Women's perfumes by Nina rich with a description of aromas and reviews. Nina Richi "Chervone Apple Perfume Nina Richi ladies with a delicate aroma

The brand Noran (or Norana, it is possible to use different spellings) comes from the Arab Emirates behind the legend and traced its history to the 1929 year. However, remembering that I myself saw it on the territory of the modern OAU at that hour, it does not seem so honest. The brand specializes in the selection of analogues of the most popular fragrances. The popularity of the brand is known for a couple of years, with the release of the fragrance Suzana, a clone of Baccara Rouge, terribly similar to pershogerelo, but a little more licorice-juice.


The Acqua Di Parma brand has built its history on the cob of the last century and, in fact, one of the first Italian perfume shops, gaining popularity beyond the borders of the Fatherland. For example, in the 90s, the brand outlived its friend of the people, one by one different flavors began to emerge, as if they were united by the spirit and culture of their country, and, if so, they can please lovers of the most addictive straight lines. Today's mova is about fresh, citrus, colonial aromas that could or could be included in the Blue Mediterraneo line, dedicated to the Mediterranean.


Spring is here, nareshti has overcome winter. The wind is already warm and giving hope, the sun is more abandoned in the sky, the birds have turned to the city, step by step they step out, they are walking in the muddy lowlands, the warm boots are changing on light ankle boots, and the hats are moving for a long time on the mezzanine. And aromas are changing on our policemen. I would like to wear more colors, greenery, suede, chypri. Today, we have a universal dobirka, in your skin you know the aroma of yourself to the soul.


Boucheron is a French jewelry booth, created in 1858 by Frédéric Boucheron. Crowned and simply visited by clients, such as Queen Mother Elizabeth, the mother of the ruling Queen of England, the squad of King George VI, the same Queen Elizabeth II, the first wealthy Russian Empire Prince Felix Yusupov, boutiques in Moscow and St.Petersburg, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and perished in the fates of the revolution, boutiques in New York and London. After the death of Frédéric Boucheron in 1902, the hats were cut off on the right, and only in 1994 the Boucheron brand ceased to be a family business, moving into the warehouse of the Gucci Group. From 1988 to rock at once iz jewelry embellishments the brand began to release pakhoschi. The first of them, so called Boucheron, was created by Francis Delamont and Jean-P'er Betuar - a flowery waltz with a touch of amber, civet and oak moss. In 2017, the brand presented its boutique collection. We will tell you about her.


During the period new saints an upcoming work schedule has been set in the online perfume store Spirits.rf.

What was a Parisian on the cob of the thirty years of the twentieth century? She is emancipated, she is eccentric, shocking, she is rozkuta. Designer woman's clothes Nina Ricci put a familiar image on the floor. Vaughn began to sew cloth, in some kind of charm, femininity fell with the grace of that modern hand. I was rated by її clients. Foundations near 1932 roci in Paris fashionable dim Nini Richchi took away the glory of the world from 1945 roci. Witnessing that elegant robe was appreciated by women like in the Old World, so on that beck of the ocean. And the axis of the first perfumes in Nіni Rіchi L'Air du Temps ("Atmosphere of the hour") let out not the master of fashion's booth, but її syn Robert. Then there are other fragrances that struck the world of perfumery, such as Love in Paris (“Kohannya in Paris”), Premier Jour (“First Day”) and Alecia This article is dedicated not to these perfumes and yet we are no longer smelling. At the center of our respect is the perfume “Nina Richi” (“Red Apple”).

Why two names

Tsya perfume was created to increase the memory of the founder of a fashionable booth. Official name of perfumes - Nina vіd Nina Ricci. Ale, a vial like a bulk paradise fruit with three silver leaves gave birth to the people of another name - "Chervone apple". “Nina Richi” is the brand that victorious miracles released perfumes in the form of a red liquid apple, the creators of the brand first threw a message to the target audience: “For the sake of these perfumes, Eva left paradise.” І sche (for the famous old Greek myths): "Such a perfume Paris gives only the most beautiful goddess in the world - Aphrodite." The product will not be required for further advertising, is it not so? Before speech, the aroma of apple in perfumes is, but not dominant. As it seems, the “head violin” is played by citrus fruits from the flower with a whitish smell. It's like this for rich women, this fragrance is associated with New Rock.

History of Nina perfumes in Nina Richchi

The smell of distant 1987 rock was born. However, there was no special advertising campaign, but the product was worthy of the buyers and without promotion. Perfume "Nina Richi" ("Chervone Apple"), unbelievably for the brewers themselves, has become top. Therefore, in 2006, the company created an updated version of the classic fragrance with the same name. Yogo "fathers" became masters of their own right, leading perfumers Olive Polzh and Jacques Cavalier. How many times has an advertising campaign been carried out. Ale not їy waving success perfume. The public has long been longing for the appearance of something similar - a marvelous, fantastic aroma of kokhanny. This right mystical elixir of licorice relish, which takes you away from the world of happy dreams. The creators of the product have grasped that line, if the aroma sees its master in the yurbi, but does not feel like a lingering one. And, as a firmness, the skin women of perfume “sit” in their own way, reinforcing their individual character.

Bazhana the sleazy

In 2006, all the advertisements in glossy magazines and on television about the perfume "Nina" were recognized by everyone. Yaky posil giving a video? Pishnevolosa girl in beautiful cloth, scho to rob її similar to the princess of fairy tales, arrogantly fight on a tree for a reserved apple. This plіd of all people is associated with calmness, before which it is impossible to stand up. You can interpret the lines from the "Book of Butt" in another way. Eva with an apple appeared for Adam more bazhanimi, lower mustache paradise. In a word, the advertisement helped, even more so, that the fragrance was completely rejuvenated. Mustache fell in love with "Chervone Yabluko", "Nina Richi" became a popular brand again. Aje skin woman dream of becoming your Eva, for the sake of such a cooing person for everything. Ignorantly fall into the rizik and buti vygnanim from paradise. That very aroma, the sounds sing, zakohue at home. Vіn carry Volodartsі positive, charging you with special mystical energy.

Chervone and other apple

It would be a sin not to speed up the glory of the glory of the perfume "Red Apple". "Nina Richi" (fashion booth) one by one releases new "apple". On given moment there are nine flankers in the fragrance that have become a legend. Tse "Nina Gold Edition" (golden bottle), "Love by Nina" (green apple), "Le Paradis de Nina" (pale-lilac color), "Nina el Elixir" (red-bile), "Prittі Nina" ( brightly erysipelas). Since 2011, the fate of the houses has begun to release the bіlі "fruits". Tse "Nina Snow Princes" (matte), "Nina Fantasy" (with colorful print) and "Kul Nina el Eo". The remaining flanker is the novelty of 2014 rock - "La Tentation de Nina" (raspberry flavor in a different bottle). Adzhe discover more limited vision! For example, "Nina Prishez Svarovski Edishn", "Nina Princes d" un Zhu "in a red deadly bottle and novelties of this rock" Nina Edition d "Or" and "Le Delishes de Nina". Before the speech, all flankers were created by perfumer Oliver Cresp.

For whom the fragrance is intended

But the next offensive variation did not gain that glory, which was awarded to the most - red - "Yabluko". "Nina Richi" couldn't turn its wind up in limited editions for pampered clients. Age perfumes are important not Swarovski crystals, but fragrance. What is the secret to the success of the classic "Nini"? The spirits were oriented towards young girls, so that they would not be afraid of the dream and bring their thoughts into life. The stench bestows a woman's self-confidence, embarrassingly reveals her potential and navazhuvatisya. And to that the spirits appeared beyond their own target audience. As it seems, the perfume is suitable not only for young girls. Let's see women like that. Golovne - get in a good mood. That spark of youth, the charm of Aphrodite and the calmness of you to come by yourself.

"Nina Richi" ("Red Apple"): a description of the aroma

Tse charіvna composition, endowed with mіstsyu calm and obіtsyanki diva. It rises out of juice, refreshing and a trifle of sour notes. This is how lime and Calabrian lemon sound, the sharpness of which helps to soften the steegle, the pouring, the red apple. In the course of time, the notes of the heart will begin to appear. On the stage come the lower pellusts of pivonia and vanilla, refreshed by a warm chord. Perfume "Nina Rіchi" ("Red Apple") wafts a long vibrating trail. The aromas of white musk, white virgin cedar and freshly sawn apple tree village are manifested in the new one. The beginnings of this set of basic notes are always trimmed on the scales. How does the aroma come out? Refreshing a bunch of wines with young citrus fresh juice. Let's sip on new malts - apples in caramel, praline zukerki... I, nareshti, inspire bliss with their mystical and important basic sounds.

"Nina Richi" ("Chervone Apple"): a description of the types of survivors

Well, what if you are not professional, but still, girls and women are still sensitive? Reviews about the pyramid of smells of "Nini" in Rich are little noticed in the description of perfume makers. The deyakі do not smell the apple at the top note - the refreshing aroma of citrus. Truthfully, the place of the Calabrian orange and the lime is the real grapefruit. What do the spontaneous people smell in the note of the heart of the perfume of Nina Rich (Red Apple)? The description of the fragrance is characterized by the words of symbols and associations. And on everyone's lips: " New river!" The association has fully understood. On the aphids of the fading aroma of citrus fruits, the smell of baked apples with cinnamon and beaten tops of apples, as well as chocolate zuceroks, clearly shows through. The aura of the holy is less strengthened by wooden notes in the base. It’s here, that the New River of the fireplace is shining, that it’s burning: there are gifts, tickets, snow and frost on the streets, and it’s warm in the room and the soul ... And the head is spinning happily.


I will not leave the role of the popularity of the fragrance with its effective and original bottle. Eau de toilette Nina Richi (Chervone apple) is poured into a container in the form of a dead heavenly fruit. From the top, white kovpachka, yogo otochuyut three silver leaves - two at a time and one, the smallest, okay. A bottle of viconanies from a matte glass of bright red color. Particularly beautiful dances in gift set. Two small apples are so similar to new toys why do you want to go to the yalinka? Such a set is for sale for fifty euros - this is the average price in duty-free shops. And bottles of 50 and 80 ml are packed in cardboard boxes with ribbed little ones. Respect that "Chervone Yabluko" does not have a volume of one hundred milliliters, which cannot be said about Nini's flankers of other colors.

How to resurrect a drink?

A lot of women are asking for this food, like they are asking for toilet water Nina Richi (Chervone apple). A photo of a perfume cannot, unfortunately, convey all the subtleties of design. And to that we rozpovimo how to revise the original as a falsification. First, a box. On it, the ribs of the little ones are clearly visible. The batch number is marked on the back of the package. Obviously, the code is to blame for the country's virobnik - France. As soon as you look at the bottle, then the fake apple is made from scratch. rich color so that the tube in the middle is not visible. Then you can see the spring of the atomizer at the tip, which is unacceptable in the original. In right spirits more details design vikonano akіsno. The cap is sitting tight. Leaves do not bovtayutsya. On the middle one you can see the inscription "Nina Ricci". І, nareshtі, cіna ta mіsce attached to the goods. Well, you can't buy yakіsnі perfumes for the price of deodorant. The average price for eau de toilette is three thousand rubles for 80 ml, 2500 for 50 ml and 1700 for 30 ml.

Who suits perfumes

Don’t blindly rely on the words of the virobnik about those who only for young and old girls created Nina Rich toilet water (Chervone apple). Vіdguki however vvazhuyut aroma like a youth, and zrіlim. Entering the pyramid of smells of musk and cedar to suffocate the spirits with deep, whimpering. And the aroma, that ice is caught, calling out associations with the warmth of a home fire, so attracts self-made people ... So the perfume goes on and on. Here it is important more: spirits should only be worn by these persons, as if they could make a spark in their eyes. On cold, sizzling ladies, just like on mlyavih, baggy women and girls, perfumes will not be worn for a long time. Aroma Nіna Rіchi (Chervone apple) is chosen by lovers of licorice smells. Proteo composition is not boring. Citrus coolness and low apple smell harmoniously harmonize with licorice, which brings out praline and caramel from tops. In a word, the pyramid of aromas is less likely to guess about vanilla.

If you wear

True universal women's perfumes. “Nina Richi” (“Red Apple”) call vicorists before going to work in the office, to the youth party, more romantic for the title of evening. The aroma, however, is suitable for wearing casual clothes, flirtatious cloth, business suit. Well before the season, then thoughts were divided. Some people say that the spirits will be more ancestral in the heat of the time of fate. In addition, they influence the fact that the calm and licorice aroma of the ancient one is applied at the end of autumn evenings and frosty winter days. And so it seems, like it’s hard, that “Nina” is an all-inclusive, fresh-new smell. For whatever mood, all coristuvachi will be fine in the evening, so that on a spicy day the aroma does not stifle, does not impose, but instead, refreshes with citrus fresh juice. And in the cold, heated by the warmth of the body, wine vibrates the lower malt and inspires thoughts about the calm.

Other capacities

Perfume "Nina Richi" ("Chervone Apple") is called quite steadfast. Vіn duzhe garno rozkryvaetsya. On the back of the head you can smell the smell of lime and the moon, and then of a juice apple. Navkolyshni vіdchuvayut wailing calm train іz white musk and cedar. For the first time of the day, a light aroma of citruses, caramel indulgence, is left on the skies. On the hairs, the voices sing, the spirits tremble until you shake your head. On odyazі - do not yet viprati yoga. It’s a good idea for a woman to think that dope is in the pyramid of victors, nerolis and other aphrodisiacs, shards of people begin to give them a pill of respect. Really, the spirits simply grant innocence in themselves and help the beautiful daughter of Evi to see their magic.

Perfumery Nina Ricci is already richly rocked as a symbol of mystery, femininity and a non-standard accessory of the beautiful half of people. The foundations of the 1932-th roci brand already until the end of the tenth decade had the first flavors, but in the life of the plan in life, the friend of the world war started, and the stench rose its way through the stench already at the fifth decade.

Perfume Nina Ricci at the most important line is created for women. The number of people is not rich, but the stench of respect is reinforced by the armchair elegance and an ambiguous bouquet. In the main line - all the din of sensibility - from a quivering first kohanny to a fenced addiction, as if it is ready to flare up from the smallest emotional spark.

History of the brand

  • 1946 - launch of the first fragrance Coer Joie, dedicated to the budinka.
  • 1960 - expansion of the sales market to the Asian region, a sensation among Japanese fashionistas.
  • 1965 - the premiere of a person was not held toilet water.
  • 1970 - Nina Richchi dies, having asked her son's right to Robert.
  • 1998 - a license for manufacturing is bought by the Spanish concern Puig.
  • 2003 - a turning point about the creation of an inexpensive line of smart-casual clothes, which was supplemented by a series of toilet water.

Aroma Nina Ricci

For 2020, there are 46 fragrances for sale, such as:

  • Luna Blossom

Vigadlivost was by no means the brand's mark. Until the last days, the zasnovnitsa was aware that the woman’s right was guilty of being left with the lower one, thinned, no matter what, and її perfumes are a piece of the soul, as if torn by the name. The bottles are embellished until this very day with the beloved symbols of the legendary lady - images of modest sex cards and fruits.

The main notes of popular lines are ginger, rhubarb, bergamot and berry cocktail. The middle of the creator is given give birth to pellusts, dope and konvalії, and in the base - patchouli and sandalwood. All at once they get angry, but they don’t interrupt their train, for which Nina Ricci fell in love with young girls all over the world.

Perfume Nina Ricci - the best for sophisticated women.

Fragrances of perfumes Nina Richi are taken by us, if we check the knowledge in the kohanna. Perfume compositions, filled with a delicate smell of berries and herbs, create the very atmosphere, if love and romance just hang in the air. Krishtal's bottles and savory roses - perfumes from the legendary brand do not cease to amaze with innovations.

Vіdomostі about virobnik Nіna Rіchі

Nina Ricci is a French brand that has launched a perfume release at the edge of wartime rock. Perfume brand Helped the women to see themselves with garnitures and without turbos. The indulgence of women's whims is not pripinyaєєє until this day, even though all the flavors are straightened out at ease, that charm of the opposite state.

Catalog of the best women's perfumes by Nina Rich with a description of aromas

Perfume Nina Rich Elixir (red apple)

Aroma notes: a light note of citrus on the cob is quickly changed by the aroma of jasmine and red berries. A tart musky smell leaves a long-lasting trail.

The biblical calmness of the aroma of malt rises step by step, changing sour citrus notes to a more exotic aroma of flowers. After a sprat of a year, the obvious zukerkovy aroma changes with fruity notes of green powdered apple.

The smell is rather bitter and persistent, and the packaging is in the form of an apple at first glance.

Perfume Nina Rich Ecstasy

Aroma notes: similar notes of rye pepper in the composition with the plows of white flowers. Rich and rich cinnamon note of amber, cedar and musk.

appetizing similar aroma dark trojand, so oxamite, with a thick, important aroma. Vanilla-licorice smell is not tedious, but rather commemorated. Zavdyaki musky and peppery interspersed aroma sound like a fiery drink. This is the same vipadok, if it suits not only the smell, but also the design.

Perfume Nina Rich M_syats

Aroma notes: the elitist sound of orange blossoms and lime bursts into blossoms of white musk, vanilla and pear.

Pervinne apparently does not deceive with its simplicity; Aroma for gourmets with bright and pure notes of orange color, lime and fox berries. The final sound of white musk will accompany you throughout the day.

Mlosny fleur calm down miraculously.

Perfume Nina Richi Premier Zhur

Aroma notes: floral aroma of licorice peas complemented by heart notes of gardenia and orchids.

Solodko-kvіtkova classic calls out only positive emotions. The fragrance is rich and persistent, wine does not require reapplication. Perfume is more suitable for mature women.
The fragrance is also a classic, it needs no introduction.

Perfume Nina Rich Nina (apple erysipelas)

Aroma notes: superbly fresh and delicate aroma of grapefruit, green apple and neroli with heart notes of gardenia and musky plume.

Fragrance for yourself early spring with notes of tangerine, that apple creates an effect beautiful garden with a light wind blowing. The year of wine becomes more romantic, water notes and the aroma of cherries are noticed. Adherents of light, imperceptible aromas are definitely suitable for them.

Reviews about the spirits of Nina Rich

The assortment of perfumes by Nina Rich is already great, and it is easy to describe all the sights, but we have educated women about their favorite aromas. The official representative of the brand adds comments with his comments.


My opinion this year will be about the perfumes of Nina Rich, whose red and erysipelas apple has already become a symbol of peace. The packaging itself already calls for suffocation, and the licorices are fresh and aromatic at the same time. Pislyasmak is defiantly licorice-licorice, tsukerkovy and girlishly lower. People often ask me why I smell so delicious.


This perfume in an effective, original bottle is known to wealthy women. The spirits are named after themselves and are no less charming with a sultry look, ale and miraculous zmіst.

Perfume Nina Richa "Red Apple" - description of the aroma

Perfume Nina L'Eau Nina Ricci is worn until - wine may be brightly pronounced aroma of the most delicious fresh fruits and smelly scents. In 2013, it was released by perfumers Olivier Polge and Jacques Cavallier and was once again worthy of the scents of Nina Rich. The warehouse near these perfumes is spring-summer, intoxicating with the smell of blooming and fruitful gardens:

  • top notes- juice, sour, refreshing grapefruit, green apple, tangerine, neroli;
  • middle notes- licorice cherry and gardenia;
  • the description of the "Red Apple" from Nina Richi will be inaccurate, as if it does not mean base notes cedar and musk, which allow the aroma of long-term trimming on the shkіrі and but it is deep and troch important and mysterious.

Perfume "Chervone Apple" in the form of Nina Richi lies with a light gloom, granting satisfaction, hurting the bottom. On a hot day, don’t smother the aroma, don’t hesitate to take it, regardless of your own malt. Vіn garno rozkrivaєtsya - cherries with tops fell on the back of the head, then - juice, fresh apple and wind until the end of the day you can still feel the citrus chill.

Who would like the perfume of Nina Rich «Chervone Yabluko»?

Young girls choose perfumes for most people, but young women can protest against the fragrance, age, as usual, men still need warm, flowery smells.

Nina Nina Ricci is suitable for a colorful victoria, but it is especially good to wear a curtain. It is optimal to vicorate the fragrance during the day, and a little streaks, applied before an evening walk, will help you to make yourself feel better, sexier, more effective.

Perfumes are ideal for a young victor - in the office or on a business day, stench is not enough to add to your image, but not to turn all the respect of your colleagues or colleagues to yourself.

Nina Ricci "Chervone apple" - how to make a drink?

The skin woman bazhaє koristuvatisya yakіsnoy perfumery. But often, giving a decent sum for a brandy fragrance, representatives of a beautiful state trap on shakhraiv's wudka. To avoid this happening when buying Nina Richa's Chervone Apple fragrance, it is better to be familiar with the main design features of the bottle and the design of the packaging of the original perfumes:

Add perfumes, obviously, it is necessary in over-the-counter stores, which they have recommended to themselves. Warto remember that yakіsnі flavors cannot be cheap. Today, the variety of perfumes in Nina Richi "Chervone Apple" varies from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

If you like licorice light aromas, then you definitely need to try some wonderful perfumes with a lot of positive vibes. With them, your spring and summer will become brighter, more sensitive, more active and will be remembered by the joyous moments and sweeter sounds.
