Rooms in orange color. Room ticket with red tickets: photo and description

"Angel wings" so you want to call rose leaves Room Roslin Caladium. The great leaves of the caladium can be heart-like or the description-like form, the stench is completely beautiful garniy vizerunka. Leaves virostaє on thin petioles and nibi purhaє in a row. Caladium can be called one of the most beautiful room growths from the decorative leafy group.

Caladium - bulbova roslina, there are up to 15 species of herbaceous growths and lie down to the family of aroids. In culture, it is more important to vicorist hybrid forms of roslin natural species, stink garden caladium (Caladiumhortulanum) or caladium two-coloured (Caladiumbicolor).

04 Zhovt 2013

Milkweeds have conquered the popular place of the middle of the room roslins, the zavdyaka of unsightlyness and the unimaginable splendid look. See different Euphorbia mats grow one kind of one, but you can’t say that the disputed growths from one family of Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae). It is easy to look at the appearance of the chagarnik tse, the cactus abo herbaceous roslin none of them can reach the succulent growths.

Euphorbia glittering or Euphorbia Milya (E.Milli) I am a representative of this family kvitucha roslin near a prickly chagar. Tsyu growing is called "crown of thorns", її bent stems look menacingly, the shards are covered with hospitable old thorns.

30 sep 2013

Among the various varieties of room ficuses, there are no less great growths near the looking trees, and Garni view ficus ampelous form - ficus dwarf or crichitny(Ficus pumila). Tse grountopokrivna splint with thin long pagons, which spread along the surface of the earth or rise along the stovburs of trees, crying for the help of a covered root. The greenery of the ficus covers the surface like moss, the leaves of the roslin are marvelously small, 2-3 cm long in the form of a heart. The surface of the leaves is characterized by puffy blotches between veins.

The dwarf ficus is used in two different varieties with prominently large leaves 2-3 cm (macrophylla) and with small leaves of the plant up to 0.7 cm (minima). Even more beautiful ripple-like varieties of dwarf ficus with creamy or white patches along the edge of the leaves.

21 sep 2013

Agave - effective succulent roslina from the great soft leaves, we pick up the socket. Agave grows in spicy desert and tropical areas of Pivdennoy America. For the baggers of Mexico, agave is a wild drink in the desert, and tequila is the drink of famous alcoholic drinks.

Nearly 300 species of succulent growths grow in the Usy Agavov River, of which only 50 species grow in the culture. At room minds grow agave less than dwarf forms, but until the growth is young and did not reach great roses. In greenhouses, winter gardens and lands with a warm climate, agave grow in flowerbeds like a great decorative roslina.

14 sep 2013

Scheffler more decorative room chagarnikova roslina with beautiful shkiryasti bliskuch glossy leaves. Shefflery leaves are folded - on a long petiole they grow from 4 to 12 long leaves, the stench is similar to rosettes of parasols that wind uphill on thin petioles - knitting needles.

Rіd Schefflera (Schefllera) includes about 150 species of evergreen chagarnikovy and tree-like growths that grow on the territory of Pivdenno-Skhіdnoї Asia, Japan, about. Thailand and on the coasts of Australia. Like a room, the vicorist roslin is less likely to see roslin of the same kind.

Sheffler tree-like(Schefllera) is a chagarnikov roslin, which grows with a year of growth to achieve great growth and in room minds can reach two meters in height. Є kіlka cultivars of sheffleri of the first kind, scho v_drіznyayutsya form and zabarvlennym leaves.

22 ser 2013

Hymenocallis for vitoncheni bіlі kvіti is often called “a cat named”, “Angel trumpets” or a Peruvian narcissus, actually called Hymenocallis to resemble the Greek words “hymen” - plіvka and “callos” - beauty, on the right in that the hymenocallis has a long life chinks grow up flowingly, making the crown like that of a daffodil. Particularly lightness of the quote is given by six long, narrow, fluffy petals that hang down.

Kvіti zіbranі in a parasol succulent on the top of a long (up to 80 cm) tubular kvіtkonos. The more cibulin, the more the tickets are settled in the succulent, ring in the succulent in 7 to 15 tickets. Growing blooms in the fallow in sight, hanging or on the cob of summer, otherwise in the middle of summer or closer to autumn.

14 ser 2013

Baking Mexican pepper has a Latin name. Capsicum (capsicum). Tsey duzhe hot chilli pepperє even popular spice that seasoning for nadannya stravam baking gostroty. It’s a rich gift to grow a warm pepper not only in the beds, but at home on the windowsill. Often pepper capsicum viroshchayut to embellish the interior, so like roslin densely covered with ripe ripe fruits - miniature peppercorns - looking even more pleasantly and osatly.

At the same time, a lot of different varieties of ornamental peppers are sold at a time, depending on the shape of that fruit preparation, the size of the growth and vimogami to the minds of the mind. Deyakі varieties of decorative peppers є їstіvnimi, іnshі vіdrіznyayutsya for the level of flavor and aroma.

24 lime 2013

Oleander- chagarnikova roslina envelops respect for the flower hour, the lower flowers are released all summer, the scent of aromatic aroma is released all the time. Oleander, as a decorative growth, grew in Ancient Greece, and the name of the Greek language means "oleo" - aroma, "Andros" - the name of the Greek island.

Oleander(Nerium oleander) grows naturally in forests and river valleys of the Mediterranean (Greece, Italy, Spain). Evergreen chagarnikova splint with pagons, which are very thick, which reach a height of 4 meters, on which they grow oppositely, or in whorls of three, lower-pointed leaves. Leaves are shkiryaste, dark green with a light vein, which is seen in the center. Kvіti zіbranі in sutsvіtya - penzlі. Infection great choice different varieties of oleander to be distinguished for equal terry quotations from simple to strongly terry; large number erysipelas to dark red, orange. Oleander flowers have a strong aroma, weak and odorless. The strong aroma of fluffy growths in the room, which is not aired, may call headstock.

21 worm 2013

Coleus- roslina s we're getting sick of leafing, yak in the people they call the coloring sprinkling. Tse decorative leafy roslin grow like a room and like a garden one. Zavdyaki lined with a farbowed leaf with a painted little thing near the sprat of color in the form of a bright-red, raspberry, to yellow, creamy from a green glare, the growth looks even more pleasantly, navіt exotically brightly.

Coleus is called “nettle” through those that, with the shape of the leaves of the growth, cast the leaves of the sprinkling, broadly oval, oppositely spread on the stems, with a jagged edge and a velvety surface. Chotirigranne stalk begins to sway strongly, as if to pinch its top.

Sinningia speciosa.

Sininginії go up to the family of gesnerієvih, as in all vidomі senpolії (violets). In the genus synnіngіnіya there are over 50 species of roslins, among them, in the room kіtnіnіnіі vіkorostvuyu kіmіnіngії splendid and sсіnіngіnі broadleaf (S. Latifolia). Narazі kvіtkovі shops show a great assortment of varieties of gloksinії under the common name gloxinia hybrida(Gloxinia hybrida). Varieties are poured to the barvlennyam kvіtіv, krіm simple forms vouchers of the th grade with terry vouchers.

Household growers do not only quiet the eyes of their lords, but bring melancholy to buildings. For example, pick up saws, freshen up and start cleaning again. Especially tsimi zdіbnosti glorify votka z great leaves.

Domashniy kviti with great leaves to make wider. Most of them are: Monstera, Anthurium, Scheffler, etc.

May all stinks irritate, Swedish buildings and buildings organically fit into any interior.

Tsya chagarnikova roslin appeared from Pvdennoy America and was brought to the Malvov family. In Russia, nabula and a friend named the zavdyaki form - "room maple".

Іsnuє close 150 different tsієї roslini, yakі suttєvo can vієєvo vіdіznyatisya one vіd oneї.

May 1.5 - 2 meters of curls and most of the growth of a small tree. Kvіti can make the shape of a twinkle of erysipelas, white, yellow or orange.

Zavdyaki great leaf miraculously enthralling in the host. Vіn nevibagly at sight, swidko growth that pleases vlasnikіv rich rokіv.

Avocado can be American root and belong to the Lavrov family. The type of avocado stock is close to 150 types.

Tsya roslin is not є in a right room, even її height can reach 20 meters. But with a good eye, you can grow a yoga booth, de vin viroste up to 1 meter. In domestic minds, youmu is given the shape of a bush.

Kvіtіv, and tim more fruit in the minds of the home is more important to reach.

The vuzke leaf of a tree has the shape of an elіps, a dark green color is close to 25 cm, and the flowers are selected from the flower.

Another name is tsієї roslini - "flamingo ticket".

Batkivshchyna garnoy vouchersє America and the Caribbean Islands, and the number of different varieties reaches 1800. Especially anthurium є glossy card, which, with its color, looks like a piece of plastic.

Anthurium, like and all the growths of the Aroiden family, є otruynim. When implanted, it can irritate the mucous membranes, and cause trouble and problems with the breath.

Pofarbovany wines can be in white and red colors. Eyes on yoga are often blamed for problems.

Herbaceous roslina from the family of Aroidna. Zavdyaki great yaskravim sheets, yaki can reach 1 sq. meters, also can be called - “elephant wuho”.

Originally from Pivdenno - Skhidnoy Asia, which explains love to the warmth of that high water. In a home environment, it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and in the middle life 2 rocks.

Flowers are too rare in looking white - erysipelas. At the watchful eye, it is not viable;

Alocasia looks kindly in the open spaces and brightens the air.

Another name is “chavunna flower”, the won has earned the zest of its stamina.

Aspіdistra can endure a lot of minds: regular watering, transplanting not every hour, a sharp temperature drop just a little.

Batkivshchyna and regions of China and Japan and bring them to the family of Konvalії.

Have tsієї roslini practically no stems, and leafing can form a long elіps on petioles. Colors are brudno-violet flowers in the base of the sheet. It is miraculous to walk for dark places, get down.

Plus є zdatnіst before cleaning again with benzene and formaldehyde.

The grassy thicket is the territory of Brazil and Colombia. Easily attached to life in the home minds, de-no growth swidko to the maximum height 1.2 meters.

Do not require special attention and live to finish long. Yak and all the growths of the Aroydni family - rubbish.

For the rahunok of its "decorative" appearance, the flower is worthy of great popularity. Kvіtnikarіv twirl a great variety of colors, swirling leaves, zabarvlennya vіdіznyаєє fallow in sight.

Vrahovyuchi krainy pozhennya, Dieffenbachia to love the warmth of that water. In such minds, inconspicuous blossoms can bloom in the look of a white-green boar.

Tsya low herbaceous roselin came from Central America. It will lie down to the family of arrowroot, as there are close to 400 species.

Maranta at the height of the warehouse no more than 30 cm, for rahunok pagoniv, what is more important to creep. The peculiarity of this flower is a string of smugaste leaves, which has a smooth edge.

Blossom out with rarely dribbling spikelets of white or pale. buzkovy kvitami. The watcher has a non-violent white arrowroot, and the axis of the red-vein has more respect.

The leaves of the arrowroot family are folded to the ground.

One of the most famous great roslins in our country has become from the tropics of Central America.

Rise up to the family Aroydni and є lyanoy with great spread leaves with slits. You feel good and grow up to 2.3 meters high. One more feature of the liani appears as a root, like a straight line to the ground.

Monster may have unpretentious colors with bright green flowers, but at home there is practically no color.

The zavdyaki legends took off their name, de monstera acted in the role of growing - vbivtsi.

Celiana of the Aroiden family, originally from Central and Pivdenny America. You can reach up to 1.5 meters. The stems are thin and gnuchki topped with a leaf, what guesses the arrowhead.

Through the lack of sight of the eyes, the veins are superbly widened in our country. Yogo can be seen in houses and apartments, as well as in offices and other installations.

Building cleaning with xylene and formaldehyde.

Like and other aroids practically do not bloom.

Herbaceous ripple-growing of the Araliev family, came to us from the Asian lands. Ring out tse chagarnik abo little tree up to 1.4 meters

Vono zam'yatovuєtsya zavdyakovy forms. pong guess the opening of the parasol- a sprig of oval-shaped leaves (type 4 to 12), which emerge from one center.

They can be monotonous or covered with light patches and wives. Nevibagly at the watchful eye, she is alive to do it long.

Toxic for children and creatures.

Viroshchuvannya grew up, which is always tied up with great difficulties. Yakscho vibrati nevibagly ticket, you can irritate the room and refresh it with a great green "tree", without applying great zusil.

Housewives know that the quiet at the houses brings tickets. Like growing up, settling in a booth, lying down in rich factors: the presence of a place on a subcontract or a basement, on a kind of bik (a dark or a sleepy one) there are vikna, and, of course, the odds in the types of apartments of the households themselves. The most important and the most addictive are the chervonim zabarvlennyam buds. Like buying home tickets with red tickets, photos, the names of the descriptions of these views are looked at in detail.

The red color of the buds will become an embellishment for any interior.
Zavdyaki yaskravomu and stringent stench obov'yazkovo to screw up the respect of the guests, to increase the emphasis on design details.

How do you buy roses and home tickets with red tickets, photo, name and description:

1. with a great number of buds ranging from pastel erysipelas to bright red colors.

Color the most vzimka, which is especially valuable. If it's cold and windy outside, on the podium - summer oasis. Have a watchful eye, but for the right organization, you will please your flowers for a long time. The optimum temperature for her is about 20 degrees. Straight sleepy shifts better unique, and pronounce the roses of illumination. Pomirniy watering to secure the roslina lively speeches, and in due time, the flowers of the flower buds, which they have grown, will give strength to new colors.

2. Anthurium may be more extravagant old look, Kvіti may be raznomanіtne zabarvlennya, but with red buds look just gorgeous.

The period of flowering is not one season, but the life of a blooming bud can reach the second month. Navit zrіzanі kvіti can stand at the vase with water up to one month. tropical and love warmth. Ale is good to endure and tinyove viroshchuvannya. Irrigate yoga next not less than 1 time per day.

3. Balsam- roslin with thinned kvіtami, yakі pokryvayut mayzha all roslin. Leafing almost unremembered behind a bright bright hat of blooming buds.

The infestation varies from white to bright red. Blossom the balm may be the flower of the river, so that you can’t help but calm down the lord’s gifts. Nevibaglivy to a sleepy light, ale wine needed, if only for a sprat of a year in the bounty. Balsam is to be followed by a great number of yaskravih buds and a healthy leaf color.

4. Begonia- a miraculous ticket, so as not to deprive the baiduzhim of navіt adversaries in the distribution of tickets at the booth.

Yogo yaskra budoni in the winter hour is easy to ease the tightness of the summer and give a piece of yogo warmth. endure cold weather well, but it will be comfortable for her in the range of 20-25 degrees.

5. Pelargonium- bagatorichna nevibagly at the watcher's ticket.

Good luck to the gentlemen, who have a disastrous time for a turbot about flora. Vdyachna rose is blooming, not afraid of stretching, cold wind, as well as sleepy changes and specks. rejoicing with flowers, donating to the leaves, at times of insufficient moisture or tivalo tіnі.

6. Poinsettia- Roslini, the head color of which is not a bud, but an upper leaf.

The quotations themselves look inconspicuous and do not attach special respect to themselves, and the axis of the leaf is full of red color - the color of the quotation, and the wines are of a native interior. It is important to know that the bruising grows and irritates the mucous membranes when it hits them. stubbornly - do not blame protyagіv and direct sleepy changes.

7. want i don't exotic roslina Ale, it’s good to decorate the houses and give a calm.

The buds of the red color are clearly visible in the green leaves and create an additional embellishment and so noble quartz. It is important not to overdo it with watering when looking after the trojans, the shards of the roslin are thrown off the leaves and the yellow. Chi not to endure out and suffocate, that in the winter period її it is necessary to give it to the scorching accessories.

8. Sprekeliya make the original shape of the wreath, which will guess the flower of the orchid.

Flower of roses with red flowers from the other half of spring and until summer. Propagated by cibulins and flowers once per river. To love peacefully watering and not to endure sintering. Kvіtnikari seldom pay respect to every kind of growing, to that the color of vines is only a couple of days on the river.

9. Ruskus- Original for home breeding roslin.

The value of setting up the frogs at the sight of the dry red sacks on the aphids is full of green leaves. Drіbnі yagidki z'yavlyayutsya after the flower vouchers, as they do not carry special value. Ruskus is unfamiliar with the sight, and his splendid clear-eyed look that tried the appearance of the pagons on the new one to become the color of the interior.

10. Cymbidium- Roslin with a great bunch of buds.

This is a variety of orchids, yak, at the sight of their relatives, without looking at special minds. Let's see the quotation of the place with cold weather and calm watering. Roslin's flower day time fate, that you can bring joy to the wind with the stringed farbs of your tickets.

The great variety of roses with red flowers, leaves and fruits allows you to choose a representative of the flora for your relish, perevagas, discerning minds and peculiarities of the interior. Golovne memory, scho roslin - a living organism and vimagaє hoch minimum sight and respect.


If you live in a booth with windows that go out to the west, pivnich chi shid, pick up the waters of the varto especially relatively. Most of the quotes to love the light, but not to be inspired by the home climate.

Photo of shade-loving room suites

Keeping an eye on all types of blooming roslins fall at one's own time watering and see the blooming flowers. In addition, the flower vases of the varto protect against stretching and sharp temperature changes. In the cold season of rock, do not flood them on the pіdvіkonnyah. As there is little light in the apartment, choose those growths, so that you can endure dark places and do not like direct sleepy light. Axis list by alphabet:

Abutilon (quick maple)

Photo of non-vibrant homemade curly-haired rooms

Curly growths of a different kind are crowned with majestic success, which are unsightly at sight and give light green. І mіstsevі ivy, and exotic liani grow rapidly, and deyakі please with rare, but beautiful periods of bloom. All that is needed for these roslins is regular, but not partial watering and timely transplantation. Vtіm, transplanted їх not more often nіzh time to rіk, and then th at two.

Photo of beautiful room apartments with red leaves

Tsya wondrous beauty of roslin has an impersonal name: young, handsome, poinsettia. Ale, in yoga, is most often called a holiday star, or simply a holiday. I will name my wines of goiter to those who, in winter days, serve as an unchanging color for any interior of a grasshopper to a bright-red-colored leaf.

Nearly 40-50 million flowerpots of poinsettia are bought in the United States ahead of Christmas holidays. Ale, with all its beauty, the growth is not overgrown: well-lit, the temperature is not lower than 14-16 ° C and moderate watering is the axis and everything that is necessary for the normal growth of the growth.

Photo of the great unsettled rooms

Nekvituchi kіmnatnі roslini nevibaglivy and miraculously fit for the quiet, who suffers from an allergy to a flower file. The stench of an elementary watchful eye creates a warm microclimate near the host.

Photos of the most beautiful exotic colors

The more colors are available in stores and markets, the more we want to be original and exotic. Ale, far from being a stranger to exoticism, with a special eye, often such flowers and growths are imported from the city, to endure the suvorim climate and the stench miraculously grows in apartments and cottages.

Vrієzіya - effective roslina, as it will require regular laying and not like the strong cold

Stapeliya strokata - succulent with an unusual ticket

Koleriya fluffy-kvitkova - a beautiful and unviable flower

Photos of ampelous tickets

Ampelnі roslini vіznyayutsya dovgy, gnuchki pagons that spread along the ground. As a rule, the stench of the sleeping pagons, why it is important to plant them near the pots, the stinks look especially effective. In the region of popular single-ampel kvіti, which grows quickly, like vicarious for landscaping balconies and terraces.

Middle ampelnyh є different types roslin: fluffy, decorative leaves, nap_vchagarnikovі form, succulent and grassy vidi. We have hundreds of views of ampelous colors, to which more than one catalog is assigned, but we have chosen the most available and effective ones.

Alsobiya - ground cover roslina with lower white slips.

Begonia ampelna is inspired by a great number of duffle or non-double colors.

The red color is a symbol of passion. The very same suits of red color can be placed near the bedroom. However, tse zovsіm does not mean that the entrance to other rooms is categorically fenced. Homemade chervonі kvіti miraculously see the erysipelas wealth on the pіdvіkonnі near the vital, become a bright flame in the office, well, and, of course, please the little ones near the child's kіmnati.

The most famous representatives of the roslin group are gerbera, hibiscus, oleander, pentas, pomegranate, wallot, leeya i, and, of course, spurge. Here you can find out about the description of room tickets with red tickets, find out about watching them and their reproduction.

Below is your view of the description of the colors of the red color with showing their photos.

Red room suites by Gerber

Gerber Jameson(Gerbera jamesonii) bloom from grass to sickle. In її varieties, the flowers are simple and terry. Zabarvlennya sucrose can be yellow, orange, red, erysipelas and white with a central yellow disk. However, the most popular are the red rooms of the gerbera. These quilts can reach a height of 60 cm, what you look at is not even more beautiful; More compact varieties have recently appeared.

Gerber Jameson(Gerbera jamesonii) Happipot is a compact variety - flowers reach a height of 25-30 cm. for which it is better to choose the same variety Parade.

Temperature: Pomirna - 10-21°C.

Light: Yaskrave is light with a thousand kilkistyu of sleepy shifts.

Watering: Trim the soil at the water level.

Water content:

Watch after the color: Roslins are not saved or placed in a greenhouse.

Reproduction: Sowing on the curtains.

Hibiscus: room ticket with red tickets

(HIBISCUS)- effective fluff of roslin for a sleepy window. Great suites nedovgovіchni, but they appear from spring to autumn. It is necessary to cut the qi roomatnu with chervonim kvita regularly - trim the stems for example in winter, to make the bush grow. An uncut bush of hibiscus can reach 1.5 m and more. Youmu can wear a standard form.

Chinese hibiscus(Hibiscus rosa sinensis)- Main view; Numerical varieties make flowers of white, yellow, orange, erysipelas or red infestation. In variety Cooperi - leaf strate.

Temperature: Pomirna - minimum 13°C in winter.

Light: More light. Prytinіt vіd direct drowsy exchanges.

Watering: Trim the soil at the water level. Speed ​​up the watering charge.

Water content: Obprisskayte leaves inodі.


Reproduction: Hanging with stem bait.

Chervona kіmnatna kvіtka olenadr ta yogo photo

Oleander vibrates at the great apprentice or winter garden. Aromatic flowers appear in the bouquets. It is not easy to keep an eye on the oleander, if the wine is viroste - the mountaineer must be moved to a place for the winter, which is not scorched, but for the summer in the garden. Autumn pagons that bloomed, cut. The tree and the sik oleander are blighted. Leafing at the oleander often leaves willow leaves.

Oleander(Nerium oleander) may look compact at the garden center. However, as you can see more in the photo, a red room flower with a century can turn into a rose bush about 2 m long. Use varieties with white, erysipelas, red and yellow vouchers.

Temperature: Pomirna - minimum 7°C in winter.

Light: Choose the best place, for example.

Watering: Water lightly from spring to autumn. Water peacefully in the winter period. Whisk warm water.

Water content: Don't brush the leaves.


Reproduction: Steblovy live bait hung chi vlіtku.

Home tickets with red tickets pentasi

Pentas(PENTAS) viroshchayut on a sleepy viknі. It is necessary to regularly pinch the kіnchiki pagonіv, so that the bushes do not become gomil. Raise the height of the growth of about 45 cm. Pentas is easy to vibrate.

Pentas lanceolate , or m'yaso-chervony(Pentas lanceolata or P. carnea)- Main view. The succulence is formed from the number of tubular sirchastih vouchers; є varieties of white, erysipelas, red and erysipelas-lilac infestations.

Temperature: Pomirna - minimum 10°C in winter.


Watering: Trim the soil for the whole hour at the water camp - speed up the watering.

Water content: Obprisskayte leaves inodі.

Transfer: Transplant the curtains.

Reproduction: Stem bait bait is spring - vicorist hormones for rooting.


Zvichayny pomegranate (PUNICA) is not suitable for vital, but dwarf room rose with red roses is a wonderful option for a sleepy night. Flowers can change into bright-yellow-hot fruits, but you don’t see the stench. You can put the miner’s windmill on a bright wind, and the charge is necessary in a cold place. Under an hour of calm, the leaves fall off.

Dwarf form grenade(Punica granatum nana) grows up to 1 m. At the new glossy leaf, and in the wind there are bright red flowers. Kulyastі fruits are satisfied, as if to spare you.

Temperature: Pomirna - minimum 4°C in winter.

Light: Yaskrave light - a sprat of direct sleepy changes is necessary.

Watering: Water lightly from spring to autumn. Water evenly miserly in the winter period.

Water content: Obprisskayte leaves and one inlet.

Transfer: Transplant, as it is necessary, hinged.

Reproduction: Steblovy living bait vlіtku. Whisk hormones for rooting and priming the substrate.

Rooms in red color wallot and their photo

Hangingly plant a cibulin in 12 cm of a mountaineer, covering the upper half of the uncovered. Trim the wallot (VALLOTA) from the cold land, see the ziv'yali kvіti of that leaf, and let the soil of the troch hang between the waterings. For example, parasols of flowers are called. Don't transplant її until the purveyor of the cibulin is replaced by the mountaineer.

Vallota Chudova(Vallota speciosa) go for a sleepy pickup. As you can see in the photo, the flowers of the red color of the flower are evergreen leaves and flowers with a height of 30-60 cm.

Temperature: Pomirna - minimum 10-13 ° C in winter.

Light: Yaskrave light with a dozen of direct sleepy shifts.

Watering: Water in the soil if the substrate starts to sag. Water during winter.

Water content: Sometimes wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

Transfer: Transplant hinged skin three-chotiri rocky.

Reproduction: Rozpodіl roslin pіd hour of transplantation or vіddіlennya nashchadkіv vіd grown roslin and planting їх snail.

Kіmnatna roslina with chervonim kvіta lei

Leea(LEEA)- chagarnikova roslina with great leaves, skins with such divisions into faceless pointed leaves. Leafing may bronze-chervone zabarvlennya in a young vіtsі, ale, as a rule, becomes green, if it ripens. Tsyu kіmnatnu roslinu with chervonimy kvіtami need to regularly pіdgodovuvat during the growing season and trimati filed for stretching. You can vicorate as a single roslin instead of Fatsia japonica.

Like a room growing up one variety - leiu bright red(Leea coccinea); sometimes they sell for the name of L. guineensis.

Variety Burgundy with good lighting saves red leaves.

Temperature: Pomіrna - you can try the naskilki in the winter period near the cold place.
