Rozheve oil is congealed.


Eleanor Brik Troyanda is one of the most popular colors that give preference to women. This plant adds a pleasant, low-pitched aroma,

Let's brighten it up with color


Few people know that Trojans also obtain ethereal oil from pellets, which is used in bathing, cosmetology, perfumery, and aromatherapy.

Even in ancient China, women threw pellets into hot water and soaked them there, and then wiped their faces and poured the broth on their hair.

It has a rejuvenating, anti-aging, regenerating effect.

The use of essential oils from Trojans is once again at the peak of popularity. Like most essential oils, rye is produced by steam distillation. The steam passed through the pellets for several years, from which the ether was seen, which was collected, cleansed and poured into containers. Once they realized that this method greatly reveals the positive power and the wonderful aroma of flowers, they began to dominate it using the enfleurage method. Powerful

For internal congealing, drip the zucchini onto a piece of paper and dissolve it and dilute it with milk and drink.

To syringe with a splash of water, take 3 teaspoons of soda, followed by 2-3 drops of essential oil.

For mouth rinses, add 3 drops of oil to a liter of water and rinse up to 5 times a day. Zastosuvannya at the perfumery The essential oil of Trojan has become widespread in perfumery.

Nina can go to the market quickly great quantity It is strong until blackened, peeled, curdled and baked.

Oliya troyandi for exposure runs into these symptoms.

Skin defects

  • Rozheve oil will help to repair the following skin defects:
  • other mimetic wrinkles,
  • dark cola and bags under the eyes,
  • pigmented spots,
  • spots, black specks,
  • surface skin damage: wounds, cracks, peeling,


Face masks

It’s easy to make a few face masks at home, which are suitable for most common injuries.

It is important to follow these recommendations: steam the clothing before drying, wear it no more than a day, wash it with warm water and carefully blot it with a towel, without rubbing it.

To cleanse the skin

The mask is suitable for oily, combination and normal skin, it has a peeling effect.

Removes keratinized cells from the surface of the skin, renews, rejuvenates, smoothes.

Grind 5 tbsp in a blender.

spoons of rice, mix with a tablespoon, 5 tbsp.

spoons of fermented baked milk or kefir and 3 drops of rye fermented butter.

For cooking dry and torn skins In equal proportions, honey and sour cream are mixed with a couple of drops of rye oil and applied to the face.

  • Check your reaction to honey and oil in advance to avoid allergies.
  • To renew dry skin
  • This mask also cleanses pores to remove congestion.
  • Suitable for oily, combination skin.
  • Mix a tablespoon of clay with a separate spoon of low-fat milk.
  • Add 1 drop of ylang-ylang, tryandi and lavender to the masa.
  • You can’t let it dry out for an hour, so that the clay catches and tightens the skin.
  • During the process, sprinkle with water from a spray bottle.

Rozheve oil drip onto a cotton pad until the main tonic and wipe the face in the evening for more thorough cleansing of the skin and food

Many women insist that beauty requires sacrifice.

But in truth, everything is simple, even though nature has blessed us with its generous gifts for health.

25th 2013, 14:22 The smell and beauty of the Trojans cannot be equaled by any other card. The rose is adored by most wives, and those who don’t seem to recognize this flower are melodiously deceiving.


colorful gum

The number of people is so great that women often cannot tell exactly what they look like.

It’s all the same to say that the dazzling aroma of Trojan cannot be confused with anything. Like most essential oils, rye is produced by steam distillation. It is not for nothing that the pellets of this plant are used to prepare an essential oil, which is one of the most valuable in the world.

Just remember: in order to weed out just 1 kg of oil, the grower needs about 5 thousand kg of oil. Let's try to figure out what kind of authorities are in Volodya's erysipelas and why they are so good for the skin of the body, revealing the hair, and also let's talk about the influx that gives the body as a whole. Oliya Troyandi: history and methods of extraction First, the Trojans appeared in the mountains of Pivdennogo China, after which they expanded to India, and then they “moved” to Africa and “settled” in the Closer Skhod. This region itself is important for its light production of rye oil.

The ethereal oil of Troyand, grown in Nymechchyna, can be light green in color, and the axle product, brought from Africa, can be yellow-hot or have a Burshtin color. Sometimes the butter of the trojan is supplied in a thick form - a pale rye emulsion, which resembles the consistency of margarine. Make sure to extract the essential oil from Trojan using an alternative method of steam distillation.

There is very little of this oil at the output, but then add it in a concentrated form, so you need to add at least a few drops when making cosmetic products.

Cool fact

: Olya production begins immediately after harvesting the pellets, and even the leaves are so tender that they can begin to smell literally several years after they have been picked. Since the Trojan pellets are not over-processed by stretching, then the quantity of oil can change to 60-65%. What do you know about the red power of the Trojans?

So, just like other essential oil compositions, rye oil is also respected for its cinnamon essences.

However, it is simply impossible to put it on the same level as other compositions, because the aroma of rye oil cannot be compared with others.

However, there is an obvious and paradoxical fact: the delicate aroma and unique lightness of wines only emerge after extensive dilution, while the concentrate has an extremely unpleasant odor.

Rozheve oil can be added to the urchin (for example, drip it onto a piece of zucchini),

5. Of course, we cannot forget about the influx of the majority of Trojans onto the skin of the face.

It can be added to creams, soaking gels, scrubs and emulsions to remove makeup. It is allowed to wipe the skin with a small amount of rye oil to increase elasticity and reduce wrinkles. 6. Interacts with the essential oil of the pellets and other oils, for example, with almond and coconut.

They are allowed to mix and create

effective masks for hair So, you can revive damaged hair, avoid exfoliation and peeling, smooth out unruly hair and revitalize your hair. Ideal seam-like skin: congealed rye oil for skinning Just remember: an ideal opportunity to watch the fur of the skin, which conveys the sweetness and power of the miraculous.

delicate aroma , built trim on the skin long time ago . And everything is combined in one simple ingredient - rye oil.

Trojans can use as many petals as even young women, for example, to combat acne and acne.

have a blessed life

To smooth out wrinkles and enhance the appearance of the oval.

For any age or skin type, rye oil is suitable, don’t hesitate: buy it and try to create a universal

life mask

for denunciation.

Face mask with rye oil

100 ml still mineral water,

Rye oil will undoubtedly become a constant companion for women who discover for themselves their delectable, lovable and loving powers.

Your beautiful, curly hair will become perfectly even, and styling will no longer last for years. In addition, Trojan oil is an optimal solution for combating frizz and renewing hair after conditioning or curling. The greatest

simple mask

, Yaku Vi can work at home - life with olives.

This is the sum of the upcoming events:




The essential oil of Troyand only needs 1-2 drops, and the basic oil can be added 1-2 tbsp.


To renew the structure and protect the hair, it is recommended to cover the root and distribute the mixture along the entire length to the ends of the hair.

In order for the essential oil of the plant to be applied directly to problem areas of the body, covering or scalp, please follow the recommendations and adjust the recipes of the masks.

Do not overdo it, otherwise you may not even notice the reduction of the skin in the shortest form or directly eliminate the prolongation effect in the worst case.

Women are the essence of a subtle soul, who fear that they will soon be deprived of the young and important for their other halves.

People always help us in this difficult situation, guessing, dissecting and provoking all new ways to look behind the skin.

Throughout the century, humanity has benefited from the benefits of nature, which has given the world medicinal plants that have miraculous powers. Not much has changed in the world. Science has begun to more clearly recycle natural resources, including the emergence of miraculous cosmetic properties.

The producers of the 21st century have achieved great things.

These include essential erysipelas - a universal substance with high therapeutic activity.

In Russia they began to prepare it in the territory of Crimea.

Entire plantations were being created, where arable Trojans were being felt. But most of the produce is exported mainly from Italy, Bulgaria and Moldova., reducing the appearance of skin fat and sounding.

It is necessary to wipe the surface with essential oil or add a few drops of cream.

With such procedures, the upper part of the epidermis will become velvety and smooth.

This year, the skin will become smooth, tighten up, and cleanse itself from the heat.

For older women, cosmetologists recommend regularly applying this mask: add yellow clay, a drop of olive oil, rye oil and water.

Apply thick porridge with massage rubs onto the exposed décolleté area.

Amazing power is attributed to the flower extract.

For a long time people have been suffering from viral and fungal diseases.

I use bloodstain, astringent and antiseptic rye oil.

Zastosuvannya is especially indicated for dental problems.

Helps heal cuts, wounds, wounds. In the middle, the value of the vessels is changed, the pressure is lowered..

Top recommendations during menopause: relief of symptoms.

There has been a lack of treatment for endometriosis, endometritis and adnexitis. How to earn a Trojan oil with your own hands? Since you don’t have enough money to buy acid extract, you can prepare an analogue yourself.

Naturally, the medicinal authorities of such an evil will be much weaker.

There is rye oil in households from all sorts of Trojans.

Remove the pellets from the buds until the sun rises, place them in a container, pour in olive or sesame oil.

Slide the track

dark place
Historically, rye oil has been known as a perfumery product since ancient times - the Egyptians embalmed mummies with it.
The history of its history in cosmetics has been long and lasting, and above all, that has come down to the present day. And the Bulgarian Rozheva Oliya itself is one of the most expensive and most valuable. Everyday perfumers come here to check their authority and arrange their contracts for the purchase of oil independently of the complicated European procedures.
“Bulgarian corn oil has no competitors. Aligned with oils from other countries, your oil has a subtle, harmonious and consistent aroma, which is given superiority by the French perfumer Thierry Wasser. And in truth, Bulgarians, who have shown the discretion to quickly take advantage of the gifts of nature of their land, cannot be satisfied with the wonderful effect on the skin of their skin.

Troyanda has long been famous as the queen of beauty, and her wickedness in cosmetics has brought her to the throne of the king of beauty.
It is entirely logical that this crowned person should have her own sacred place. Yogo vshanovuyut since 1903 r. From the very beginning they celebrated the holiday on the first weekend of Chern, and on those days the holy place of the Trojans, Kazanlika, became holy. These days marked the beginning of the harvest of the Trojans.

Over the course of the day, it became more and more sacred, and since the end of the day it was already designated as a festival that had been going on for more than a month. During this period, guests of Kazanlik could choose what to admire from a wide variety of musical, theatrical and ballet performances, ceremonies and rituals, exhibitions-sales of ancient dances, photo plein airs, exhibitions, and daily dance competitions. The main rituals, however, are concentrated on three special days. At the first of them, on the 25th of May, it is traditional to lay an ear of corn in the village of Rozove, Kazanli district.“Rozvarennya” (a glass of rye butter) starts at 3 rubles in the “Kulata” Ethnographic Complex in Kazanliku.

The finale of the festival coincides with the 24th of June, the day of the pagan holy day of the Slavs of the summer (in the Russian tradition - the day of Ivan Kupali, in the Bulgarian - “Nevden”, sacred to all who choose

Likuvalnye herbs

- "Herbalist").

On this day, Yenevsky rituals are assigned - weaving of vines, weaving of arches from herbs, the ritual “Yenev is named”.

  • One of the most popular features of flower cosmetics is the essential oil of the plant.
  • It’s wonderful to be able to look behind the skin of any type.
  • This is a help for dry, sensitive and mature skin.
  • Legends have been written about him since distant hours, and chronicles
  • different countries
  • And people will guess about the enchanting authorities.
  • Characteristics, power and storage
  • The noblest species are all Moroccan and Damascus Trojans.

Their warehouses compete for hundreds of related components, otherwise the process is identical.

  • Oliya of the Moroccan Trojan is a strong aphrodisiac.
  • Add the color of the oil to the output milk: from muted yellow to pale green.
  • The lower the storage temperature, the thicker the consistency.
  • Normal density changes depending on the temperature.
  • embraces the preservation of youthful skin, anticipates the guilty frown and judgmental baby on the face;
  • brightens with the possibility of complete sleep pigment spots that's a chill.

The oil rejuvenates the skin, nourishes the hair, tones and softens.

It gives spring and elasticity to the skin. The result of regular drying is a fresh, healthy look. Vono is one of

shortest benefits

with inflamed and irritated skins, it has a stronger antiseptic power.

  1. Methods of removal

There are a number of ways to capture this miraculous feature: On the virobnitstvo they gain ether; Oliya from Trojan in

  • industrial minds

vibrate in two ways:

  • distillation

Hot steam flows through the mass of pellets.

The capsule substance is separated into essential oil and hydrolate (vitamin water).

Most of the products are sold at average prices through a remarkable simplicity of the process and a high degree of production.


The pellets are placed on plates with odorless fat and covered with base mixture until the ethers are polished.

  1. The portion of trojans is often changed to fresh with gaps (kilka dib). The result of this stage is fudge. Another method of enfleurage is mixing with alcohol or other pure alcohol.
  2. The fat is strengthened to resolve the breakdown, then separation is carried out with alcohol from the oil.
  3. The oil that comes out is called absolute.

In aromatherapy, rye oil is used as an effective calming agent.

Even more popular is the representative of a beautiful article.

A few drops of these essences can relieve stress, relieve nervous tension and create a more positive outlook on the world.

  1. Women with erysipelas will be helped to become more confident in themselves and to discover the internal reserves of femininity and beauty.
  2. Being a strong aphrodisiac, it helps to maintain a low diet and avoid sexual problems.
  3. The power of oli Trojans:

In aromatherapy, as in any kind of bath, there are rules:The first procedures are carried out using small doses.

Rozhev oil is not distilled in its pure form, but is divided into basic ones (almond, apricot, peach, olive).

Entry into aromatherapy sessions may be accepted - for the cob no more than 20 drinks per session.

  1. To achieve the most effective results from aromatherapy, it is necessary to create a clear wash: create muted lighting, without bright lights;
  2. - put away everything that stress creates for you;
  3. - Create silence;
  4. To treat a sore throat, apply rye oil in one or two drops using a pipette to the affected area (you can apply it with a cotton swab).
  5. The procedure is repeated three times a day for three days.
  6. Frequency of application at intervals of 4-5 years.
  7. The pulpit rejoices at the filling channel, which includes the oil of the trojan. It completely kills microorganisms for 5 minutes.

Toothache for 3-4 years can be removed by leaving it empty, affected by caries, diluting ether.

Treating periodontal disease occurs by applying a soaked swab with erysipelas water.

  • The compress is applied until the pain is clear.
  • The bleeding is clear and the whiteness that is turbulent will go away after several sessions.

One rejoices in the process of burning and the light is clear.

Dry hair ends are rejuvenated by applying a mixture of amygdaloid oil and erysipelas to them - approximately 1 tablespoon per 3 drops.

For the root treatment, use a massage mask.

The basis of this is a vital massage of the scalp.

It is necessary to prepare sumish: up to 1 tablespoon of almond or olive oil, add five drops of ether.

Apply over the entire hair growth surface and massage the scalp for 10 lengths.

Distribute the excess throughout the entire hair.

To reduce the greenhouse effect, wrap your hair with a towel and let it sit for 1-1.5 years, then wash it out.

If you experience headaches either before or after the procedure, change the concentration.

Combination of rye oil with various components As basic oils, they are ideal companions: algae, apricot, olive. Contraindicated

Zastosuvannya at pobuti

  • Carob oil, produced to kill coma, is often promoted as a natural repellent.
  • With regular aromatherapy sessions, it helps you quit smoking.
  • If you are planning a long trip, be sure to take the alcohol with you - it promotes respect and does not allow the potency to be wasted at a dose.
  • Dosage and emulgator
  • The most commonly used emulsifiers are: - ethyl alcohol 40% (vonka);

- Honey;

- fermented milk products (kefir, sour milk, yogurt);

Rozhevo oil is a very valuable product. And a lot of money is spent on this production: for removing 1 kg. 5000 kg of milk is consumed.

The average price is 250-300 rubles per 5 ml.

Since the price is lower, then, more than for everything, you have added more product - you won’t have to spend it