Why are trees called leaves? Nutrition: Why the coniferous tree was called modrina

There are about 20 types of modrina, wider at Pivnichniy pivkul. Tall, beautiful, swede-growing, monoecious coniferous trees with needles that fall for the winter. In youth, with a clear cone-shaped crown, in old age - wide.

At the rose plantations and white of trees, where to stand on their own - the crowns of the roses, at the closed ones - high rise, high wind. Razgaluzhennya rіdkіsne, penetrating. The needles are soft, vuzkolinyna, single on the lower pagons, spirally stitched, on shortened ones - in bunches of 20 and more needles. Spring needles are light green, in autumn - golden yellow tones. Cones are rounded, ovoid and may be cylindrical. Blossom early spring, cones ripen on the river of flowers. Today hangs in early spring, or in the wake of advancing rock, and empty cones embellish the tree with a stretch of many rocks. Dovgovichny. Mayut good root system, which goes deep into the ground. Grow fast. Dimo gas resistant. Wintertime. Zavdyaks to the shorіchny drop of the needles of the largest stands in the greenery of the great industrial centers.

American Modrina - L. laricina (Duroi) K. Koch. Occupies a great area of ​​the Atlantic region of Pivnichnoy America. A deciduous tree up to 25 m long with a beautiful vuzkopyramidal or cone-shaped crown, adorned with snake-like curved needles that hang down. Infestation of Stovbur varies from dark brown to grey. Juvenile pagons are brown-yellow or ocher, with a dove-grass. The needles of the hinged arch are lower, light green, darker, up to 3 cm long. It is respected by the most light-loving and breed, which is suitable for growth, among representatives of the family. The needles open up in the middle of the day, fall off at the leaf fall. Multiplying now. Zavdyaki vytoncheniy, dribnovetvistiy krone dove for others save their greenery. Cones are dry, decorative, purple-red until ripe, and red-storm - mature. The merit of a wide victoria in seeing single and group plantings in parks and forest parks, especially on heavily planted soils. It is suitable for landscaping the banks of water and swampy plots. In culture since 1737.

"Aurea" ("Aurea") - the needles on the pagons are golden-yellow, light-green in the middle. The decorative form was taken off when it was grown in 1866 by the gardener Sensklaus. "Glauca" ("Glauca") - needles of steel-black color. Found by the botanist Beissner in 1907 botanical garden Stockholm.

Modrina Gmelina, or Daurian - L. gmelinii Ldb. I establish great massifs in the majestic expanses of Shidny Siberia, Far Gathering and Pivnichno-Skhidny China. Large deciduous tree up to 45 m. The crown of young roslins is ovoid-pyramidal, with a century it becomes broadly ovoid, openwork, and the stovbur is rich-topped. The bark on the stovburi is tovst, deep furrow, red or siro-borax. Single pagons are light-yellow-yellow or reddish-brown, sometimes with sparse hairs. M'yaka, vuzkolinіyna, light green needles 1.5-3 cm long are released earlier, lower in the Siberian modrina (before, as the ground grows near the root zone). The hanging crown crowns are lower-light-green, the inlet is bright-green, the autumn is golden. In other species of the genus, there are smaller sizes of cones (1.5-2.5 cm) with straight-extending patches. The latter is obliquely obovate, light, 0.3–0.4 cm. The most representative of the genus. In the middle of other species one can see bright-green spring needles, in autumn - bright, orange-yellow. Naytsіnіsha breed for landscape gardening life. Especially garn in spіlnih plantings with other types of modrin, adding to the din of spring and autumn farb. It's great to go with different types of maples, blackbucks in rows of plantations and other groups. In culture from the XVIII century. May have two ecological forms; one puts up with the already dry soils, and it develops well on the soils of the supra-worldly splendour. There are also green and red-cone forms (f. chlogosagra and f. erythrocarpa), the rest is especially decorative hanging, if the bright-red cones are effectively seen on the smoldering lower green. Two dwarf forms (f. pumila and f. prostrata) have also been seen.

Modrina Zahidna - L. occidentalis Nutt. It is widened near the mountains of the pivnіchno-zahіdnoї part of Pvnіchnoї America. high tree, up to 50 m of the crown, with a vuzkopyramidal crown, covered with short, horizontal needles. Juveniles are orange-brown. The needles are green with a length of 2-4 cm. Cones up to 4 cm. Shvidko growth. Zimostіyka, light-loving. The best development is achieved on well-drained, rich and watery soils. Negatively reacts to dryness. Dovgovichna, bag up to 700 years. Decorative. Tsikava, like a breed that grows fast, stagnates at once with other species of the genus.

Modrina Siberian - L. sibirica Ledeb. Significant growth at the pivnіchny meeting of the European part of Russia, in Western and Central Siberia. A hard tree up to 40 m long, with a vuzkopyramidal crown in youth, an oval-rounded crown in old age. The bark of old roslins is tovst, deeply furrowed, and borax. Single pagons of light-straw with late furrows in the form of leaf pads. The needles are light green, on the cob of summer with a bluish tinge, 2-4.5 cm of the plant, in bunches, with a pleasant aroma when released. Cones (2-3 cm) ovoid, young - green. Nasіnєvі luski z tіlіsnym kraєme, covered with ruduvatim harmata. Dovgovіchna, frost-resistant, light-loving, vitrostіyka; It develops quickly on different types of soil, prote vyddaє perevag glibokі, scho mіst vapno. It is better for others to see the family endure the mischief, more for others dryness, anti-shkidnikov and ailment.
Multiplying now. The best breed for group, alley and single plantings. Dzhe garn in a row with birches, gorobina, maples, linden, yalina, yalitz, Siberian cedar, yalivtsy, rhododendrons. Culture of the XIX century. A number of geographic races and ecological types, as well as numerical forms have been seen in the Siberian modrina: according to the preparation of young cones, needles and the nature of growth. For landscape gardening, the rest of the sign is important. Naytsіkavіshi for the sign of the form of the foot: compact (f. compacta) - with a narrow, dense crown; blunted (f. decuminata) - with a cylindrical crown and a blunted top; pyramidal (f fastigiata); weeping (f.pendula).

Modrina Japanese, abo tonkoluskata - L. leptotepis Gonf. Grows on the dry sleepy slopes of the mountains of the island of Honshu (Japan). A beautiful tree, which is fast-growing, up to 35 m curls. Dovgі, tovstі, mayzhe horizontal gіlki utvoєrіdnu shirokopіramіdna krone. The rich, rich-topped trunk is covered with thin, red-brown bark. Young pagons are red with a lot of nalyot. The bark of gіlok sіra, brunki are bliskuchі, dark brown. Dovga needles, up to 5 cm long, blue-green. Cones in youth are yellowish-green, tufts (2-3 cm) with thin, woolly tufts, bulging at the upper part like trojands, are picked up on buns up to 3 years. The needles zabarvlyuєtsya autumn in a bright-zhovtі tone signifi- cantly pіznіshe for іnshі see, creating a stretch of the month with bright patches in plantings. You don’t suffer from frost, the pagons become woody. To bring vigor to the minds of the soil, to overcome the clay and loamy soils, light-loving, vimogly to moisture again, to develop well in the minds of the city. In the case of ornamental wear, its appearance turns over everything else, both with its extraordinary superficial crown, and with the long needles of the original zabarvlennya, with the shape of cones. Kindly join with yalins, pines, yalins, lindens, oaks, ash trees, rhododendrons and others decorative chagars. In culture since 1861. Shvidkіst growth, nevibaglivist to gruntovyh minds and frostiness allow a wide victorious view of the green life in group and single plantings and landscape compositions. In Japan, it is widely cultivated in the form of bonsai - like a room dwarf tree, grown in peat.
Japanese modrini cultivari:
"Aureovariegata" ("Aureovariegata") - needles from yellow flames, unevenly distributed on the roslini The form was seen in 1899 in Holland, in the distribution of B. V. Dirken (Oudenbosch).
"Blue Rabit" ("Blue Rabbit") - vuzka konіchna krone, bluish needles, beautiful. Shvidko growth. Taken and I960 in the distribution L. Konyan Reyv'yuk (France).
"Diana" ("Diana"). Tree 8-10 m high, crown diameter 3-5 m. The bark is reddish-brown, cracked. Needles golchasta, nizhna, green, autumn - golden yellow. The average growth of the frill is 25 cm, the frill is 15 cm. Light-loving. Powerful to the ground. it is better to grow on well-drained, fertile soups and loams, not to suffer stagnation of water and dryness. Frost-resistant, but you can also suffer from spring frosts. Zastosuvannya: one by one plantings, groups, alleys.
"Nana" ("Nаna") - a dwarf form, the crown is dense, conical, river growth 5 cm. It was found in 1976 by the botanist X. Neumann among "wedding mites" and reproduced in the Eddloch plant in Nimechchyna.
"Pendula" - weeping form, wreath tree 6 - 10 m, growth is povіlno, kіntsі pagonіv hung. The needles are blackish-green, m'yaka. Even more decorative form, vinyl 1896 in Hess's distribution. Reproduce chips.
"Velen" ("Wehlen") - dwarf form, growth is uneven, the crown is wide, compact. Appeared in 1972 with G. Horstmann in 1972.
"Wolterdingen" ("Wolterdingen") - dwarf, arc garne form the diameter of the crown is greater than the height of the roslin. At 10 years, the height is 50 cm, the width of the crown is 70 cm. The needles are blackish-green, slightly twisted, 35 mm long. The form was found by G. Horstmann in 1970 in Nimechi and also introduced into culture.

Landing that sight

Visajuvati modrini in the postyne mist next to the yakomog earlier, optimal term- at the 1-2-river vіtsi. However, for landscaping robots, this century is not acceptable, for this, 6-row growth in soft containers is used, for the elder one - clothes in thick containers or from frozen breast. The shortest hour planting - autumn after leaf fall or early spring until the bruniok is released. Vіdstan mіzh roslinami 2 - 4 m, mіstsya vіdkritі, soniachnі, less modrina japonska to bear the shading. Modrini easily tolerate transplantation until the 20th century. Root system gliboka and safety are completely vitrostijkist. On a young thin root there is mycorrhiza, it is important not to harm when planting. Landing depth 70 - 80 cm. Up to impossibly thick soils, successful growth on vape, pidzolic soils, black soils, more often - on loams, rotten - on sands. The soil sum is made up of leafy soil, peat and sand (3:2:1). Drainage only on important clays: a bit with a ball of 20 cm.
Early in the spring, before the cob grows, add 100 - 120 g of "Kemir" per 1 sq.m. Suffering from summer dryness. At the same time, watering 15 - 20 liters per skin tree 1-2 times per day. Raspushuvannya carry out only iodine with young plantings of 20 cm zaglybshki, obov'yazkovo vydalennya bur'yaniv.
Mulching after planting with peat or thyrsus with a ball of 5 - b m. Mature growths do not curl, young trees of Japanese pershy modrini 1-2 years after planting in spring frosts, curl with kraft paper.
Ailments and schoolchildren: leafy little miles. The needles at the same time become white and sluggish. Poshkodzhenі pagony next to be seen, with a strong infection, it can be developed into any insecticidal preparation prepared on the basis of mineral oliy.
Reproduction is known to us, to that the living creatures take root badly. The splitting is less pronounced when multiplying especially valuable species and decorative forms.
Vykoristovuyutsya widely in landscaped areas. You look good in the alleys and small groups of plantings near squares and parks, when great arrays are combined, near pure and mixed groups. In mixed groups different types modrina color dama needles hanging and inlet include all shades of green color: from pale green in modrina zahidnoy to gray-gray and bluish-green in modrina japanese and modrina europian. In the autumn period, the congestion of needles may be mostly golden yellow, which is destroyed at once from the needles of different terms. In Modrina Gmelin and Modrina Siberian needles end in the other half of the harvest, Modrina Siberian and Modrina Americana throw off their gold in leaf fall.
Even good folded groups of modrina and rhododendrons, mock oranges, buzkivs, rakіtnikovs. It is wonderful to go among the chagar trees and trees, near which the leaves of autumn zabarvlyuetsya near the red ton.
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Why conifer tree called modrina.


Modrina took its name from the fact that it throws off needles for the winter, like other trees - leaves. Before the fall, the needles are yellow. Near the kvіtnі - grassy trees croak with young greenery. The color of the needles changes: during the opening - light green, in the fall - dark green, autumn - golden yellow. Modrina є sing the world proliferation ї or, in their own way, love of light and building, put up with extreme minds of reason. So, in contrast to the yalin fox, there is a moss cover on the ground and it develops only on the stumps and stovburs of fallen trees. Sometimes they call modrina - the daughter of the sun. The tree is more light-loving. May miraculous power: by the water of the modrin kam'yanіє, and by whom it is better to stand by the water, it becomes mіtsnіshe. І Venice, і St. Petersburg founded on leafy paly. When the life of Venice is close to 400 thousand. pieces of modrini boulo were scored for the study of the foundations of various spores. In 1827, that is, after 1000-1400 years, part of the finger was trimmed. At Visnovka, it is said about їhnyu mіtsnіst, scho fell z modrini, on which the underwater part of the city was founded, niby skam'yanіlі. The fires of the Troyan bridge across the Danube stood for two thousand years. And Pultuskiy povіt near Poland, from the village of Modrini, in 1242, having stood for over six hundred years, only in 1847, the roci surrendered the power of the hour. Until 1858, the fate of Russia had a law, for which modrin was hindered to win in private living, less for sovereign life and, more importantly, in shipbuilding. The dignity of fashion in front of other її relatives and in the fact that there is more growth for them. For the period of the first three years of life, modrin reaches one meter, and then gives a wide meter increase! Such an active growth of this tree is three to 30-40 years old, then progressively weaker. A century of modrin reaches approximately 20-30 meters, and in 300 years it is completely healthy. In the needles of modrina, there is a rich amount of vitamin C, in this case it is more, less in lemon juice.

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  • Find out the diplomats, support. Set up the signs that are to be rejected 1. Vіn st? 2. Standing up in the wake of Annushka; she didn’t fall a little, she wailed and, as if throwing herself, marveled at the armless eyes of darkness and stupidity (M. G.). 3. Stepping behind the shadows, which were trembling on the stele, Tikhin Pavlovich shifted his eyes to the front room of the room (M. G.). 4. Poohmurі midnі sounds, zlіtayuchi z zvіnitsі, quietly floated in the wind and fell without a trace. A chick crunched near the garden, and a bullock died out again in the forest, so we laughed and frowned with laughter (M. G.). 5. ... Pokhmura stormy gloom frowning and muffled mumbling povіlno lifted above the ground (M. G.). 6. Tikhin Pavlovich biting his beard to the table, stroking his hands back and frowningly looking at the back of the squad (M. G.). 7. Lukich badyoro pidbigav to the station, and nazustrіch yoma whistling and roaring in a repeat of the white bet, approaching the train, reminding you of an important gurkot (M. G.). 8. Vіn pomovchav chekayuchi, scho get up and go. Ale, she didn’t go away, but pozihayuchi continued to sit instructed by him (M. G.)
Ella Sokolova, candidate of agricultural sciences. Photo by Anatoly Golinsky

Tsya ailment is recognized as one of the most safe for modrini. The її name has the main symptoms: pozhovtinnya and brown needles. Irrespective of those who have long been aware of ailments in our territory, the reports about her are still small. Strikes, which are repeated, lead to a weakening of the growth, a decrease in growth, and a decrease in the height of the woods and pagons.

From Canada to Japan

Pozhovtinnya that brown needles, which are called by a mushroom Mycosphaerellalaricina,є one of the unsafe ailments of modrini. The ailment is widely spread in Europe, in the western and central parts of the USA, in Japan on the modern European ( Larix decidua), l. American ( L.laricina), l. Japanese ( L.leptolepis). The data of foreign reports for the period from the beginning of the 1950s to the end of the 1980s of the last century testify about the high level of the disease of illness for the modernity of the different age.

On the territory of Russia, the fire and browning of the needles have been known for a long time, there are reports about the widening, diagnostic signs, biological features and step zapodiyanoy shkodi to finish the misery. According to the publication of tributes, the ailment was registered at the pivnіchny entry in the center of the European part of Russia, near Siberia, on the Far Skhodі. l. Siberian (L.sibirica); l. Sukacheva (L.sukaczewii); l. Gmelina, or Daurian (L.dahurica); l. Kuril, or Kamchatka (L.kamtschatica).

Rіznі vіdі modrіny mаyut unequal stamina to ailment. To the nastіykіshih vіdnosit l. American and l. Japanese. The greatest high spriyyatlivist v_znachaetsya l. European, arc. Siberian, l. Kamchatka. The ailment thrives in forest and mіsk plantations, roses, native plantations.

The fungus is hostile to the needles of trees, which does not make a sign of easing, which is a sign of the high level of pathogenicity of the alarm and the unsafe illness.

Breaking sickness

The fungus is hostile to the needles of trees, so it doesn’t show a sign of weakening, so it’s a sign of the high pathogenicity of the alarm clock and the unsafe illness. The primary infection of the needles is observed in the herbal spores, which ripen in the fruiting bodies of the fungus on the disgrace of the minuloric needles. The first signs of ailment appear approximately at the middle of the wormwood. The wound starts from the lower tiers of the crown, spreading closer to the core of the infection - infected needles that fell off.

On the needles, the buds are covered with yellow patches, vaguely marked with a healthy green part. In this period, a part of the crown is swelled with a yellow color. It gets dark with sudden flashes, melts brown-stormy and gets angry, shaking the upper part of the needles. The base of the needles becomes green. In adult woodlands, tissue needles form summer sporulation of the fungus in the presence of dark dark pads that protrude from the epidermis. Argue that they are established, re-infect healthy needles of the skin 10-14 days before spring. Tsim is explained to the swede by the widening of the ailment by the crown.

The modrina is more strongly affected on the plots, rotting at the lowlands, water stagnates, fogs settle, and a water microclimate is formed.


With a high level of damage, ailments of the tree consume more of the needles already in the linden. The needles are often affected and often fall off in the fall, if the lower third of the needles is still green. During the winter, in the disgraced infected needles, the fruits of the body of the health worker develop, which may look like black humpbacks, which protrude from the growth of the epidermis. Argue that curtains and inlets are settled in them, carried by the wind and penetrate the needles of the fabric through the stump.

Modrini tree with strong crown damage

Intensive development of ailments sprays the heat of the Vologda weather summer period and the dominant factor is water content. To this, the modrina is more strongly affected on the plots, rotting at the lowlands, where water stagnates, fogs settle, and a moisture microclimate is formed. The most friendly minds for the expansion of ailments are formed in the first half of the year, if there is an intensive growth of needles, large number fall and the temperature is restored, it is friendly to the development of the fungus.

Strikes l, which are periodically repeated. American can be brought to a weakened growth, reduced growth, drying up of wood and pagons, and on our plantations - to a decrease in the output of yakous soil material.
