Pension age in other countries of the world. Rozmir pensions in different countries Pension age in Europe

The order of the Russian Federation announcing the plan for increasing the age of non-practice (threshold for retirement), which will be determined by the number of stages. The term of reformation is 16 years. Changes in the pension legislation are accepted by the hulks painfully. Vlada, trying to smooth over the problem, commemorate Russia with other powers. Do not do without curiosities and pardons.

The peculiarities of the Russian pension system and those who are young. We try to grow in subtleties, we know which one Retirement age in the lands of the world, the maximum and minimum. It is no secret that many powers are looking over the laws in this gallery.

Peculiarities of pension systems of the world

When you reach old age, people in the world spend an hour out of squalor, take care of your health, enjoy your life, increase the price. Unfortunately low rіven the economic development of Demshevsky is not allowed to rich people to earn money, which is equal to the average income in that country. We know what kind of pension age different lands the world is familiar with the systems of pension security.

First care for the hulks frail vіku viniclo in Europe in the 19th century, but the people of funds happened only in the 20th century. The world has 3 types of systems for accumulating funds:

  • founded on the distribution of sums of charitable taxes, taken to the budget (zastosovuetsya for non-protective versions of the population, so as not to be able to practice);
  • founded on the distribution of pension benefits for workers (costs from pension collections do not accumulate, but are paid to those who already deserved retirement);
  • cumulative (gifts and special collections are deposited on the account, they are saved until the individual retires).

Powers standardly combine their systems from 3 types. The most surprising is the method of raising the resurrection of the generation from the generation to the people of the frail age. Svіtova practice has shown that over time the number of osіb of the pension age increases, and navіnіnіnіnі kombinirovanі mekhanіzmi can't run into the problems that have come to the fore. Below we tell you about the retirement age in different countries of the world for 2020.

In the rose powers, the payment of pensions is a way of looking after years of work, securing a possible basis, motivating young people to work. Prote іsnuyut territorії, de systems accumulated do not work and do not develop. Tse Philippini, Tanzania, Iraq.

The densely populated regions, India, and the People's Republic of China face the problem of the low rate of programs: payments are only expected for a part of the population.

Retirement life in different countries. Dzherelo: Vistі

Retirement age in the rozvinenye krajnah the world is increasing for these reasons, which in Russia:

  • kіlkіst osіb frail vіku zrostaє;
  • the trivality of life shows the growth.

This topic is being actively discussed in the ranks of Belgium, Great Britain, Spain, debunk the problems of the security of people of a frail age.

Retirement cost in different countries of the world

The threshold for leaving a pension is determined by the deep understanding of the benefits. Significantly, that the Russians are violating the merits of the old age, the lower bagatians of the rich country world. But don’t forget about understanding a happy old age.

The powers with the expanded economy of the buildings provide for the people of the ailing age with good wages, which are used for food, clothes and wind on the road. Vіk retiring from the countryside of the world from a stable economy high. Russia is all right. A low age threshold with succulents and low fees, which are the most popular for a pleasant meal.

An important caution: according to sociologists' estimates, the number of working pensioners in our country can become more than 10 million people. Tsya figure would be doubled, yakby in 2016, the roci for them did not indicate indexation visibly up to the increase in prices. Podsumok - pensioners practice unofficially. The reason for the increase is the low level of pensions.

The age that was saved in Russia before the implementation of the reform in 2018 was established in 1932 in the Soviet Socialist Republic. From that hour, without knowing the change.

Pore ​​pension years in different countries of the world. Below is a table that shows how the threshold of practice is estimated.

The lowest and the highest pension age: table

Krajina People Women
Japan 70 70
Republic of Albania 69,5 64,5
Kingdom of Denmark 69 69
Italian Republic 68 63,5
Australia 67 67
Iceland 67 67
67 67
Kingdom of Norway 67 67
Ireland 66 66
USA 67 65
Canada 65 65
Kingdom of Spain 65 65
Swiss Confederation 65 64
Republic of Armenia 65 63
UK 68 60
Republic of Kazakhstan 63 58
Ukraine 60 55
Republic of Uzbekistan 60 55

The pension age in the lands of the third world (the whole of Africa, a large part of Asia and Latin America) does not take part in this rating. Bagato from these powers e cant pension systems, otherwise give the derzhpіdtrimki come in less than the bulk, yakі propratsyuvali state service as a help.

The equalization of the pension age in other countries of the world clearly shows that Russia can boast of one of the lowest thresholds. When yoga is hardened, the showings are canceled:

  • trivality of life;
  • kіlkіst osіb frail vіku;
  • economic benefits.

Japan, as the leader of the table for a century of practice, can boast of the most trivial life in the world. In this country, there is a possibility to apply for a refund earlier for a term, and a maximum refund of 142% of the rate is charged for 70 years. Remaining row occupies Uzbekistan, de-reforms were not carried out in this country.

The situation is similar in the lands of Western Europe. Let's take a look at the demographic situation, svіvvіdnesemo її z pokanikami pension vіku ukrainy svіtu. Below is a table for 2020:

Krajina Retirement Trivality of life The triviality of life is cleared up
Japan 70 82,1 83,7
Kingdom of Norway 67 79,9 81,3
Kingdom of Denmark 69 78,3 78,3
Australia 67 82,6 84,3
Italian Republic 66 80,2 82,8
Federal Republic of Nimechchina 67 79,3 80,6
Kingdom of Sweden 65 80,9 81,9
Swiss Confederation 64,5 80,9 82,7
USA 65 78,1 78,1
UK 64 79 79,5
France 62 81 81,8
Georgia 62,5 76,7 76,8
Republic of Armenia 64,5 72,7 73,7
Republic of Belarus 57,5 70,6 70,7
Republic of Kazakhstan 60,5 67,9 67
Ukraine 57,5 68,6 67,7
Republic of Uzbekistan 57,5 72 72

Having learned from this, what a pension age is in different countries of the world, we compare information with Russian shows for 2020.

Before the implementation of the reform, the reasons for retirement before the Russian Federation were as follows:

  • for special women's status - 55 years;
  • for special human status - 60 years.

The trivality of life, for the tribute to the Svitovy Bank, became 71.6 times in 2016. Given the appearance of equal mortality, the data of other regions are estimated. Leaders of the remaining 5 years:

  • Republic of Ingushetia (among individuals - 76.5; among women - 83.02);
  • Moscow region (for men - 73; for women - 80.4);
  • The Republic of Dagestan (among people - 73.2, among women - 79.5).

Naigirshі pozniki are recorded in the industrial regions of the country. The average trivality of life is estimated at 72.7 years. To analyze the table of the pension age in other parts of the world, and to find the rate of mortality, it is clear that the indicators of the Russian Federation are not bad. Statistics psuє low rіven viplat.

Advancement of the pension age to

Retirement age in different countries of the world is financed according to statistics, specifics of tax collection and budget expansion.

The law on changes in the system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was already signed by the President, we are checking for a gradual promotion to a well-deserved permit up to 63 (women's show) and up to 65 (human show) years. Reformation will be a little bit, beginning in 2020 and ending in 2034 rock.

Navit z urakhuvannyam tsikh zmin, the pension age of the other countries of the world significantly outweigh the Russian. The reform has been brewing since the 1990s, but the Uryad ignoring the obvious problems. The main one is a serious deficit to the PFR budget. It was said that half of the articles on the payment of wages to pay for the grudges of the hromadas fall on budgetary expenses. The state compensates the expenses of the Pension Fund and the amount of the surplus is increased, the shards are allocated to the increase in the number of pensioners.

From a similar situation, there are three options:

  • lower wages, which could have led to a stupor in the suspense;
  • zbіlshennya podtkіv, like in Russia and so great;
  • an increase in the pension age like in other countries of the world.

The remaining variant of the development of the future is acceptable. To put it bluntly, tsey zahid vimusheny. The following reforms went through:

  • Italy (2012);
  • Nimechchina (from 2012 to 2029);
  • UK (2016);
  • Israel (2004 rec).

There is only one beneficiary of this situation: Order, in truth reform, manipulating understanding. Citizens are presented not with a correct picture of the lack of budgetary expenses, but with an explanation of the increase in the frivolity of life. Navіt yakscho povnyat pokazniki radyanskoї Rosії іz sogodnіshnimi, podvishchennya slat vіdbulosya on 1-2 rocks.

Pokazniki rozvinennyh kraїn svіtu

Finding out about those, what a pension age is in the krains of the world, how the economy is broken, and how to cope with the advancement of yoga equal.

Economic problems and problems arise among the rozvinenyh powers. Most of them, with their remaining fates, disrupted the topic of non-staunch benefits for the welfare of the unprofitable population, or carried out unpopular reforms. More appointed, a kind of pension age in different countries of the world is set on given moment, rozpovіmo about five powers with the most successful dosvіdom.

Retirement age in Europe.

First pension the bula was installed in 1880 in Nimechchyna. With whom, the hulking people took off pension payments from 70 years, if it was not already possible to win over the robot. From that hour, the skin country will establish its age-old threshold for issuing a pension. Ale in the akіy kraїnі naivishchi and nіnizhchi vіkovі showcases? Rozpovіmo at tsemu materialіlі.

Retirement life in the world

The middle pension age for the whole world to become 65 years. However, in the skin region, individual indicators of the retirement age are scattered.

With the establishment of a pension age, the organs of power should always insure the quality of life and the average level of life.

What is the cost Russian parameters, then women draw up a pension for old age at 55 years, and men - at 60 years. With this category of plgovikiv, yakі may have the right to issue a pension 10 years earlier, for example, the bagmen of the Kraynoi Pivnochi, the guards of the hot shop, the underground workers too.

Below is a table, which indicates the period for issuing pension payments in different countries of the world:

The name of the country Pension age of a person Pension age of women
Japan 70 70
Denmark 67 67
Norway 67 67
Austria 65 65
Belgium 65 62
UK 65 60
Nіmechchina 67 67
Greece 65 60
Georgia 65 60
Spain 65 65
Italy 65 60
Canada 65 65
Poland 65 60
USA 65 65
France 65 60
Netherlands 51 51
Kazakhstan 63 58
Lithuania 62,5 58,5
Moldova 62 57
Ukraine 60 55
Belarus 60 55
Uzbekistan 60 55

Regardless of the assigned information, the pension age in different countries gradually increases in connection with the economic situation.

So, for the rest of the year, pensioners are planning to take such lands as:

  • Ukraine - women up to 60 years old.
  • Kazakhstan - women 63 years.
  • Great Britain and Poland - 67 years.
  • USA - 69 years.
  • Ugorshchina - from 62 to 65 years.
  • Bulgaria - 65 years.
  • Denmark - 68 years.
  • Spain - 67 years.
  • Ireland - from 66 to 68 years.

Naynizhchi displays

The pension system of different countries is constantly changing. With the help of the greater number of countries, they are forced to increase the pension age for the least reasons. Ale yakі kraїni mayut the lowest pension age? We see right now.

The leading positions are occupied by such countries as Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan. In designated lands, women get pension benefits in 55 years, and half of the population - in 60 years.

If the European continent, then the minimum age of fixation in such countries as the Netherlands, France, Great Britain.

Maximum age criteria

Japanese- Tse nayvіkovіshі pensioners of the world. Women and people from the country go to the merits of retirement at the age of 70 years. Middle Age traditional Japanese become 82 roki.

Another country beyond the maximum age criteria - Denmark. In this civilized country, the bulk of the people draw up a pension in the capital of 67 years.

Nіmechchina- another country with high indications of the pension age. The pension can be withdrawn no earlier, lower at 67 years. To establish an average increase in pension payments 900 euro. With this skin, the citizen of Nimechchini can apply for a pension in 30 days earlier, in order to pay 0.3% of the overdue sovereign payments for skin underpayment for 30 days.

Nasamkinets is significant that the most important pension indicators are marked in the countries with high trivality and quality of life. The greater part of the country is planning to increase the pension age in connection with the important economic situation in the world. And in order to find out in what country at once the majority of the people of the world can draw up a pension - read this article.

Retirement age in the world The table of continents is shown with the best accuracy. The positions of Russia in the system of pension security are more likely to change on equal lands than in the least term for labor resignation. Tim more, that the reform, as it started in 2019, called out to the grumbling reaction of the Russian society.

From the history of pension security

Everyday, the provision of pensions in the world was less than like the nineteenth century. First of all, Nimechchina was built up, de security of the people after the completion of labor activities since 1889.

Russia's centralization is the culprit of the 20th century of the 19th century for the provision of state servicemen. Until the end of the century, in some galuzahs of industry, for example, in the halls, robotic workers were going to goiters, making special fondi and paying for assistance to the workers. That was the history of selective pension security.

Povnotsіnna that mass social system appeared in the SRSR in 1955. What happened to the praise of the law "On state pensions".

From what hour was it introduced a supplementary supplement for old age, disability, and a year old. The pension age of the SRSR was established earlier. Since 1932, men received additional help from 60 years, and women - from 55.

If you retire in different parts of the world

Before the date planned for the period s 2020, Russia stayed with the group of powers low term recognition of assistance in old age. In most cases, men retire at 60–65 years of age, and women at 55–60 years of age.

Retirement life in the countries of the world Table 1 shows the continents. From the presentation of data, it is clear that the smallest and maximum threshold for recognition of old age benefits.

Table for retirement by continent

Before reform 2019 early term Retirement in Europe is available to Russians. Residents of Australia and New Zealand are virushayut on vіdpochinok in 65 years.

The lowest and middle term of the pension age in the world

A table has been drawn showing the lowest pension age in the country of the world. Tse Saudi Arabia, which gives uniqueness to its inhabitants, is equal with other powers, wash the safety.

The trend is such that in the rozvinenye kraina, zokrema in Europe, the pension age begins in 60+ years.

In European countries, there is no practice of introducing old-age assistance for people older than 60 years. So, for women, the minimum bar is 58 years in Ukraine and Turkey. Western Europe does not give women the right to retire before 60 years of age. In America, the lowest eligibility threshold for old age assistance is set in Ecuador. This state was recognized in 2013 as the best place for the life of a pensioner.

In the middle retirement age 60 years in Asia and Africa.

De niperche become pensioners

The minimum term for the emergence of practitioners on repairs, installations in some lands of America, Asia and Africa, does not exceed 60 years for representatives of both articles.

The tables show the power, for some early retirement age:

Larger countries, as they save a low threshold for leaving for help due to old age, can allow themselves through the equal height of the people and the relocation of the number of the ancestral population over the number of the ninth and future pensioners.

De retire at last

The largest pension age in the countries of the world is shown in the table. It is not clear that wine is characteristic of Western Europe and Pivnichnoy America.

As a rule, at Western countries the term for retirement is set earlier than 65 years. Want to start taking over from the USA sovereign assistance you can have 62 rocks, but it will be a troch less.

Table of the country from the last exit for labor recovery:

Recently, this group has stumbled and Greece. More 2015 is the year of retirement here 65 years. Financial problems and stagnation in the face of creditors were caused by those who in this country advanced the term retirement. For the Greeks, the retirement age of 70 years is the nearest prospect.

In some countries, promote retirement security

Economical problems induce zmushyuyut bagatioh podvishchuvati termіn output of people of a frail age on vіdpochinok. Tse stosuetsya th European Union.

The State Social Security Agency of Italy assessed the prospects for retirement for those who were born after 1980, and it turned out that it would not be earlier than 70 years: on this level, the bar was raised until 2027.

In some lands of progress, I’ll watch over the work in progress:

  • the UK raised the bar to 66 years in 2020, to 67 in 2028 and 68 to 2046;
  • in Nіmechchini, the retirement age was gradually increased, so in 1964, the people of that young people took away the security of old age from 67 years;
  • in Japan, you can finish your work at an interval of 60 to 70 years; moreover, if the Japanese retire 65 years later, they will pay more for help. On the cob of 2020, an increase in labor productivity up to 71 years and more was praised;
  • Canada has an average retirement period of 65 years, although the available interval is 60 to 70 years. Ti, who increase the price at 60, will take an additional third less than the average, and ti, who will increase up to 70, will become the drivers of the increased coefficient to wage (+42%).

From the sightings of these data, it is clear that in the lands of the world there has been a tendency to strengthen the minds to the vast material security.

Yaka on the right in the lands of the Soviet Socialist Republic

In the lands of the SND and in the many allied republics, the process of promoting the trivality of work has been going on for a long time. So, in Belarus, 61 people and 56 women can become a pensioner today. In 2020, a reform is planned in Belarus, so at some point in the future, assistance for old age will be raised to 63 and 58 years old.

Kazakhstan is increasing the bar for less women, bringing people to the level of equals. It is not uncommon for Kazakhs to retire at 63 years of age.

In other lands of the large SRSR, the same terms for recognizing payments are progressively added:

  • Latvia will come before 65 years until 2025;
  • Lithuania plans to expand in 2026;
  • Azerbaijan smoothly raises the bar to 65 for both articles.

In the days of Radyansk, old-age assistance was installed in 60 women and 55 women in all lands of the near abroad. Ukraine is a power, today the youngest day of retirement in the world is to raise the bar to 60 years until 2021.

Tendencies to increase and lower the threshold for material security

The main trend of the reformation of income before the recognition of the SND pension is the revival of the terms of payment for assistance to people and women.

Recent experiments of the hromada thought in Russia have shown that a third of the bulk of the population respect the right not to increase, but to lower the pension age . Respondents in old age reduce the age of recognition of assistance in old age to 54 years for men and 50 years for women.

Dosvid real abbreviation of the term for retirement May Poland. There it was roaring, and then the reform was discussed, as the minimum age was raised to 67 years. It was said after coming to the government of the socially oriented party. Today, Polish men receive additional help from 65, and women from 60 years.

A short look at what a pension age is like today in some lands, clearly shows what is going on in Russia until 2020 for old age in light trends. Greater country along the way to continue the period of prosperity, like through the steps of increasing the triviality of life, and through the old population. Particularly acute are the problems of the size of the population, which enter and leave the market of labor force, in the countries of the highest level of economic development and low nationality.

This is one of the world's trends. Provodzhuvati such a norm from the practice began to work in the lands of Zakhod. The reformation of the pension system was explained to the growing average life of the hulks, which is a known fact. But in such an innovation, there are other ob'ektivnі subdstavi.

Look at how many rocks people go to calm different lands world. Like centuries-old displays of that chim vіdznyayutsya. Like light tendencies inject the powers of social directivity. Like the future of humanity, with a look at the security of people of a frail age.

Light shows

The statistics confirm that the average number of years for retiring from the world is 65 years. However, it is an important value. Even out of 251 powers, as in 2020, the system of pension insurance has already been created by no more than half. For example, in India such a day is a priori. The same can be said about Thailand, Iraq, Pakistan and many others.

The system of insurance at the expense of practicality is one of the best achievements of democracy. She's being promoted in the rozvinenikh lands. Previously, the pension was recognized in Nіmechchinі in 1880 roci. Moreover, the institute of pension insurance will be based on various ambushes. And in quiet powers, de vin are still in the daytime, young relatives take care of people of a frail age. For example, in China, the obligations of financial security of mothers and tata in old age lie on their sons.

Tsikavo: the first riddle about payments, in fact, similar to a pension, is to be avenged in the documents of the Parisian medical chamber. Keep records until the hours of Louis XI-th (XV century). Helpers of various roses were assigned to the servants of the royal court, to walk calmly through a frail century.

Three systems

None of the old age insurance systems are being developed in three alternative ways. The skin of them may have its own advantages and disadvantages. And the systems were molded with an eye to the traditional features of that chi nshoy suspіlstva. Vіdminnіst polagaє pri principі svorennja finansovoї ї base for podshikh vplaty insured persons.

Wow like this:

  1. Individually-accumulative. The applicant contributes money to a special fund under an agreement on payment after reaching the song number of years. Such a system is popular in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and others.
  2. Rozpodilcha. Tsya methodology transferring to the state authority (before the Russian Federation ce PFR). Such a person is engaged in collections of contributions, the rozmir of such a person is established on the legislator's level. Applicants for matrimony in old age go to the government agency for a pension, and they take pennies from the solidary budget.
  3. social. The technique was created by the SRSR. Її particularity - tse financing of pensions from the state budget.
It is important: a century, from which a helper for old age is assigned to this country, closely related to the type of insurance system.

The social powers establish liberal rules for the Meshkants. People take the opportunity to drink at a calm early. Zastosuvannya _individually accumulative methods to bring to the injection of vlasniks in private funds for the legislative process. The stench is lobbying for the adoption of norms that promote the century parameter, so as not to waste profits.

Correction of the gender parameter

The citizens of the krai approach differently to food for pensions. Resolved to decide to transfer the function to private enterprises, which, while leaving their own, albeit to be held by an urgent obligation. It is fundamental to feed the appearance of gender signs for the formation of legal legislation. The power of some powers has long been known for the rights of women and people, who are still looking forward to traditional looks.

The gender principle of not cheating:

  • Japan;
  • Denmark;
  • Nіmechchina;
  • Ugryshchina and others.

Women are still deprived of the privileges of the designated age parameter before men:

  • Russia;
  • Switzerland;
  • France;
  • Kazakhstan and others.
Conclusion: a gender sign means the recognition of people for their status in the social environment.

Table of indicators of retirement years in different countries of the world

Statistical data are listed below, as they appear through ZMI. Razbirayuchi їх, it is necessary to protect the peculiarities of the system of different lands.


The term for retirement for old age (rokiv)

The middle trivality of the life of a person (rokiv)



Japan 70 82,1
Denmark 67 78,3
USA 65 78,1
Canada 65 81,2
Norway 67 78,3
Spain 65 80,1
Sweden 65 80,9
Ugorshchina 62 73,4
Czech Republic 62 76,7
Nіmechchina 67 79,3
Switzerland 65 64 80,9
Belgium 65 62 79,2
Poland 65 60 75,6
Vіrmenіya 65 63 72,7
Georgia 65 60 76,7
UK 68 60 79,0
Lithuania 62,5 58,5 74,9
Italy 67 65 80,2
Kazakhstan 63 58 67,9
Belarus 60 55 70,6
Azerbaijan 62 57 66,7
Ukraine 60 55 68,6
France 67 65 81
RF 60 55 71,4
Respect: far from all powers have accepted the vrahovuvati pіlgovі period before the length of service. I'll go watch the child for an hour. Therefore, for women, privileges are saved for a century for the entrance to the funeral.

Naynizhchi displays

Earlier for all women in the social powers. Before them, we are next to save the post-tradyansk powers:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus.

They have, and the people have 60. But the reforms are already going on in the designated countries. So, it was changed in Ukraine. They are moving up to 65/63 years.

Strong social traditions in the Netherlands. Here is the minimum century threshold of obov'yazkovo's participation in the practice at the whole Sunset. Men and women may not work for 51 years. Tse is the minimum display.

Maximum age criterion

The legislators establish the right to the right of entry from the elimination of two important factors:

  • national features;
  • average frivolity of life.

A similar technique, established in Japan, made the country a leader for the trivality of obedience to the language of the masses. Here, people and women can take their pension less from the seventeenth century. Ale and after your reach is rich, who does not hurry to calm. Japan has a cult of practice. Mіstsevі inhabitants zahoplyuyuyutsya profession of flooring, scho pratsyut for 16 years in the extraction. I often stay out of service up to 80 years.

Conclusion: in another place, for the trivality of labor activity, at the same time a few powers, from which people take away the right to a pension from 67 years (marvel at the table).

Peculiarities of pension security systems

Most of the powers zastosovuyut practical combination of systems. So, part of the payments are financed from the joint budget, like in the Russian Federation from the FIU. Deyakі hulks to slacken the accumulated money for old age independently. Most of the time, people's pensions are financed from the budget, as they spent the song hour in power. And the primary workers were put before the need to independently fight about old age.

In the powers that develop pension system they began to form less than 2000 years. That is why the population does not get such pennies from the budget. For example, in China, the dossi for payments could be insured by the representatives of the civil service and the military. The same system is in 2020 roci dіє in Vietnam and India.

In China, in 2017, the system recognized a change. From the budget, there is now little help for people of a frail age, who live in a rural milieu, without improving their seniority. Mistyans can’t afford to take care of such a thing. Their relatives and relatives are embarrassed.

Tsikavo: despite the post-war war, the Syrian Republic saved the social system. The minimum pension here is close to 200 dollars. And she is constantly crying.

Amount of premiums

Vіk vіdkhodu vіd prava is not the only factor that pours into the camp of people of a frail age. The most critical is the amount that is won in the hands.

The tables have average displays at the borders of the other powers.


The average sum of pensions in yew. Euro

Luxembourg 3,0
Denmark 2,8
Austria 2,0
Finland 1,9
Norway 1,76
PDR 1,27
Italy 1,25
France 1,2
Slovenia, USA 1,0
Spain 0,9
Greece 0,59
Portugal, Czech Republic 0,5
Latvia 0,3
Estonia 0,23
Lithuania 0,22
RF 0,19
Romania 0,18
Bulgaria 0,12
Ukraine 0,06

Light trends

Problems zі zmіstom people frail century іsnuyut in all powers. The stench may be financially charac- teristics of the whole to lie in the supply system. Main things:

  1. For more planned financing of payments, it is necessary to increase the average contribution from the rozpodilchiy fund. The number of insured people is steadily decreasing due to the increase in the cost of living, hence, the prevalence of a part of pensioners among the population. Vlad gradually rob the infusion to the Pension Fund from the state budget.
  2. Non-state funds earn on the stock exchange. Most of them went bankrupt and changed at the stage of bankruptcy. Non-state funds also win the financial support of their state budgets.

Fakhіvtsі ascertain the inadequacy of the current basic methods of pension security for the community. Reforms were carried out after 2000 in Great Britain, Sweden, Germany and others. In essence, the legislation has been changed as follows:

  • the minimum work experience was reduced for the removal of compensation for old age;
  • raising the threshold of exit.

Prote tsі change did not know the main problem. People who are practicing cannot provide enough funds to finance payments to old people. Tse all-worldly problem, yak virishuyut fahivtsі. For the time being, a path has been chosen to change the term from the old-age assistance. The century threshold is increasing everywhere, and the amount of payments is decreasing.

It is necessary to think over and introduce a fundamentally different scheme of financing. For example, experts are looking for a variant of expanding the tradition of embracing the fathers for the whole world. So the power of the right to take from itself turboti about the old population and transfer it to close people of a frail age or private structures.

Retirement age and trivality of life in different lands of the world

April 3, 2018, 13:28 Sich 7, 2020 00:16