Autumn piece compositions. Do-it-yourself autumn composition: the best master class from a photo

When autumn comes into its own right, rozfarbovuyuchi nakolishniy svіt raznokolorovimi merry farbs, I want to wander endlessly in the garden, scorched the leaves sharudyachi. And in order to preserve the mood of autumn for a longer time, you can create compositions with natural materials with your hand, which gives people pleasure this season. With a vіdmіnny virob will be created ekіbanu from leafing “Autumn” with your own hands. In them, krіm chimeric forms of leaves, you can vicorist and dry flowers, and vegetables and fruits.

What can you rob?

From materials, like bringing autumn, you can make different compositions together from children. Tse will be absolutely cost-free sprouts from the lower syrovina, and the value of their polegatim in the warmth of the hundred-sunkiv and grown-up children. Crime morally corsty, such an hour spent corisne for children and physically: fine motor skills of the hands are developing, which is necessary for movement, sensory vigor, yava. This is especially important for children in the early stages of their development.

The theme has matured, which is being developed by designers, to allow placing on the walls of the room, hanging panels, paintings and compositions, for which you can mix the leaves of various tree species. Vіdmіnno poddnuyutsya among themselves chestnut, maple and oak leaves.

Preparation of materials

Before that, how to work the ekіbanu or other composition, it is important to prepare the material correctly. To fight the dekilcom in ways:

  1. The autumn leaves are laid between the sheets of albums and the animals are pressed with vantage, so that when hanging, the stench does not twist. For bookmarks, choose healthy, whole leaves. This method of preparation is suitable for the preparation of herbariums, children's applications and leaf collages.
  2. In order to work about the collection of bouquets of wicked autumn leaves, the rest must be completed with a special rank, which will be discussed below. It is necessary for the fact that when leafing, when twisted, it did not crack, it was pliable and did not wear out the cob's old look. Such a method is pidide for the preparation of topiaries or dried flower compositions.

With the correct preparation of the syrovin - the leaves - you can save the garnish look, and the composition of the leaves does not turn into twisted, shapeless masi that crackled. Adje can be made from leaves like trojands, hairs, chrysanthemums, chamomile and latatta. Moreover, the color of theirs will not be more natural - chervonim or zhovtim - you can fertilize with acrylic rosy primers. On top of the gel with a pen, you can apply various visor coats, and then cover with varnish.

Activities with a child: ideas for ekіbani

For manual creativity, you can suggest the following ideas:

  1. Application. For her, you can vicorist dried littya and kvity for herbarium. It is necessary to lay out obvious materials on the slit arch paper, combining them with colors and shapes. If the required expansion is reached, the leather element is glued with additional PVA glue or photo glue.
  2. Collage-ekіban on the theme "Autumn". Such a composition is prepared for a frame. On a sheet of cardboard or paper, there is a ball of a great yaskravy leaf of dark zabarvlen, a beast - a smaller and green one, and at the very top - a small yaskrav zhovte and a red leaf. And also from leaves and flowers you can add different figures.
  3. Garni compositions can be folded from leaves, flowers and pine heads, fastening them on cardboard for an additional dart.
  4. The opal angels are fastened like a tree, and the leaves and quotations are fastened into the new one.

Preparation of syrovine for bulk preparations

Ob'єmnі ekіbani from the natural material "Osіn" is not prepared by a path of folding dried leaves, shards of stench will be lamatis. Therefore, the material for such robots is processed by a special rank.

Fight like this:

  • Prepare a recipe that consists of 200 ml of glycerin and 400 ml of pure cold water.
  • In a plastic bag, we evenly and carefully put freshly fallen leaves and fill them with prepared rosemary.
  • The edge of the package with the mist is hermetically sealed behind the help of a heated knife, or it is sealed with a relatively adhesive line.
  • The package must be left out for three or three days in a dark, cold place, and then we wilt and spread the leaves on a paper towel to dry.

By this method, the leaves will be gnuchky, save their first days, looking and from them it will be possible to fold the flowers of various forms, so that the original composition of the leaves becomes stylish and original.

Preparation of material for flat compositions

For flat grains, use sprat drying methods:

  1. Drying for help hot dust. Autumn leaves and days of little flowers of small roses hang like dust. To carry out this operation, the syrovina is laid out on a thin cardboard and covered with a thin paper. Let's all be careful with praskoy until the final vaporization of the water. Praska is not guilty of being very hot.
  2. Drying by the natural method. For this method of picking up clothes, folding them into bundles, hanging them on a skein in a dry place, where they are well ventilated. The bunches are streaked with flowers down. It was created from such material ekіbanu from leafing “Autumn” with its own hands and original natural look.
  3. Drying in the oven. Such a method is miraculously suitable for drying and preparing great single colors (trojans, tulips, pivonia) for preparing ekіbana and compositions. For whom, the temperature is not even high in the oven, between sixty degrees Celsius, and the syrovina, which is laid out on the base, hangs properly. At the same time, it is respectful to follow, so that the guests do not start the drill, or take the form.
  4. Volume of drying tickets. Such a way of drying best preserves the color and the natural form of the autumn colors, from which the flower is formed from the leaves. With your own hands you can save autumn in such a way for a long time. After the zrіzannya the ticket is placed in front of the roasting and drying of the sand for about one month. A place for which you can serve as a box, which can be at the bottom of a fuzzy grid and a hanging bottom. Terry flowers like trojans, georgia or lilies, spread their stems down, and flat flowers-cats of such flowers, like aistry, zhovtts, forget-me-nots or daisies, toil the stems uphill. With this, attaching the ticket in the required position, gently stick it with a squeak to the top.

Tools for robots

Before that, like a robiti ekіbanu, for the work it is necessary to prepare the following tools:

  • scissors, for grown-ups - large doves, and for children - small ones with rounded tips;
  • stacks - for children and stationery nizh - for grown-ups;
  • an awl with a thin sting and a hand-held handle;
  • manicure tweezers, in some of them the front part is twisted - for twisting some details and dart;
  • long tweezers - for details;
  • thin, soft and soft honey for framing beads and toys 0.35 mm in diameter;
  • paper foil foil and embellishment foil;
  • threads and a sewing needle - for fastening details and bouquets.

Materials for robots

Sob was created for the ekіban from leafing “Osіn” with your own hands, the materials may be needed as follows:

  • rіznі for comradeship, color and schіlnistyu see paper (upholstered, corrugated, parchment, oxamite, copy, obgortkovy and albumn);
  • polymer clay of different colors and plasticine - for molding additional details of compositions;
  • PVA chi "Mars";
  • brushes and gouache or watercolor farby are needed for rozfarbovannya materials and flat compositions;
  • for general work, soft white penzliks and acrylic farbies are needed.

Troyanda from autumn opal leaves

Ekibana on the theme "Autumn" in an original and stylish way to embellish the interior, as if there would be such a flower in the warehouse, like a trojan. You can prepare yoga on your own without special efforts.

Work creatively with monophonic maple leaves, cotton threads, sonyashnikova olive and golden farbs. Leafing forward, they are covered with glycerin rosin, about which it is said more.

Look great, for a bouquet of them, five or so pieces will be enough. Leaves to serve those maple leaves.

Ekibana, leafing with her own hands, "Autumn" is victorious in the offensive sequence:

  1. The maple leaf was folded with the front side of the name and twisted into a roll.
  2. Insert the bud into the base of another maple leaf of the same color.
  3. Wrap the bud with another leaf, shaping a trojandi pellet like this.
  4. Then take the next maple leaf and repeat the operation for the affected ones. The more we grow such trojans, the more we will see the ticket. For the appearance of the flower that has blossomed, it is necessary to destroy the skin of the advancing leaf below.
  5. Trochs more than leaf petioles will be covered with a thread - and the first flower is ready.
  6. Prepare five or more similar tickets.
  7. To save the zovnіshny look - cover the maple trojan with olive and cover it with golden farboi.

At the final stage, it is necessary to take a small flowerpot, place a sprig of maple leaves in a new one, and between them, make trojands at the bouquet. Ekibana is ready and gladly look at the long hour.

Autumn by nature is the time for yaskravikh farb, stigley vegetables and fruits, various leaves. It is possible to save the autumn beauty for the help of different compositions in the garden and at home.

1. Replace boring vases with yaskar harbuzi and budinok in the wake of the autumn mood.

2. Garmelon can be vinaigretted like a cat for other vegetables and fruits.

3. Another variant of the cat - from the gorishkiv. Such a composition with autumn gifts to embellish whether it is a Christmas style that will please the guests of your booth.

4. And the flowers for the autumn bouquet can be made from a colorful maple leaf. The technology was described in detail.

5. We have already guessed two popular symbols of autumn, which are most often found in all autumn compositions: watermelon and colorful leaves. Ale and one more - cereals and dry herbs. The old jar vindicates the originality of the bouquet, and the sorrel plant adds the necessary specialness (yaskrav plama).

6. Another bright autumn bouquet, even simpler and sweeter.

7. The garden of autumn is a mixture of orange, red, yellow farb. You can enhance this effect.

8. And as zvichayní garbuzi, as an embellishment, they seem banal to you - rozfarbite them.

9. And the axis is the butt of a beautiful autumn composition with leaves, so as to embellish, be it a fur.

10. First of all, do not forget about the entrance doors to the booth. At the end of the day with a red humpback, wind up an old rake that looks like an embellishment.

11. If you have already given birth, lyakat the city's opudal more than anyone, and you can boldly move from the city to the maidanchik in front of the booth and become a color. For whom it is necessary to give the lakal a sign in the soul “we kindly ask you”, and for the creation of an autumn mood, embellish the composition with the attributes of autumn that were already created earlier: we will decorate the leaves, blue, cereals, watermelons.

12. From the autumn leaf, before speech, you can make not only beautiful flowers, but, for example, the axis of such a fruit vase:

13. Abo original panels for the terrace.

14. A watermelon and love is an object for preparing strong lamps before Halloween and the other autumns are holy to the whole world. About those, like Jack's lighter, the world was told here. Ale can be surrounded by a whole lot of good-natured little ones on the harbuz: ornaments and quotations.

15. Garni and garbuzov figurki. The axis is such a miraculous medical officer, dbaily seated on a bench, obov'yazkovo envelop the respect of the guests of your booth.

Behind the vіknami spring, yellow, and then let's fall leaves with old woods, we'll gloom with the sky and nostalgia for the passing of summer. Ale osin - the whole bunch of farb leaves, flowers and various autumn fruits, which can be successfully vicorated for the creation of autumn compositions from natural material. Staying at home in disgrace, create your own sleepy mood, embellishing the interior with bright and calm autumn compositions, crushed with your own hands.

For mixing, you can vykoristovuvat different kinds of fruit crops, fresh and dry flowers and herbs, berries, herbs, leaves of trees and chagarniks, peas, cones, acorns, chestnuts and other natural material. Sometimes you can beat the pieces of vegetables, fruits and flowers. In the basis of rich autumnal compositions, there can be vikoristana, a beautiful garbuz.

Do-it-yourself autumn compositions from a watermelon

Zrіzhte "droplets" and see the pulp. It is most common to make flowerpots and potters for autumn compositions with their own hands from the watermelon.

1. Place calendulas, aistri or gerberas at the garbuzovy Gorschik. Forward to spread red apples, the fruit of yellow quince and green bell pepper. Complete the composition with the crowns of the red gorobini.

2. Harmelon can be rozfarbuvat for additional gouache, for example, put on a brown body of orange smuga, or be some kind of ornament, and let the farbі dry. Cover the top with varnish so that cracks do not appear. Put a flask or a jar of water in the middle, in a yak and place the flowers - orange gerberas, red dwarf georgins, chrysanthemums look original.

3. Having seen the harmelon in the form of a cat, remember yoga, be it fruits and berries. Apples and pears, quince, hops, berries and hunger. it is necessary to string skewers on wood or wood and place them in a harmelon cat, decorating with maple leaves, quince, acorns and dry herbs.

4. Smugasti pear-shaped form can be vicorated like small vases for autumn flowers, gerbils and leaves. Bouquets from the garbuzovyh mountaineers to embellish the stones and the front of your booth.

5. Decorative ticking can be used as candlesticks. Stink to create a romantic atmosphere of warmth and calm at your booth. Candlesticks can be embellished with firewood, dogwood, glod, gorobini and kalini hronami.

6. In watermelons for compositions, you can drill or cut holes, creating a perforation effect. You will be especially kind to look at candlesticks.

Autumn compositions in vases

For the preparation of basic compositions from natural materials with your own hands, you need vase bases: you can use not only zvichayny vases, but also plates, small zebras, glechiki, wooden bowls. It is also possible to create the basis for the composition from a vinyl record melted in the oven.

As in the arsenal, it’s just a glass vase or a jar, it’s better to decorate the back of the head.

Take thin papyrus (preferably nap_vprozory), rare gospodarsky starch and a brush

Coat the vase with starch and glue a ball of paper around the neck, then glue the leaves dry, glue another ball of paper to the animal. It is possible to grow more sprat times. The bottom line is that the contours of the leaf appeared through the obgortkovy papir. Hang the vase and brush it with hairspray to give the vase a sparkle.

How to work the basic compositions from natural materials?

1. How to make an autumn composition with your own hands on a flat plate or a vase, vicorist as the basis of an oasis (for living flowers), styrofoam or be some other basic material, in which you can build flowers and embeds.

2. When gluing leaves, apply glue not only on the bottom, but also on the lower part of the sheet - otherwise do not trim.

3. Like vicorist wooden skewers, or call with elements strung on them - the vines, acorns, cones, peas, thorns are thin, scorched, those that do not splash when the husk is broken on the first day.

4. Don't forget to victorize spikelets and blades of grass, and also look perfect in compositions - this is a miraculous alternative to living flowers.

5. Do not pour water into natural pots, for example, from a garmelon or a zucchini, put it in a potter or a jar.

Also, as an autumn decor, you can make a topiary from leaves and other natural materials or a plate from leaves in the papa-mache technique.

We wish you a miraculous autumn: and navіt yakscho for a window, mumble a plank, your booth will be warm and quiet!

It is easy for children to want to chimos novim and tsikavim. As if painting or painting a child has already come across, you can encourage them to start preparing potions from a bright autumn leaf. The process is already hoarse - from simple dried leaves for additional glue, threads and other handy outbuildings, marvelous speeches are born. Having engaged in applications or preparing vases and bouquets, the child can not only develop his creative skills and imagination, but also get to know the new medium more closely. Spіlny zbіr herbarium for virobіv miraculous privіd navchiti dіtinі razrіznyati razrіznі breeds of trees. What can you do from a leaf?

Ready leaves for virobiv

For the preparation, be it as a mixture of leaves, only good hanging material is needed, fresh leaves are not found. The preparation of a leaf takes a three-hour hour, so you have to be patient. In addition, it is necessary to dry the material correctly, the axis of the main rules:

  1. Likewise, the evenness of the leaves is not important for the viroba, they can be placed in the open space (for example, a large wicker basket) and left in the fresh air. So the leaves are dry dry, and the circulation of the wind will not allow the splash to rise.
  2. In order to make the leaves look perfectly smooth, it is necessary to lay yoga between book sides or album sheets under the press. Accurately lay out the material between arches of books and albums. If the material is dry and ready to be finalized, it will take at least 14 days.
  3. If you do not need a long check, you can use a special herbarium press. For whom to store a hundred leaves, a black leather ball with newspaper paper or non-necessary sheets. For a few days, the material for testing will be ready.

Yak zrobiti skeletal leafing

Skeletons leafing through the air of their lightness and transparency look even more effectively like decor. In order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to go into a special technique - skeletonization.

What do you need:

  • be fresher than leaves;
  • soda;
  • barvnik for eggs;
  • small capacity - kіvsh or kastrulya;
  • Toothbrush;
  • paper servers.

How to build a skeletonized leaf:

  1. Mix soda with water in proportions of 1 to 4 and put leaves at the ready-made leaves so that the stench is overwhelmed by water.
  2. Bring the sum to a boil and fill it up with a stretch of 30 quills.
  3. Pick up the saucepan from the stove and pull up the leaves, carefully place them on the table with the glossy side up.
  4. To take away extra vologis for help.
  5. To clean the pulp from the leaf with a brush (it is necessary to do it carefully, the leaves go out to dry out).
  6. Rinse the skeleton under water, and then turn the yogo into the desired color.
  7. Zabarvlene skeletonized leafing leave for drying.

Taking away the material is ready for selection.

Bouquet of flowers from leaves

A bouquet is the simplest thing that you can grow from a leaf, start from a new one and varto, like a child has not previously dealt with similar virobs. For the preparation of the viroba at the look of the homemade bouquet, it is not obligatory to vicorist the right notes, to dry them, etc. The buds can be made from a different-colored leaf, chosen for a walk. Connect children to the skin stage of the process by creating the right creative master.

What do you need to make a virobu:

  • maple leaves (fresh) with stems;
  • spool of cotton thread.

To grow a bud from a maple leaf, you need to grow a sprat diy:

  1. Take one sheet of paper and fold it with the glossy side of the name.
  2. Roll the sheet into a tube.
  3. Zignіt navpіl navpіl leaf and wrap yogo around the tubule.
  4. Continue to wrap the bud with leaves until the flower is finished.
  5. Wrap the base of the bud with thread so that the flower does not fall apart.

In this way, you can work out whether there are a lot of colors, and then just pick them up in a bouquet.

Topiaries can be made from different materials. It is often possible to make a lot of money with kawi, penny bills, zukerok, the heart is thin. This variant of the topiary is transferred to the maple leaf victoria.

Otzhe, what will be necessary for the topiary:

  • miner;
  • wooden stick for the trunk;
  • bag with foam rubber or polystyrene as a base;
  • gypsum;
  • farba;
  • hot glue;
  • elements for decoration.

The order of creation of the autumn topiary looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to insert the stick into the potter and securely fasten it behind the additional gypsum lining. As a result, the design will be smart and stable.
  2. Get a miner and a stick in a color that, for example, was worthy, for example, of gold to match the leaves.
  3. On the top of the stick, we fasten the sack with foam rubber - the future crown of the tree.
  4. Vstromte in a bag I will take a handful of leaves. For embellishment, you can vikoristovuvat yagidni grona, strіchki, beads, as well as piece of needles and quilts. So that the stems of the leaves were spicy, they should be soaked in advance in hot glycerin (1 to 2) and dried in this way for 10 days in a dark, cold place.
  5. Dali decorated stovbur and soil tree for the help of dry moss, measles, beads.

How to grow a decorative autumn wreath

From a bright autumn leaf, you can weave a garniy wreath for embellishing windows, doors, walls and walls. Vіnok, attaching to the front door, gladdening not only you, but also your guests.

What do you need for virobu:

  • gnuchki gіlki be-such a tree;
  • dried leaves of different colors (the most contrasting colors look the best, for example, yellow and red);
  • crone of red yagid (gorobini, kalini and in.);
  • physalis;
  • glue;
  • spool of cotton threads;
  • decorative metallic threads;
  • small figurines of birds for bouquets.

How to weave a wreath:

  1. To serve as a frame - to build a wreath of a round and oval shape.
  2. To secure the construction with a thread in a few places for the purpose.
  3. Wrap the frame tightly with gold thread, filling in the small needles.
  4. Glue the leaves to the heights.
  5. Attach the yagidni grona for additional threads.
  6. Glue or wind fizalis with threads.
  7. At the end, attach the bird to the wink.

Ready virib from the leaves at the sight of the wine can be hung in some place of the house, which will gladden you with its beauty and intimidate you about the most frequent time of rock.

Garne of autumn leaves can be vicorated not only for unpretentious childish virobiv, but also for full decorating the interior. One of these varieties is a fruit vase.

To prepare such a vase you will need:

  • glue and penzlik;
  • inflatable bag;
  • vaseline;
  • scissors;
  • maple leaf.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Inflate the bag to the size you need.
  2. It is necessary to smear the surface with vaseline, so that the leaves do not stick to the new one in the process and easily melt into the air.
  3. Fix the bag in an unbreakable frame, so you will be better able to work your vase.
  4. Glue to the back of the maple leaf, in front of it, clearly smearing it with glue.
  5. If you want to finish the vase with mitznoy, you will need a sprat of maple leaf balls.
  6. As soon as the remaining ball is completed, once again seriously coat with some glue and leave it on 3 dobi.
  7. Burst or inflate the bag, remove the excess from the viroba.

The original decoration of the interior is ready.

Photo frame in autumn style

Children should embellish the walls of their rooms with their little ones and favorite photographs. Virob from leafing at the sight of the frame, vіdmіnno pіdіyde to complement the design of the room. Help your child to decorate the frame of the autumn leaves, where will you put your favorite photo.

For virob it is necessary:

  • solid cardboard;
  • glue;
  • leafing, as it suits you;
  • olive;
  • scissors.

How to make a frame:

  1. From the cardboard, draw a square and rectangular frame of the required size. The center of the frame, where the photo is placed, it is necessary to view the photo less than the size of the photo.
  2. To wrap a frame around the leaves, soak them in front in hot water, so the stench will help and will not tear and lamate in the process.
  3. Glue the leaves to the frame.
  4. Dock if you can dry.

When the frame is ready, insert a photo card into it, fixing it with glue or tape.

Applications from the autumn leaf

Applications are one of the simplest types of products made from dried leaves. Vykoristovuyuchi leaves of different forms and rosemary, you can create right pictures, like then become the color of your booth. You can create a whole series of panels, united by sacred themes. Tse mozhut buti creatures, landscapes and іn. Next will be presented a small number of small master-classes made from the preparation of applications for looking like an owl, a firebird, a fish and a lion.


To create an application from the images of an owl, you will need:

  • small leaves of brown tones (for which you can vicorate oak, willow, birch);
  • colorful paper;
  • a small tuyi chick;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • grono gorobin yagіd;
  • be like a small tree;
  • glue.

Before the cob leaves, that berry must be dried. As soon as all the materials are ready, the hour has come to proceed to the worst:

  1. Cut along the contour of the owl from the cardboard.
  2. To birch or oak leaves, depict a vushka and paws of an owl, glue them in the necessary places.
  3. For a feast, beat the dovge vuzka willow leaves.
  4. Cut out the eyes from the colored paper and glue them.
  5. Glue your owl on a tree nail to become a stand for a virob.

For a supplementary decor, you can vicorate moss and twigs. You can also vikoristovuvati gorobina like paws of an owl. Virib is ready.


For application with the Firebird you need:

  • arkush paperu;
  • leafing linden, birch and shipshini;
  • nasinnya garbuza;
  • thuy chicks.

And the axis looks like the process itself:

  1. A lime leaf is glued to those places where the body of a bird will be.
  2. Birch leaf - head.
  3. Leaves of shipshiny are glued individually on the tail.
  4. To serve as a supplementary embellishment of the tail to the color of the spikes.
  5. Glue the birch leaves to the body, so there will be wings.
  6. Eyes tremble from the garbuzovy nasinnya, and also adorn for the body that tail of the Firebird.
  7. The final stage is a forelock of tuy or be-yakoy іnshої vіdpovidnoї growth.

The firebird is ready.

a lion

Children love different creatures, for that it will be especially cicavo to master someone from known animals.

What do you need for left:

  • rounded linden leaves of yellow color;
  • black marker;
  • ash today;
  • kіnsky chestnut (peas);
  • glue;
  • small pine bush;
  • scissors;
  • arkush paperu yellow color;
  • a sheet of orange cardboard.

Having collected all the necessary material, the hour has come to proceed to the preparation of the viroba:

  1. Paint the lion's head on a yellow paper, or design an image on a printer, cut it along the contour.
  2. For the mane, twist the leaves of the linden, after gluing their heads.
  3. Paint the left nis and glue a chestnut on the yogo.
  4. Pine heads go up in the air.
  5. The last ash tree will represent language.

As soon as you see it dry, you will be more ready.


Like a child you don’t know about the gold ribka, like a vikonu bajannya? Prepare the viroba with your own hands and become a sweetheart for the little one.

To prepare the ribka virob you will need:

  • dry leaves of quince and linden of brown and yellow color are distinct;
  • glue;
  • marker;
  • ash today;
  • acorns;
  • paper cutters;
  • black paper sheet.

Yak Robiti:

  1. Paint the outline of the ribka on the black paper and swipe yoga.
  2. From a linden leaf, make little strips and glue them to the body of the fish.
  3. To decorate the tail, weave brown quince leaves.
  4. Caps in the form of acorns depict the outline of the head of the fish.

That's it, the sprig of gold ribka is ready.

Rіznobarvne leafing schooseni pleasing to the eye, falling to the ground. Her beauty is darkly fading under the boards, transforming the leaves into a succulent borax. However, there is a way to preserve the beauty and sapling of the autumn leaf - to dry them or to skeletonize and vicorate for the preparation of different dribnitsa from children's viruses to embellish the interior. Such a busy fit to the soul and children, and grown up.

75 photos of idea ideas from a leaf

Good day - we continue the theme of the autumn colors for decorating the interior. Today we will talk about compositions and lamps from a garbuza… about random floral-fruity compositions іz wicker cats... about those, how you can make the garni of autumn with your own hands nasipki in transparent vases… and I will give you a great selection of compositions with candles and the candlesticks are decorated in the main style. In short, there will be a lot of interesting interior ideas for creating an autumn atmosphere at the booth, for embellishing the fun of autumn.

The main compositions are bowls with watermelons.

Garbuz - tse, one might say, SYMBOL OF AUTUMN. І garbuzovі vyrobi for embellishing the interior can be different. You can glue a white haremelon on autumn leaves on acrylic lacquer) ... Or you can leaf on the glue - but just put farba on them - and put YAK STAPM to the side of the garbuzov ... and get rid of the garbuzovy skin vіdbitok arkush.

Otherwise, you can grow RIZBA FOR THE GARBUZ. For what you need ... put an autumn leaf up to the watermelon - circle around the contour with an olive ... further shave the contour with a knife - and clean the skin in the middle of the contour - see a beautiful RIZNEVETS on the watermelon (as in the left photo below).

You can put a sprat of garbuziv on the table and entwine them with berry bushes.

Otherwise, you can make garni svіtilniki from a garbuza. For this ... it is necessary to see the lower part (dentse) of the seamelon ... through which view you can see the whole pulp of the seamelon - so that only the walls are left.
We need sweat look round open- sob tse veyshlo good - the best vikoristovuvati metal tubes with thin gostrimi walls and a hammer. Applied, I drank such a metal pipe to the side of the watermelon ZNUTRІ - (to put the pipe in the middle of the watermelon ... and the watermelon is guilty of lying on that side, which we choose to pierce). І axis is applied to the side of the tube - and tapped on it with a hammer (otherwise it is strongly pressed) - and the sharp edges of the tube are pierced by a harbuzovy bіk (exactly the same way, like a mold for the oven, piercing the rosette).

You can choose the vizierunks for the authority's judgment ... if you take tubes of different diameters, then take them and open them with different sizes.

If you have miniature decorative watermelons growing on your beds, then from them you can make a garna of a wine composition with asters thorns and bright stitches (as in the photo below).

Like a watermelon, it doesn’t have a handy tail to tie a stitch- then you can drive a budding dowel with metal ears into the seamelon ... or just bend it into a loop for a long time

Shchob take such a bent carnation- it is necessary to drive yogo on the cob 1 centimeter at the doshka - and then hit it with a hammer under a crooked kut - so that the flowers are bent - and then we will pull yogo from the dowel and drive it under the kutom at the watermelon - and weave metaleve zahoplennya for tying the stitch.

IT IS POSSIBLE to grind the axis such a wine from small garbuziv and patisonchiv (photo below).

For such wine you need metal obid(dosit mіtsniy) - until obіdu for ob'єmu can screw the dry nail on the stake- Tethering them with a dart.

And then we’ll use the same dart and attach the garbuzi. For whom leather plaid needs to be pierced - from one side of the side with a slit opening (like a gudzik)- schob bula dirka to the entrance for the dart and for 3-7 cm in the entrance to the exit for the dart.

To take away such an "underground walk", it is simply necessary pierce the watermelon with a bent flower... the flowers bend at the looking arch - look into the garbuz - and look at the door, I entrusted the entrance with an opening. I take the same USHKO like a Gudzik. At the tse vushko mi prosmiknemo drіt, and we will strung the garmelon on a mushroom on a new yak mushroom - and it can be tied to the vine base.

Basic compositions - AT KOSHIKAH.

In the case of the created osinnіkh іnter'єrnih virobіv can take the fate of the primordial wickerwork.

In the middle of the cat, you can make an Autumn bouquet. Buy an "oasis" from a florist's shop (this material is similar to the greenery of sponge parts plasticine) - in a new one, you will not be able to smell the water from the "oasis sponge".

Abo you can rob DRY compositions autumn floristry in a cat - or take three cats of different rosemary and grow from them a garn of an autumn pyramid with cones, fruits of thorns, dry ornamental grasses, oxamite leaves and conifers.

If your cat is old and shabby, and according to the state the oak is actively fruiting, then you can pick acorns. use a glue gun(sold in weekly shops cost 3 or 5 dollars) and cover the whole cat, glue bodies and drops of acorns. Viide is beautiful autumn yak in the photo below.

GIVING OSINS IN STRAVY - as an interior composition.

Otherwise, you can not be especially cunning and just grow a fruit-leaf vase in the garniy mistsi. Garbusi for blush you can rub with paraffin(smear with a candle) and then polish with dry ganchirochka to a glossy finish.

Yaskravi fruits persimmons sreblyate oxamite leaves of garden polynu... or else oxamite siri leaves є in other roslins - for example cleaner, cineraria- the stench even looks beautiful in dry autumn bouquets and compositions.

And can the grass itself be added to the fruit composition cut (half horizontally) garmelon.

You can create an autumn composition with small garbuziv, garden flowers and the most beautiful parasols.

Aja can think more tsikavіshe ... and create a small masterpiece of fruit creativity. Paste rhinestones on the original ruddy pears (primary glue rhinestones, which are sold in kiosks ... stench already with a sticky surface on the back and just stick it on. Before speech, such an embellishment to the table looks good for embellishing the fun in nature).

Artistic compositions - from natural tarosline material.

You can work garni osіnі ekіbani from stones, dry cramps and quilts.

You can create a right autumn composition with virizanogo melon. with a birch stump and a toy deer. Place it on a coffee table and don’t let it quiet the eyes of you and your children ... Let them play with your quiet garbuzovy budinochok. tse such a great child of satisfaction. And before the speech, the children themselves can take a part in the preparation of such a composition from a hollow pickle - let them stink themselves as if they were shading a house.

And you can buy from the gift shop small decorative birds. roar with dad'e-mache and pir'ya - look like they're right. I made a garn composition with an autumn leaf, a bird and a bird to sit on a perch. The fate of such a fate will be taken by children. As with my own childish hands, I made such a bird's little tuft, I already reported that pokrokov rose at the statue "Essential gifts for children (before school and kindergarten) - 15 best master class"

First order, you can put a composition with a bunch of spackling on an old coffee table... with an autumn bouquet of autumn leaves and a bunch of dry vines.

Otherwise, you can make an autumn ekibana - garno on a dish lined with rows of dry herbs, chickpeas, buds of trojans, apples and buds of baguettes. So that the erysipelas buds kept their freshness for a long time - they can be built into the spongy “oasi” oasi, seeped with water.

ESSENTIAL NAPES - made from natural materials for decorating the table.

And it is possible to make thick ekіbani... take a sprat of piercing vessels and put deep natural material into the skin of them... chestnuts, acorns, grain stalks. De-no-de you can insert candles.

Garno look at the fruits of sipshini and poppy boxes ... especially as they sip with dry flowers of bagataria.

Sharpen the bottle with sharpened autumn leaves and tie it around with a moth.

The rosemary of the sacred composition can be laid down according to your idea and the amount of natural materials and the appropriate glass containers.

Or you can just make a small quiet table setting - with autumn needles ... that sip in a vase of cones ... garni bunches of leaves and candles at the tone to the solemn composition. Wonderful autumn still life, such as to ask for a picture.

And the axis of the butt of nasipok in small spaces with autumn bouquets of flowers and herbs.

BASIC PICTURES - from leaves, acorns, chicks and others.

You can also work on wall compositions made from natural materials ... mat panel

or volume pictures from an ash-colored leaf covered with varnish (photo below).

Report about those, how to create such a picture, I sang in the article

You can dry the sheet and insert yoga between two by mistake- Under one frame.

Basic compositions with candles for decorating the interior.

Also embellish the autumn composition on the table candles from garbuziv ... or from apples. In the evening, to add to our autumn still life artistic lighting, de-leather color overgrow with glints of light, which swell when the half-light of the candles swell. .

But the axis is autumn candlesticks yakі can be sprouted from empty bottles. Like flasks, tie them with leaves, yagid and tie them with a moth. Too beautiful.

You know ... I knew many ideas about how to decorate candles in the autumn - what happens to see them in a great article and put them on it ... axis "The main compositions WITH THE CANDLES - 28 photos of cool ideas"


And in me є іnshі statti z osіnnoї embellish your booth.

And also a series of articles on new experiments on various natural materials.

Let the autumn be calm and beautiful.
Olga Klishevska, specially for the site
