Mycelium humps on the leaf of Phalaenopsis Likuvanna.

Roslini Skidniki Troyandi

Today, buying an orchid is not a problem, the problem is finding competent information about its further use from home culture.

The main and most accessible resource for everyone to know is the Internet. Having registered on the first round forum, we read the videos and for the sake of the same amateurs as ourselves, and determine which time is correct and which is not, we can only Vlasnyh pardons


As a rule, diseases of orchids arise through incorrect observation and signal us about the price before the leaves of the plants.

Warmth and moisture prevent the growth of bacteria. These bacteria are stored in the culture substrate, especially if they are more compact. Symptoms This manifests itself as a soft flame, covered with a dark green core, fading brown.

The infection may become widespread over several days and cause death to increase.

Dilute honey in warm water and add the hormone viriza or root stimulant.

In this case, your tree will grow for 24 or more than 48 years, and then transplant.

Choose honey as much as possible, crafts, so as not to get stuck in the madness, so that you mix more or less water with honey.

Our first mercy is that when purchasing an orchid, we do not worry about what group of plants we deserve, and how we can ensure its proper illumination at home.

Light-loving orchids include Vandis, Cattleyas, Lelias, Cymbidiums, Angrecums and many others, as well as all hybrids based on overspread species. In a light-loving orchid, due to a lack of light, new leaves split, weakly deformed growth develops, but does not form a full-fledged, healthy bulb and, therefore, does not please its flowers. Phalaenopsis and Cambria, however, can be found on spring and snow-like windows.

As soon as honey is available, pickle the peeled reed. The leaves of the orchids are always fresh, as they are growing, and are drawn distally, even rarely prostrate. They can be born as singles or as a couple.

Regardless of polymorphic nature, the stench is now even more linear.

A good practice for the health of your orchids is to dissect the leaves with demineralized water without soaking once a day, making sure that there is no stagnation of water between the steel nodes.

In addition, since the orchid is small and also a vessel, it is good to wet the water often, because in this condition the substrate tends to dry even quickly.

Watering should also be left in place in the same place, the sprouts have been degrown, the fragments of it are boiled in place depending on the temperature and the humidity of the air around it. I want to increase your respect with my daughter, because Roslina is a light-loving girl - this does not mean that she will have to endure a direct dormouse. Before the spring sun, you need to start planting your orchid step by step.

In birch trees on fresh, day-like windows in the first half of the day, orchids need to be nurtured, otherwise, after the gloomy winter days, the growths that have not risen before the bright sun are removed from ki.

Over time, the plant will adapt to the bright sun and will not require additional shading, it will be enough to lower the filter only every day. In fact, as in baking, the mixture is mixed two to four times a week in order to ensure the correct amount of water and, therefore, liquids and water..

If you are experiencing very cold or even cold seasons, the crops can be changed up to a maximum of once per week, especially for epiphytic plants.

As the weariness of the plants grows “suspended”, it is best to give in to

great strength watering, the fragments of the stench are succumbing to the wind and its ruins., the soft leaves at the top and small openings at the bottom cry out.

It is not a good idea to carry out all three types of these comas, as long as the lymph nodes of the lymph nodes are soaked, and it is necessary to rub in carefully.

Orchids are susceptible to bacterial, viral and fungal diseases.

Bacteria are located at any point of the growth, or directly on the leaf, which is also the first and last victims, and the bacteria themselves cause rot, which, in addition to being aesthetically pleasing, is very harmful for both information. Forged growths, lower ones that are nearby, fragments Such “infections” quickly spread through the air, so they can “attack”.

It is important for viral illnesses to come back and be recognized as long as they act step by step.

As we have already discussed, without a sufficient amount of light, the plants cannot develop normally, so most flower beds are installed in the area where the orchids are located, which requires additional lighting.

If it is incorrect to select the height between the lamp and the tree (at least from the remaining leaf, as it grows, the height should become 20-30 cm), then literally the next day the orchids will take off their thermal protection.

In addition, frying lamps produce heat, which, especially in baking plants, has a negative impact on the development of orchids. Thermal linings were allowed to dry out and not particularly damage the growth, and the dust from the linings would be lost. Therefore, for such purposes, it is necessary to select lamps of a new generation and adjust the height of the placement of the lamps.

Orchid leaves: other harmful factors

The stench appears through decay and rottenness on the leaves.

Some of the most common types of diseases of orchids can be caused by parasites and mosquitoes, as well as fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Zabogannya is a strategic defense.

To minimize problems with orchid parasites, it is important to implement weed management strategies such as prevention, hygiene and weed inspection.

The correct amount of water, temperature, moisture and light minimizes potential parasitic disease.

Disposals and ways of their poverty

Avoidance of parasites, as well as the removal of dew debris and old leaf membranes, which contain possible parasitic harborages, means the elimination of the transport route for the transmission of viruses and bacteria.

Mites, mites and coccinella are the types of parasites that most often infect orchid plants.
Although coccinelli and populaceae are easy to detect, because the stench is visible to the naked eye, microscopic mites, and their infestation is more suppressed.

Orchids should not be sprayed with sunlight, because Droplets of water can appear as the lens and growth removes the pinpoints. Photo No. 6. Opika on kvitakh Phalaenopsis.

2.Basic care when watering and their further treatment.

Each type of orchid will require special watering rules.

I would like to express your respect that each apartment has its own microclimate, so I am definitely glad that it is impossible to water anyone due to such callousness.

Through the water, the bulb rotted and the rot spread to the young growth.

In this case, the bulb is on a dot of pulp, then the sprout can be thrown in whole, without adding any more growth.

Photo No. 8. This is what a Bulbophyllum leaf looks like after falling through overhead watering.

Why do phalaenopsis flowers dry up?

Rotten growth and wrinkled leaves are a sign of infection, revealed by clots and clear melts that spread on the leaves.

Police also carry other orchid diseases and control specific insecticides that act both on contact and on contact.

The mites of the baby are revealed as the first Sutta Skoda.

Remove the stink from a leaf of silvery weed.

This characteristic aspect of the relationship is that the parasite absorbs chlorophyll, which is found in arcus.

The cobweb spider removes a trace of characteristic cobwebs on the lower part of the arch.

They use winged forms to transmit parasites from one plant to another.

Photo No. 9. Root of Phalaenopsis, rotten (Phalaenopsis).

The rule of thumb when looking after Phalaenopsis is that the roots may dry out between waterings.

It is important to control all bacterial pathologies.

Against bacterial attacks, proper cultivation methods are preventive.

On the other hand, pesticides are mixed with toxic products that are unsuitable for household use.

Photo No. 10.a.

Damage to Paphiopedilum tissue due to improper watering. There are types of orchids that tolerate high moisture content, but sometimes it is impossible to change the moisture content with repeated and partial watering. If you do not increase the moisture content of the soil in the area, but increase the frequency of watering, in a maximum of a month the picture will appear.

Currently, there are approximately 25 known viral strains that cause illness in orchids.

The transfer is carried out by the head officer for additional disinfection of instruments.

The smell of non-specific viral agents of orchids is always due to the great diversity of plant species.

Mosaic virus and plaster virus are the main and most widespread viral agents that can be transmitted to orchids.

In both types, the symptoms may be extremely variable depending on the type of affected orchid. Necrotic punctuation, stratification and spitting on The growth can also remove swellings and other illnesses of orchids.

It is important to know that in the cold season (autumn, winter, early spring) watering is short and does not put the plants in the cold window.

If they appear as wet spittle, they must be removed immediately because the stink grows rapidly and can rot the entire plant as a whole.

Photo No. 13. Phalaenopsis leaf spots through contact with water.

Photo No. 14. Dotted spots on the Phalaenopsis leaf through unregulated watering.

Photo No. 15. The results of improper watering in the cold season of the Aerangis rock.

Photo No. 16. The results of frequent watering of Vanilla orchids in the cold season.

4. Problems due to low temperatures.

During the cold season, you should be careful when shopping for orchids or carefully pack them when transporting, otherwise the plants will suffer from frostbite and will have to be cut into living tissue, because

The new stench does not last. Photo No. 17. Frostbite to Phalaenopsis. Photo No. 18. Phalaenopsis gets frostbite in the cold season when the area is ventilated.

Orchids should not be sprayed during the cold season, unless they are

low temperature

That's bad ventilation.

This can provoke the appearance of dark patches of fungal growth on the colors.

Photo No. 19. The legacy of biting during the cold season.

5. Fungal diseases of orchids.

Often, when purchasing an orchid, we can add ice to the noticeable “pots”. Stinks can grow both on the leaves and on the leaves. They may hide and not show themselves at all, but during watering (in the dark basin) they can settle on all the orchids that have taken an immediate share in the watering.

The virus is also transmitted during the processing of plants with sharp instruments.

If the virus needs to have a receptive mind to develop, it becomes active and then “dances” throughout the whole collection and eliminates all the growth without guilt.

A favorable soil for the virus to spread is any kind of stress, for example, a sharp decrease in temperature or moving to a new location, which radically changes the minds of the child (temperature, humidity, etc.).

We have noted that your collection has a strain suspected of having a virus, and it is necessary to carefully isolate it from others and treat it with at least a broad-spectrum antibiotic or some kind of fungicide. .

Sometimes the virus does not occur and can only be detected after the plant is thriving.

The fermented form of the cup will rise above the norm.

Photo No. 22. The virus has a ring shape (appears flat).

Photo No. 23. The photo shows a Phalaenopsis leaf infected with the virus.

Photo No. 24. In the photo, a Phalaenopsis leaf is infected with a virus; a fungus has settled on such an animal.

7.Naturally ancient orchids.

If you noticed that the orchid has a yellow bottom leaf, then there is no need to panic;

The rotten thing in the middle of the orchid's neck is approaching.

Don't twist the bush, you won't spoil the rot.

The reason is that the rotting process occurs in the tissues of the growth in the middle of the neck itself.

In about an hour we expect a picture to emerge: the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, then the orchid comes apart like a construction set.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Roslin to help with this situation.

Rot can begin to develop for a number of reasons: partial watering, poor contact of orchid roots with water, the roots do not dry out between waterings, watering at a low temperature in the room.

Photo No. 28. Rotten necks of Phalaenopsis (animal species).

Photo No. 29. Rotten neck of Phalaenopsis (side view).

Photo No. 30. The necks of Phalaenopsis were rotting.

9. Overdose of good water and bad water.

On the butt of Eurychone rothschildiana (photo No. 31) you can see that the growth is healthy, it is comfortable, it is developing successfully, the roots are growing (the tips of the roots are green). After harvesting the plants with goodness and incorrectly selected dosages (there is no harm in getting any goodness), the galvanization of the development process begins.є wind ventilation. Everyone knows that in the natural world the epiphytes live high on trees that are blown by the winds. They grow most in tropical and equatorial regions. On the equator it is steadily warm and warm, and it is often raining. Nature has mild dew and fog.

Orchids thrived in a wet climate.

In home minds, we are encouraged to get as close as possible to natural minds (raise the humidity of the air, increase the temperature to the required level, control warm shower, having tropical evils), but we forget about the most important thing - about the aeration of the wind.
In the warm season, our apartments and loggias are heated to high temperatures. Obpriskuyuchi vrantsі ій winter garden
", we're getting more and more excited in the morning and we're almost ready to go to work.

What is happening at this time in a closed area?

At high temperatures and humidity, orchid illnesses – fungal and bacterial illnesses – are more likely to appear.

In case of bacterial diseases, watery spots appear (photo No. 33), which quickly spread with growth, in some cases the growth lasts for several days.

Photo No. 33. Wet rottenness on the young leaf of Phalaenopsis.

Thank you to the Kiev Orchid Lovers Club for their help in preparing the material!

Orchid – supernumerary Garna kvitka, which is at correct view May the whole river be pleased with your flowers. And while looking after the orchid, the songs of difficulty begin to sound. Being from a country with a warm, humid climate,

phalaenopsis easily adapts to living in the original apartment

. They appear as splashes on the leaves, and the roots perish. Why can flowers and leaves begin to turn yellow and wither?

Problems with leaves: why should we wither, the stars weep

Healthy orchids have lush green leaves, enough

great size

  • . Well, the leaves of the plant have changed color and structure, so talk about the disease of the plant. Why do leaves lose springiness (turgor)?

Turgor - loss of leaf springiness - the result of various damages upon inspection There may be reasons for this: The temperature is too high.

In the fall, when the tree is exposed to the sun for a long time, the leaves actively consume water. The ground is also heated, someone has created a vivaporation . The underground roots do not have enough moisture, and the stench, no wonder, becomes over-cooled, as the remaining heat in the soil is wasted for evaporation.

  • For the plant to rehabilitate, it is necessary to protect it from direct

sleepy exchanges

  • at this time, having supplied enough daylight. After normalizing the temperature between the roots and leaves, you can water or wipe the leaves woolly fabric. Have water

you can add a little extra life

for an orchid.

Hypothermia. When choosing a place for growing plants, be careful not to stretch the leaves: create a smell until the leaves freeze. For orchids, frostbite will occur even at temperatures below 15 degrees. If you don't wash it, you'll end up damaging the fabric. To eliminate such unpleasant residues, spread the flower far away from the ducts, and in frosty winters, place it far from the window.


What should you do to hide the orchid from the spoils? According to the first it is necessary to isolate them from other colors


Then remove the worms from the surface and apply insecticides to the cleaned leaves

  • It’s not possible to insure too much on chemicals: ticks and other bad guys will quickly get stuck. Fight against them comprehensively. It’s easier to get ahead of illnesses, and be careful every year.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to inspect the book every now and then, so as to immediately stop the multiplication of the mischief.

Nestacha vologi. Smut rules for watering orchids - watering just a bit of dry soil . Watering is best done with water for a year.

Photo No. 8. This is what a Bulbophyllum leaf looks like after falling through overhead watering.

At the level of deposition of the flower, the substrate is poured into the storage. The invisible bark does not absorb moisture and water cannot be absorbed into the growth. In this case, the plant needs to be replanted in a good substrate.

For orchids

approach the bark of sawed decks or dead pine trees, or whatever.

coniferous species .
Measles is not guilty of having tar. The reasons for the short life of the flower or bud can be listed above all as problems with the leaves: defects, incorrect temperature regime
and orchid watering mode Putting an orchid in the sun will directly disrupt the temperature regime, which is clearly indicated on the receipt
We have already been told what we need to do to solve these problems. However, next
see low features If the orchid has been blooming for a long time, it can simply bloom and go into a dormant period

This is a normal process and is not turbulent The flowers are filled with mosquitoes that fly.

As soon as the sawing did not go away,

The flower has withered and fallen

Known for vegetables and fruits

They see speeches that activate the ripening of flowers that have not yet opened.

This is what provokes death to exist Piece singe The hot air dries the buds and buds that have not blossomed.

Bacillus Cypriped or Borax rottenness.

The disease of orchids is more dangerous and widespread.

Calls like a pathogenic stick.

A favorable environment for its reproduction is high temperature and moisture. At first the spot is small and light, then it becomes dark and smells unpleasant. Black rottenness, like any other type of rot, threatens the death of the plants

Black rot (Phytophthora) is one of the most serious illnesses from which orchids suffer. The leaves on the leaves appear to have purple patches that gradually darken and turn black. Resulting from illness due to excessive watering and too thick soil


Infection attacks the leaf plate, which.

Phylostyctosis manifests itself in different ways: from small black spots to large black spots.

Burkholderia gladioli.

Bacterial disease that occurs when

high temperature and high moisture. Rotting is starting to happen even quickly.

It appears in the wet flames of a dark brown color.

One and the same fungus can individually manifest itself on the appearance of an orchid. Show the vitality of the fungus to lie in the leaves of the leaves and systematically monitor the plant. In addition, on an orchid

can develop instantly


  • White splashes on the sheet
  • As the leaves begin to appear in spots or speckles, this may occur due to the following reasons: In this case, the plant needs to be replanted in a good substrate.
  • Above-world watering.

Upon contact with water, white spots appear on the leaves.

It’s no longer possible to earn anything from this, and you’ll end up lost on the sheet.

Opik or

supernatural dryness

. Don’t go overboard with goodies.

The root orchid is even more sensitive, too much living matter is harmful to the orchid.

The soil is too thick.

If the orchid is not replanted for a long time, the soil becomes hardened and access to the acid is reduced. Root orchid problems: drying out The color of the roots of the orchid depends on the specific species, including complementary feeding.

In some types of nature dark color root, but you can’t tell about its pain. To appreciate the stature of the roots, it is necessary to carefully pull the weeds from the potter, root system go out to the ground and look around the root..

If the stench is solid, the stench is healthy.


the root is left empty in the middle, in

  1. already irrevocably

visoh Orchids have two types of horses: aerial and underground (internal). Underground are found near the substrate.

  1. The roots have been washed so that they can be spread out with soil.
  2. This is the norm for an orchid.
  3. The dried roots are important for the proper process of photosynthesis in the orchid. Causes of drying out of underground and surface roots Chemical distillation with hard water and salts.
  4. Incorrect watering.

Why does the root dry out if there is not enough water, obviously.

How to remove the root system in a permanent region –

  • root
  • And, it’s not surprising, but the stench will dry out and rot. Most of the plantings have a clearer answer to the fact that the plant was mercilessly flooded with water and did not take part in photosynthesis..
  • The wind is dry.

Injury. The root is easy to break.

  • It’s just an insignificant podryapina until the roots dry out.

Vitality of fungi.

What to do with soft and dirty roots As many knitnikar stick to the soft and soft roots of phalaenopsis, nutrition is to blame - what to do?: keep the pot in a bright place, monitor the outside temperature and adjust the watering regime. The rules are very simple With proper growth, the growth will be pleasing to regular flowers and health.
