Inspection of anime amnesia. anime amnesia amnesia head heroine

Two rockets flew past Naruto's sights. Numerous newcomers have added a number of pre-recorded shinobi in the early days of that day. The main heroes did not sit in the art - we will learn one of the legendary Sannin - the three great Konokh ninja. The lads from the orange, having continued their dreams with the wise, ale eccentric Dziraya, step by step descend to the new steps of the fighting maisternosti. Sakura hung around at the lady of the day and the fortunate individual of Tsunade, the new leader of the Liszt Settlement. Well, Sasuke, whose pride called to the condemnation of Konoha, joining the evil Orochimaru before the time alliance, and moreover, the leather vvazhaє, which deprives the vicarist before the singing hour.

A short re-patch ended, and then they rushed to the hurricane shvidkistu. At Konoha, the old people sprouted in a new way, and they grew up with the Hokage. The tavern leader Akatsuki instilled in the diy a plan for a light panuvannya. It’s not unsettling in the village of Pisku and in the middle lands of the old houses, and it’s clear that if you have to pay for rakhunks. Dovgoochіkuvane continued manga breathed in a new life in the serial and new hope in the hearts of kind fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (52116)

    Swordsman Tatsumy, a simple lad from the Silskoy micevosti virus to the Capital to earn pennies for his hungry village.
    And when it is there, it is not possible to realize that the capital is great and beautiful, but it is not possible to see it. Misto loaded in koruptsii, zhorstokosti and lawlessness, like going through the premier ministr, how to rule the land through the lashtunks.
    Ale yak usim vidomo - "Alone in the field is not war" and there is nothing here, especially if your vorog is the head of the state, who is more precise than the one who should be fond of.
    How do you know Tatsumy are one-thinkers and who can change? Wonder at yourself.

  • (52097)

    Fairy Tail is famous throughout the world for her crazy twists. The young enchantress Lyusia Bula was born, when, having become one of the members, she spent her time at the heart of the day, who didn’t know it by her comrades, who didn’t know it by their comrades, we’re one of the best friends. - the berserk Elza, the glamorous and lovable Loki ... At once I have a lot of enemies to help you and to survive the lifeless unforgettable!

  • (46727)

    18-іchniy Sora and 11-іchna Sіro - bred brother and sister, finished samtniki and іgromani. If there was a twist of self-determination, there was a non-adorable "Porozhnє Mіsce" splash, which can be used to direct all of the back-to-back gamers. If I want to shake the lads on public and not childishly, in Merezha Mala Syro is the genius of logic, and Sora is a monster of psychology that cannot be played out. It’s a pity, where the opponents were not bargained, that Syro was so angry with the cheeks, the handwriting of the Maystr could be seen from the first moves. Having played on the edge of strength, the heroes rejected the tsikava proposition - go to the first light, de їхni talented intelligence and assess!

    And why would it be? Our light Soru and Siro do not have a trim, but a cheerful light Disboard to rule Ten Commandments, the essence of which can be reduced to one: no violence and zhorstokosti, all the frustrations occur in the garbage. There are 16 races living in the game world, and the people of the game are the best and the most talented. Ale marvelous lads are still here, in their hands is the crown of Elkia - one land of people, and we can’t be confused about the success of Sori and Siro. To the messengers of the Earth, the need to unite all the races of Disboard - and even the stench will be able to throw a wiklik to the god Tet - his own, before the speech, to the old familiar. Just think about it, why do you want it?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46460)

    Fairy Tail is famous throughout the world for her crazy twists. The young enchantress Lyusi Bula was born, when, having become one of the members, she was fed into the miracle itself on the holy day ... until the docks are not known by their comrades, who are vibrating in the fires and waving everything to us The bore-berserk Elza, the glamorous and lovable Loki ... At once, there are a lot of enemies to help you and to survive the lifeless unbuttoned ones!

  • (62936)

    University student Kaneki Ken, who is not very happy, has been drunk until likarna, deyomu pomilkovo readjust the organization of one of the ghouls - a freak, as to live with human peace. Now, he himself has become one of them, and for people to transform into an outcast, which will lead to misery. How can you be your own for those humming? Why is it that the light is more dumb now? The price of some news about the share of Kaneki and those that are injected into the water on the Maybut Tokio, de three times without interruption in the two types.

  • (35404)

    The continent should lie at the center of the Іgnola ocean, and the great central and even chotiri - Holy, Holy, Holy and Western, and the gods themselves are looking for him, and glory is Ente Isla.
    І є ім'я, scho vkidaє in Zhakh be-someone on Ente isla - Vladika Temryavi Mao.
    Gentlemen, I hope to live in the dark.
    Winning fear and fear.
    Vladik Thmi Mao naked against the human race and with death and ruining throughout the entire continent Ente Isla.
    Vladitsi Temryavi was served by 4 generals.
    Adramelech, Lucifer, Alsiel and Malacoda.
    Four Generals of demons chased an attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, a hero appeared, who had played against the army of hell. The hero of that yogo comrade welcomed the visitor of Vladika temryavi at the entrance, gave Adramelech at the celebrations and Malakoda at Pivdni. The hero chastised the army of the human race and pishov by attacking the central continent, de standing the castle of Vladika Temryavi.

  • (33782)

    Yato is a wandering Japanese god in the form of an artistic blue-eyed yunak in a sports suit. In Shintoism, the power of the deity comes from the number of those who are alive, and our hero - not to the temple, not to the sacrifices, all donations are made up for by the dancers for sake. The lads at the shiyniy Khusttsi are like a Maystr on all hands, tiny barefacedness on the walls, or just go nasty. To navit movchata Mayu, yak richly rocky in pratsyuє sinkas - by the sacred wish of Yato - she left the ruler. And without evil, the young god, who is not strong for the wicked death of the magician, is brought (axis of ganga!) To the evil spirits. And to whom would such a celestial dweller be consumed?

    Yakos is a pretty senior pupil Hіorі Ікі rushed to the vantage, shchob uryatuvati what lads in the black one. The tse is nasty - the girl didn’t bother, ale nabula building “vikhoditi” from tila and walking “on that bik”. Having learned there Yato and having learned about the guilt of her beads, Hiori overcame the homeless god of health, because he himself was not able to live among the saints. The axis only, having learned the closest, іkі іkіzuіla, thаt іt nіshnіy Yato іs nоt wіth thе strength, thаt wіll see thе problem. Well, if I ask my brothers, I’ll be right in my hand and especially direct the volotsyugu to the true path: a handful of people to help a short-lived zombie, then help me to earn money, and there, wonder, I see. It’s not for nothing to say: what does a woman want - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33743)

    At the senior schools of the Mistress University of Suimei, there is a lot of gurtozhitkiv, and there is a small booth called "Sakura". Even though there are rules in gurtozhitkakh, everything is possible in Sakura, it’s not for nothing that it’s a godly house. So, as in the mystery of the genii and gods of God, you are guided here, then the bags of the "cherry orchard" are talented and tsikavi lads, as they also vibrate from the "swamps". I want to take Misaki's galaslive, how to sell major studios to Vlasne ANIME, її friend and scriptwriter playboy Dzin or reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, so that you can use Merezha's phone number. Sorata Kanda, the leading hero of them, is a simpleton, like having spent time at the "psychiatric hospital" for ... love to kishok!

    Tom Tihiro-sensei, the head of a gurtozhitku, entrusted Sorati, as the only condemned lodger, to educate his two-year-old sister Masiro, so that he would be transferred to a school in distant Britain. Tendіtna blonde turned out to be Kandі spazzhnіm svіtlim angel. Indeed, at the evening with the new guests of the guest, she trimmed the scooter and spoke little, a little more than the shanuvalnik, writing off the mustache on the noise of stress on the road. Only the help of stress checks on Sorata vrantsi, if there is no reason to wake up Masiro. The hero of the zhakhom zrozumіv, so yogo new znayoma - the great artist absolutely doesn’t know how, so that it’s not awesome to do it on its own! And Tychiro's access is here, yak here - see Per Kanda will always look after her sister, and the lad has already been playing on the kitties!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33999)

    at the XXI century spirituality, it was in the distance of the systematization of the mystery of magic and of taking it to a new level. Good luck to the magic of ending nine classes in Japan, ninety checks at schools of magic - ale tilki yakscho abіturіonti store іspit. The quota for admission to the First School (Hatiodzi, Tokio) is 200 scholars, a hundred of the best earning money for the first publication, reshti - in the reserve, on the other, and moreover, the readers have been pledged to deprive the first hundred, "Kvіtkam". Rashta, "Bur'yani", will appear independently. At the same time, there is always an atmosphere of discrimination in schools, and there is also an atmosphere of discrimination.
    Siba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born in 11 months, which allowed them to start on one rotsi. At the entrance to the First School, my sister will relate to the middle of the Flowers, and my brother - to the middle of the Bur'yan: given the miraculous theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for you.
    Zagalom, we have a check on the middle brother and sister, as well as new friends - Tibi Eriki, Saidze Leonhart (maybe just Leo) and Sibati Mizuki - at the school of magic, quantum physics, Tournir of the Nine Schools and a lot.

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (30000)

    "Seven Deaths of Death", if there are great wars, chanted by the British. Aleksei once they call out at the hands of the monarchs and in the war of the Holy Faces. Let the Holy Lizars rule over a coup d'etat and seize power from their hands. And "Sem of Mortal Grіkhіv", now іzgoї, has spread over the whole kingdom, hto kudi. Princess Elizabeth was able to enter the castle. Vona virіshu virus on the tricks of Meliodas, a vatazhka sіmki Grіkhіv. Now the whole family can learn to know, so that they can bring their innocence and avenge their persecution.

  • (28749)

    Rik 2021. On the ground, having consumed the nevidomy virus "Gastreya", which for some days has made all the people even more vulnerable. Ale tse is not just a virus yak yakas Ebola chi Chuma. Vin does not drive people in. Gastrea is a clever contagion, yak will overwhelm the DNA re-transforming nosya on a terrible monster.
    Thank you for the result 10 years have passed. People knew the way to get out of an infectious disease. Alone, you can't stand Gastrey, a whole special metal - Varanium. Most of the people awakened the majestic monoliths and surrounded Tokio with them. Back in the day, now there are not a lot of people, as they saw, they could live behind the monoliths near the light, but it's a pity, the threat did not disappear. Gastreya dosi check at the moment of scoring at Tokyo and innumerable grids of people. Nadiya is dumb. Blame people for depriving food for an hour. Ale at the terrible virus appeared an error. Ti, who already populate from the cym virus at the blood. Tsі children, "Cursed children" (Vinyatkovo dіvchata) cannibalize people’s power and regeneration. In the old people, the wider the virus is more widespread than the other, the more common people. Only the stench can protrude to the "Gastreya" siblings, and the people are more dumb. How can our heroes hide the surplus of living people and know the faces of a thirsty virus? Wonder at yourself.

  • (27820)

    History in "Steins, Gate" is played through the pod "Chaos, Head".
    The plot of the plot takes place in part near the realistically created district of Akahibara, near the famous otaku shopping mall in Tokyo. The plot of the plot is as follows: a group of friends montage in Akіkhіbari, which is pristіy for overseeing the textual information at last. Experiments of the heroes of the greetings are used to organize the tamny of the organization for the sake of the CERN, in order to take care of the most powerful preliminaries in the price of an hour. І now friends report to the authorities of the gigantic zusil in order not to be flooded with CERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Dodana serіya 23β, yak є with an alternative design and introduction to the upgrade from SG0.
  • (27112)

    Thirty thousand gravitas from Japan and kudi, more from the light of the raptus, were closed in rozrahovaniya on a lot of koristuvachiv role online group "The Legend of the Old". On one side, the gamers moved physically to the new light, the illusion of reality appeared to be uncontrollable. On the other hand, the "hitmen" saved a lot of avatars and nabuty navichki, the interface of the koristuvach and the pumping system, that death led the way until the resurrection in the cathedrals of the closest great place. Noisy, but great, they didn’t say anything, and they didn’t say anything for the move, the gravitians began to fight at once - one, life and rule for the law of the jungle, and they didn’t want to protect the lawlessness.

    Syroe and Naotsugu, a student and a clerk among the sisters, a cunning magician and a mighty warrior, have long known one behind the legendary guild "Goddess of Chayuvannya". It’s a pity, those hours have gone back, but the new reality can help the old people know and just kind lads, they won’t be boring. And the smut - at the light of the "Legend", the native population, as vvazhaє thundering great and immortal heroes. Mimovoli want to become such a face of the Round Table, who beat dragons and ryatu divchat. Well, there are monsters and monsters, and for the sake of it a place on the wall of Akibi's living room. Smolder - die in the city, all the same, it’s not vapid, it’s more correct to live like a human!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27227)

    In the light of Hunter x Hunter, there is a class of people called Myslivtsi, who are vicarious and psychic strengths and those who are very versatile to fight, to see wild cocks of a highly civilized light. The lead hero, a Yunak on Im'ya Gon (Gun), Sin of the most beautiful Mislivts. Yogo daddy is a tamniche who was rich in that, and now, having grown up, Gon (Gun) resides in his feet. I dearly know a number of companions: Leorio, an ambitious doctor of medical sciences, whose meta - zbagachennya. Kurapika is a single, who has seen his own clan, whose meta is a pomsta. Killua is a fallout from a family of hired killers, whose meta is a trenuvannya. At once the stench reaches me and melts with Myslivtsi, a little bit of a gathering on the old road ... And in front of the history of Killua, that motherland, the history of Kurapika, that is so good, new, new! Serial buv reviews on the site of Kurapika ... Well, did you check us out through the styles of rock?

  • (28035)

    Race gulіv іsnu from long ago. The representatives of the call do not oppose people, the stench of loving is important for the sirom viglyad. Lovers of people are not called out to see us, strong, shy and tenacious - ale it is not enough, for that the ghouls played the rules of love and disguise, and the porters punish themselves in a quiet way to the fighters because of the uncleanness. In the history of science, people know about hum, ale, it seems, sounded. Vlada does not care about cannibals by the threat, moreover, she looks like an ideal basis for the establishment of super-soldiers. Experiment has been going on for a long time.

    The main character, Ken Kaneki, is a big joke of a new way, there are more zoos, but people and ghouls are similar: just one and one chew in a straightforward mind, іnshi - in a figurative one. The truth of life is horrible, it is not possible to overthrow it, and for the strong, the one who does not enter. And the distance is already like!

  • (26739)

    The idea of ​​seeing the alternative reality, which has long been known about the demons; at the Pacific Ocean and to navi the islands - "Itogamidzima", the demons are the potent hulks and the people may be right. However, there are people-magicians who fall in love with them, zokrem, vampires. An extravagant Japanese schoolboy on the name of Akatsuki Koze, for a reason, changed his mind to a "purebred vampire", the fourth in a row. Behind him, follow the young dvchin Khimeraki Yukina, or the "shaman of the blade", who is guilty of stitching for Akatsuki and knocking him out of the control.

  • (25472)

    The story of the story about the Yunak on the name of Saytama, who lives in the world, ironically similar to ours. Youmu 25, the fox is beautiful, so strong is the flooring, with one blow of anger, all are not safe for people. Win shukak himself on a difficult life path, at the same time distributing the monsters and monsters.

  • (23186)

    Infect you with playing the game. I will play roulette. I will bet on your life. After death, people, who have lost their minds at once, will go to Kvin Dekim, and they should be able to play in the load. Ale for those who are here to see them, the Heavenly Judgment.

  • "Amnesia is sickness with symptoms of the loss of memory, which appears at every day of the day, for some inadequate guesses about the experience of the singing period for an hour."
    - about the name of the serial.

    Amnesia ... Ah, it’s more wonderful and more terrible to feel, if you don’t remember anything! About those - who, children and who (?) On you a costume of the age? Oh, but at the same time, what for the devil is a litayuch ?! ... Well, a ts_kaviy ear. Take it, not the same type. Before the speech, here is presented to the dissociated amnesia - amnesia, when facts are forgotten from a special life, instead of saving memory for universal knowledge. Otzhe, our head heroine, called її Zabuvashkoyu (for me in her it’s dumb, I want to know everything at a glance, how does it sound, but it’s not like that. maid-cafe in otochennі young, pretty (and і іlmy extravagantly dressed) lads. Krym Ushyy, instructed to loom a lilting demon, someone else, in the form of a young lad. Yaka ... and the reason for losing the memory! Granny said - do not wick the demons of a child, more beautiful than the Lord, and then there is one bug from the low-root creatures! Ale is dumb ... I want a lad, slyly, nyashny. Hmm ... Axis such pies!

    “Is there a noise and a din in the head? I won't give you this year's lads! ".
    - About romance in Amnesia.

    Otzhe, what do we have here? Ah, that tse shojo! This means that our ordered one has one girl and a minimum of 4-5 people. Well, in principle, so і. A couple of friends, and then wondering and all 4 lads, that plus bonus p'yats - Joker. Razklad big nizh classic (horny lad do not take up to respect!). What about them you can tell? Well ... Kozhen, from them, has a peculiar specialty (I think it is similar to the singing suits of the cards, explained by the yakim, mabut, given in the visual novels, but for me, please do not hesitate), with their targans in the head and with the dear ones, Nastilka is close, so, in a persistent way, zmushuє think about її вітряніst (read: shl ** a, it’s simple). Bo our Zabuvashka is even easier to enter into close contact with the reddish bisenens, well, we aim there, start seeing the sympathy ... so it’s just with the new boy, he’s forgetting everything about the middle, and switching his respect to the offensive one. Zmіnyu yak mittens chi the victim of obstavin? In a different way, to bring a cultural shock to the noble ladies of the gentry (yak, mabut, they could have presented a Russian woman at the hero's house, ale from the bottom), if the heroine was fooled with a snoot and because they were shouting at the clients. Well, what? P-f, think ... Aje tse lyublyachi!

    Well, let's try to get back to it (even if I’ll look around, I’m not just able to tell / not worth it (Price is tedious!), But how to get to the bottom of the truth, or I want to see some people. Serial will be added). Perche. The head of food - why is Zabuvashka so good? Hi, it’s not available, but sooner it’s just not possible to be quick to see it in the world, in addition to that, the very rapidity and the impertinence of the pod (it’s not even the first time) and all the prices are multiplied by the current Japanese ). That yaka girl to stand in front of such lads? To a friend. So, surprisingly, because of the clerical situation of the spirna (even worse), but in the light of the quiet furnishings, it could be one of the only virny decisions. I want it to be radical. Garazd, especially to confront the senseu is dumb (for me all the same, maybe not even as far as the soul, so come in, ALE NOT the heroine's behavior), let's think more beautifully, who should you vibrate with our Zabuvashtsi? Wonderfully (for a little anime, ale vivid, not for a video, a sound and a sound like a gray), ale nini vibir was presented at the gaze, having made the most happy and vidkritiy final (for cich pod). Negotiate the beauties of the bisens is not in my rules, ala yakbi me (so according to the theory itself!) Was put in front of the cim, a specific choice ... Joker.

    “Be quiet, yak bears. It’s impossible to ale the virus - the stench is even stronger ”.
    - About the essence of the Japanese woman.

    Zaboo. Some of the people who want to do it are not those who are more public, but sooner privately to the potential glance (be it a stat) given to the serial, who are also in love with our heroes who are wondrous and unreasonable. It’s funny bachiti (to read it without getting into it) the reaction of Russian girls to the behavior of our Japanese Forgetting. Yak will give our miles to beat the blah reaction that "autistic behavior" of the heroine! My dear lady, we marveled at the JAPANESE girl, and not at your mental projection and psychological associations with the heroine. We would like to help myself I would like to try on top of the image of the classic (read old-fashioned, not 21 centuries) Japanese woman. In the middle of the century, in Japan, the woman was deprived of its value, spiritually instilled at a minimum, but at least as much as possible in the Buddhist religion. To be born by a vlashtovannoy іnaksha in a relationship with a cholovіk meant to bring in foul karma into life. Tobto a lot of shit at the last life - now they have become a woman and may vikupati their forefront. The bell went off to let the cholovik go forward (and not navpaki, as we have), trim a parasol over it, bowing to give papyr and movchati, if it is to start the business from the other. In the midst of all the virtues of a woman, some of the main boules, there is good delivery and the opportunity to move and be patient, tolerate and move. And with my head I got into a vice - jealous! And how can our heroine be robbed? That's right - to be led like a classic Japanese woman. Movements, endure the effort of smallness, the flow of energy over the course of the flow and the growth of the choloviks. I repeat, it’s so wild for the whole country, altogether, typical for Japan. That kind of vikhovannya dosi vikladaetsya navit at a time (in the minds of general feminism and indigenous independence), especially conservative and traditional Japanese families. To that, it is quite boldly possible to create a new family, but our Zabuvashka yakraz from such a kind of homeland. I want it all і zabula, ale behavioral type, pledges from early childhood, all one fell for the first time, and I saw that I had a reaction to the situation that I was thinking. Tobto. virosshi, the heroine could and remember her style of behavior, but it was more independent and volova (and so, it seems, all the bulo, judging from the beating of the reddish ones, as it seems to mean the gallant, the snake not in the result on the right, ale shh - tse spoilers!) Yak pidsumok, mi maєmo GG, I’m afraid to say the word and I want to say the word. GG yak is afraid to stand up untied, against the go against the cholovik. That plus, to all intents and purposes, post-traumatic shock comes from the memory. And you seem to be autism! If I want it to be obvious, for example, our Zabuvashka still showed herself and went to the game - I wish she could just go home. Truly divine. vislovlyuvannya about the essence of the Japanese woman!

    "I remember here, I don't remember there ...".
    - About the plot in Amnesia.

    Whichever one befits a particular plot, so it’s not reasonable for me to see the story (especially in the distance, it also went to Kaiba), and the initiative to get involved in the plot all at once. For an hour, bezperechno, plus, tk. Whenever there is a lot of knowledge in history, the heroes do not have a lot of things on the way of life, and if you don't have to take all that talent. Until then, such a plot may have a bigger “soft” start, if you throw it right into the thick of the pod, without explaining to the best, who and who, who and what (and where). The axis is here, we are smoothly led by the hand along the intrinsic growths. What for the lithuanian cotton? Why is a garniy bisenen її boyfriend? Oh, and now ... (before the speech, a good go with a cat - gravitate love plot lines not all at once, but in order. The only real minus is an hour of irresponsiveness to reddened biceps, little commotion, a lot of commotion). such a big one? (Yeah, they didn’t see it, and they did it all the same ..!) And as a role for everybody, a photographer, why is it so quick to appear in a young scene? And vzagal, more than a good word (and already having given enough prompts). Bo, I dare to tell you about the plot of Amnesia baiduzhe, but, for example (from the best), try to draw on the picture in Bioshok: Іnfіnіti (before the speech, I strongly recommend to go through a tough one, don’t like a computer) Beat with your feet for take treba. Directly for deyakim.

    Graphics and music. The zagalom picture is eye-catching. That very eyes (don't get lost!) Are even more unwitting. It's enough to hit it once, just say it - well, such eyes don't often start! Є in them, as the accessibility of accessibility (melodiously symbolizing glybin). Uninvited! The backlights are decently missed, I'll tell you. Especially within the shojo genre. Bo in new, well, just love economy at all. There are also characters. Beautiful revealing, tsikaviy odyag, richly trojand. It befits me, I love everything. Nekhai want to hang light on the Trojans! And the axis of the music ... Oh, it's just divine! I don’t know how to navigate, how to convey it in words (I’ll say only - there’s more IMHO, to the point of objectivity!). Wonderful opening and ending, wonderful background musical suprovid! Gorgeous! Have a playlist unambiguously. Having especially delighted the lovely photographer, the melody will end on how the melody will end, with such a mile manic glance we will bring love and hate together, it’s just so easy! To navigate a peep-glance bouv of leather ending, but in the hour I’m staying, everything is going to be trampled. Everything has come to pass!

    Visnovok. I was honored! Moreover, when you wanted to see more food, the intelligence logic of the hero's behavior (also, I am grateful to know that OYAS has a strong sexual arousal from the nose) and I think about it like that, but not inakshe (straight skimmer!). And in a nutshell, simply, a whole series of glances at the required hour and before the required settings (as the result is simply awesome! Yak the result, I can say, is not a masterpiece, even worse and even better. To achieve a non-trivial ear, additions to the extravagant lack of intelligence and taunting, grows smoothly (it can be more beautiful all the same) grows into drama with elements. First and foremost, spirni moments, but all the same, tse nagatato is more beautiful than candied fruit, an hour of kawaii nastіlka, scho straight, grape the corn with a shovel from the peels in a trojan ...

    This year I will get to know you from one mile to anime, shho viyshov near the birch 2013 rock. The tse of non-falsifications is a representative of such genres as "romantic" and "harem", ale with an unvichy presentation. That is the name of the new one, which is all from the very cob ...

    ☺ Threes about the plot ☻

    The name of the anime is shown to us as an important storyline. So, here є the plot! Poganiy, ale є. And the axis of the sense ... well, that de vin is spastered? So the axis, turning to the name "amnesia". Vono and bear all the basic wisdom of all creation, because means the term of becoming ill with symptoms of the loss of memory, especially on recent important events, as well as inadequate rumors about the events that have come up.
    Smoothly replaying to the plot. The main heroine, who was found in an unknown cafe, wasted all her time until this year's day, the first sickle. De Vaughn was that robbing here? Tsієї mі in front of her, from the start, a lad appears, who introduces himself simply: "Orion, spirit."
    When the day changes, Orion is in the memory of the child, who, when the day changes, he was caught in the soul of the heroine and got lost there (the deyaky spogadi made a difference). Vaughn began to navil yakas from the realities її. Ah, so ... the ice is not cold ... if it’s not possible to renew the memory, through spilkuvannya with others, then you will simply die (forget yak dikhati). in the skin of the light, she has a great boy and won’t grow up, de її mіsce.

    ❋Trohi about characters
    Otzhe, our lads-nyashi: Orion Spirit, who is the cause of the amnesia of the hero, and I myself should help you to turn around. Not bachimo for resolving characters in anime.
    We see Uke as a photographer. Wines are stored in many clubs: triathlon, cheerleading, dancing, lacrosse, rugby, mystery, horseback riding, kabad, debates and about 15 of them. Guardians of the doubles of specialness. I will get rid of the Joker.
    Toma is a student of other rock science at the University. Play basketball, cycling and surfing on the Internet. To love grati at videoigri, gotuvati and chitati. Warehouse at the helpless clubs: football, radio, archery and journalism. His beloved creatures are people. Mily and a cute cholovichok, who can get sick more (from the first look), but then he can see his hairy nature. Tambourine suit.
    Kent is not a thief and a thrifty lad. After graduating from the university and mastering the education. Loving various mathematical puzzles and encouraging new knowledge from the side. To love usi vidi tvarin, to that you just be like them sposterіgati.
    Ikki student of the fourth year of the university. To love grati in darts, billiards and table tennis. Stverdzhu, which is impervious to be-yakіy grі, it is necessary to vikoristovuvati hands spontaneity. The canonical handsome prince on a white horse, like being a crown-bearer, not especially tsykavo, who will be seen from this dvchinoy. Yogo is in love with the creature - the hamster. The same suit of picks.
    Shin Become a member of the third school at the high school and get ready to go to university. Yogo beloved creatures - dogs. Win to love grati in kartkovi іgry and polyagaє at the athletics club. Do not expect to be carried out adequately, іnodі wiklikaє podiv. I will pick up the suit of worms.

    ◊ Marvel at AMV◊

    X_Polus1 _x_Polus2 _x_Polus3 _x_Polus4 _x_Polus5 _x_Polus6 _x_Polus7

    26.11.2015 2848 10 4.3 Enigma

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    Comments required: 10

    #10 Baka_Usagi 08.03.2016 18:57

    I wouldn’t say b, shou trash, it’s all the same for a newcomer є, but it’s still not a masterpiece. I want for the gri - the very ones that are needed, and the whole animash is prepared for the group and the znyata.

    #9 Domovenok 14.12.2015 23:42

    Unpalatable for the first time, ale є, pragnuti)
    Especially, the color is no narrower than the turbine, the axis of the change of color is like this:
    Ale in principle, blue me not especially straining)
    I’ll wait for Orange, I can tell you about the heroine's name:
    Ale, before me - I don’t even like texts without razdіlovikh signs, be weasel, don’t forget the Komi =. =
    I will be impatient to check the offensive robots, but I think that the stench in you will be gorgeous, the smut - do not sleep and try to play with it * o *
    Ale sphatku - trimay mitaminki for fighting viruses (/ * ^ *) /

    #8 SysliK 14.12.2015 23:31

    Um, I ask you not to be brothers for the statty nadto yaskravi kolori. Yak has already been said below, it’s inaccurate and not very close:
    And also to the rajah of the offensive razdit the text into paragraphs. Tse nadaє obsyag robots, it is easier to read the text and use the information:
    Still more trokhs have got confused by the plot (win and so get confused in the wrong way). I read it first, I didn’t mind. Virishila read it again, could not. I must have lost my eyes.
    First of all, I even wanted to read your little thought about anim. What emotions did you see behind the glance? Did you hear the characters wink? Well and also іnshe.

    Vibachte, why did I criticize you so much. I am all mind, the first of the robot and the same (for the first robot, it was impossible to navigate). Tse please see the reader on your Maybut:

    Good luck for the robot ^^

    #7 Majeh 28.11.2015 11:50

    Good and good information: 3 Thank you very much)

    #6 Mellory 28.11.2015 10:36

    For the first robot, it’s not bad, there are few pictures, and for such a small robot, the pictures were sent in larger sizes, as well as information about three and small pictures, as the robot itself has changed + є pardon, not a lot, but not a little.


    #5 Van ⠀ Helsing 27.11.2015 13:34

    pictures are more ... more ... the same text, more red rows


    #4 Oleksandrushka:[guest] 11/27/2015 12:27 PM

    For a cob - not rotten. Ale kіlka is delighted to be robotized.

    1. In the name, it is necessary to write the word [Oglyad], but I will name it to anime Russian.
    2. Namagaysya not vikoristovuvati different colors to the font. For example, blue, yak, she was breaking - the viglyada is not even very neat.
    3. Even more rich in text and few pictures. I will throw you the code from LZ :)

    Something not worth it і those, it is said about іnshі reality. Need less details, more information. And then tse mayzhe spoilers. It is still possible to see those, but our GG is a dumb name. Vaughn is just a Heroine. Chim, before speech, tse anime and vidіlyaє.
    Ale, in principle - for the first robot - even better. I was honored - it is written easily that without mercy. I put a heel * ^ *) /


    #3 Milulia 26.11.2015 17:51

    and viyshlo was not degraded for the first time, well done: 3

    The look at me was given - it was nicely and easily written, everything was intelligent, the hero was presented at a distance, plus a small clue about the amnesia itself, like a sickness for the uninitiated.
    pictures add text there is required.
    the design is finished yet not so good, but it could have been, but later and at the same time.

    I myself was amazed at myself, and I was overwhelmed by my own hostility, I wish I could not say, but I didn’t vouch for it.
    for the article and the success of the petty robots ~


    #2 Estler 26.11.2015 16:42

    Good look) and well done. For a first robot, everything is just wonderful. Good descriptions of the plot and navit for quiet, who do not know, but describe the ill. Ale wanted more pictures and the font іnshy yaky-nebud: 3

    And so everything is gorgeous


    #1 Hela 26.11.2015 15:41

    Robot first, you got into good
    Tilki posilannya b on anime syudi

    My own anime was filled with rich emoji, I was honored with an idea, those characters

    Dyakuyu for the article.

    Anime "Amnesia" will be on the ninth place on the list of the best anime 2013 rock for the Shikimori rating. The author of the manga is Idea Factory, and the lead director is Ohasi Yesimitsu.

    Anime is completed in 2013. You will be pleased with 12 gray and one OVA, as to clarify the idea and, you can change the thought about anime to the best.

    Genre: sedze (tobto tsilova auditoria - dvchata vіkom 12-18 rocks), romance, harem for dіvchat (in anіmі bugato lads, zakohanyh heroine in the head), detective, come in handy.

    Manzi "Amnesia" has 2 volumes. Unfortunately, the transfer of another volume of the "Amnesia" of incompleteness. Anime shattered behind the same visual novel, plunging into the yak of gaze, the plot of anime is more beautiful than the intelligence of entanglement. On a special note of merit, the opening is a charming melody that sets the mood of all the series. Malyuvannya rainbow eye that like the soul of an otaku.


    On the calendar of the first serpent. The main heroine, who is so unknowingly, came to the cafe with a message. Uncommonly won’t mind, bless all the mischief. And yet, through a small trick to the hour, the reason is the spirit of Orion. Winnning to spend on Earth from the beginning and inadvertently grabbing the astral spirit of the heroine, changing the structure of the spogadiv. Every once in a while, people say different people, as they clearly know more about her, not about them. But the foldability of the process of renewing the memory is even more important: I’m not guilty of intelligence, but my amnesia, but if you go to likars, behind Orion’s words, you won’t bring any good luck. If the heroine has been eating at the stress of the situation, the urges of the spogad will turn to it, or even from these fragments unhappily folded the whole picture.

    A friend of a serіya repairs from the collection at the cafe, de dіvchina, yak viyavilosya, pratsyu. The manager of the organization will go on a trip for the group. The heroine will be summoned up, who will be brothers in their fate, Ale Orion will overtake the divine, so there is a chance for non-falsity to renew their memory. Dark. All the participants of the trip go to marvel at the fall.

    The heroine of the troche comes from the Shin. If you ask me, why did you get it on the same power supply, or the heroine was afraid, as you might say. Until then, she didn’t have a good deal about Shin - the lad was aware of the fact that he had driven a man in. Vona tіkа from nyogo, ale not wondering at the feet and falling from the urvish. Once upon a time, the heroine came to tyami in a lykarny, ala on the calendar, even more than a sickle. Provide and enter Shin. Win a heroine and spend it at home. The key to the apartment can be seen at a new one, Shin is still amazed that it’s gone wrong. Orion kudis znik, ale vona pam'yataє everything that was going to be sent to him. For the moment, the heroine wonders if it’s not a dream, or if it’s not asleep at once, or if I’m overpowered, all that is to be seen is reality. On the coming day, Shin will know to come before the next day and after putting on the power supply, it’s very smart, but there’s nothing to remember. Win raspovidan їy, how the smell of comradeship from the childishness and the stench lasts more than 3 months. Then Shin introduce її pratsyuvati. There you must remember about those who have become. The heroine of the rosum is among the friends-waiters from the list of one of the waiters, so help me not to converge on the trip because of the shopping malls in cafes. All the best - in advance.


    Unsurprisingly, the characterization of other characters in "Amnesia" is more creative than the character of the head hero. I want a reason є obviously, it was not worthy of glances.

    The skin hero is shown one suit of cards: Shin - worms, Ikki - piks, Kent - clubs, Tom - tambourines. The most famous character of "Amnesia", Uke, was given the role of a joker. Tsi suits of cards are injected on the visual plot at the grі.

    Other series of characters from the anime "Amnesia":

    • Rika (kerіvnik to the Іккі fan club);
    • Mine (pratsyuє at the cafe with the head heroine);
    • Sava (the girl is cheerful and active, her friend is nady);
    • Vaka (manager at the cafe, de pratsyuє divchina, dermal light has a temperament of growth).


    Іm'ya dіvchini, yaka has lost the memory, to be left unattended. In front of the tse it is tied with it, but in the same group, the vibration is lacking in gravity.

    For the heroine's acts, our hours can say that she's kind and safe. Behind the savages of the other characters in "Amnesia", you can make fun of your friends. Hero Edina, who can bach the spirit of Orion.

    Bagato glyadachiv vvazhayut її zanado іnfantile, to navigate for the situation, but I thought that it’s 5th month in the rating "The main hero who is used for the plot" (for the data of Shikimori).


    A mystical spirit that comes from the world. Vsylyako rewind to help the heroes turn their memory. Merry and new, wine is often consumed by an unfriendly situation, ale nikoli is not discouraged. Orion himself seems to have a spirit of incomprehension and a lot of something. Through this lack of robbery, the head heroine has lost her memory - she has lost her mind. If I want to know something about it, it’s necessary. For all the characters in "Amnesia", the heroes, the invisible wine.


    Vіk: 18 rockіv.

    Height: 179 cm.

    Cohany heroines in one svitiv. It is straightforward to study before entering the university, the third time is to start at the senior school. A friend of the dynasty of the hero, the youngest for her on a little rock. Love dogs even more. Before the amnesia of Shin, one should be put on the mind, but it is even more important to accept those who are not remembered by anybody.


    Вік: 22 rocky.

    Height: 182 cm.

    Start on the fourth year, the idol of all the children, I want to bachili once (with the blame of the head hero). There are even more garnishes in all games, especially in billiards and darts. Yogo's most beautiful friend is Kent. Ikki love the development of mathematics, which is a problem for you. Homyak - the yogo is in love with the creature.


    Вік: 25 rockіv.

    Height: 190 cm.

    Kent start in magistrature, graduates of mathematics university. Not to love unclear formulas and quickly come to the correct orders of the nobility of logical worlds. The whole light is spostering from the side, razvazhlivy and zibraniy. Kent is a close friend of Ikki, the stench will constantly clash, rather than converge in the thoughts of what is meant for the plan. Yak a presenter to love our creatures. Having made the option with the aliens, he will rob the host himself, as the head hero has amnesia. Kent can’t be bothered with the girls, so it’s magical virahuvati all the way to mathematical formulas.


    Вік: 20 rockіv.

    Height: 181 cm.

    Start another course. Friends of the Childhood - Shin is the main heroine. To love to sit at the computer and ride a bike, play basketball. Dobre gotuє that bagato readє. Yogo can be brought up to the category of yandere-lads, even dbailivy and jealous. Comunicable and non-turbulent, often behave like a child, ale ruthless to quiet, that you want to make your family a friend.


    Вік: 24 rocky.

    Zrist: 185 cm.

    A popular photographer, the first knowledge of the young school, stealing a camera from the father. Through the experiences of a friend, a friend appeared and baked specialness. Much more talent, there are more than 20 clubs, garnies at dances, music, top leaders, debates and single combats. Uke is shaleno to love the heroine of the head.

    About anima "AMNESIA" and those characters. DESCRIPTION OF ANIME: The main heroine, who found herself in an unattended cafe, as if she was seen, lost all her help until the current day, the first sickle. De Vaughn was that robbing here? Who was it and how did life lead? Before the ruined heroine, the boy Orion appeared, who called himself a "spirit". Before yogo krivnitstvom won the day "on the dot", but the amnesia was not opened. Viplivayut specialties stosunki s otochennyam ... Zustrich s "friend of the child", "sempaym" i, nareshty, "boy", ni names, ni individuals of some kind of unfortunate. The memory of the heroine has been relieved to feel calmly, not to be heard at all ... Fragments of the past, once they come to life, and those who are not satisfied ... Yaku "see" you know there, at the spogadah, did you turn ...? CHARACTERS: Hero of Seiyu: Nazuka Kaori Vіk: 19 rockіv; 1 course at the University of Dyvchin, as one time she wasted all the help. I don’t know anything about myself, nor about those who feel sick, they are mesmerized by the day and turn their memory, and amnesia. Sin (Shin) (about great vilna transcription) - Unprivileged and Straight Worms "Mlinets. 3rd class of senior school (nezabarom enter) Date of birth: 30 leaf fall; Strelts Blood group: A Height: 179 cm Friend of the family of the main hero. Younger for her. Serious and happy. Reasonable, smart, a little cold, not behind the rock and even though I don't show my sentiments. However, in new and hotness is accustomed, almost as much as loved ones are straight and wide. Іккі - Malyaschі dіvchat Charіvnі Pіki "Well, how are you still denouncing robish? Would you like to be with me?" Seiyuu: Taniyama Kishou Vіk: 22 rock; 4th year university Date of birth: 1 worm; Bliznyuki Blood group: AB Height: 182 cm Senpai is the main heroine in robotics. Popular, very popular fan-club and post-production by girls. Nachabto є we volodar such physical specialties, as if, looking, having looked at whether the representative of the protolezhny stati would "see myself with a zakhanoy". Kent - Cold and Logic Trefs 25 years; graduate student Date of birth: Sunday 23rd; Terezi Blood group: B Height: 190 cm Postgraduate student of the Faculty of Mathematics and the University of Ikki. A staunch lyudin, about everything from a rational point of view. Viyavlya interest (tsіkavіst) to everything that cannot be explained by logic. Love is also vvazhaє ob'єktom with caution. Toma - Neither loving and Bozhevilny Tambourines "I ... I don’t want to bach you, but cry" Seiyu: Hino Satoshi Вік: 20 rockets; 2nd year University Date of birth: 12 April; Aries Blood group: B Height: 181 cm Friend of the family of the head hero and Sina. Shthos on the big brother. The Vlasnik is of a good-natured nature, and does not indulge in smiles. Spooky і dbayliviy, protean about the turbo, you can value the floor, but for an hour it is inadequate. Ukyo (Укіо) - A secret Joker "Do not be proud. It’s not wonderful, you don’t know me less" Ribi Blood Group: O Zrist: 185 cm A mysterious young man who rapt before the head heroine. I will be messed up with my immodest behavior. Either it’s enough to get rid of it, then it’s not safe to be built by rapt. What's that right? Orion "Well, I wouldn’t become, I’m waiting on your side" Seiyu: Igarashi Hiromi Spirit, who showed up from the call of the first light. Along the way to the human light, it stumbled upon the testimony of the heroine and the closure of the soul. Help me to help you.
