The sickness of the room apartments has a white coating. Borushny dew on indoor dews: signs, causes, methods of treatment. Koshti under boroshy dew

The fight against horned dew (butterfly) - widespread and dangerous diseases for rich growths - must be carried out for the first signs of its appearance. If the plants do not grow properly, the flowers quickly lose their decorative value, most of the plants die, the buds do not form, and as a result of weakened plants they die, and those left over winter can freeze.

Basic description of boar dew

The infection begins from the lower leaf, gradually moving to the young parts:

  • petioles;
  • pagoni;
  • butoni;
  • leaves that have burst into tears.

It is not possible to produce small white spots, with more clearly visible threads of the fungus - mycelium, which is similar to thick cobwebs. The spores of the mycelium are easily irritated from the lantern and spread around like white powder.

Pathogens survive and overwinter on tree trellises, tree bark, dry leaves underneath them, and on the surface of greenhouse structures.

What the growth looks like (photo)

This disease is easily recognized by its white or light gray coating on the surface, which is like a calling card.

Brown mildew on trees, which can last until they become ill, literally spoils the leaf blades of the bushes, the leaves lose their shape and soon fall off, the buds, when heavily infected, become twisted and freeze without blooming.

Petunia, otherwise covered with flour, becomes covered with small dark spots for several days, the leaves become soft and die. Young leaves that have matured become crooked and defective (photo). In a short hour, the borer dew on the petunia spreads over the entire plant, as a result of which the flower can be bent without treatment.

Horny mildew on petunia

Cause it to provoke the appearance of a development of illness

Superchicks of boar-dew mushrooms linger near the ground and wait for the most favorable moment to settle on living plants and begin to multiply. Show their activity for the singing minds:

  • disruption of the watering regime (overworld or frequent watering, especially in cold weather);
  • densely planted or improperly formed bushes, through which the sun does not penetrate into the middle and daily ventilation;
  • incorrect combination of nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, if too much nitrogen is added to the leaf growth (it becomes succulent, weakened and susceptible to illness);
  • optimal temperature and moisture regime for the pathogen (volost 80-90%, temperature 15-170 C).

So that the boar dew does not develop rapidly in the Trojans, we are constantly making efforts to combat it, trying to create uniqueness from the supra-world region, to reorganize the warehouse of living sums.

A blossom of bushy mildew

The parts of the board that create the middle of the forest are allowed to form into super-shaped mycelium, which penetrates into the middle of the growths and begins to grow there with high fluidity. This is how downy mildew or downy mildew develops. Spots appear on the leaf, and over time a bluish, gray or purple fluff appears. return side leaves

Hibna borscht dew, as a result of its replacement, begins to appear in the bushes from the upper part.

Later, on damaged and withered leaves, the reproductive organs ripen and appear as dark dots. These are the fruiting bodies that carry mature zoospores, which then infect healthy plants.

The black horned dew that settled on the Trojans is very similar to another widespread illness - black flattiness. Current fungicides can help prevent downy mildew.

The sleeping campers were covered in illness by the bushy dew.

Find the best solution boroshny dew- do not turn the plot into a nursery for illness. Overwinter canes of healthy and untreated borscht dew on excess dew and dry leaves that have not been picked up from the plots. Therefore, it is necessary to tidy up all the growth, no matter if it is infected with anything.

If possible, it is necessary to select varieties of plants that are resistant to bearded mildew. It is important not to allow excess nitrogen fertilizers and do not forget about phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

It is also important to carry out preventive pruning of weeds, especially those that are not susceptible to disease, or those that are growing due to crops already affected by borer mildew.

During the current growing season, it is necessary to remove weeds from other trees so that they can grow around the bushes and keep the soil in a fluffy state.

People's interests in the protection of Trojans and other colors

It is impossible to know one universal effect against borer mildew; the fight against sickness requires a complex of approaches to take care of the weeds. It is also important to note that using folk (gentle) methods can only help in the development of the disease at the early stage.

Among the anonymous recipes, the most popular are those that provide an effective response to pathogens and slow down their development:

  • It's nice that soda ash is soda ash. Dilute 25 g of soda with 5 liters of water and add 5 grams of milk (you can take it rarely), stir. Scrubbing is carried out several times on the skin for 3-4 days.

Milo Gospodarske

Soda ash

  • Made from fermented milk syrup. Mix the syrup (1 liter) in 10 liters of water and separate the crops. As a result, a spittle appears on the leaf, which does not allow the mycelium to die, and the developments are weakened.
  • Infusion of ash. You need 500 g of dry ash, pour 5 liters of water and add 5 db, sometimes with stirring liquid. Allow goodness to stand, carefully anger and destroy the flowers and chagarniks.

Dry ash

The best way to combat horned mildew on trees is the bacterial method of disinfection: pour pus into a third of a fresh bucket cold water and stir occasionally for three days. The extract that comes out is filtered through a piece of fine fabric, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, and left overnight to remove any residual residue. Before the skin graft, prepare a new stretcher so that the treatment against illness is effective.

After the stagnation of such growth, the mildew borscht dew also slows down its development.

In hot, persistent dry weather, if the development of the mycelium subsides, it may appear that the horny dew has set in and there is no need to continue the treatment. If you are no longer complacent, after what hour can food rise again: how will you get rid of the borer dew on the Trojans and other forests? Therefore, it is necessary to continue harvesting using the method of prevention, protecting crops from new diseases.

Sprinkling with chemicals on borer dew

Fungicidal properties have been created specifically to cope with problems: curing disease. The preparations against boar mildew “Topsin M”, “Flint Star” and “Topaz” are used in known systemic ways that inhibit the creation of new fungal spores.

Such preparations are quickly absorbed and expanded by the vessel system of plants (and other cultures), without causing any real harm to the plants themselves.

"Flint Star"


“Topaz” can be used in cold weather, if the protection is especially needed. The first days of the plant are non-infecting, and at the end of 10-12 days it blocks the development of the disease.

Before you start peeling, you need to pick up the most severe leaves and stems from the plants, then use the freshly prepared Topaz preparation to carefully cover literally every centimeter of the bush. Rozchin that is lost is not saved. When collecting traces, please follow the safety rules.

Using a sanitary method, repeat the treatment with the preparation after two years, as a preventive measure it is sufficient to cure it 2-3 times per season.

Cold boar mildew cannot be treated with “Topaz”; to reduce it, use drugs such as “Ridomil Gold”, “Copper Oxide”.

With proper prevention and timely treatment, borer mildew will not cause significant harm to your green animals.

Boroshny dew - tse fungal infection, and if you don’t ignore it, it could develop into an epidemic.

Borushny dew on begonia

Symptoms of boar mildew

About an hour burberry coating destroys small sacs with spores. The stench lingers from the beginning yellow color, and then the smells darken and become stormy. In the spring, the super rivers “sink”, and in the spring they begin to widen again.

City dwellers are most often ill with borer dew garden growing plants, such as cucumbers, watermelon, currants, arus, raspberries, apples, etc. From the indoor bushes one gets sick with borer dew begonias, violets and hibiscus.

The head of the sign of borer dew is white or has a gray coating on the leaves

Prevention of boar mildew

The guilt and the widening of the borscht dew cry out from such unsympathetic minds as too late high humidity in the air, dry soil and wrong insight. Roslin leaves must always be kept clean: wipe the leaves on them with a hairy gancher or spritz them with a spray bottle. Enrichment with nitrogen fertilizers promotes the prevalence of borer mildew, and the addition of phosphate and potassium fertilizers, on the other hand, reduces it.

Borage mildew attacks not only leaves, but also buds and flowers

Borage dew treatment

As the plants showed signs of such disease, it was necessary to isolate them from other plants. Then, at the next stage, choose one of the options: remove all damaged leaves or simply wipe off the plaque with a gancher. If the growth is severely damaged, it is necessary to protect it.

After which it is necessary to process this fungicide(from Latin fungus - mushroom and caedo - I kill) - a drug that reduces fungal infections. On sale you can find the following fungicides that help in the fight against boar mildew: Bayleton, Quadris, Gold, Topaz, Fundazol, Fundazim, Vitaros ta in.

Folk methods of curing boar dew

Sol tincture: Pour 1 tablespoon of ash over 1 liter of sprinkling and press with a stretch of 2 dibs. Then strain and add 5 ml of rare milk (or dilute the original milk in water). The treatment is carried out 2-3 times at an interval of 7 days.

Infusion for the watchmaker: Finely chop 5-6 pieces of chasnik and pour in 1 liter of dill. Let it sit for 4-5 years, then filter and extract the rosemary. Repeat the treatment after 7 days.

Potassium permanganate distribution: Dilute 2.5 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. Process the plants several times at intervals in one week.

Borage mildew can grow on many types of plants, both in open and closed soil. IN room brains Borage mildew can grow on trojans, gerberas, cineraria, Kalanchoe, begonias, cissus, and violets. The reason for the illness is the stagnation of the environment and sudden changes in temperature in the surrounding area.

The spread of borer mildew occurs when diseased plants come into contact with healthy ones, during watering, and are carried by mosquitoes and wind currents. The dew dew bath may begin earlier than the yakmog.

Reasons for the appearance of borer mildew on indoor plants

First of all, this is due to the stagnant climate in the room and the sharp temperature changes. Increased illness also occurs when sick and healthy plants come into contact, during watering, with wind flow, and also when carried by mosquitoes.

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The cause of the development of illness may be due to the excessive depletion of nitrogen fertilizers, as well as a lack of calcium in the aggregate high temperature and in the surrounding area. With whom clear watering It is not at all a drive for the development of boar dew.

Signs of indoor growths being damaged by borscht dew

Little by little, the whiteness will bury the stems and other parts of the indoor plant. Over time, the spots increase in size, the mycelium becomes stronger (becomes permanent), the coating becomes darker and develops a brown discoloration.

It is important to note that flowers can also be infected by downy mildew (peronosporosis), the external signs of which are similar to white hair. Alternatively, when taken care of, the mildew borer mildew appears as a shed on the underside of the leaf blade, then pools, increases in size and then turns brown. barvlennya

People's methods of combating borer mildew in indoor forests

There is a dream about the sadness of people who are careless and growing people's welfare like borer dew. For example:

  • Milk-soda mixture: in 10 liters of water, dissolve 50 g of soda ash or grub soda and 20 g of rare and grated milk and process the plants at least two times a week;
  • Disposal of milk syrup: add 1 liter of milk syrup to 10 liters of water, stir and process three times in dry weather at intervals of 3 days;
  • kefir mixture: mix 1 liter of transferred kefir or sour milk in 10 liters of water and soak the plants at three-day intervals;
  • water of horsetail: pour 100 g of horsetail with one liter of water, pour it in, boil for two years on high heat, cool, strain, dilute with water 1:5 and carry out 3-4 applications at intervals of five days new In undiluted form, the liquid is preserved in a cool, dark place near summer;
  • mustard rose: dilute 2 tablespoons of mustard powder in 10 liters of warm water and sprinkle or water the plants;
  • Disperse potassium permanganate: dissolve 5 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. This problem suppresses the development of illness and eradicates the fungus from the fruit;
  • ash dispense: add 1 kg of wood ash to 10 liters of water, stir, leave for 7 days, carefully pour in, dissolve 20 g of rare or grated milk in the infusion and sprinkle with this mixture every other day;
  • Chasnikovy infusion: 50 g of chasnikov pulp (details of the chasnik and according to the chasnik) pour two liters of water, infuse two mixtures and process. Vikorist infusions undiluted;
  • Infusion of cibulin: 200 g of lush, pour 10 liters of dill, infuse two extracts, process and sprinkle the sprouts until flowering, after and before leaf fall.

Special chemical preparations for borer mildew on indoor plants

If borer mildew has appeared on your flowers, combating it is most effective in addition to the current fungicidal properties. The stench is harmful to the fungus, aggravates the processes of the lips of the plants, and kills and rejoices. Scrubbing is carried out 1-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days (depending on the chosen preparation).

Statistics for veterinarians

Found drugs for boar mildew:

  • Fundazol;
  • Topaz;
  • Acrobat MC;
  • Previkur;
  • Fluidity;
  • Vitaros;
  • Amistar extra.

The most common fungicidal drug is phytosporin, which contains a concentrate of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis in powder and humates. Unrespectful to those who care about phytosporin in a celebratory way, against snow borscht dew, the wine is practically marinous. Prote, as a preventive measure, it is safe to do so.

Prevention of borer mildew on indoor plants

Like most other growing diseases, borer mildew is easier to prevent and prevent. Therefore, prevention is the greatest benefit against such a fungus. And even if it’s prevention, we need correct agricultural technology first. To minimize the risk of infection it is necessary to:

- regularly thin out plantings;
- remove old leaves that are dripping from the ground;
- water the bushes only after the top surface of the earth is dry;
- Do not use nitrogen fertilizers;
- carry out phosphorus-potassium supplementation regularly.

Another type of prevention against boar mildew can be carried out early spring until the leaves bloom. The berries are simply scalded with dill. Robiti tse requires shvidko, vikorystyuchi watering can with rose. Pour the liquid over all the nails thoroughly, without staying in one place for too long.

The short-term action of even hot water does not reach the end of the forests that have sprouted after the winter. And the axis of the super river, the mycelium, like the everyday life of others, will fall ill and perish. A steam string under a pressure, which can be removed using an additional household steam cleaner, performs a similar action.

Boroshny dew (bіl) at the room dews

Roslini, like everyone else in our world, sick and sick. However, since your green friend has been plagued by such unacceptability, there is no point in getting angry - perhaps one day one will rejoice, even in the minds of one’s home. This article talks about the increasing incidence of indoor weeds - borer mildew (common people have whiteness), ways to combat it that are simple and accessible to any gardener.

Borushny dew - illness, most typical for Trojans, begonias, indoor hibiscus and violets. It was lost to Russia in the 90s of the last century with the acquisition of the States, first affecting European countries, and then neighboring countries.

Signs of illness

The first alarm signal may be minor deformation or thickening of the leaves of the tree. The most obvious and clear sign is the appearance on the stems, leaves or flowers of small flowers of white or gray color, which are easily visible with a mechanical sweep, and soon appear again. Tsi plami is a fungus that drips down to the growth pads with the help of suction cups. After about an hour, the plumes will increase in size, covering an ever-increasing area, and develop a dark gray or brownish bark and floaty structure. The leaves of the plant become deformed or burn, and then quickly dry out. Of course, in such minds we can’t speak about color: the growth loses its leaves, and eventually its decorativeness. If you don’t live the beginnings, then you will lose the brown, lifeless stuff that shows only weak signs of life.

What is the reason?

The disease develops faster, like the soil in which the plants sit is rich in nitrogen. The excess value can be obtained for from the outside looking in flowers: the leaves become more dry and brittle, they grow strongly, and the buds change in size.

In general, the most favorable minds for burning down the borer dew are warm weather(at 20 ° C) and high moisture content (60 - 80%). If the growth of the fungus is suppressed, the plant can completely burn out over the course of two days. At the same time, when sympathetic minds are dedicated to the development of the growth itself, the disease rarely spreads and does not become a constant occurrence.

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If you immediately showed signs of illness, as soon as it begins, the plant can still be destroyed. For the beginning, organize your friendly mind: sufficient lighting, ventilation, avoid temperature changes and always develop an optimal watering system. All damaged leaves need to be removed and monitored for the appearance of new spots.

Among the processing methods, the simplest and most affordable is the amount of soda - 3 grams (or 2 tablespoons) per liter of water. They will need to sprinkle all the growth, if possible, any damage may appear.

Let's expand it in one more way: miley rozchin– a liter of water is divided into 20 grams and 2 grams some vitriol. Another folk version is diluted pus. To prepare it, you need to dissolve one part of pus with three parts of water, and then, after standing for several days, dilute it with water at a ratio of 1:3.

The fight against borer mildew also uses chemical methods. Poor results are obtained by dividing antibiotics: terramycin, penicillin and streptomycin in a 1:1 ratio. You can also add potassium permanganate at a dose of 2.5 grams per 10 liters of water. Scrub once every 5-7 days.

Khibna boroshnista dew

Another fungal infection of indoor weeds is boar mildew. The symptoms of the misfortunes are similar, the symptoms of mildew mildew are white or a thick coating appears on the inner side of the leaf, and the outer side is covered with gray-yellow small spots, which grow throughout the development of the disease. obi - every year the leaves turn yellow and fall off. The pathogen is a fungus of the genus Peronospors sparsa, which is easily recognized in the same minds as the common horny mildew. The most sensitive to the fungus are the trojans, hydrangeas and cinerarias: they begin to burn on the leaves, and in the minds that are friendly to the fungus they begin to die.

Yakshcho Your Kohana homemade Trojan I added a familiar series of raids at my meetings - don’t get embarrassed. First of all, we will need to make some baking soda and wash off all the leaves. The soil in the pot is then covered with polyethylene to prevent any damage from getting into the ground. Since the pot is small in size, it can be rinsed thoroughly by turning the pot over and pressing down the soil with your hands. This kind of processing is carried out once every two days until the end of the day. The leaves of the plant may wilt or fall off - this is normal and does not at all mean that the plant is growing. Old pastures, covered with fungus, are responsible for the danger, giving themselves a place for the growth of new healthy leaves.

More folding method - sawing off the gray. It is difficult for those who grow crops at a normal temperature of +18 °W to place the plants in a greenhouse. The earth is twisting woolly fabric And watering the plants during the watering period may be intense. Pagons, fabric on the ground and walls of the greenhouse are sprayed with chalk once every 10 days before the flowering.

It is important that the chosen method of treatment does not have to be combined with another.

Borushny dew on violets

The influx of hog mildew fungi is especially concentrated on the bottom leaves of violets. Its fluffy surface attracts the saw, which is so important to remove. In the meantime, it is necessary to remove them thoroughly and regularly, even using a brooder to remove the fungus from the weeds. To eliminate any ailments, gently rinse all the leaves with warm water and let them dry in a warm, dark place.

Among the methods used in this phase, kvitkars give preference to the drug “Topaz”. The growth itself, and the place where it is located, is cultivated by this division. If you do everything correctly, you can finish just one piece of paper. With this razchin you can wash away the earth, in the same way the growth grows. After washing, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly to remove rot from the root system.
