Recommendations for fathers and teachers for the development of sound science.

Troyandi Remnants of our children develop through the way of inheriting the language of estranged people (mainly adults - parents, family members, teachers preschool mortgage that is), initially mechanical (reflexive), and then more and more aware, it is necessary to directly integrate into this process. The influx, first of all, appears in the ovarian veins of children of an active social environment: correctly, the pure expression of adults; reading works of fiction; promotion of theatrical performances, exhibitions, concerts, etc. In the minds of preschool teachers, they carefully focus on emphasizing the respect of children on the correct language with the help of different languages:

didactic games

and subsidiaries;

carry out enlightening work with the fathers of the HIV-infected children, so that their actions in their promos try to stick to their children and knowingly repeat words - lisp;
Others do not have enough respect for sleeping with children and replacing them with watching TV programs, films, games on the computer, and they also do not respect the formation of the correct sound language. The connection with qim is pronounced dads coming


In a young preschool child, it is not the articulatory right to produce certain sounds, but the universal preparatory complex that has the right. Carry out articulation gymnastics every day so that the ovaries of the articulation organs are strengthened, become more powerful, the main ribs of the organs of articulation are clarified and perfected. It’s difficult to take 3-5 minutes.

The skin has the right to be carried out in the caucasian
Game form
and repeat 6-8 times.

- “Spatula”: the mouth is open, the tongue is wide and relaxed and lies on the lower lip.
In this situation, keep your language in mind for at least 5 seconds.
- Cup: mouth wide open.

The anterior and posterior edges of the wide tongue are raised, and the teeth are not pressed together.

This language should be held for 5-10 seconds.
- “Golochka”: the mouth is open, the long, narrow tongue hangs forward.

In this situation, keep your language in mind for at least 5 seconds.

- “Girka”: the mouth is open.

The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up.

Language in this situation should be limited to at least 10 seconds.

No less important is the direct influence that flows into the formation of the correct sound, the formation of a natural sound.

Organization of work for the development of economic development

It is important to pay special attention to the development of physical behavior in children, as the basis for proper development of both sound and all aspects of speech.

Nowadays, you can finish with the vihovantsy (depending on the age, from 3 to 6 hvilins) and play the following games:

- sweat on light bags, paper bags;

play children's musical wind instruments; There are cotton balls tied to the string, different-colored cardboard and paper figures;;
- inflate the air bags, let them go

mile bulbs - blow cotton wool or paper fluff from the table directly to the singer (play “Football”);- grow uphill, not allowing the fluffy, vatsi to fall down,
confectionery cakes
etc. Vikonannya of respiratory rights, as it infuses the formation of proper breathing, and helps prevent illness of the ENT organs. Prevention of diseases of the ENT organs: acute and chronic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps, enlarged adenoids, etc.


most important component
Robots with sound development will go to preschool.
Very often the cause of damage to sound is illness itself.

They complicate the process of correct breathing, change the intonation of the voice, call for changes in speech, bite, and palate.

So, for example: chronic rhinitis leads to persistent nasal congestion, making breathing difficult.

Sometimes the child begins to gag, which may result in an increase in the size of the mouth, which can lead to increased interdental swelling.

- Slowly draw in the flesh of the cherry through the middle of the abdomen, immediately making a sharp sound through the nose (3-4 times).

- At the hour I see the mouth open wide and, as far as possible, stick out the tongue, rubbing the tip of it as far as the throat.
Silently produce the sound [a-a-a-a] (5-6 times).

- Gargle with 1.5% sea (kitchen) salt.
The main difficulties for fathers are to take care of the ungodly child.

To hem the baby, you need to protect it.

It is important to remember that the main activity of children is play.

Everyone will be busy following the rules of the game!

You can travel to the Kazakh Kingdom or visit Dunno.

A plush medic or a doll can also talk to the baby.

  1. A rare child, let’s sit in the seat and gain knowledge.
  2. Don't boast!
  3. Later, and most importantly, children are given whistling ([s], [s], [z], [z], [t]), sizzle ([w], [z], [h], [sch]) and sonorant sounds ([р], [р], [л], [л]).

Normally, the acquisition of all Russian sounds will end at 4-5 rocks.

  1. Main types of destruction: Sustainability of sound. For example, sweep away the hand of the baby uka
  2. or replace tsibulya - uk; Replacement for sound.
    For example, a child can replace [ts] with [t]
  3. (type film);

[w] to [s];

  • [R]
  • on [l];

[s] to [s];

[l] on [th] too;

Confused by the sound that appears for example:

There is no sound between the teeth (the tip of the mouse is pushed between the teeth);

  • There is usually a deafening sound (one feels an unpleasant sound, like “splashing”);
  • in the throat voice there is a sound [r] (it comes out when the palate is vibrating, not the tip of the tongue).
  • Impairment of the first and other types of sound (involvement of sound and its replacement) in children up to 3-4 years of age can be seen as occurring with hearing (with normal pink development of the child and full-fledged hearing) physiological deficiency.
  • Ale yakscho ci

Disorders are detected in children over 5 years of age, it is necessary to immediately consult a speech therapist and begin classes under his care.

Damage to the third type (the creation of sounds) does not go away on its own.

It is important to contact a speech therapist in order to identify the reasons why the formation of normal sound language is important.

  1. 1 The reasons can be determined by yourself.
    For this purpose, register the Malyukov Vikonati Kilka Rukhiv.
  • .
  • Loosen your tongue and place it on your lower lip.
  • You may be wary because:
  • the child cannot handle the word wide and spread out;
  1. 2 the language is restless, calming;

the tip of the tongue quivers and bends to the lower and upper lips;

The language is supported by someone else;

  1. 3 refers to the submovement of the sphenoid line. .
  • Open your mouth wide and pull the tip of your tongue across it, either to the left side of your mouth, or to the right.
  • It is appropriate to be on guard, since:

- the language is becoming overdone with all its weight, it is overly tense, and during the collapses there will be a slurry;

.Open your mouth and raise your tongue to your upper lip.

  1. It’s good to be on your guard, yakshcho; the child cannot speak up;
  2. lifts the tongue with the help of the lower lip. If your baby exhibits excessive speech difficulties, then he needs a consultation not only with a speech therapist, but also with a neurologist (neurologist).
  3. You may need special speech therapy massage and medication. Speech therapy practice has a strict consistency in work with corrections.

no sound, it is carried out in three stages.

Preparatory stage

With the help of articulation gymnastics, the muscles of the lips and tongue prepare for the creation of unique sounds.

And also work is being carried out to develop phonemic hearing and vibrating skills and forming a straight wind jet to vibrate a variety of sounds.

Staging the sound is the first thing that is fixed.

At this stage, the speech therapist uses special techniques and adjusts sound production.

The important role of the child’s development is assigned to the fathers.

It would seem, dear loving mother, that would have been better for the recovery and destruction.

It’s a pity that sometimes you end up in a situation when dads constantly call out to the wrong child.

“Our wine is still small, we’re young, we say it correctly,” - the confession smells the stench of students and third-party adults.

Of course, it is incorrect to identify both quiet and other sounds during the singing period (if the child learns to hear them and uses his device) it is acceptable.

If the process drags on, it is necessary to contact the police for help.

Incorrect sound production is the tip of the iceberg.

The reasons for the destruction may include the following factors:

 special features of the articulatory apparatus (shortened hyoid ligament,

High Gothic pіdnebіnnya and in.);

 dysarthria;

 phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

It’s difficult to patch up damage in your home on your own. .

Children with phonetic-phonemic deficiencies are at risk of blurry language, constricted articulation, and lack of expressiveness and clarity of language.

They are characterized by instability of respect and distractibility. Stinks are avoided by difficulties with stored material. Early detection of children with phonetic-phonemic disorders

necessary mental

for successful correction of shortcomings in preschool children and advanced leaf damage.

There are a number of developments in the phonetic-phonemic development of children.  There is insufficient differentiation and difficulty in the analysis of the disturbances in your sounds. The entire other sound structure of the word and the warehouse structure are analyzed correctly.

This is the lowest stage of phonetic-phonemic incoherence.

 Insufficient division

great amount

sounds from several phonetic groups with complete formation of their articulation in speech. In these cases, sound analysis is more severely disrupted. With deep phonemic underdevelopment, the child “does not feel” the sounds in the word,

does not separate the lines between sound elements, it is impossible to see them from the word and determine the sequence.

Phonetic-phonemic deficiencies will require systematic correction work to last a difficult period.

To loosen the swelling of the cheeks and tongue, the child begins to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth on his own.

Play, puffy cheeks and dry winds, quickly “migrate” from one cheek to the other.

Sometimes you have to be careful about the situation when in the speech therapist’s office the child is trying to correctly identify all the sounds, but the axis that goes beyond her boundaries is not at all under control without a speech therapist.

This is acceptable for the first time.

Self-control is formed in children step by step and trivalo.

However, since the fathers will not be easy-going, they will succeed in waiting for a long time.

The formation of auditory awareness plays an important role.

It often happens that parents learn from their children at the same time, and there is no bonding between them.

The older one gives short commands, for example, “Don’t get in the weeds” or “Shake off your hands.”

It is important to speak to the child, voice whatever the situation is - just as you know what the child senses and tell you.

Don’t talk to the empty crowd, marvel at it at night.

Apply yourself to improve your articulation.

Rozmova, an adult, may be available for adoption as a reasonable child.

Speak simply, clearly, expressively, using your skin word or phrase.

Children are very sensitive to intonation.

Intonation diversity of your language

shapes the clarity and vibrancy of our child.

Growing up with a child is to blame for the uniqueness of long phrases and the impersonality of folded words.

The great obedience to the flow of speech dulls the child’s respect, overshadows the common language


Do not allow a children's garden.

There is no one to recite the verses, which means there is no need to read them.

However, memory capacity develops to its maximum in preschool age.

Don't miss out It's time! During the recitation process, make sure you use the correct language.

A good incentive for movnogo development that molding is sonic


fine motor skills


Starting to rightly and accurately wield a pencil, the child will learn

control the organic apparatus.

Molding, painting, finger theater, games with friends

objects helps develop the accuracy of the fingers and hands, preparing the hand before writing.

Fastening hooves, bells, lacing, tying knots and bows helps to develop

Zorovo-Rukh coordination and communication.

It is important to remember that the main activity of children is play.

Not varto kupuvati vzuttya with Velcro, clothes without

Gudzikiv, to make life easier for the child.

A plush medic or a doll can also talk to the baby.

Necessary self-service skills are required

2. The world develops its hearing and improves its articulation apparatus (especially the lips and tongue) so that all other sounds become available.

3. Later, and most importantly, children are given whistling ([s], [s], [z], [z], [t]), hissing ([w], [z], [h], [sch] ) and sonorant sounds ([р], [рь], [л], [л]).

Normally, the acquisition of all Russian sounds will end at 4-5 rocks.

Normally, the acquisition of all Russian sounds will end at 4-5 rocks.

1. Substance to sound.

For example, a child can replace [ts] with [t]

For example, zamіst hand malyuk kazhe uka or zamіst cibul - uk;

2. Replacement of sound.

For example, a child can replace [ts] with [t] (heating);

[w] to [s];


3. Compromising the sound that appears in the butt:

In the interdental voice there are no sounds (the tip of the tongue sticks between the teeth);

-There is a deafening sound (you can hear an unpleasant “splashing” sound);

- in the throat voice there is a sound [p] (it comes out when the palate is vibrating, not the tip of the tongue).

Impairment of sound of the first and other types (the absence of sound and its replacement) in children up to 3-4 years of age can be seen as those that occur with age (with normal pink development of the child and full-fledged hearing) physiological deficiency.

Ale yakscho ci

impairments are detected in children over 5 years of age, it is necessary to immediately seek advice from a speech therapist and begin classes under his care.

Disorders are detected in children over 5 years of age, it is necessary to immediately consult a speech therapist and begin classes under his care.

Damage to the third type (the creation of sounds) does not go away on its own.

It is important to contact a speech therapist in order to identify the reasons why the formation of normal sound language is important.

The reasons can be determined by yourself.

For this purpose, register the Malyukov Vikonati Kilka Rukhiv.

For this purpose, register the child's viconati kilka rukhiv.

1. Loosen your tongue and place it on your lower lip.

- the child cannot hold his tongue wide and spread out;

the language is restless, calming;

-The tip of the tongue shakes and bends to the lower or upper lips;

the tip of the tongue quivers and bends to the lower and upper lips;

The language is supported by someone else;

-Mova breathes in the same one;

- indicates the displacement of the sphenoid.

2. Open your mouth wide and pull the tip of your tongue across it, either to the left side of your mouth, or to the right.

3. Open your mouth and lift your tongue to your upper lip.

It’s good to be on your guard, yakshcho;

- the child cannot speak up;

-Lifts the tongue using the help of the lower lip.

If your baby has overstrained muscles, then he needs consultation not only with a speech therapist, but also with a neurologist (neurologist).

no sound, it is carried out in three stages.

You may need special speech therapy massage and medication.

With the help of articulation gymnastics, the muscles of the lips and tongue prepare for the creation of unique sounds.

And also work is being carried out to develop phonemic hearing and vibrating skills and forming a straight wind jet to vibrate a variety of sounds.

Speech therapy practice is based on a strict sequence of work with sound correction, which is carried out in three stages. 1. Preparatory stage, in which the muscles of the lips and tongue, with the help of articulation gymnastics, are prepared to produce the most complex sounds.
And also work is being carried out to develop phonemic hearing and vibrating skills and forming a straight wind jet to vibrate a variety of sounds. 2. Staging the sound and its primary consolidation.
At this stage, the speech therapist uses special techniques and adjusts sound production. 3. Automation (fixation) of sound.
The sound of the statements must be reinforced with a path of bagatoraz repetitions first in words, in words, and then in phrases, verses and coherent speech. As a result, the production of sounds and its primary consolidation will require special knowledge and skills, which must be checked by a speech therapist.
Authors: Degaltseva Valentina Oleksandrivna, Gladka Dar'ya Oleksandrivna
Posada: senior cashier, student
Initial mortgage: 09.01.2018
Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Armavir State Pedagogical University" Population:

m. Armavira Name of material:

Science article Subject:

"Recommendations for teachers and parents to prevent impairment of sound comprehension in preschool children"

Publication date:


things are illuminated





dads and teachers.

All age-related abnormalities occur in children under 4-5


This process does not occur on its own, but under infusion




it is beneficial if the child senses normal language, and the result begins



As a child, the middle life became full-fledged, both fathers and

The fighters spoke correctly.


Filicheva points to those who are fathers, and sometimes to the conquerors,

succumbing to the child’s tongue, babbling, lisping with her, speaking with her such a child of mine (“Vovochtsi bo-bo”; “Let’s put on tights” then), Pomilkovo respects what we are entering into

trust the container

with the child.

reading works of fiction;

Warto note that this kind of aeration does not stimulate the child until puberty.

correct sound, and permanently consolidates its shortcomings.

similar plan:




to extract the skin sound from a word with consistent intonation,

the strike warehouse is clearly visible;

let's bring it to our senses


I respect the child on that subject, the reality of what is going on;

The child’s incorrectly used word is necessary, lagidno and calm

repeat two-three, and voluntarily correctly repeat the word with a child,

trace to hunt;



I can


(like a child is not yet given), instead of anger, we can say

new video until the movie.



the reason





is growing


ruins of articulatory organs and their immaturity.

To those who are most important

stage in the prevention of sound damage and the importance of work with

preparation of the articulation apparatus.





so that the rotary tips become stronger, become more valuable,

The main structures of the organs of articulation were refined and clarified.

It’s difficult to take 3-5 minutes.

The skin can be carried out in

The game form is repeated 6-8 times.

Complex right:



lower lip.

The language in this situation should be held for 5 seconds;

Cup: mouth wide open.

The front and side edges of the wide

the tongue is raised, but the teeth do not stick together.

Language for this situation is 5-10

“Golochka”: the mouth is open, the long, narrow tongue hangs forward.

and strongly pull the hypoglossal ligament, gradually accelerating the pace to the right.

"Painter": open mouth.

With the wide tip of the tongue, like a penzlik, we know

from the upper incisors to the soft palate.

Quilt so that you don’t pick it up in front of anyone

breaking in (you can grab it with your hand).

Savory jam: open mouth.

Lick the top with my wide mouth

lip and tongue from the mouth.







Right over the course of 2-3 months, not only minor pains are removed

move, and stretch the shortened hyoid frenulum, which leads to

effective and efficient acquisition of sound standards by children.



correct sounding - forming a movable dikhannya.


and educators should pay attention to the development of mental skills in children,

as the basis for the correct development of sound and all language in general.





dikhalni pravovi ta igry:

sweat on paper shirts, light bags;

play children's musical wind instruments;

dry on paper figurines tied to a thread, cotton balls;

let out million balloons, inflate balloons;




blow uphill, not allowing fluff, windy cakes, etc. to fall down.

Vikonannya of these savage rights flows into mold


proper exercise and prevention of illness ENT-

the reason






melt away


get drunk


the process of correct prayer, call for changes in everyday life,

Movi, bite.


carried out .


sounds, starting from preschool age, significantly shorten

the number of children, the camp of promotion of which from the senior in the vimagatime

carrying out corrective visits.

5. Build your child’s ability to understand all the sounds of language by ear, which will help you overcome difficulties with written language.

6. The development of phonemic processes can be helped in the right way, which can be done not only at home, but also before kindergarten, on a walk, in the store, etc.


· Wash a row of words and ask the child to dance in the valley (raise his hand) when he hears the sound of the task. For example: “Knock yourself down if you hear the sound [P] in the word.” So you can “play” with whatever sound the movie makes.

· Ask to guess and name the objects that can be found in the child (on the street, in the room, in the store,

child's cage

), which begin with the sound [Ш] (or some other sound).

· Propose yourself to guess 5-7 words that start with sound tasks.

· Ask the person to guess and name the basic supplies (products from the store, domestic or wild animals, etc.), the names of which have a sound [C] (or something else).

· Say a series of words and ask the child to dance in the valley (raise his hand) if he feels a soft vocal sound on the beginning of the word (For example: stitch, paw, moth, light, ball, kalyuzha, repair, frame, gut, cedar, sled , sіno, ta toscho); for example, words (mol, prick, yakir, parkan, vogon, wagon then); at the middle of the word (raspberry, stroller, ship, jam, mower, mower).

· Encourage the child to independently come up with words that begin: soft and hard sounds;

jingles and dull voices.

At the time of entering school, the child may have formed the process of analysis and synthesis, which is an important operation in the further education of the child.

The development of basic analysis and synthesis skills will be helped by the following tasks, which do not require special minds and can be learned, for example, while walking:

6. Finish the warehouse so that the word comes out.

For example: ma-li-(na), ka-ran-(dash), kart-tosh-(ka) ta in.

7. Fuck how many words there are.

Butt: elephant, booth, crane, stump (words with one word);

porridge, summer, bag, lesson, sirok (words from two warehouses);

raspberry, picture, curcha (words with three warehouses).

8. Name the first sound in words.

(Words with a first vowel sound are observed: kachka, leleka, vkazivka, orange, golka, hoop tosto; with a first vowel sound: kishka, fur coat, parasolka, stitch toscho)