for the correct way of dealing with the conflict situation, that is why the primary pledge, in which a child comes into contact, is a model of suspension, in which people learn to socialize. The presence of these scholars in the event of a conflict to rob them or from witnesses by the participants, and the conflict to raise a vicious wickedness for them; pro ts to bring the memory to the reader. Participants in confl icts may develop social status (teacher, teacher), how and when they begin to develop behavior in confl icts. The testimony to the life of the participants in the birth of the young age of promises for the pardon at this date.

Particularities of pedagogical conflicts Rise of reason and reason for the participants (the conflict between the teacher and the teacher in a smart way), for the teacher who seems to be able to understand easily the experience of learning, and the learners are able to face it. The professional position of the teacher in the conflict of crops is to take on the initiative in the first time and on the first point of the mind to put the interest in learning how special is, how to form. Whether it’s the teacher’s gratitude in the event of a conflict, new situations and conflicts, before which other participants are included - scientists, teachers, administrators, fathers.

The structure, sphere, dynamics of the pedagogical conflict "teacher-teacher" The structure of the conflict situation is formed from the internal and external positions of the participants, from the interconnection of the modalities of the conflict. The internal position of the participants is based on their own goals, interests and motives, they do not go overboard and often do not promote for an hour of interaction. The name of the position is manifested in the promotions of the conflicting ones, in the thoughts, points of view, in the minds of those. The view of the internal and callous positions, how to take part in the conflict of people, is necessary for us in order to be able to master the call for the call, situational - internal, sutta.

Conflict is not easy. For the teacher, the discipline of the class is for the teacher, for the teacher - the self-assertion. Conflict can be arranged with the help of information: the teacher, for example, I’m going to tell you, before the hour you will be able to see what kind of winners you need to take from self-asserted people.

The sphere of conflict can be very special. Together, one by one, readers and scholars often find themselves in confrontational situations. However, at the end of the day, it’s pragmatic until the confrontation occurs in several spheres and it doesn’t take a special place.

Dynamism of Conflict While a conflict is “flared up”, it’s not so easy to strangle it. If you have a conflict with your energy, you can use it at the end of the stage, the axis here can be the same effective correction. Conflicting people get a little bit of wine, I regret it and find a kayattya. At this stage, it is possible to carry out wicked incidents, manifest and usuvati causes of conflicts. build up from three main stages: build-up, implementation, loss. It is possible to block the development of a conflict at the stage of confirmation. One of the most effective ways to block a conflict is to transfer them from the area of ​​communal relations to the area of ​​substantive and intellectual property. For example, at that moment, if we remembered the build-up of tension between two scientists, give it a supplement, especially since it was tied to the list of physical practices.


Styles of Conflict Situations. Competition style abo supernatural Spіvpratsi style Improvement style, uniqueness Attitude style Attachment style

The style of competition is supernatural The essence of the style Characteristics of the situation Pragnennya seek his own for a Skoda of interests; see the fight for their interests. Some of the participants in the conflict are angry, aggressive. Maybe a teacher, who has a strong will, sufficient authority, power, no less than the promises of the spokesmen and pragne in the first place, please, if you are interested in the result of the conflict, which is even more important for you, if you want to put a great stake on your Volodyate possession of that authority, it’s obvious, that the decision is most beautiful by you; see that you don't have a good choice and you don't have much to spend; blame it on the unpopular solution, because you have more than enough value for everyone.

Spіvrobіtnіtva style The essence of the style Directions for a fancy decision, that I’ll increase the interest of the parties. With a whole skin of conflicting sides, it takes on itself an equal part of the response for a conflict. You can vikoristovuvati, as long as you obtruyuyu vlasnі interests, see your brothers to respect and consume that bazhannya іншої side. The whole style is nayvazhchy, so it is more trivial. Meta yogo zasosuvannya - rozrobovogo pre-construction interchange solution. This style of vimag, vmіnnya explain your bazhannya, vislukhovuvati alone, stream emotsії. Characteristics of the Situation It is necessary to know the background of the solution, as it is from the skin to the problem of important and not to allow compromise decisions; you have trivial, mitsnі and vzaєmozalezhnі vіdnosini with іnshoyu side; the main method is є to find a spiritual message to the robot; The sides of the building are one and the same viclasts are the essence of their interests.

Style to compromise The essence of style. Naybilsh effective, as though offending parties want to want one and the same, or even know, it’s not really worth it. The emphasis is on the wrong side of the decision, like being happy with the interests of both sides, but in the option - “I can see my bounty, but it’s necessary to go with the decision, I’m going to change the situation; the satisfaction of your bazhanya is not of great importance to you; you can master the time of the decision, it’s not an hour for you to tweak, or if you’re going to resolve the problem, it seems to be ineffective

The style is smart, unique The essence of the style of Polyaga is that we are afraid to get out of a conflict situation, do not go overboard, do not act on our own, and do not overpower our own (oppression, depression). Realize an avid problem, if the problem is to kick around, is not so important for you, if you do not stand up for your rights, do not try to use them for a decision making process, and you do not want to spend an hour or two on the latest news. The characteristics of the situation Dzherelo of distributions carry for you in proportion to the most important employees, they are not vitriolic; you know, you can’t; you don’t want virishiti nutrition for your reproach; if you want to play an hour, learn the situation and correct the additional information, first of all to appreciate the solution; it is not safe to think about the problem, and if you see a conflict, you can ruin the situation; you have an important day, but the news of the whole problem can bring additional inconveniences

Style attaches to the essence of the style You dine spirally from the other side, but at the same time do not get lost in vigorous interest with the help of smoothing and renewing a normal working atmosphere. The style is the most effective, if the result is rightly important for the other side and not worse than the suttuvies for you, if you sacrifice your vigorous interests for the viciousness of the other side. the subject of loss is not important for you, for you are not particularly sick of those who were eating; vvazhate, more beautifully to save good people with other people, and be more vivid position; understand that the truth is not on your boat; see that you have a lack of power and chances to overcome it.

Visnovki: 1) Conflict does not need to be afraid. Win is an indicator of whether you want to straighten out the perch of a Zusilla. 2) Bezperechno, the transmission of the conflict through the dispute є we will override. Alle one of a few examples of the need to set up other methods (unification of a confl ict, compromise, etc.) is given as far as the situation is concerned. 3) When analyzing a conflict situation, it is important to look at all officials who are responsible.

Visnovki (prodovzhennya) Yakimi noblemen did not see the conflict situations, I wish they didn’t see the noble goals of the participants, the stinks didn’t obey the norms of pedagogical ethics and vimogam of suspicious morality. Conflict is the same gunpowder. It’s asleep, it’s like a word, it’s like a single one. That is the best way to overcome the virulence of any conflict - to preserve the high culture of spilkuvannya.

Psychologist D. Carnegie, psychologist D. Carnegie, demonstrates the American doctrines in a simple manner. 1. Smile! Smile zbagachu quiet, hto and її I will take away, і not be quiet, hto її yes! 2. Remember, for the people the sound is the most important sound for people. Yaknaychastishe turn to the іnshoi people on іm'ya. 3. Familiarize yourself with others well. 4. Be cordial in your praise and generous praise, and people will cherish your words, memory of your life. 5. Bazhannya rozumiti іnshu ludinu spіvpratsyu.

Conflicts in the relationship between fathers and children Navit among well-to-do families in more than 30% of families are in conflict with children and fathers

Psychological bureaucrats of conflicts in the relationship of batkiv and children Type of internal affairs. - Harmony - Disharmonious Destructiveness of the family wickedness. - power distribution; - supervertency, inconsistency, inadequacy; - opika and fence. Vіkovі crises children. - 1 rock, 3 rock, 6-7 rock, 12-14 rock, 15-17 rock. Special factor. - Special specialties of fathers - Special specialties of children

Types of common dads and children: the optimal type of common dads and children; It is not possible to name a price by demand, a little daddy delve into the interest of children, and children share their thoughts with it; shvidshe daddy to penetrate the turbo and children, not children to go out from her (winikak is dissatisfied with her); shvidshuvayut children see bazhannya dittyya with daddies, lower tee in turbotiy, interest and busy children; Behavior, life aspiring children wikklikyut at these conflicts, and to see more and more of the father's race; Behavior, life aspiring children wicked at these conflicts, and find a better child's race; fathers do not delve into the interests of children, and children don’t worry about being with them (the supernaturals didn’t come across as fathers and grew into a conflict, instead of living with them).

Conflicts between fathers and fathers; Overturbot conflict; Conflict of non-negotiation of rights to independence; Conflict of Batkiv's authority.

Reactions of the child to the home and conflict of the fathers Reactions to the opposition; reaction vidmovi; Isolation reaction

Directly prophylaxis of conflicts between fathers and children; Organization of family ambushes; pіdkrіplennya verbal vimog obstavinami vikhovnogo process; Interes to the inner light of children, their turbot and flood.

The behavior of the fathers in the conflict will be constructive, as follows: Respect for those who are new to the skin of the new situation; Namagatisya zrozumiti vimogi ditini; Pam'yatati, it takes an hour for the change; Superheavy sprymati, as a factor of normal development; Vyavlyati steel according to the date to the child; Most often, there are a variety of alternatives available; Shvalyuvati options for constructive behavior; Spilno shukati vikhid by the way of the serpent of the situation; Zmenshuvati number is "not possible" and zbilshuvati number is "possible"; Surrounded by stasis of punishment, touching with justice and need; the possibility of seeing the inevitability of negative influences; More morally, but not materially; Vikoristovuvati positive butt of children and fathers.

Thank you for the respect !!!

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Topic № 4. МІЖНІСНІСНІ TA СІМЕЙНІ CONFLICTIES Navchalnі food: 1. The essence and the difference of the missobilistic conflіct. 2. The dynamism of the interdisciplinary conflict and the yogo version. 3. Understand family conflict and ways of seeing. 4. Features of conflicts between fathers and children.

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Subject konflіktu Process konflіktu PONYATTYA MІZHOSІBNІSNOGO KONFLІKTU Mіzhosobistіsny konflіkt - tse result situatsії in yakіy require tsіlі, uyavlennya odnієї Lyudin vstupayut in protirіchchya s require tsіlyami that uyavlennyami іnshoї methylation, motives, Interests, tsіnnostі, installation setting "require PEOPLE DIKTUYUT ЇH POVEDІNKA W SUCH I WILL, YAK THE POWER OF TENSION - RUKHU FIZICHNIKH TIL "(B.F.Lomov) SCANDAL OF VOROZ SORU VINA FORMI

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FORM OF MIZHOSIBNOGO SPILKUVANNYA CHOLOVIK - CHOLOVIK: father-grown-up sin, friend-friend, brother-brother (grown-up), colleague-colleague, chief-pidlegly and in. CHOLOVIK-ZHINKA: head-pidlegla, cholovik-squad, colleague-colleague-kohan, father-grown daughter, brother-sister and in. CHOLOVIK - DITINA: batko-sin (or daughter), teacher-teacher, trainer-student and in. VARIANTI VZAЄMODIS Spilkuvannya - the head of the mind vision, as well as the protection of the implementation of the functions of the new function, the development of special features P + P

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The simplest process of spilkuvannya - the exchange of one transaction, following the offensive scheme: "Stimulus" of the spyprosmovnik No. 1 to the "reaction" of the sp_vrozmovnik No. 2, which, at his house, will direct the "stimulus" for the "reaction" of another sponsor. In this scheme, the basis of the conflict is the development of sub-units of the relationship, and the "provocation" of the conflict is transactions that are overturned. Conflict Conflict Conflict Mute Conflict Mute 5

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6 Subject of super-transmission, closure, vorozhnichi, etc. Warehouse and characteristics of participants in a confl ict Mace of a confrontation in a confrontation Strategy and a method for regulating a conflict Superniks are stuck all over the place (though not in reality) of different reasons: out-of-home and private, active and sub-active 4. The high efficiency and heat of practically all sides is common between conflicting sub'ects

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OBJECTIVE Resource and material inconsistencies in material inputs; pobutova nevlashtovan_st Social-Vidnosnitski vikorystannya service camp for special purposes; appointee chief and pidlegliy; fathers and children and in. SUB'-ACTIVE VICTORIES, INDIVIDUALS, STATUS OF SPECIALTIES OF SPECIALISTS OF PREGNANCY TRANSITION; rіzniy life dosvіd; a statement about moral values; ways of behavior, aggressiveness; hisism, rudeness; the destruction of ob_tsyanok; ochіkuvannya that real behavior and іnsh.

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Diminishing the importance of the role of people, negative assessment of the people. Try to discuss the nutrition for the negative social status of the partner Destruction of the personal physical space before the hour of spilkuvannya. Interrupting the sp_vrozmovnik for an hour when he saw his thoughts. Passionate growth between oneself and a partner: the application of the partner's contribution at the spilnu spilnu. Pokrok that pogrozi. Having shown distrust to a partner, a special antipathy. VZAЄMODIS, LEADED TO CONFLICT, THE CONFLICT IS SOUNCHED BY MY OTSINYUЄMO GOOD TO YOURSELF, AND THE INSHOGO PARTICIPANT IS GATHERED. THIS WAY, VIDPOVIDALNIS FOR MI CONFLICT is pledged to the supernick. eight

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TYPOLOGY OF CONFLICT FEATURES "Demonstrative" Characterized by people who are in the center of uvagi, they are successful. Navigate for every day, whether you are coming to a confl ict, if you want to be able to get on with us in such a way. "Rigidnі" - The word "rigidny" means non-stiff, non-plastic. People, who are up to the tsy type, are born with ambition, envious of self-esteem; There are people, for those "as long as the facts do not force us - it is better for the facts". Behavior - to be unceremonious, like to go over to rudeness. "Non-coarse" People, who are of the same category, are impulsive, ill-conceived, inexperienced in behavior, seemingly self-control. The behavior is aggressive, wiklik. "Rationality" - Responsible people who are ready to confront any kind, if there is a real possibility of reaching through a conflict of special (kar'arist and mercantile) goals. Dovgiy hour can vikonuvati the role of a bezzaperechnogo pidlegly, for example, until the docks do not "download the crystal" before the boss. Here is a rationalist and to show oneself, having revived the kervnik. "Nadtochny" - tse summіnnі pratsіvniki, especially scrupulous, as they go to all (fixing for themselves) from the positions of enlightened vimogues. Skin, which is not happy with the vimogam (and there are more of them), sharply criticize. It is characterized by pidvischeny anxiety, how to appear, zokrema, at adolescence. They change with sensitivity to assessments of those who feel, especially kerivniks. It is not easy to create all the specialties until they have a special life. "Bezvilny" The visibility of one's own change and principles can be made to wreak havoc by people in the hands of an individual who has appeared in a flash. It’s not safe to be like a type because it is most often blameless to blame the reputation of good people, because they don’t check for good tricks. To that, it’s like the initiator of the confl ict to take the collective in the way that “vustami din istina”. nine

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10 aggressiveness - to bully others and to fight for themselves, if they don’t hear the skarzhniki - you always want to scare, but you don’t want to be bothered to raise the problem; everybody knows - I always want to pass bad luck and I think I don't want to fix anything, I think I don't want to know everything - I want to know, who are smart for those who know how to show my winners and I really want to show my winners. to wait and see an answer, or even the words of such people go out of the way because of the wrong - you want to think of a solution, so you should be afraid to be pardonable - I want to do something directly infect, to look at what is not necessary - there is no need to come to introduce those who are in Oman with nonsense and deception of hibni altruism - it is not at all to curb good, or "wear a stone in your bosom"

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Ascertaining the details of the Perevazhaє dumka, that the claims can be satisfied with the view of the negotiations. Spіvpratsya perevazha. SUPERECHKA Verbalne Primus. Spіvpratsya and wisdom to be deceived. THREATS Escalation of mutual threats. Stress. DІ Move to dіy. Pomilkov tlumachennya for one. Feeling the fortune of reloading. COALITSIS Zaluchennya prikhilnikov. Instead of sticking negative jarliks ​​hitting. SELF-DESTROY Total struggle. Perevazha dumka, scho program іnshogo mark life. STAGES TO ROSVITKU MIZHOSIBNOGO CONFLICTU KOLI TI SPEAK, YOUR WORDS OF OBEY BUTI KRASCHE MOVCHANNYA (Arabic order) 11

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12 Conflict resolution. For many people, settle down to the conflict and don't talk about it. The result is a program / program, and the conflict is not updated. Compromise is a mutual deed of both sides by the way of rejecting the local zeal. The result of a program / program or a win / win and is not necessary from the sides is not negligible satisfaction. Conflict not confirmed. Spіvpratsya by way of the spіlnogo solution of the problem. The result is a win / win that offended parties will be satisfied with the process. Conflict - it is allowed to Pry one of the sides, or to wait with the presentation of їy claims (ale only in the Danish moment), or to prudently justify oneself і do not torment the people. The result of the program / win is that the opposite side will be satisfied, but the conflict is not resolved. Supernatural - the smothering of the protylezh sub'єkta to the conflict with the primus by force (or by the threat of stagnation of force). One of the sub'єktіv from the whole vipadku borrowed the position: "I will reach my own, right away from that, which will happen to me." The result of the win / program and one of the sides (priushuє) will be contented. Conflict not confirmed. At the same time, there is a lot of mischief in the eyes of the day, and it is a physical and psychological state of the person who has been programmed.

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"I" Adoption of the individuality of the partner "MO IM'Ya" Є-WILL BE! ” , partner's demand

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DEYAKI PORADI AT VINIKNENNI MIZHOSIBNOGO CONFLICT 1. Let your partner "razryaditsya". When you are aggressive, you can help you reduce the inner pressure, say it marno. Requirement to be carried on calmly, singly, ale not zarozumilo. 2. Ask calmly for your claim. Write about the facts, prove, and not about the pivoting of emotions. People are in power to cheat the facts and emotions. 3. Beat the aggression with unsuitable methods. Sleep like this, so that the freedom of the disconnected partner from the negative emotions is switched to the positive. Tse mozhe buti prokhannya about dovirchu glad. Failure to meet the needs of others does not mean anything to others. You can nagadati, which is tied from the past and we will accept it. 4. Do not give your partner negative assessments, talk about your feelings. "I feel like I'm being fooled", rather than "We've been fooled." For "I am even more tortured, as you speak with me", but not "Vi is rude lyudin." 5. Ask to formulate the problem, promising the result. The problem is not only that you need virishity, and that you need to get out of it. Take people out of their problems and take care of them. Focus on interests, not positions. Rozmova on equal positions - the struggle of forces. 6. Propagate to your partner the vision of your own world of vision for problems and options. Winnie shukati is not required, no shukati is required from the camp. Shukati is mutually acceptable. The offense may be overpowering. 7. Speak todi if your partner is okay. Trim pauses, partner docks are not okay. Re-maga the one that doesn’t allow a conflict to flare up. fourteen

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8. Have any kind of vipad "to save exposing your partner." Don't get it overwhelmed. Do not spoil their specialty. Give an assessment to the diyam and vchinkam. You can say: "We didn’t visit their crops”, but you can’t say: "You are not a human being." Maє buti spіvuchast. The partners are guilty of seeing, they are called. Lyudin didn’t know to fight. 9. Clarify the claim. "Chi is right, I zrozum_v you ...", "Wee said, uh ...", "Let me tell you, as I zrozum_v ...". Tse usune neporozumіnnya. Reduce aggressiveness. 10. Take the position "on the priests". Position "zgori" - boss, batkivska, scho punish, yak maє buti. The position "below" is a pidlegla, a child, it is also ineffective. Positioning on the pivny dopomagaє about buti on the hoist. You can vikori by the way the method of psychological treatment. Maybe you will see that partners may be more available for closer relations, lower prices. 11. There is no need to bring anything. Nіkhto nіkoli in conflict situations do not bring anything. Empty is busy. You just need to set up the social points of view and the eyes of those who are the same partners. 12. If you see your guilt, do not be afraid to vibrate. Tse disinfect my partner and wiklika povagu. 13. Replace with the first. Do not see your partner: “Lock it up!”, “Pinch!”, But see yourself. It’s easy to covet. It’s possible to let go of welding and pinching - not weld. Ale movchannya is innocently educative for a partner. As soon as you are fueled by the evil, then the vicious aggression. 14. Do not give the characteristics of the negative-emotional partner of the partner: "Well, the axis, climb the dance!" Tse to improve the conflict. 15.Iduchi, do not grunt the door, seemingly ingratiating words. Welding can be pinned, as if quietly and without any need to leave the room. 15

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FORMALIZATION OF MIZHOSIBNOGO CONFLICT The table allows you to conduct a fire and water hour a compact analysis of a conflict, if there is a problem, overshoot, fear, strengths, opportunities, consume your partner. A special challenge table є the ability to marvel at the confrontation of the opponent, to take revenge in them, more beautifully on the side of the conflict. My Opponent's Nutrition Problems The Problem Of The Pereshkodi Cycles Beating The Strengths The Possibility Of The Prayer The Daily Information Iak A Specialist Will Need To Be Satisfied Emotions The Opponents' Sleep

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17 Mіkro- that makroseredovische Strategіya Tactics Tactics Strategіya Konflіktna VZAYEMODIYA Sub'єkt konflіktu motives Look KONFLІKTNA SITUATSІYA PONYATTYA SІMEYNOGO KONFLІKTU IN OTSІNKAMI FAHІVTSІV ​​have 80-85% SІMEY VІDBUVAYUTSYA KONFLІKTI, AB ІNSHIH 15-20% VINIKAYUT welding of rіznih privodіv Sіmeynі konflіkti - anti-confrontation between family members on the basis of anti-confrontation and direct motives and glances Motives, look SUBJECT TO CONFLICT Subject to confrontation

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18 Conflicts between girlfriends Conflicts between fathers and children Conflicts between girlfriends and skin friends Conflicts between grandmothers (sisters) and onuks SUB'ЄKTI SEEMEAN CONFLICTS

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19 A small social group of individuals, especially the psychological qualities of friends and the specialties of internal affairs And the conflict, being a form, manifest that resilience of tsikh rubbed off, appear to itself among the interlocutors and interrelated members of the family. MOTIVI JOIN AT SLUTES (in%) the growth of social change; orientation to the cult of living; devaluation of moral values, the growth of traditional norms of sexual behavior; the change of the traditional camp of a woman in the family (the opposite poles of the cycle of life are more economically independent of a woman and a homegrown syndrome); crisis camp of economy, finance, social sphere of the state and in. Social Institute for the pouring of new sub-active-active minds: destruction of the material camp of the family; the overwhelming mind of one friend (or both) per robot; the unhappiness of a normal parenting school of one friend; trivial visibility of the vlasny vein; the breadth of the possibilities of powering children up to the child's pledge and in.

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20 1st crisis period "PIZNAVANNYA" I + I = MI In the whole period, the adaptation of friends is one to one. The change rate is up to 30%. 2nd crisis period "THE CHILD'S RISE" cholovika to show itself on the boat, "it’s not dead" (about 18-24 years) 6th crisis period of Bonding from the entrance from the family of the rest of the child. Conflicts are recognized through the appearance of the home right - the appearance of children is the 3rd crisis period "MONOTONY OF THE FAMILY LIFE" , transferring the energy to the activity, it appears, look at the speech (11-17 years - at the time of separation). And less than 31% of the squads do not criticize their choloviks.

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21 CHARACTERISTICS OF SIM'Ї (outgoing from frequency, greatness and hostilities) CRIZNA SYM'Ya (prototypes of interests and the need of friends to be especially sharp and wanting to be important in the spheres of life). difficult in the course of social life) CONFLICT SYM'YA (also to girlfriends є post-spheres, de ichinterests, consume, intend and bazhannya to come at the lock) PROBLEM OF SYM'Ya (it is characteristic of the life of a particular situation)

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Unsatisfied with the need for self-assertiveness Nevminnya make friends one by one, with relatives, friends, and known, colleagues in robotics. The discovery of a friend about the change in the roles of a man, a friend, a dad, a mother, a leader of a family of strongly discouraged material ambitions in one or both friends 22 different types of the temperament of a friend and an inability to recognize the result of a jealous type of temperament. friend nevіrnіst, for the state of coldness of one of the friends WOULD BE WRONGED "THREE INEALITIES": PSYKHOLOGICHNA ILLITERATE CHOLOVIKIV; PIDLOGOVA NEVIZHESTVO; PEDAGOGICHNA LITTLE TEACHER (Y. Ryurikov)

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23 CHOLOVIKI CONFLICTIONS The whole range of reasons for these conflicts: look at the family, consume, cleanse, vzaimini, children, robots, vidpochinok, beaten me up. REASON FOR CONFLIKTI MIZH BATKAMI І CHILDREN Nedolіki vikhovannya children; rigidity of family stosunits; vіkovі crises of children; special factor REASON OF CONFLICT OF PARENTS IN AUTHORITARIAN INVOLVEMENT OF KINDS. The axle is so, with three hands, it’s not tied to its hair, it has trimmed for its own head - Proponate the solution of the situation: Solution: The commandment “Don't be separated from the cohannes” is wrong. To love means to admit it on all sides. Ale so, I know kokhaniy: check on a new one! DOBRE PIDIBRANA COUPLE THAT, IN YAKO OFFENSE CHOLOVIKA ONE HOURLY VIDCHUYUT CONSUMPTION AT THE SCANDAL. (J. Renard)

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24 CINNISNI CONFLICTIONS Evidence of other interests and values. REASON FOR POSITION CONFLICTION Struggle for leadership at them. Nezadovolenі required in znachimostі "I" one of chlenіv sіm'ї CAUSE seksualnі KONFLІKTI psychosexual nesumіsnіst podruzhzhya CAUSE EMOTSІYNІ KONFLІKTI nezadovolenі require in a positive emotsіyah (vіdsutnіst affection, Turbota, uwagi i rozumіnnya of one side of chlenіv sіm'ї) CAUSE GOSPODARSKO-EKONOMІCHNІ KONFLІKTI The majority of friends' glances at the conduct of the home government and the fate of the whole skin process of them, as well as of those members of the family. Severe material conditions are the REASON for the TYPE OF SMEING CONFLICTS, THE WAYS FROM THE SPHERE SHOW WHY DO NOT LOVE YOUR FRIEND? FAVORITE OF MI OTHERS. (A. Dumas - sin)

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25 Vibachennya Vidmova accept the fight against all the diseases Lantsyugov's reaction: "supplicate" food, do not ask for help, in order to organize the attack. partner, ricocheted blow) In the course of the meeting, pragmatic to avoid confrontation in vich-na-vich, try to get out of the situation (lie spati, see at the end of the storm) partner feeling emotional insecurity, turbulence, etc.) Try to explain how you feel about your partner Zrad (it’s important for the partner of the situation not to be on the wrong side, but come before the attacks on someone else) and for all the money. CHOLOVIKI DIDN'T LIVE AT THE SAME TIME OF SІMEYNOGO CONFLIKTU YAKSCHO B CHOLOVIKI, VDALІ SLUBI WASTE MUCH MUCH. (F. Nietzsche)

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26 Obviously discourage interruptions in the fight and remember what we will accept for ourselves Clearly, the object of the fight Repeat the leather argument of the man in your own words, so that you can overcome your problems and feel your claims from your side Plan for a special "battle" for an hour draw in the struggle of those who feel sick. Do not overlook anything for your soul, "for the time being" Try to see as much skinny as you can from you having seen your "essence" from Borotba. You can do it with intelligence, but you can move on. Always be ready before the next stage of the fight - the fight is more uninterrupted. yaki won’t you. Play, mindfully to the one who has lost the sutta less than the new knowledge Be borderline correct, criticize your partner, and supplement your criticism with constructive propositions so that your partner doesn’t change your mind. (J. Priestli) Food 4 Features of conflicts between fathers and children

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In nature, there is no such family, de-boule, there are conflicts between fathers and children. To navigate well-to-do families in more than 30% of cases, there are conflicts between (at a glance) the type of internal problems (harmony and disharmony of the crisis); ; crisis of statutory susceptibility; adduction of vimogues to children, often inconveniences of abnormalities, condemnation and punishment

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Konflіkt nestіykostі batkіvskogo representation (postіyna zmіna kriterіїv otsіnki ditini) Konflіkt nepovagi rights samostіynіst (totalnіst vkazіvok that control) Konflіkt nadturboti (zayva opіka that nadochіkuvannya) Konflіkt batkіvskogo Authority (pragnennya dosyagti Svoge in konflіktі whether yakoyu tsіnoyu) psihologіchnі osoblivostі dіtey, їh emotsіynі stanii Pіdkrіplennya verbal vimog batkіv obstinami vikhovnogo process yhodo ditiny Organizatsii sіm'ї on collective ambushes. Global perspectives, singular works of the binding, traditions of mutual assistance, sleeping quarters є the basis for the emergence and renewal of wipes. Interest in Batkiv to the inner world of children, their problems, turbot, interest, drowning and stan 29

Dough bags

From 30 to 40 points: You are more tactful than lyudin. Before conflicts, you become negative, schorazu, if it is possible, you will get lost. At the same time, you know the compromise. If your friends or colleagues demand your help, which is used in criticism, do not expect it. Why won't you be too straightforward to be more straightforward? From 15 to 29 points: We - to finish the confrontation. Protect in the collective, you all the same koristuetesya povaga. Inodi see your thought, do not vrahovyuh those, but you can form a tackle. Less than 14 points: V is a terrible spokesman and highly confidential specialty. Don’t go for you, let’s skate that scandal! You constantly talk about the kimos, moreover, wrap yourself up to impose your dummy, right from the one who is right. You are encouraged to flatter those who call you a scandalist. Ymovіrno, varto think about those who do not have a complex of disagreement.

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MBOU "ZOSH s. Berezіvka »Sessions of conflict situations among the participants in the initial process Social teacher Shereverova L.G. 2011 - 2012 Navchalny Rik

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"Any welding of a red svitovoyu" (old-fashioned adherence). Moreover, the head space of such common people є is not deprived of the sphere of spilkuvannya with children - one-liners, and th of grown-ups - teachers and fathers.

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Conflict comes from the family Conflict children, who do not know how to do it, do not mind, and do not mind, and bring a lot of problems not only to those who are in need, but to themselves. The majority of negative and destructive phenomena in the middle of young people, which are spared at the end of the hour (increased harshness, aggressiveness, emotional perception of thinness), take their ear from the child.

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(from Latin. Conflictus - hindrance) in the sense of a straightened podolannya wipe out, prototype of two soils, which appears in the activity of the sides.

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Science of Conflict Conflict is a set of mindless, anti-other interests, aspiring, demanding thoughts in the middle of the specialness of people, among all people, people, and a group. It is necessary to consider three important aspects of a conflict when it comes to lying on the surface; 2) xto inclusions in the conflict; 3) What is it, how are you interested in stifling people before their brother's fate?

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The main reason for the recognition of tension in mutual relations is: There is a lack of consciousness for people, the appearance of other people's interests for an hour, a sense of the image, the healthiness of the community, the low culture of alcoholism. Behavior of "important" writers. Lack of character. It’s unclear. A lot of conflicts are generated by non-hassles at the hands of the village, by rush jobs.

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Most often the choleric person, as the power of the boisterous person, is the power of the people who are in the right way, the conflict, like the ribs of water, the price is life, the middle ground. The stench of loving permanently is on uvaz, may be self-assessment. People who do not vmyut perebudovuvatisya, tobto. vrahovuvati at his own behavior change of the situation and surroundings, brothers to respect the point of view of the desperate, ambitious, ill-fated education, tolerance. For a newer, the whole world of misconceptions, non-connoisseurs and non-obscene. Ale criticism is not a matter of power, but of specific people: susides, bus drivers, salespeople, likars, chiefs ... Criticism is flooded, because of the heat, because of the knowledge, please, with the facts, with pictures and with pictures. My svoi chitki mirkuvannya about those who yak maє life that pratsyuvati.

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A person, like svidomo yde, in the face of a conflict, is unprincipled to change the view of the decision on the others. In an hour, a conflict grows like a winter cooler and collapses on such a specialty that will clog up with inheritance. tse rude, unceremonious lyudina, who goes right through, angry thinly wins and others ’respect. Hisistic and inspired by his righteousness. Vvazhaє, scho otochuyuchі may be on your way. Not to love, if you want to put it right. Stabbings with your authority. Great pride. It is wary to set up before the heat, as the zmist is overheated due to the flowing situation. In the skin heat of wine, there is an attack on his specialty and goodness. Try to talk about your position before people (hopefully correct) will be marnie. All your claims, without a blame, will be attributed to your filthy character - even a lot of people, they are good at it. Such a lyudin is aimed at the right, people for her are an instrument.

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P'avka "do not speak a guide, do not say, and do not represent, in which I do not directly call, altogether I’m talking about self-esteem with them, to lower my mood, or to be almost as if I’m in the right way, more importantly, I’m talking about people’s thoughts in the channel. I’m willing and willing. I’m inclined to be like a cob of fashion with him. Alle, I often see problems: "Vata" is not an ordinary person, but I’m not going to be bothered by a robot and don’t be shy. if you need it, tell us about such furnishings.

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Conflict groups at schools - conflicts that arise through inadequate information; - miscellaneous conflicts; - Conflict between teacher and learn (or learn); - Conflict between teacher and father;

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Conflict period II Conflict period Transition to the 5th grade. For the change of one reader, there will be a number of subject teachers, new primary subjects will appear. change of game activity to the beginning

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Classification of conflicts for M.M. Ribakov Conflict of Activity is a year of success for scholars, vicarious for the chief executives of the old manors. Conflict of behavior (vchinkiv) - when the rules of behavior are violated in the case of the youngest mortgage. Conflicts of common denominations occur in the sphere of social and special problems in the framework of the process of intellectual activity.

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Classification of conflicts For the values ​​of the group, they are divided into constructive (creative, positive) and destructive (ruin, negative). The first ones to bring cinnamon, other shkodi. From the first it is not possible, from the others it is necessary. For the nature of the reasons on the subject and sub'active. First generated by the active reasons, other sub-active, special.

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Virіshennya to the conflict "teacher-teacher" - Zapobіgannya. The teacher can immediately take note of the first to show his conflict with the scholars, and on the other hand, there is a reason for that. - compromises. The teacher is guilty of being guilty of a new svidomo, the student’s mindful deed. - Good-naturedness and good-naturedness. To navigate confrontational situations, the teacher is good-natured and vindictive, streaming your negative emotions, transmitting your inheritance of your words and impressions, correctly assessing them. Only in this way it is possible to spend the rest of the day before the Holy One.

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Unacceptable! Dorіkati children yogo close! Especially pidlіtkіv, for the dysfunction with the family, for the behavior of the fathers, brothers, sisters - we cannot forgive the teachers! The teacher to rob a rude pardon, having drawn in the eyes of the teacher the status of a teacher that is mature. Kozhen is sacred to the fathers and loved ones, I want b yak stink bully.

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Causes of conflicts between scholars are health, malice, zhorstokst, boastfulness, even zeal, impudence, zrada, impudence, greed, foolishness, rudeness, indignation, unpersonality.

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Who are the most frequent children in the conflict? schilny until the discovery of psychosocial problems: children who are ill for alcoholism and drug addiction; children are special, as they may be mentally ill; podlitki from damage to mental health psychosocial adaptation; pids, scho at the folding economical camp; victims of psychological, physical and sexual violence. children who constantly require social assistance.

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Methods for resolving conflicts between scholars Reconciliation is the main path for conflicts. Virishity conflict is the easiest not to be super-speeches, not victories of vinuvats, but to kind-hearted spits, tactful protestations to both sides. Progression - the most beautiful way to see a discussion, a super-stream, to see your thoughts on the basis of some positions that are authoritative for children who are old enough. Cancellation of emotional disturbance - the teacher will ask all the participants in the conflict if they can, and yes you can not interrupt and interrupt to speak. "If you are reconciled" - give you the power to listen to someone else, not to glimpse your emotions in response to the words of someone else, to be calm and not to fail. Advance praise - sensitively lingering over the conflicting ones, in order to mean the positive figure of the character, to say it to you, for sure. Compromis-teacher will supply: “What do you want? “I don’t nourish, I’m becoming, hto maє ratsiyu, hto vinen. What do you want? What about you? Zrozumіlo. So the axis, I will ... And you will have to wait a little longer, and I will do it again. " Switching respect to the conflicting new object - once the conflicting ones are given the task of being in trouble with them: "You are talking, todi yak ...".

  • Summer wake is an important hour for both children and fathers. I still do not know who is more important. Daddy don’t know how to get along with grown-up children: fence or allow, and all children will become self-asserting in any way. Tsey period is not free to vvazhaєtsya naikonflіktnіshim.
  • Conflict (lat.conflictus - scho zitknuvsya) - the best hospitality is the best way to keep up with interests, goals, glances, how to find out in the processes of social intercourse, polarize in the negative
Internal confrontation
  • A child who is experiencing one of the most common and hostile crises, a larger world of powers, an internal confrontation, such as creating super-spikes from oneself, self-knowledge, self-assertion and self-realization. An internal confrontation can be caused by low satisfaction with life, friends, people, people with one-sided people, little excitement in one’s own and close people, through stress.
Internal confrontation
  • Internal conflict manifests itself in children from extreme to extreme. Either it’s the world’s blame, I know that she’s grown up, brought up by the admiration of a lyudin, then, by rapt, without any apparent reason, she’s re-transformed into an infantile, whimsical child. Either it’s ready to accept the decision and the vidpovidality from even more serious food (and vimag, but you’re allowed to do it), then it’s completely unaware of the long-discussed speeches (vypraty your scale and wine). Rapidly fix the changing little calls, the behavior is absolutely correct, the manner of changing, the mimicry, the tin, the behavior - everything changes. There is a new interest, which can be seen as a whole, but it’s not a bargain, it’s very easy to get it, and if you want something new, please don’t let one go.
Missocial Conflict
  • mіzhosobistіsny conflіkt winnіkє when spіlkuvannі people with simple looks, goals and characters, which are easy to play one with one;
Conflict between specialties and groups
  • Conflict between the specialties of that group of winners, as well as the specialness of borrowing the position, so that the whole class sees a lesson, for example, the whole class is seen a lesson, and one child is lost at the class - the first class of buddies
Intergroup Conflict
  • Intergroup Conflict Winning through the rubbing of the existing installations of two different groups.
Conflict "Batkiv and Child"
  • There is one conflict between each other.
Conflict "Batkiv and Child"
  • ... Ditina, as she sounded to do the daddy, is good-natured and comrade with the grown-ups, you can live with her. I like dad not to fix on a new tight grip, to save friendships, confrontation, as a rule, smoothening, not to start a payload of worry, not to wipe out everything. And from as far as the child's family, the child became aware of the pain, the alienation, a conflict was laid, and the basic lack of confidence was born. Such a child, as a rule, is closed, non-commodity, few people are told, not in her own right.
Causes of conflicts
  • Struggle for leadership
  • Typical type of splitting
  • Psychological insanity
  • A print of goodness and ambition.
  • Non-approved role-playing ochіkuvan.
Conflict model
  • Conflict situation
  • Incident
  • Conflict interaction
  • Conflict resolution
  • Conflict situation - the whole situation of admitted and explicit prototype sides
  • Incident-tse zbіg obstavin, scho є drive for the cob without the front locking side.
  • Constructively
  • Destructive
  • Whole Conflict
Conflict Viruses
  • Constructive
  • Of the deed
  • Compromis
  • spіvrobіtnіstvo
  • Destructive
  • Throw in, violence
  • Rudeness and belittling
  • Rosryv Vidnosin
  • Unique problems
Conflict functions
  • Positive
  • Development of special features
  • Know one one
  • Advice to authority
  • Psychological distribution
  • Negative
  • Depression, health problems.
  • Vіdchuttya violence, vice.
  • Social passivity.
  • Reducing the quality of performance.
Please dad and kids
  • Form friendships. Even more importantly, it’s not like a daddy, but like a friend, who you can share with your little ones, just enjoy yourself.
Please dad and kids
  • MORE SPILKUITS FROM PIDLITKOM. Increasingly, ignore children through their occupation, which negatively infuses on food. Children take care of themselves independently, and lead to nasty inheritances. Well robiti? Try to spend more than an hour in the family, ask for a call at the weekend, so that you will feel comfortable.
Please dad and kids
  • Do not spoil children with other lads. Such criticism can undermine the child's self-assessment. Treat it more beautifully and praise your child with everything and that you will be noble, but you don’t want to lose it from the twisted quill, take it with all repairs. Children are afraid of being killed by help to their fathers, and then they are going to be killed until quietly, hto, at a thought, start to see that intelligence. It’s a pity, such speeches do not bring fruitful results, as well as a risky meal to the filthy company.
Please dad and kids
  • Create friendly weather in the booth. Adzhe budynok is a fortune, de mayut buti buti mіzh usіma members of the family. Healthy stosunki that one can help one to help the greater number of your problems.
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