What is needed to start working in the garden before the onset of lasting warmth, spring gardener's work

The great spring has come and the awakening of nature cannot be stopped by any force - either cold, gloomy days or night frosts.

The dissolution of branches and the bending of trees by leaves will not stop at all. This report is from the wooden front coastal zone

Pivnіchnaya Estonia in honor of marking the end of the cold berezozol (kvitnya) and the cob of grass (grass).

"So-so!" The stinks slept in the chorus of young antennas of the flytak.

“Tell us your stories,” said the little modrins from the high edges of the forest.

"Keep me in peace!"
- the king of the trees muttered.

“It’s still early,” he added. You can't earn anything. There were a lot of healthy young trees that we wanted to talk about.

“You, at this hour, go straight away!”

He punished Puffy, the squirrel, and energetically shook his little cheeks in the first wind.

“Don’t see me, be kind, let me listen, Rossodizer.”

By this time, the hares, hares, harlots, grannies and other squirrels of this area gathered around the great mower, the king of the yalin and all the trees in the valley.

The common wasp (Populus tremula) is still slightly blown in the wind by its leaves with a long petiole, but it does not at all respect the beaver’s affection for its favorite tree.


An hour before the leaves fall from the trees is the best time to learn about the places where beavers live and their diet.

“Oh, poor daughters of Strumka!”

Vin stagnated, emitting an unnecessary cry of concern.

Other Scots, after a small shave, mourned the dark signs and extorted reasonableness, but their reward, which was sprinkled on the smooth granite stone, ran far down the valley.

It turned out that way.

Ale Rankov's bets come out at the first contact with the new sun.

Lenses, sweatshirts, burnt belts and paths - this is the flight and fall of the winding valley that turbulates the living essence of the skin.

In the distance, the mud revealed the history of trout fishing everywhere.

"Here's another one!"

- Rosodiser said, now at Cherzi.

Tell me, - every time, - the squirrel was the most popular among all the ears. Rossodizer began to speak when the other people turned around. The rich people smelled of lenses, guns and music.

The stinks invaded another bank and had fun throughout the evening, in the field.

It's a serpent.

“Because of that fate, we are terribly afraid of people this season.”

European modrina (Larix decidua, Larix europaea, Pinus larix) and these hybridized forms catch the eye on our landscape at any time - in the spring the crowns of the trees can turn into a golden color, and in the spring the leaves decorate the pine cones color of erysipelas fuchsia little head.

He paused to think about the gentleman from the trees, and then restored the charm of his own gazers. Without natural enemies, the marchetti and vipers began to buzz, and, worried about the need for hedgehogs, they disappeared from the edge of the forest beyond the valley. The stinks accumulated under the shells and shells of the shepherds.

The same valley has two

from all over the world

They turned up, or rather, not on their choice.
"Her!" The great scythe died, the fox fell. “The stink lasted for days!” A slight itching on the great root node, which was wiped from the ground, encouraged it to wash.

The English colony asked for this endlessly.

With a dry and solid faucet on an energetic bark, Queen Rufa made her crown.

Kinskiy chestnut

Chinese chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is very flaming and flirty

The whole river, it’s not for nothing that so many people know and love you.

On the other hand, the process, the scourge of trees, settled on the birch, and they are not vipers for humans. Snowstorms and caterpillars settled on the pines and descended on the oak trees, as the people marveled as they began their ruinous work.Її

expensive stone

, thin throats, rough barks were deadly.

It grew richly, unblemished.

Over time, energetic processes grew without any control, threatening the further decline of entire pine forests.

At any time people felt that this phenomenon was crying out a song of restlessness.

The gostroleaf maple (Acer platanoides), having long ago lost its sap in the spring, is still a few hours away from the appearance of charming flowers, large leaves and “spouts”, although its sprouted branches are still promising.

The common pea (Sorbus aucuparia) is a tree or chagarbine, as people know more like the spring of autumn, the beginning of spring, the fragments of the red spring, the important groves of berries predict that the holy heat will end.

Until the fruits appear, the smell of which is added to comas and is quite unpleasant for people, and the harvested berries have been lost for an eternity, because now the pea is still preparing to reveal its sulfur and fluff of brown.

The Royal army arrived promptly through the upper part of the valley, but the area was completely destroyed and destroyed by unbearable caterpillars.

Attack murah buv reasonable and impatient.
An opening for the measles or a vibrating sponge was turned out of the outlet, and the ritual work was completed in a short hour.
Raptovy snow in the forest near Valtoras was marked by people, which revealed the reason for its increase.
The stinks found out why, without warning, signs also appeared in these deserted places with Murat Rufa all over the place, as a sign of defense.

“If you can’t read and you can’t follow these people, this is fire,” continuing Rossodisser.

“On several occasions, mortals made short projections at various points in the valley.”

Ending with new interests and benefits.

In a white sundress

With hustkas in their guts,
With firey zastіbki,

* * *

With green earrings.
(A. Prokof'ev)
The birch tree itself is respected as a symbol of our land.
Long ago, songs and verses were written about this tree:

The advanced day, calling to the ears, pratsyuvat, searching for food.

Birch is inflexible and grows both on dry sands and on marshy soils.

You can find them in the forest, in the fields, and in parks.

Having passed through the beech rot, the stinks died in the stream, buried in the lower part of the valley.

In the wet and soft soil, the genianella and red lilies were bright and marvelous in the white chamomile and yellow lilies. On a short note, opivdni pagorba, former pagorb. From the open and dirty style a member appeared, so that his hands could be afraid to wave his mitten spurs.

Vin forces the ram to split the wood on the door of a small, bare stone building.

From the open gank and dahu slot, white, dark clouds appeared, as if the wind was wagging freshly.

In the spring, when brunettes swell on the trees, flowers appear on the birch - inconspicuous earrings. The stench will become noticeably larger and turn brown. Mature skin earrings contain hundreds of tiny substances.

And by burning mature trees in the harvest they can ripen up to several millions.

The most common fruits, similar to a small snowstorm with open wings, are carried by the wind across the great mountains and in the coming spring they sprout on different soils.
Why is the birch tree one of the first to occupy large plots of land?
White birch bark - birch bark - beats
sleepy exchanges

it protects the tree from overheating.

Since a long time ago, birch bark was harvested for the preparation of poultry herbs.

Sirovina was prepared in the spring.
At this time, the birch bark is shedding, so that the trees become stronger.
The cheese was dried in the shade and smoothed under a press.
Berries were used to prepare cups, bowls, bread bins, boxes and other household items.
Legs, baskets, trunks were woven from the inner parts of birch bark - the face.
If people had not yet learned how to use papier, they wrote on birch bark.
Birch bark letters, which are 700-800 years old, have been preserved to this day.
Birch today brings bark.

Furniture is made from these villages.

Stovbur is thick, covered with brownish-gray bark with sinuous cracks.

The older the tree, the deeper the crack.

The oak is respected by the individual powers of the hero.
In Greece, the oak neck was a symbol of strength, power and nobility.

The oak was dedicated to the patron of mysticism - the god Apollo.

In Ancient Rome, acorns were filled with divine fruits.

The long-standing Roman teachings of Pliny the Elder wrote about oak trees like this: “Undestroyed by centuries, one century with the whole world, they reflect their immortal share, like a great wonder to the world.”

The oak was revered as a sacred tree by the Slavs; it was dedicated to the god of lightning and thunder - Perun. Oak is the king of all trees, It plays a great role.

(I. Goryunova)

There are no trees in the middle smoothie, which would exceed the size of oak trees.

Live 400-500 years.
Single copies reach almost thousands of times.
The oldest oak tree in growth is near Nimechchina.
Yogo century – close to 1400 years.
Oak is a light-loving tree.
Have you turned your respect onto oak leaves?

The stinks are bent, sometimes twisted, chimera vigines loom near the old oak trees.

* * *

On the right is that the legs gradually reach towards the sun and light.
The axis and change the direction of growth carefully due to lighting.
The oak trees are blooming near the grass.
Fruits - acorns - ripen in the spring.

Polasuvati love acorns richly

forest inhabitants

: wild boars, deer, field mice, jays
Oak has valuable wood: thick, hard, valuable wood with a beautiful texture.
We work in shipbuilding, furniture, carpentry.
I'm crazy,
The root has grown and grown,
Having become tall and powerful,
I am not afraid of thunderstorms or gloom.

I feed pigs and squirrels -

Nothing, plіd miy kreida.


On the cob the grass has chestnut flowers.

Its flowers are even more beautiful - pyramidal buds up to 30 centimeters in length, which are made up of large white flowers with chewy or red-colored specks of juice.

The flowers that the candles predict on the new Yalintsya give the tree a unique look.

The fruits of the chestnut look attractive: green, with numerous thorns, rounded boxes, each containing 1-3 sparkles, dark brown seeds.

In the wetlands, the sowing chestnut of the nobility grows.
The horse chestnut variety grows so much that they are now classified into different families.
The only smells are similar, both species have shiny, brown, highly polished pots, placed in the middle of the same shells, only the natural borax has thorns, and the Kino chestnut has bright green with humps.
It’s difficult to say why the chestnut began to be called kin.
There are two versions.
Behind one of them, after the leaf falls, the petiole attached to the gill is lost, a scar that resembles the trace of a horse's horseshoe.
On the other hand, on the dark brown surface of the fruit there is a sulfur flame, similar to the soot of a horse.
Chestnut wood is vikorized at a furniture factory to produce high-yield barrels.
Extract, preparations from bark, vikorist for tanning hides, preparation of bavonic, cotton and seam fabrics in dark brown and olive colors.
Weave baskets from young girls.
In the thick blue,


maple leaf Flying above me. I follow:

Vin, otherwise the dragnets,
Kudis beckoning
Follow me.
Tired of circling at high altitude,
Trustfully siv
To the valley before me.
(G. Osinova)

Maple is easy to distinguish from other trees because of its large western leaves with five sharp ends.

Finally, the maple tree begins to bloom. The flowers are of little note: they are dry, chewy-green, and they have a strong, pungent odor. Before that, this hour is not so rich

kvituchyh roslin

Therefore, other mosquitoes should go straight to the maple tree, collect sweet nectar and cut down the weeds.

Maple fruits look like small propellers.

In the spring, stench wafts from the trees, and the wind carries them around.

Maple is a tree that grows fast.
Young flocks, which grow sufficiently warm and light, grow by about a meter per river.
The maple wood is white, with a red-brown or yellowish tint.
It miraculously planes and retains its shape.
Maple wood can be easily bent, and since ancient times it has been harvested to make musical instruments.
Back in the 9th century, Slovaks made harps from maple trees.
In the middle century, maple became widely used in the manufacture of strings, bows, and other musical instruments.
The parts of violins and guitars are made from maple.
They also make lizhi, shvidki and legen from maple.
I've grown, sticky,
Thin and tiny -
Don't bark to me!
Honey color
I will bloom
Take care of me.
Daily life is before me

Similar to the speci -

Virosti me.

I'll open the leaves for you - Water me. Together, my friend,

Let's gain strength

You love me.

And do you understand the term, You will see the world wide Don't forget me!

(P. Voronko)

The measles of young linden trees used to be used to scrape the face, and to weave the legs.

And by burning mature trees in the harvest they can ripen up to several millions.

Take my cards from me
Bdzhilka is the most delicious honey.
And everyone is lying to me:
The skin is thin.



The pine tree is year-old, the linden tree is cool.


I've learned to eat a lot of giblets
Put an earring on an earring,
And when I’ve grown up completely,
I brought you two earrings.
And she’s not a fashionista at all,
This is how it is already in the world:
Everyone wants to be younger,
Everyone wants to blossom.

(E. Serova)

Vilkha is a low tree with a thin, often crooked trunk.

The bark of this tree is grey-green, always smooth, like that of old trees. Flower color early spring Even before the leaves appear, long earrings bloom on the nails. Following the long-standing call, girls came out to marvel at how great the color was.

The beauty of the Vilhas equaled the beauty of the maiden.

It blooms in rich colors, just like the beautiful girl.

They are going to the kvitucha velkha,

beautiful girls

The boys are surprised.

The bjolars were waiting for the hour of flowering to release the flowers from the streets so that they could collect their own food from the sticky leaves.

The leaves of the velvet are matte green, gray-green underneath.

Until spring, the stench does not change color, but falls to the ground green.

The fallen leaves of the velvet tree are rich in nitrogen.

This element is necessary for the normal development of growths.

The leaves of the elm tree rot until they are dry and the soil is enriched with nitrogen.
The algae root lives in a close symbiosis with singing soil bacteria.
For this reason, special bulbs are created, like in legumes.
Apart from legumes, they are inhabited not by bacteria, but by so-called proliferative fungi.
There she sits in gold,
Only Skoda -
Flies around.

(V. Lunin)

In windless weather in an aspen forest, you can hear the faint sound of rustling leaves, and the stinking parts are constantly whispering to each other.

As soon as the wind blows, the aspen leaves begin to spread and rustle.

You may have had a chance to say something like “strumbling like an aspen leaf.”

So to speak of a person who is fearful or overwhelmed with fear.

Vinik tsej wisłow not vypadkovo.

And by burning mature trees in the harvest they can ripen up to several millions.

A long time ago, people noticed that when the wind cools down, the leaves of the wasp begin to rustle - “tremble.”
Why are you so excited?

The leaves are white and osseous, round in shape, mounted on a long petiole.

The bjolars were waiting for the hour of flowering to release the flowers from the streets so that they could collect their own food from the sticky leaves.

In Russia, the stinks begin to disperse, bump against each other and make noise.

It’s cool that young leaves are not at all similar to the leaves of a mature tree.

The stench is larger, softer, slightly pubescent, with a cloudy top.

The petioles of the young leaves are short and round in the webbing, and there is no “trembling” stench.

The wasp blossoms in early spring.
The leaves have not yet begun to bloom, and the wasp is covered with long, shaggy earrings.
In the spring, the leaves of the wasp are one of the first to swell, with a great fermentation of different varieties: from soft yellow to bright crimson.
The wasp's fruits ripen in the spring.

Pines are stringy, tall trees, with beautiful golden trunks. The lower branches on pine trees are rapidly dying, because the living substances in the lower part of the trees are rapidly consumed and accumulated during the process of photosynthesis. For this reason, the pine forest suggests a bright temple with great columns.

Residents of Northern Europe created many fairy tales about this tree. At the Gathering, they respect that pine trees bring good fortune and happiness. Walking in a pine forest is not only pleasant, but also beautiful.

The place there will always be clean.

Pine trees are visible essential oils how to kill microbes

The whole river: both in the winter and in the spring, the pine becomes green.

And by burning mature trees in the harvest they can ripen up to several millions.

The heads on it do not change all at once, but step by step: some heads fall off, and new ones arise in their place.
Pine heads
placed behind the yalin trees, they are attached to the throat, two needles at a time.
Pines are light-loving trees, love space and sun.
If you look at the pine tree, you will see that the pine trees stretch uphill, closer to the sun.
Pine trees can grow on soft soils, in swamps, on rocks, in the middle of gorges.

The stinks are not noticeable and can stick to

The bjolars were waiting for the hour of flowering to release the flowers from the streets so that they could collect their own food from the sticky leaves.

different minds


The roots of the pine are thick and large.

On rich soils, the roots go straight down, apparently growing under the vine.

On swampy soils, stinks creep in, roaring through the weeds.

Pines are the oldest trees on our planet.
Pine is primary, wider than average, grows 300–500 years.
Long-lived pine trees are growing in number in Northern America.
In the high-altitude regions of California, the growth of pine austata.
In 1955, one of these pines was cut down.
It turned out that this century is 4900 years old.
Vaughn is the eldest for the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops.
All long-lived pine trees were taken under the protection of the state.

This number included trees older than 4000 years.

Willows have long roots, so they are planted to strengthen dry sands, to enhance the banks of canals, mowing, rowing, and to create forests. They look so beautiful weeping willows

, who visit the parks and along the banks of the water.

If you plant a willow tree, then know that the water here is in charge - either the river or the river.

Over the centuries, people have been searching for water using a willow twig.

If the twig shakes and leans down, it means that there is a water-bearing ball deep in the ground, and here you need to dig a well.

And by burning mature trees in the harvest they can ripen up to several millions.

People who used willow twigs to find water were called dowsers.
In the spring, the willow blooms, and its stems are covered with catkins.
When ripe, the fruits open up and are released lightly, like fluff.
The wind carries them far away from Father’s tree.

The present willow is of extraordinary significance.

Having fallen to the ground, the stench begins to sprout within an hour!

Through this process, it now acquires a tail - a root, and a stem rises up the hill.
Young pussy willows feed on a large number of creatures.
In the tundra, deer thrive in the verbose thickets, and in the forest zone, moose thrive.
Willow twigs are used to weave cats and make wicker furniture.
Various sparrows are prepared from white willow trees.
Nirki - sribni,

The cards are gilded, And the skin is on the sheep - Chervone zabarvlennya.

(Willow) POPLAR Poplars - what you need to know -

Let's take a closer look at the poplar leaves.

The top is brilliantly dark green, and the bottom is light with white pubescence.

Such pubescent leaves can no longer be caught from the surface using a sharp saw. It settles on the hairs, and in case of severe anger, it is washed off and carried away by the flowing water. As the saw and the hoops are too rich and the surface is very clogged, the poplar leaves give a signal of dashing - they become crumbly, are covered in flames, and die.

It is necessary to live in the past, and even to live in such minds is impossible not only for poplars, but also for people.

Poplars bloom in early spring, even before the first leaves appear.

At the end of the grass on the poplars the fruits are ripening - boxes with a large quantity of fruit.
Cover it with long, velvety hairs - people call them poplar fluff.
The boxes burst, and the place collapses into a “white hole.”
Poplar fluff, also known as snow, covers the ground and trees.

Poplar fluff shvidko absorbs vologa, creating cym

good thoughts for sprouting today. The poplar tree swells in 4 years, and after 8-10 years it begins to swell.

The wood of the poplar is soft and light. To cut plywood and papier out of it. Poplar brunkas are used by cosmetologists.

What kind of girl is this?
Not a shvak, not a mistress,
She sews nothing herself,

And there’s a whole river in the heads. (A. Rizdvyana) Like a tree we will always be filled with toys New River?

That's right, Yalinka.

Yalinka, or, scientifically, yalina, a relative of other coniferous trees, such as pine or cedar.
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