What to give to schoolchildren for the New River.


Scientists of the cob school, like no one else, are alert to the onslaught of the new saints.

Fathers are deprived of folding a sheet of Santa Claus and pouring a little peace into the blessed night.
  • What else is there to do if you need to pick up a gift for someone other than your own little one?
  • Let's take a look at the latest gift ideas that will be relevant in 2020. Universal ideas Regardless of those who already go to school, this does not mean that the time has come to say goodbye to fun and games.
  • So, now the little one has more versatility and new bindings, but the student still wants to get excited and properly believe in the Yuletide miracle.
  • Top universal gifts:
  • Christmas puzzles;
  • new models of gadgets are an expensive present, but also necessary and practical.
  • Even today's gadgets have their own functions.
  • And the children themselves
  • early rocks

rush into them quickly;

interactive self-teachers and tutors;
  • Board games – a great deal will be provided with such games as Twister, Table Hockey, Alias, Kishki-Bears;
  • Designers - today it is not difficult to get involved with a Lego model, although this type of constructor is clear and useful.
  • Young students will fall in love with these designs, which can be used to create robots, rockets, etc.
  • collection of pens, felt-tip pens and other office supplies;
  • an alarm clock designed by the dawn sky to wake up a child with the sounds of nature;
  • barvy books - at school they begin to attach love to reading, so such a gift will be thematic and colorful.
  • The child reads her favorite fairy tales in the winter evening, and enjoys the use of illustrated illustrations;
  • discs with new cartoons;
  • malt - all children are not fond of sweets, so a present that looks like a chocolate eggplant or a bouquet of zucchini is definitely suitable;
  • original flash drives;
  • new notebook;
  • T-shirts or sweatshirts, which depict the brightest people of all classes;
  • Snigova Kulya;
  • receipt for Yuletide Vistava;
The treasury looks like a symbol of fate.

Educational games will be a great school gift.

For example, an electric quiz about a singing subject. Skrinka know the game that goes into puzzles. As they pass by, the little one becomes very aware of the light and discovers a lot of interesting things.

Logical puzzles are another interactive game that the young scholar will relish. Other presentation options for students Young students can be given popular Barbie dolls

this is a dress for them. The girls really appreciate the Kazkov little booth for their dolls. Having chosen such a gift, you will watch for years as the child carefully tidies up the rooms and puts them in order.

A great gift would be game sets with animals. Young students will be bursting with creative activities, so this set definitely suits them. It will be a great present

kit for sewing or decoration ready-made viruses. A lot of schoolchildren are excited about the set for making beaded beads. A nice gift

set of chocolate coins

  • .
  • set for painting for additional water;
  • set of preparations from ceramics;
  • a set of ammunition for videos;
  • stylish shoes;
  • dancing kilimok;
  • cosmetic kits;
  • stylish set of scarf and mitten;
  • microphone for speaking;
  • new masquerade costume;
  • equipment for gymnastics;
  • desk for homework;
  • dough for molding;
  • magnetic boards.

Gift ideas for students:

  • recruiting a magician;
  • encyclopedia;
  • sets of shodo doslidiv;
  • telescope;
  • attributes for physical people to take;
  • kits for modeling ships and tanks;
  • children's musical instruments;
  • a set of children's tools;
  • Game console;
  • laser sword;
  • snow thrower;
  • role-playing game sets (ferry track or space station);
  • electronic anniversary book;
  • folding construction set;
  • keyboard for gamers;
  • Game console;
  • binoculars;
  • Snow Harmati;
  • soccer ball;
  • wood carving kits;
  • garni headphones;
  • Personalized gifts (kukhol, T-shirt, jacket);
  • 3D puzzles;
  • certificate for purchase in a game store;
  • paintball membership;
  • receipt for a film in 5D format;
  • electronic photo frame;
  • punching bag.
In order for the gift to effectively appeal to the most acceptable enemies, it is necessary to choose one that is suitable for the child.

If you know your little one well, then enjoy the overflow of universal gifts that are suitable for any child. Nata Karlin The child’s newborn saints’ skin gazes with special trepidation and a sinking heart.

Even though it doesn’t matter how many fates you have, deep down in your soul you know that Santa Claus is obligingly finishing his hymn..

It’s most important to be old enough to deal with these front-line troubles.

So-so! Fresh baked tea, boiling in a cauldron, smeared on sticks with sausages and white rot.

Nowadays we have a lot of troubles in our lives and we don’t know that such happy moments can only happen on TV and computers.

What gifts should you give to your classmates on New Year’s Day? What can you give to children in the classroom for the early morning? Insanely, gifts for classmates are not to blame for being expensive and chimerical.

Show some modesty and offer, for example,

Until 2020, there will be small pigs from the river.

  • Dumochki.
  • Ideal gifts for a classmate. Girls already love to decorate their room, and a cute pillow on the sofa and chair will add to the interior.
  • Set up a fountain pen ..

These can be colored or traditional blue pens.

Notepads. The stench will be useful for every student to take notes on. Books


Ideas for original gifts for children may vary.

Whose children are the most picky with presents. So, licorice gifts in boxes no longer make them happy, and the ones they want most, their fathers simply cannot afford. Youthful maximalism may lead to satisfaction with surprise and practicality. In this situation, option 3 is more suitable collective support of various approaches as a new gift for 7th grade children at school. Or destroy them at once from the teachings to the base.

Such a “fork” will be remembered by both fathers and teachers for the rest of their lives. This is especially true for 7th grade students. Even after growing up, only those living in the distance, their childhood has not yet ended, the team is both primary and secondary, seventh graders will have a hard time hanging out one after another in an informal setting, closer to know

  • classy kerivnik and make a new friendship. In addition, fathers can be given for skin care
  • licorice gift , Who will become miraculous to the day. This present will unite the whole class, make it more enjoyable and bring a lot of positive emotions to all participants.
  • School gifts from Father's Committee maybe a little simpler, but not less relevant and useful.

Children in the 8th grade will benefit from trips and presentations just as quickly.

However, there are still options available at your discretion:

We will make decisions

  • Personal alarm clock . The child's name can be written on it, and it also has a central function - when the device rings, wake up the child by calling its name.
  • With this you can record the voice of any person and guess the funny text. No less useful and practical solution -
  • school supplies kit memorable and historical places in your region or in other places.

Zreshta, great cake For the agreement with the names of all the students and the payment - just the perfect surprise for the Holy Day.

It is absolutely necessary to manage the new masquerade ball, so that the children, who are tired from the last fancy party, just relax, dance, and have fun with each other.

This visit can be made at the school or in a cafe. Gifts for schoolchildren of cob classes on New River In early childhood classes, the children are still very small, so we still believe in the birth of Father Frost, any gift he receives is received as a fairy tale.

  • Tom licorice presents with a toy
  • . The burial will be safe, especially since the plush animal symbolizes the 2020 year. New gifts for young schoolchildren can be received as follows:
  • Puzzles Or paintings with themed little ones are wonderful for both children 1 and children. Girls can be given
  • braiding kits , and for the boys sets of soldiers there will be miraculous decisions

  • sets of color olives that album is for painting. You can top it all off with a Christmas leaf and a stuffed pig.

Children respect themselves as adults and take away all the leaflets, rose-paintings and stationery that were left at school.

That’s why it’s important to keep the little ones healthy.

Give them

night lamps

  • For example , decorative cosmetics for girls and perfume and cologne for boys For example, like a mini-bar.
  • Traditional and becoming one of the most popular, but no less presentable gifts - flash drive or pen with personalized engravings in a leather case.
  • Stylish service Whoever has a cup of tea, a small cup of coffee and a teaspoon.

A beautiful and brown present for everyone. The stoneware has been around for a long time. All this is for the sake of some minor recommendations on how to choose the right gift.

Of course, you can never forget a great potter. For this class, you can prepare no less attractive gifts. For example,

tea set

, a set of beautiful wine glasses or an expensive one with all the class on an excursion for the father’s rakhunok. Don’t forget about those who didn’t consume the sets of malts and drinks. Miraculous option -

  • garna box of tsukerok with a jar of cavy or tea
  • .
  • For a female director and a classy cabinetmaker, it is obligatory to give a great bouquet of kudos.
  • 29 June 2018, 23:46
  • Early school is a wonderful gift to bring children together, to make friends with those who do not get along with each other, and, most importantly, to give children incredible emotions that they will remember until the coming winter holidays.
  • There is plenty of food to give to schoolchildren on the New River.

In addition, it is necessary to put something current, and at the same time a surprise and

New Yalinka


And this choice lies ahead of us as a student. What to give to a first-grader

What to give to children in grades 2-3

garna box of tsukerok with a jar of cavy or tea

First-graders are children between the ages of six and eight.

For most of them, the most valuable gift is a toy.


It doesn’t matter if it’s a download or a disk made from a long-term computer game. Golovna - so that he would take away the very gift that he really counted on. If you want the gift to be brown, the ideal option would be a construction set or puzzle with a large number of elements.

It’s also good to gain respect for children’s creativity.

It’s more important that a lot of them are well-insuranced by spending an hour with their dads.

Judging from the fathers, a brown and relevant gift for students in other and third grades

board game

It’s not surprising that whose children already value time spent with friends.
You can play mini-billiards, table football, hockey and other popular options.
Let’s not forget about the constructors, which can be combined and played with each other.
It’s already fashionable to give little girls a set of children’s cosmetics.
Girlfriends can literally go to a beauty salon for years and safely experiment with their looks.
The boys are still playing at the typewriter.

You can give a set of cars on the remote control.

This very success can be achieved by boats, helicopters and quadcopters. Gifts for children at school in grades 4-5 Whose children are already actively using various technologies: computers, phones, tablets.

But don’t forget about the need for child development.

We express our special respect to the current version of gifts for fourth-graders and fifth-graders:

Gaming keyboard or joystick;
selfie stick;
fashionable phone case;
camera lens.

Other brown accessories.

For a female director and a classy cabinetmaker, it is obligatory to give a great bouquet of kudos.

It’s important to remember that the girl in your gentle life will always love jewelry, cosmetics, and also for makeup, a manicure set, handbags, and other personal items. High school students are already miraculously recognized as gifts, which means that branded speech will definitely not be deprived of them by others..

This unavoidably carries a laptop with an apple logo on the corner or a similar road. You can choose from a variety of accessories, for example - a mitten, a gamanette or a belt in the evening trademarks

Whose young man or girl will already be happy for the sake of
jewelry embellishments
and the smut is to properly appreciate such a gift.
In addition, high school students are already enjoying their savors and obvious hoardings.

You can give them the following: Ticket for the concert of your beloved groom; an accessory for a sport that gives a child advantage;

poster with the autograph of the idol;

Dear book, as a high school student loves to read. And so on. If someone is in a bad mood, it’s not a good idea to give them a piece of jewelry or a souvenir that’s not worth it

practical value

. Such gifts are immediately forgotten..

In this case, status speeches will be especially expensive, such as their peers do not have. New Year's gift ideas for schoolchildren lack of sleep effect.

Then in this case you will definitely add exactly what you want.

4. When choosing a gift, there is no need to consult with a store consultant to determine whether a toy or gadget is suitable for a student, and it is better to choose something else.

Since you are already completely unable to buy the speech you need, it is better to ask your close friends.

29 June 2018, 23:46

5. We give a lot of memorial gifts.

You won’t be able to get a box of good tsuckers here.
The New River is more important, sacred, for rich children it is important to bring more meaning, the day of the people.
If true emotions and memory are lost no less than the gift of speech.
For example, if you give a schoolchild a subscription to a water park, it will definitely be remembered forever.
Now it’s important to figure out what the nature of the given subject will be.
Even sometimes, a small part of the creative mind is to spare the sacredness and presentation of a gift from the banality and sophistication.
The originality of a new gift will be relevant for a schoolchild of 12 years old, for a high school student, and for a little first-grader.
Originality may be present in the packaging, or in some variations of original presentations.

If you want the child’s enmity when snatching a new gift to be inspired by the treasures, you can gain respect by following the list below: A set of puzzles of different types; scratch card;

Early school is a wonderful gift to bring children together, to make friends with those who do not get along with each other, and, most importantly, to give children incredible emotions that they will remember until the coming winter holidays.

a tabletop game with a popular plot, for example Timeline or Tomb Robber; wristwatch-gadget; robot toy;


make-up kreida;
a good one to shine in the dark.
And a lot of other things.
To choose fairly
original gift
You can go to either a local store or an online store.
Golovny, so that fair goods were sold here, and there would be a great assortment of great speeches.
Fortunately, technological advances and a large assortment in stores allow you to be truly creative when choosing a new gift.
Nichnik – projector of the Veselka of the night sky;
popular nini neokub.

Ale as a gift may be not only an object. For example - a costume party in the style of your favorite heroes, vouchers for a trip to the water park, for girls - gift certificates

There is plenty of food to give to schoolchildren on the New River.

on a trip to the clothing store.

Golovne - don’t be afraid to show your imagination. As soon as we talk about an unexpected gift, then after the meeting of the New Rock, the children will tell their peers. For example, this might be a creature that has been dead for a long time.

Of course, such a choice must be made with care, even homemade medicine is a serious matter.

The child will forever treasure the moments spent with her family.

Tom in

novorychnu nich

And the next day you can all at once go to a great shopping center with various attractions, game rooms, and shops. A karting certificate is another popular gift that has not yet become standard. It will work wonderfully both for students of younger classes and for high school students.

Honestly, maybe this unexpected gift will help you know the child who is seriously buried throughout her life. If your child has already turned 18, you can submit a certificate for parachute jumping or base jumping. Of course, only those who are not afraid of heights and are weak in extreme sports.

  • You can also get a certificate for equestrian sports, skating or horse riding.
  • “Lux”, more for regular chocolate;
  • or “Vip”, the set includes the most popular malts;
  • and also the new set “Gifts of Nature” - a wonderful option for gifts.

New packaging options for 2021 for children

Holy New Rock at the school - an unexpected stop.

You can choose gifts for children that are also unconventional and original.

soft toys

in the senior classes (from 6 to 11) - students give priority to plaques. Let iz “Darel” New River bring joy! Kozhen school class - no matter how small, but no matter how great life is.

And whose life has its own traditions, one of which is the giving of gifts for

New Saints

  • .
  • And the fragments are sacredly loved, long-awaited and bound by spells and miracles, then it’s time to fuss over the gifts.
  • Naturally, the age of the audience is also at stake here, and even the achievements of the primary school differ from those of high school students.
  • Gifts for young school (grades 1-4)
  • What can you give to the class that is inexpensive and accessible?
  • A bunch of ideas:
  • pick up licorice gifts: tsukerki, chocolates, tangerines, etc.;
  • wristwatch;
  • the night lamps that project the dawn sky;
  • lighters with different slides;
  • constructors;
  • kits for creativity: cooking, embossing, making cosmetics, modeling, etc.
  • paintings that are painted according to numbering, paintings from stickers, stickers;

kitchens, bottles with colorful images; boxes for food with special images; various accessories: bows and beads, straps and belts, rings and pins, brooches and buckles, etc.

The most important, unique, charming (or expensive!) gift to the class would be organizing a trip to the residence of Father Frost to Veliky Ustyug.

The children of the cob school still believe in the fairy tale and the new girls, so this trip will never be forgotten. - marvel at what has been done. How to see more budget options, then you can organize a trip to the theater or cultural center for the winter

Kazkov's history

with games, prizes and a disco for children in grades 1, 2 and 3. Organize a trip to a pizza party, cinema, trampoline center or motorcycle park. Gifts for middle school (grades 5-8)

From the middle school in Lanka the situation is more complicated.

  • At this point, children’s characters begin to form and go through stages
  • transitional century
  • It’s important for them to wait.

Try it, it’s still necessary. Naturally, no one ever harvested malt, souvenirs and various accessories: anniversary, bracelets, heels;

handbags, hammants, key holders;

  • notebooks, sketch pads;
  • In grades 4-6 no less
  • we appreciate the gift
  • will be the organization of the quest.
  • You can prepare such a new gift for the class on your own or seek professional help.
  • Today's children simply love this kind of “come out into the world.”
  • There will also be a wonderful new surprise:
  • tickets at the cinema, theater;

going to laser tag in full class;

a trip to the water park, swimming pool with the organization of a drinking show; master class on making new gifts; chocolate, bakery with photo print;

bottles for drinking water, thermos flasks (these models can be sold in sports stores).

treasure boxes, wall anniversary books, painting, fan, table lamp, photo book, anniversary book, lunch box;

touch mittens, player, dance floor, aero football,

  • For 6-8 grades: acoustic projector, flash drive, electronic globe, electronic map of the dawning sky, external battery, portable speaker;
  • Gifts, as it was, you can win
  • great quantity
  • , smut – the interests of boys and girls.
  • Before purchasing, it is important to conduct a survey of children in order to find out about their particular “wants”.
  • Gifts for high school students (9-11 grades)
  • development of a state-of-the-art quest.

The quest, before speaking, is simply governed independently, covering the territory of the school. As a result, you can prepare to play paintball (laser or fireball), practice skiing, winter skiing at the base, and practice bowling, dancing, and basketball. If you plan a mass hike somewhere, then ask the organizers of the hike to pay garni discounts.

You can organize a snow party for them, like snow vikory

white papier

  • .
  • Since the evening is themed, everything is connected to the New Rock: photos, zones, competitions, malt drinks.
  • If you organize all the self-tightening, you can earn money religiously inexpensively.

If your children are graduating from high school (no matter 9th, 10th or 11th grade), then book them a fun trip to another place: to the sea, to the mountains at mountain resorts, or on an excursion to the cultural places of our region.

  • To make the trip less expensive, look for reminders in your region.
  • As a modest idea, the following cultural items (souvenirs) would be suitable:
  • T-shirts, pillows, blankets;
  • electronic photo frames with photographs of school life;
  • audio speakers, radio for the shower room, laptop lamp, headphones, emotional keyboard (with a set of emoticons).
  • You can customize prints and logos of your school and class by placing them on:

keychains, bracelets, medallions, pendants;

  • handles, pencil cases, covers;
  • badges, emblems, stickers;
  • groups, dishes, special dances;

backpacks, food bags;

belts, suspenders, any accessories.

  • Delight the audience with nice details and speeches such as:
  • winter scarves, hats, warm headphones, scarves, mittens, mittens;
  • sweatshirts, T-shirts, baseball caps with or without the school logo;
  • backpacks, bags, gamantsi.
  • As a creative gift, you can organize an unexpected photo shoot, take the children to a karaoke bar, a pottery studio or an art studio.
  • It is possible to organize for them mass courses for cooks, pizza makers, guitarists, vocalists, etc.

Let us be a present before the holiday of the New Rock before the current, the most beautiful and the most important.

If you are not like that, then, having seen everything, you will find your place in the distant police.