How to clean a jacket with a membrane. Why is the membrane clothes worn by the right machine? See the membrane tissue behind the structure

The tissue membrane has long migrated to everyday life, wanting to sew a shoulder from it, including clothes for extreme sports and active work.

New technological developments, which are victorious in the production of speeches with membrane tissue, are properly assessed. The material appears more familiar and slick.

It takes good warmth, does not shackle ruhіv and vіdshtovhuє vologu, but there is one great nedolіk - the fabric is swirling.

Viprati manually so it’s not easy through them, as a rule, not a small difference. Another good option is left - machine-made, but fragments of membrane fabric on the road and finish the primhliv, blame food - like a membrane jacket. cleaning machines? At once we will lay everything out on the shelves.

First of all, the membrane of the jacket needs to be protected from important moments:

  1. When speeches are made from membrane tissue, it is impossible to vicorate miyuchi yourself, like avenging chlorine. Adje cei aggressive chemical element You may need a waterproof coat, which means that the jacket is waterproof in rainy weather.
  2. One more important point - a jacket with a membrane does not need to be soaked before pruning, because the fabric can swell and deform.
  3. Don’t wind up richly after the morning, wrap your jacket in cloth as soon as possible, as if you’re picking up good water, for example, don’t bring a great terry towel.
  4. It is not possible to beat the fine powders, even the finer particles can easily clog the pores of the fabric, and even more quickly spend the values ​​of power and quality.
  5. Please add air-conditioning-poliskuvachs - you need to install a thin layer on the surface material, as a result of the circulation of the air.

Preparation stage

Thermal jackets were not opened on the soaking trip, as we already guessed. Do not like the membrane and even hot water, as well as rude mechanical waters.

Not only people buy hot jackets, they are actively involved in different types sports and professional athletes. For example, Glissade's turrets, Thermite can drink through its building to protect against fresh fall: snow, wood, strong wind. They have a handful of walks to pay.

Hirskolizhna jacket is ideal for hikers, tourism, mountaineering. You won't need a special look at your clothes. However, a girskolizhna jacket with a membrane, then it is necessary to know all subtlety. The membrane may lose its power. Vaughn go wild, watershed and do not blow. How to wear a girskolizhnu jacket with a membrane is correctly world-wide for this article.

Pranny Rules

More people think that a warm jacket can be put on with your hands. Fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, її її can be easily prati at the right machine. It is not necessary to reach out to the singing minds and rules in the practice. Nebkhіdno vykoristovuvaty correct zasobi for pirnya and pіdtremuvati optimal temperature regime.

The zahisny ball of membranes can be attacked with aggressive right and wrong ways. So that you should correctly wear your warm jacket in the right machine, and it is necessary to prepare it on the back.

Yakshcho є on the surface clothes, brudnі dіlyanki їх it is necessary to protect them. You can do it with a sponge made of miles. The hot-sleeve suit is washed out. Tobto back to back, wipe the jacket and pants in another way.

Important! For jackets made by Glissade, Thermite, it is necessary to vicorate only a few rare ones and gels for dbaylivy pranny.

For early warning, you will need one of the modes: double, delicate, manual early, or outside. Choose the mode to lie down in the functionality of the cleaning machine. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to set the temperature regime of the troch more than 30 degrees. As the temperature of the water will be higher, the jacket will not only sit in size. Vaughn to spend a good look, and sweet ball membrane to waste its power.

The function I see in the right machine can be disabled. The function can be replaced by a variable fabric. You can take a pillow case and put a jacket on it. When prana tissue is chosen, I will choose a vologer.

After the end of the day, I will once again need to beat the drum. Dovge perebuvannya in the car is negatively identified. The jacket can be wrinkled, but ironing is categorically fenced. If the jacket is a mistake, it is necessary to hang it on an ordinary hanger. Dry virib at normal room temperature.

A hot jacket cannot be worn for temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. As clothes are washed in a washing machine, it is not possible to corry with the functions of washing that drying. It has been harrowed to add on butovі zasobi, scho to avenge at your warehouse vіdbіlyuvach.

Yakshcho on the verge of presence fat follow, then it is necessary to cleanse them only with the gentlemen of the Lord without third-party houses, meadows and chlorine. After a fresh jacket, dry it without vіdzhima. In one season, it is not necessary to wear a warm-weather jacket more than 1 time, in order to get rid of the swedish wear of the sour ball - membrane.

More and more popularity began to gain fabrics from the membrane. Basically, athletes should love, which is very important, to the fact that the result is attainable, the price of success is worth it. This is the same kind of clothes that fathers wear on children. Tse viklikano їх vіdmіnmi rice.

Ale, it’s a great pity that not everyone can see correctly. The very same short term service of speeches. Let's try to get together with someone.

What is a membrane garment?

Membrane - the same material, prepared for high technology. For its essence, it is a slab, as it is applied to the material, or maybe some kind of fiber.

Membrane dominance:

  • Don't let the water pass through you
  • support the balance between viroblenim and vіddanim warm

See membrane tissue:

  • Hydrophilic - a slab is glued in the process of virobnization. Passing water through. behind old-fashioned look guess a sponge.


  • don't get wet- after eating a pіd of wood, and he is dry
  • name type body pass steam- in the cold - warm, in the sinter - cold
  • brooding- Wipe the zabrudnenі dilyanka with miles of water
  • not blown by the wind- you don’t freeze in a strong wind
  • easy behind the vaga- practically does not hear speech on the shoulders

Ideal for climate with high water and winds

Microporousness - special heating is applied on it with a heating path, it is cut off with a special stretching of the polymer polytetrafluoroethylene. Vaughn may be impersonal microscopic openings, arbitrarily penetrating only molecules of the bet.

Similar to a sieve. IN very cold, the membrane does not work, because the pores are clogged with ice and the person freezes. Less worn, lower hydrophilic, so that it’s time for someone to clog up.

The positive characteristics here are the same, like in hydrophiles. Identity here you can name those who are positively drawn less than once, if the clothes are worn by a clean looker. Bo brud clogs all the pores. The vologa begins to accumulate in the middle.

It is important to win over the hour of making clothes for athletes, without direct contact with the motherland.

How does it look in practice? Adzhe prepares clothes from this material, not only for grown-ups, but also for children. It is especially important for this, that the child felt comfortable in it.

Ale, with whom, the child is guilty of already actively collapsing.

Tse reach the path of friendly minds, scho create a ball of wind between clothes and that people.

The following factors can destroy it:

  • Hygienic clothes for power
  • Climatic Mind
  • Naskіlki іntensive ruhi

You can’t chew on the membrane’s authorities, that the weather is cold, the children will be uncomfortable, and the stench will freeze.

If a person collapses too much, the process of body temperature regulation starts in the body. Tse to bring sweat to the point of seeing. In cold, windy weather, it can lead to a cold. When it's hot, it starts to heat up, and it's worth teasing the skin's curve.

Speech from the membrane tissue does not allow the voices to be hidden in the middle, but to adopt the vision of її with a pair of names. Tse gives a sense of dryness and the required temperature. The average temperature of the savings between the body and the fabric becomes close to 33 degrees.

With such a dress mind the weather not scary, but physical urge not to cry out to discomfort. Navіt yakscho villa on you vіdro vіdro vіdro, clothes under a jacket with a membrane to get dry.

Zasobi for pranny membrane clothes

When choosing a special order for marriage, what cannot be categorically allowed:

  • Instead of chlorine in pralny sobі, vіn spoil the plіvku.
  • Great number of amino acids, yakі dodayutsya in order to see biozabrudnen, which is important to see. The stench is negatively signified on seepage.
  • The presence of a sour eyelid. A lot of gospodarki are koristuyutsya him for the reduction of third-party smells and microbes.
  • Set of great solid materials. Do not rarely chat with the rich powders. reviewed in detail here.

How to take care of these components:

  • Practical powders: Taid, Ariel, Persill
  • rіdkі zabeb for dressing without lining the type of fabric
  • vіdbіlyuvachi ta zasobi for seeing the flames
  • make a delicate dress for dressing up
  • rare cute

Expanding the possibilities for pranny membranes:

  • - a balm for cleaning sports clothes, which includes synthetic high-molecular speech.

The frequency of vikoristannya does not depend on any membrane defect. Virobnik adding more seepage.

  • Nikwax Tech Wash- zasіb for the production of fabrics from waterproof fabrics. Doing well with setting tasks. Dodatkovo seep membrane.

You can win as a prophylaxis for the renewal of authorities.

Even though the bath was badly damaged as a result of a great effort, Nikwax Tech Wash did a wonderful job of fixing it.

  • Denkmit Fresh Sensation- German gel-like design for the early thermomembrane. The minus is the presence of seepage. Plus - low price, cleanliness can be done as well.
  • Perwoll Sport Active- a rare zasib for dressing up and wearing clothes for sports because of the smell of freshness.
  • Textile Wash Plus Woly– recommended for the production of fabrics from textiles and membranes. Seeing the confusion of goodness, do not ruin special swimming.
  • Rdkі (gel-like) used for pranny, but on marking may be assigned what is suitable for the membrane.

De їх it is possible to come: at sports and state stores, on the website of an official postal worker.

On scho, respect the warehouse.

People's interests:

It's a pity, don't start going to the store for a special tool for looking after the membrane speeches, it will end successfully. Therefore, people have developed their own method of cleaning such material.

milna water

  1. What do you need for whom: gospodarske cute, water, basin.
  2. How to cook: nicely rubbed on tertiary. Shavings are placed at the basin with warm water.
  3. Yak Prati: we omit speech, wash it, rinse it relatively.
  4. Sushimo: zgidno with recommendations.

Rules for the practice of membrane clothing

Manual prannia

Sequence dіy:

  • Clothes on the back to be cleaned with a dry brush
  • To be taken lightly єmnіst for prannya.
  • Warm water pours in.
  • Speech is laid, water can be covered with fabric.
  • As soon as the product is able to seep through with water, the stars are removed and rubbed with a stain for breakage.
  • At the yard, from strong zabrudnennyam, it rubs more than a miyuchy one.
  • Rinse speech in such a rank, schob not be deprived of either security or brud.
  • If necessary, the procedure is repeated.
  • Dbaily vіdzhimaєtsya.
  • For hanging, it is laid out on a flat surface.

Machine pranny

Obviously, the ideal option is to take manual practice. With it, there is less wear on the fabric.

But if this option is not available, then with machine prana it is necessary to speed up with such joys:

  • To be carried out dry cleaning for the help of a soft brush.
  • Washable with other fabrics
  • The skin is large rich in water-cream
  • All the sparkles and buzzes are zastіbayutsya
  • The program for the membrane is installed. On the newest machines won є. In older models, it is installed manually - six, shovk. The temperature stays three times higher than 30 degrees;
  • U vіddіl for powder pouring. When tsimu pereviryaetsya vіdsutnіst old zasobіv for pranny.
  • The machine starts up
  • How just ended the cycle of prannia, vytyaguetsya virіb and with neat hands the zayva water is taken. So, as an option, I see this option: put the speeches in a towel and bud, until you take the whole homeland.

The principle of drying of membrane speeches is despoiled by other fabrics.

That is why it is necessary for the vikonati deyakі kroki:

  • Get ready for the place, de bude visihati rich. Tse maє buti is equal to the horizontal surface, on which fabrics from natural materials are placed. Speech is laid out on it. Qiu fabric is recommended to change as often as possible, so that there are no bad smells.
  • Shards of the membrane do not bear the direct consumption of sony light, but may be shaded. If the river was in love, it didn’t smell musty, then rather, so that everything was aired out there.

When dry, it is not possible to vicorate the heating accessories.

Need more seepage? Aja has already been coated with a special patch.

Teflon or silicone enters the seepage warehouse, why, when the water gets on the clothes, it just flows down.

When preparing membrane tissue, a special warehouse is applied to the material, which protects the tissue from external factors. Under the hour of operation, that early ball vitonchuetsya and progressively learns.

All the same people can see it on their own. Speech begins to get wet and it is cold in them in the cold and speck.

For whom and vikoristovuyut leakage. She creates an incomprehensible zahisnu spitting, but with her blackness she inspires the authority of the material. And we may be able to do more gladly for a beloved speech.

When will the leakage begin?

They also remembered that after drinking wet fall, they got wet, which is the first sign that it is necessary to carry out this procedure. Tse give a friend the life of the old speech.

How to apply on virib?

  • On the packaging of the zahistogo zasobu, the clerk indicates the report instruction, with it, before the vouchers, you should familiarize yourself with it.
  • Don't bleed on the brudni speeches. From the clothes, you could see all the confusion. Cleanliness can be as dry as it is water.
  • The seepage should be applied with a thin ball, it can be applied on the right viprana rich without forward drying.

For the sake of transparency, seepage hoppers prepare two types of products: rare and aerosol-like.

Way to zastosuvannya:

  • Ridka- pour water at the pelvis, rinse the membrane with water at the yakіy. Leaves for 5-10 whilins. Such a procedure is not carried out more often, at least after 2 weeks. Also, for sale, you can use the zasib for the prevention of damage from the membrane with leaks, as well as pryuchi rіch, and apply the protection at once.
  • Aerosol- Apply without intermediary on the river itself and leave until it completely hangs.

Important: after the leak, the speech may change.

  • Can't iron. Although it is still necessary, then the temperature of the praski is to blame, but not more than 100 degrees through the ganchirka and from the vivorit side.
  • When cleaning the viroba, use only special tools for inspection.
  • Save speech only from a clean look at a special vacuum for clothes and from a straightened look.
  • Get respect for the labels, there are recommendations for the exploitation of clothes.
  • After machine cleaning, polish with an antistatic agent.
  • The membrane does not boil.
  • When the flames are exposed, it is not possible to vicorate chlorine and retailer.
  • On a permanent basis, vicorate a brush with soft bristles for cleaning soaked in warm water. Without any dodatkovy miyuchih benefits.
  • Leak speeches regularly. It doesn’t matter what type of leakage it will be: rarely or spray. Golovne, seek recommendations
  • Rinsing may pass with a great number of waters, so that the surplus is sweet.
  • When drying, forget about supplementary aids. Tilki visible water content without getting direct sleepy changes.
  • Such speeches are taken away from strong smells.
  • It is not possible to soak the speech in advance.

Speech with a membrane should be worn by people, as if they are constantly collapsing. І їhnya work pov'yazana zі znakhodzhennyam the main hour on the street, where the weather may change, come and go. Even now, there are enough professions, the activity of which is not guilty of pripinyatisya through the change of climatic minds.

Warto remembrance, that the river has long saved its power, it is necessary to ensure its correct sight. Do not lament, give a little more time to your favorite speeches.

Products from membrane tissue are indispensable in bad weather, as well as in cold weather. Such an outfit is ideal for trekking, as well as for a hot-college trip. So that the unique power of the membrane was pleasing for a long time, it was necessary to look after the material with a diligent rank. To that varto report about those, like a membrane robe at the right machine.

Through its unique texture, membrane tissue makes it more likely to break. Under the hour of regular wear, the river is suddenly wandering, and the pores of the membrane are clogged through the ford and sweat, which is consumed in the middle. If you don’t waste your jacket in the car at all times, then the power of the material that “breathes”, quickly gets involved. Pozbutisya zabrudnen help, like a hand, so it’s a machine.

How to wash a membrane jacket?

Preserve the loose structure of the fabric to help you choose the right zasib for cleaning. It is recommended to turn off the powder before the hour of early morning. Powder capsules can be clogged in microporous material, through which the head membrane is passed through - do not name it. In order not to destroy the "sweeping" features of the material, it is necessary to use the most rare miyuchye methods, so as not to clog the micropores.

The jacket will not be folded with special miyuchimy means, recognized for the membrane. To save a penny and not waste money on the road chemistry, varto turn respect for standard coins, the price for yaks is affordable. Rare capsules for machine training (with a non-aggressive warehouse), and also it’s also very nice to walk nicely to fight against the ford. When choosing chemistry, it is important to pay attention to the components that are included in the zasib. Safely clean the jacket to help you protect yourself, yakі not mіstjat air conditioner and chlorine. Do not varto vikoristovuvaty chemistry, recognized for vivendennya flames.

Or just wipe the membrane jacket by hand. For whom it is ideally pіdіyde zvichayne gospodarske or baby cute. Speech is recommended to be left out for a while miles apart and lightly rinse. It is not necessary to twist and catch the fabric with your hands. In a similar mood, it is erratic, which hydrophobically leaks quickly and clothes come into disrepair. At the final stage, it is recommended to rinse the jacket once in clean water. Vіdzhimati rіch is not necessary, enough to put it in a terry towel, or a dressing gown, as if to take in a vologda.

Suck up the small flame that appeared on the Kurtzi, easily and without any additional abuse. If the wood is dry, it is necessary to see it for an additional brush or dry ganchirka. Podіbny variant of cleansing allow you to spare an hour for the morning, as well as further drying and processing of the material.

Head Rules

Membrane speech to serve for a long time at right sight. Before that, how to go to the machine program, please carefully read the instructions indicated on the tag. It is necessary to remember that the membrane is "afraid" of high temperatures. The vibrating mode of the machine is not to blame for changing 40 degrees. In some vipadkahs, it is recommended to practice at least 30 degrees, in manual mode. As soon as you get to know the information on the stock exchange, it will be easier to get lost in writing clothes.

It is not recommended to use membrane clothes at the same time with other speeches. Particularly relevant is the joy in that vipadka, if the reshta dress is too heavy. The membrane absorbs well and dribbling bits of mud, through which the unique features are ruined. Like a jacket, pants, or pants or other membranes, or more powdered, then it’s necessary in front of them, like driving them at the car, in front of the shield of the unbazhzhany surplus.

Slid praty ski suit, until the coming rules:

  • Fasten all the flashes and fasteners in the front, turn the rich navivorit. Such a goal is to allow saving the farb on the metal parts and its integrity in integrity, as well as to protect the drum of the machine from blows and podryapin.
  • Don't forget about the extra rinse. Dorimuvatisya similar nuance is relevant both for machine and for manual prana (especially if all the same, vikoristany granulation powder).
  • Vykoristovuvat vіdzhimannya slіd less at low wraps. It’s best to switch on whether there is a mechanical injection on the material, giving the possibility of water flowing independently.

It is not necessary to wear a membrane garment at the right machine after a hike or a ski slope. In such a time, the speech will not only be spent, but also dried, and also bled. It’s better to hit the river at the end of the season, or more often at the middle, so it’s very confusing.

How to properly dry

Save the hour and at the same time you can dry the river in the dryer machine. Vykoristovuyuchi for drying equipment, it is necessary to set sparing modes. Do not forget that the membrane material does not like high temperatures. A similar rule should be followed up and pid an hour of prasuvannya.

Drying membrane speech can be done in a standard way. Since water is more compatible with the material, it is recommended to put it on a horizontal dryer. Just straighten the clothes in front, so that there are no folds, distant stretching will be easy to hide. At room temperature, dry the suit or jacket dry. You can also hang the river to dry on a vertical dryer, until the material dries independently.

To save the speech in integrity, it is not necessary to beat the battery or heat it for drying. Similar accessories vibrate a little too much heat, which can negatively interfere with the power of the material. It is not recommended to hang membrane clothes over the head, under direct change of sun. Ultraviolet can be stripped on materials.

As soon as the vinyl needs to be stroked, we also respect it. On top of the membrane, it is necessary to put material, and then finish off the tovstoy bavovny. Best for you, take a towel. It is recommended to vacate in advance, so you can get lost. Until such an approach, it will be easier to save the power of the fabric.

Is it necessary to bleed the membrane?

Vikoristovuyuchi special leakage, if you just save the specialty of the material. In order to reinforce the hydrophobic cover with a similar rank, then the vologer is not included in the material, but instead, stikate with new drops. In order for the membrane not to lose its water-repellent effect, it is necessary to apply a soak to the material every other day.

It is important to seep through the fabric with one of the instructions below, but for itself:

  1. Spray. Yogo needs to be sprinkled on the material and removed until completely hanging.
  2. Rare zasib. Razchin should be diluted with water, or vikoristovuvat in a clean look. The clothes at the same time are put in the pelvis from leakage for a deaky hour. Then the material needs to be allowed to dry.

It is also important to note that the hour of expiration of leakage is indicated on the packaging of dosing. If you apply leakage above the norm, then the membrane will wear out its “sweeping” peculiarity, the microporous shards will be clogged.

Rules for taking clothes

Hobbies of a girskolizhny suit or a jacket will serve for a long time, if not only correctly look at the membrane, but save the river. At any time, it is not recommended to fold or twist membrane speech. It is necessary to remember that a hydrophobic cover for such an inflow can be worse. It is best to place clothes at the chohols, made from cellophane or fabrics. It is also permissible to put a river on a plate in a straightened look. Before that, in order to place the membrane clothes on the savings, it is recommended that you viprati and repair the leaks.

Knowing how to put on a jacket correctly, wearing it will become easier for a loved one. It is necessary to remember that in order to look behind the membrane, it is necessary to walk both manually and by machine. Do not forget that such a fabric cannot endure high temperatures, as well as a rough mechanical injection. It will be easier to save the power of the membrane, just turn off the use of granulated powder during the early hours, high temperaturesі large number turnovers at vіdzhimu, as well as prasuvannya. Dorimuyuchis usіh more rehabilitated rules, it will not be easy to secure membrane speeches necessary sight.

Today, with membrane tissue, you can see the clothes: starting as a child and ending with a professional sports one. Looking around, it’s about making such a fabric with your hands and in a sewing machine. You know, what a zasіb pіdіbrati for cleansing and watching over your beloved clothes.

To understand why traditional clothes are not suitable, you need to know the specifics of the fabric. The membrane is a thin mesh, permeated with small pores, so that wind, cold and water cannot pass through the crack. Among the authorities of membrane tissues, special respect is deserved by the following:

  • Water-drying effect. Water cannot pass through the fabric, it is impossible to get wet under the board at the membrane jacket.
  • Yakі dyhayut power. Among the waterproof fabrics, one of them is not rich, as if it were dihati. Viparis do not stay on tili, but come out at random. To that with a membrane they sew sports clothes - you can’t sweat at a new one.
  • Do not miss the wind. Comfort and warmth in whatever weather.
  • Keep warm with a small vase. Do not require additional insulation - the body heats itself up, the shards are colder covered with a membrane. They wondered why people don't freeze in light jackets? Svidshe for everything, їhnіy robe of destruction itself from the membrane.

Food about prannia to stand sharply through the risk to spend all the most significant powers. I look at the chimalu vartist such a robe of rizikuvati is not varto. Ale doesn’t mean that the old fence is not called - children are necessary, dorimuyuchis rules.

There are two ways to practice: with your hands in the machine. Especially koristuvachіv hvilyuє, chi you can speak in the SM and what is necessary to lie, not to zip them.
Manually viprati awkwardly:

  • Rub the clothes with a special cleaning method.
  • Rinse under a jet of water.
  • Repeat dії with strong confusion.
  • Chi do not twist.
  • Hanging clothes far away from the warmth in a well-ventilated place.

In order to correctly wear clothes at the SMA, it is necessary to know, in what mode and for what temperature, wear a suit, overalls or a child of speech. Recommendations should be given early on the label. What, if the label was not saved, or the old one was fenced on the birts? Take care of such rules of practice, so as not to zip fabric:

  • Lay clothes at the drum, dividing into parts of membrane speech. Vzuttya wash okremo on a special mode and in a bag.
  • Select the delicate mode (“Sports speech”, “Manual mode”, “Delicate speech”, “Wool”). If your SMA has a special cycle, boldly press the button.

  • Select the low temperature mode (maximum - 30 degrees).
  • Vimknіt vіdzhimannya.
  • Start early.
  • Please complete the program.
  • At the early hour, fill in great speeches for the day at the drum, let the stacks of zayvіy water.
  • Remove clothes and dry far away from fan heaters and batteries on the plates or in a laid-out look (like a jacket or a down jacket).
  • Afterward, lightly wear clothes with your hands, squeezing at different places.
  • Vykoristovyte a terry towel - light up the jacket or another robe at the new one, so that the vologer's zayva will get into the towel.
  • Choose a suitable surface for drying - steel, a dry doshka or a dryer.
  • Follow along, so that they didn’t use a direct change of light in speech.
  • Make sure that the room is optimally ventilated.
  • Dry until dry.
  • Don't iron!
  • As required, work with special seepages. About those, how to choose vidpovіdniy zasіb, read at the article “How to make a mark on the right car”.
  • Take clothes horizontally or from special bears.

What can you do

First of all, take such a dress, figure out what you can do. It is categorically fenced in to coristuvat with a fine powder. If you ask a consultant for a butovo chemistry store, like a powder, better for everything, you will be pleased with the specializations. Tse may buti special "shampoo". Choose why:

  • DOMALSportFeinFashion– balm in a rare form for polyester or membranes. You can wink for parts of the fabric, taking into account the characteristics of the fibers.

  • - tsey zasіb kindly fight with foldable flames and seep the membrane with components, yakі zberіgayut zahisnі power fabric. Shchob vimiti supernatural powder at one o'clock, hurry up tsim behind.

  • - Budget zasіb in the form of gel. Erasing is good, but there is no leakage in this warehouse, which confirms the power of membrane fibers.

  • pіdіyde schonay less than the previous options. The release form is gel. You can vikoristovuvatsya for vzuttya.

  • . Zdivovani? Nothing marvelous - yoga can be boldly victorious. Do not forget to repair, first fill in the CMA drum.

Important! Vіdmovtesya vіd zabіv іz chlorine - the stench roz'їdaet membrane and detrimentally dіyut on її zahisnі power.

Now you know everything about early speeches of the membrane type. Teach the rules and the term of the service of the beloved clothes will be stretched out on the rocks.
