Organi roslini: leaf. Vegetative and generative organs, their functions. Kvitkonizhka is the place between the nodes under the kvitka. Flowers with reduced blood flow are called sessile

Plants, like all living things, are made up of cells. Hundreds of cells of different shapes and with the same function create tissue, and from several tissues an organ is formed. The main organs of a plant are the root, the stem and the leaves, the skin of which has an entire function. The important organs used for reproduction are flowers, fruits and life.


The roots have two main functions: the first - to give life to the growth, the second - to anchor them in the soil. Indeed, the root drains water from the ground and dissolves the mineral salts in it, thus ensuring the gradual growth of the plants with moisture, which is necessary both for its survival and for its growth. Why is it so important that the plants do not wilt or dry out by regularly watering them in hot and dry times.

The last part of the root is the growing, smooth, hairless part in which maximum growth occurs. The growth speck is covered with a thin dry shell, a root cap, which makes it easier for the roots to penetrate into the ground. The soaking zone, which is located close to the growth point, is designed to soak up water and mineral salts, essential plants, it is covered with a thick substance, which can be easily seen behind the help of a grinding glass and which is used to fold the nylon These roots are called root hairs. The zone of roots that needs to be carried out has the function of transferring the elements of life. In addition, they have a support function, they help to firmly fix the growth in the soil. The shape, size, and other characteristics of the roots are closely related to these functions and, of course, change depending on the medium in which they are to develop. Because the roots are underground, water and winds are growing.

The root weed of plants of the same species is the most different dowzhin, how to lie in the type of soil and the amount of water that can fit in it. In any case, the roots are much longer, we think, especially when it comes to taking care of the finest root hairs, which need to be buried; zagalom, the root apparatus of the arraignment is much stronger, the lower above-ground part of the growth that is located on the surface of the earth.


The main functions of the stem are support for the aerial parts and connections between the root system and leaves, in which the stem regulates the even distribution of living stems throughout internal organs Roslini. On the stem where the leaves are attached, there are sometimes noticeable areas called nodes, the part of the stem between two nodes is called internodes. The stem in a mature state, depending on its thickness, has different names:

The stem is not as thick as most grassy roslin;

Straw, like grains, is empty and separated, like grains, with good knots. Make sure that such a stem is rich in silica, which increases its value;

Stovbur, as it has a village and gardens, like most trees; or wood, if not deforested, with leaves on the top, like palm trees.

Depending on the thickness of the stem, the plants are divided into:

Herbaceous plants, which have a younger, non-woody stem;

Drinks, in which the stem contains wood only from the base;

The bushes, whose mustaches have become woody, are being degraded from the very core;

Villages that have villages surrounded by trees, some have a central whole (Vlasne Stovbur), which is only located near the upper part.

Due to the dryness of life, which is associated with the life cycle, herbaceous plants are divided as follows:

One-sided, or one-sided, as they grow only one river and die after that, as they blossom, give fruit and spread in the present day;

Housekeepers, or courtyard workers, like stinks grow two rocks (cause the first river has only a rosette of leaves, the other one blooms, bears fruit, then withers);

Bagatory plants, or rich plants, who live more than two years, cause them to bloom and bear fruit quickly, and “grow”, so that in cold or dry hours the above-ground part dies, and the underground part of the growth becomes overcrowded I feel like I'm alive. And plants in which part of the stem can change and turn into a useful organ. Use these underground stems to serve for vegetative propagation, as well as for preserving plants during an unfavorable period for growth. The most common of them are bulbs (like potatoes), rhizomes (iris) and cibulins (narcissus, hyacinth, cibul).


At the Bagato Riznikh, Golovna - Tstzintez, Tobto, Tobto, the reaction in the tissue sheet, not for the pre -unit of the organ of the organ, but the Kisen, Yaki Trevybniy for Zhitty on our planets. Therefore, the leaf is folded from the petiole, the leaf blade is smaller and smaller, which supports the veins, and the leaflets. The petiole connects the leaf to the stem. If there is no petiole, then the leaves are called sessile. In the middle of the leaf there are vascular-fiber bundles. The stench persists in the leaf blade, dissolving, forming a dense network of veins (nervation), which circulates the leaves, in addition, the stench supports the blade, giving it its value. Primed on the spread of the main veins, different types of veining are distinguished: palmate, periste, parallel to the arcus. At the leaf records in the deposit of the same, Yaki Roslini, there is a way, Buva, the rib (hard, Sokovyti i.g. And the edge of the sheet scarf takes off its name according to its shape (solid, toothed, serrated, spade, etc.). If the notch reaches the central vein, then the blades become independent and the shape of leaves may appear, in this type the leaves are called folded, which, in their turn, are divided into palmate-folding, pinnate-folding, and so on.


The beauty and originality of the forms and the production of flowers create a whole new meaning. In all this, having been created by hundreds of tricks and additions, nature only feeds the bottle in order for it to last. A flower, which has human and female organs, to achieve its goal must undergo two important and necessary processes: filing and sealing. Zazvichiy at great roslin There are two cells, so they contain both human and female organs. In some cases, there are reasons for separation: in dioecious plants, for example, willow, mountain leaf and laurel, human and female flowers, the flowers are found on different specimens, and in monoecious plants, for example, in corn and watermelon, on the same plant Both men and women's boxes are located nearby. In fact, all the parts that make up the flower are different types of sheets that were created in order to perform different functions.

Above the peduncle there can be a thickening, called the receptacle, from which different parts of the flower grow. Subtle or simple, the color is the outermost and most noticeable part of the flower, the color in the direct sense of the word hugs the reproductive organs and is formed from the calyx and crown. The calyx is made up of leaves, called green ones, called sepals, which are created especially during the period when the flower is at the bud stage, protecting the internal parts. If the sepals are fused together, like in a carnation, the calyx is called succulent, and if the sepals are separated, like in a trojan, the calyx is separate-petalous. The cup rarely falls, and in such situations it not only preserves itself, but also grows in order to better fulfill its drying function. The crown - another element of color - is made up of petals, which are brightly fermented and also have a pleasant smell. Their main function is to prevent comas in order to alleviate inflammation and reproduction. If the pellets are less fused with each other, the flower is called compenpetal, and if they are separated, then separately pelustal. If there is no obvious difference between the cup and the flower, as, for example, in a tulip, the color is called simple flower-like, and the flower itself is simple. The human reproductive apparatus, the vesicle, or the androecium, is made up of a varied number of stamens, which are composed of a sterile, thin and retracted stalk called the filament, at the top of which there is a filet, in which Place small bags with sawdust. The buttermilk file that covers the human element can be yellow or orange in color.

The female reproductive apparatus is the uterus, or gynoecium, produced by one or more uteri. The skin of them consists of a lower empty and swollen part, called a cord, that can accommodate one or a few seeds, the upper thread-like part is called a stanchion, and its upper part is intended for collection and removal. Nya of sawdust grains is called reelce.

Flowers on a tree can grow out one at a time, at the top or axils of the legs, but more often they form groups, so-called flowers.

Among the most important flowers are the following: flowers created by flowers on flower stalks: penzel, for example, wisteria, volotya (buzok), parasolka (carrot) and a shield like a pear. Flowers made of stemless, sessile flowers: ear (wheat), catkin (filter), cat (daisy).


Very often, wind, water, mosquitoes and other creatures take an unfavorable fate in the most important operation of cutting down, necessary for the propagation of plants. Numerous mosquitoes, for example, bjoli, dzhemli and snowstorms in search of the nectar, the succulent liquid found in the nectaries, grown in the inner part of the rich flowers, sit on the flowers. When the larvae begin to burn, then the sawdust is poured onto them from the mature saw blades, and the pulp is transferred to other cutlets, where the sawdust is drained on a sieve. This is how contamination occurs. The brightly brewed, aromatic shape and aroma of the flowers has a unique function of producing coma-drinkers, which is to transfer the files from one flower to another.

The file, especially very light, which can be found in abundance in plants with small flowers without a crown, is also not suitable for comas, and cannot be tolerated by the wind. The whole file itself, which is transferred to majestic proportions in the wind, it is the cause of most spring allergies.

Fruit for now

After the wall of the ovary becomes thickened, the ovary undergoes profound changes, becomes woody or becomes fleshy, produces fruit (or an ovary, an ovary), and at the same time the ovaries develop. Accumulating stock lifelong speeches, the stench is transformed into reality. Often, when the fruit is ripe, the wine is juicy, meaty, brightly fermented and smells good. This way it adds the creatures that have eaten it, the stench helps to spread the food everywhere. Since the fruit is not very fermented and not fleshy, it means that today it will be expanded in a different way. For example, the fruit of the meadow kulbab has light fluffs that resemble a small parachute, and the fruit of the maple and linden tree has wings and a stench that is easily carried by the wind; In other fruits, for example, turnips and dung, whose stench emanates from sheep’s wool and people’s clothes.

Among the fleshy fruits, the most famous is the drupe, in the middle of which there is one fruit, taken over by a supercarp (cherry, plum, olive), and a berry, in which there is a lot of fruit and stench embedded directly in pulp (grapes, tomatoes).

Dry fruits vary depending on whether they open on their own, when ripe or not. For example, before the first group there are beans, or legume pods (peas, kvass), leaves (leaf, radish, alyssum), poppy seed and seedlings (borets). The fruits of the other group always have the same substance, practically welded to the fruit itself. The most common uses are the kernel in cereals, the kernel in maple and elm, and the seed with a forelock in composite flowers.

In the middle of the fruit there is the present day, in which there is an embryo, practically a miniature growth. Having spent in the soil, where the seed can sprout, it will emerge from a state of calm, in which there may be a few rocks, and they begin to disappear. In this manner, this day completes its final functions, so that the life of the couple who could not live on their own will be destroyed, and a new life will begin.


Posted on 01/15/2013

Vegetative and generative organs, their functions.

An organ is a part of a plant that has a different function. Roslins have vegetative and generative organs.

Vegetative organs – these are the organs that ensure the basic processes of life (food, food, protection and vegetative reproduction) These are the roots, stems, leaves, leaves.

Generative organs are organs that ensure the state of reproduction (flowers, fruits, livestock).

These organs can be modified (either emergency functions or loss of non-essential functions).

Vegetative organs of growths:

1. Root is an axis organ that performs the functions of root life of the plant and fixation of the plant in the soil.

There are 3 types of roots:

    The cap root develops from the crown root

    appendages - from the side (stems, leaves),

    bichni – type of head and appendages.

Internal bud root

The zones of a young root are different parts of the root, which consist of different functions and are characterized by the distinct features of the root. A young root has 4 zones:

    The bottom zone is the top of the root, with a depth of 1-2 mm. There is lighted fabric here that will ensure the growth of the grass root. This zone is protected by the root cap from living cells, which form behind the shell of light tissue.

    The zone of growth, or stretching, is a zone of several millimeters that follows the zone of division. In this zone, the cells are divided almost daily, the cells stretch as much as possible beyond the formation of vacuoles.

    The soaking zone is a zone of several centimeters, where root hairs are grown. The root hair is the primary growth of the cell of the outer sphere. Dovzhina root hairs up to 8 mm. The average 1 mm2 of root surface contains 100 to 300 root hairs. This is a larger total area of ​​moistened water and salts. The clay water absorbs the acids found in root hairs, which dissolve mineral salts. Root hairs are fragile and die after 10-20 days. The dead (at the upper part of the zone) are replaced by new ones (at the lower part of the zone). For this reason, the moistened zone will always be located at the same distance from the root tip and will move to new plots of soil for the entire hour.

    The conduction zone is considered more than the wet-out zone. In this zone, water and mineral salts, drawn from the soil, are transferred through conductive tissues from the roots to the stem and leaves. Immediately, for the process of cultivating the natural roots, the root will need to be loosened.

2. The stem is the axial part of the plant that bears leaves, branches, flowers and fruits.

The main functions of the stem are support, conduction, and storage.

Additional functions: organ of vegetative reproduction, organ of photosynthesis.

There are two main types of stems: herbaceous and woody. Herbaceous - means the current one growing season, as a rule, is not woody (or weakly woody) and non-woody (or weakly woody). The herbaceous stems are most closely pressed to different minds accommodation The woody stems are rich in nature, last for an indefinite period of time, and consist of many balls:

Bark (skin, cork and bast) - ball cambium - wood - core

    The skin and cork perform the same function.

    Lentils - humps with openings, roasted in bark, the stems are preserved.

    Sieve-like tubes move organic speech.

    The cambium of creations with light fabric will ensure the growth of the stem in the garden. As a result of the periodic activity of the cambium, river rings are created in the tree - the growth of the tree during one growing season.

    The villages provide water and salt.

    The core has a reserve function (from the main tissue that it stores).

    Lubs and wood fibers from mechanical fabrics perform a supporting function.

3. Arkush – vegetative, consolidating, biological organ of the body.

The main functions of the leaf: photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration.

Additional functions – storage, drying, vegetative reproduction.

The leaves of most plants are composed of leaf blades, petioles, and many leaves have leaflets.

The leaf blade is expanded, meaning the flat part of the leaf, which serves the functions of photosynthesis, transpiration and gas exchange. Petiole - a sounded part of the leaf that connects the leaf blade to the base and regulates the position of the leaf according to the lightness. Leaves with petioles are called petiolate, while those without petioles are called sessile. Since the base of the leaf at the end of the tube touches a part of the stem (wheat), then the leaf is called vaginal.

See the leaves. It is easier and easier to separate the leaves.

Simply use the leaves - draw one leaf blade.

The folded leaf is formed from tens of distinctly strengthened leaf blades, each with its own petiole attached to the lateral petiole.

The growth of leaves on the stem can be:

    chergove – lista roztashovane one by one

    opposite - leaves rotastovane one against one

    whorl often - from one node grow a bunch of leaf blades

    The rosette leaves grow on a shortened spine.

Leaf venation is the process of spreading out the fibrous bundles (veins) of the leaf plate. The veins are transported along the veins of the leaf and they support the shape of the leaf blade. There are several types of veining: net, finger, arc, parallel.

Klitinna budova sheet

The leaf is on the bottom and the bottom of the leaf is covered with skin - epidermis. There may be a cuticle and a waxy coating above the epidermis. The clinae of the upper epidermis are barless and fit tightly one to the other. The lower surface of the leaf is covered with epidermis, which does not perish. Breathing is created by two closing cells, among which is the stomatal fissure. Through the breath, gas exchange and evaporation of water occurs (transpiration). In those floating on the surface of the water, the leaves of the leaves grow on the upper epidermis, and in the leaves that are curled up, the leaves grow on the upper epidermis.

Between the upper and lower epidermis the flesh of the leaf grows, covered with thick and spongy tissue. Often the fabric is unstitched under the top skin of the sheet and the fabric is woven great quantity chloroplasts, the process of photosynthesis takes place. Closer to the lower epidermis, spongy tissue grows, which plays an important role in the functions of gas exchange and transpiration. Cells of spongy tissue (some of irregular shape), loose fluff, among them there is a well-developed interclinary system, which facilitates gas exchange and transpiration. Cells of the labial tissues take part in photosynthesis, but to a lesser extent, the cells of the common parenchyma, since the number of chloroplasts in them is 2-6 times less.

Change the sheet

In the process of bringing to mind a whole leaf or any part, changes may occur in the external appearance and internal appearance, which may result in changes or metamorphoses of the leaf. (Div. fig.)

The thorns (1) are characteristic of bushes that thrive in dry and humid climates, although they often develop stinks in bushes of other climatic zones. The spines change transpiration and protect the plants from being eaten by animals (for example, the spines of a cactus and barberry).

Vusiki (2) - valuable thread-like creations, sensitive to the touch and suitable for lazine. In vetch, sochevitsa, and peas, the upper part of the leaf changes.

Hunters (3) grow near the bushes that grow on swampy, peaty, poor mineral soils. With the help of trapping devices, crabgrass, Venus flytrap, and Nepenthes vicorista are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, organic urchins that poison animals.

Juicy lusks (4) and cabbage cloves, cabbage leaves - this is a modification of the leaf, which has the function of storing living substances. In aloe, agave (5), juice the leaves and perform the function of storing water.

The leaves can be cut into pieces, for example, on rhizomes, on leaves, horsetail leaves.

4. Vtecha – the above-ground axis organ of the plant. The wine is a stem with leaves and flowers grown on new leaves.

The place where the base of the leaf is attached to the stem is called a node, between the petiole of the leaf and the stem is the leaf axil, the node, and at the axil is the axillary node. A place between two nodes is called an inter-node. At each stage of development, the interunit development is divided into shortened sections (trains with weakly developed short interunivers) and shortened sections (trains with long interunivers).

Behind the character of the roaming in the expanse of the chase there are:

    erect - with a stem that grows vertically uphill;

    the shoulders rise, so that the head grows horizontally, and then vertically;

    creep - to grow more or less horizontally;

    creeping trails are similar to creeping, but at the end of the day they take root with the help of adventitious roots that are established at the nodes; (sunitsa);

    the curly branches of the building are entwined around other growths or any supports (Khurtovyna Polova, Khmil),

    Climbing (climbing) runners can be attached (tendrils, suction cups, hooks, etc.) for matting on supports or other growths (peas, grapes, ivy).

5. Nirka – the embryonic flow is shortened, tobto. May all parts leak, but there is a stink in the embryonic stage. The calls are stolen by nirka pieces.

Behind the warehouse this function is located:

    vegetative - from them the leaves develop (in most shoots). In the middle of the hole there is a germ stem, which ends in a cone of growth and a germ leaf. In the axils of the leaves, the rudiments of axillary nirca are formed.

    generative (kvitkov, reproductive) - the paths from which the flowers and life develop, so that they also contain the rudiment of the flower and life.

    vegetative-generative (mixed) – branches from which leafy stalks with flowers (apple, pear, buzok) develop. The prices are similar to the vegetative ones, but the cone of growth of transformations is similar to the germinal cell or the succulent.

After growing, nirks are cut on the stem:

    verkhivkovi (on the tip of the flow);

    bіchni (to give the steps to the offensive order of unwinding);

    axils (develop in the axils of the leaves;

    appendages (either upper or axillary branches; they appear on mature parts of the stem, root and leaf from the internal tissues).

Everyday life will be deprived of undiscovered riches of fate.

They are called sleeping brunks. When the plants are damaged, the plants “throw out”, giving rise to new shoots.

Modified carriages

Views are also connected with the addition of special additional functions. Basically, the changes are of a permanent nature and are associated with the accumulated supply of living substances, vegetative propagation, protection from the consumption of animals, etc.

The above-ground and underground types of sections are differentiated.

Aboveground modifications of the carriages:

    Stolons are stalks with long thin internodes and serve for vegetative propagation and dispersal. Stoloni sunitsa are called wuss.

    Thorns - to form the head rank with the function (thorn, apricot, pear, sea buckthorn, lemon, glide).

    Vusiki - develop from plants with thin and weak stems that cannot independently support a vertical position (grapes).

    Fleshy pasta - represent water storage and asimilation functions (cacti, milkweed).

    Kachan is a giant modified nirka that develops in the first river, accumulating lifelong speech in the leaf.

Underground modified carriages

Rhizome-bagatory underground flow (convalia, pyria, valerian and so on). It represents the functions of renewal, vegetative propagation and accumulation of the supply of living substances. The call is guessed by the root, but also by the top and axillary leaves, reduced leaves and seemingly barless onions. From the stem nodes, adventitious roots develop. Reserves of living substances are deposited at the stem part during the leak.

    Bulba is a compound of underground liquid (potato, Jerusalem artichoke, nasturtium bulbous). The formation of the bulb is achieved at the top of the underground stolon with the additional activity of the top layer. The Verkhivka brunka is growing towards the stolon and is growing all over. Small, floaty, lustrous leaves quickly die and fall off, and in their place leaf scars appear. At the sinus of the cutaneous leaf in the buried areas there are groups of three to five brunettes - a point.

start="3" Cibulina - a shortened underground flow (cibulina, chasnik, lilies). The stem part of the cibulini - the bottom with very shortened internodes - carries numerous succulent modifications of the leaves - lusks. The outer parts quickly become visible, dry out and cease to function. The juice lusas have spare life-long speeches. In the axils of the cibulin lice there are nirks, from which above-ground septa or new cibulin are formed. At the bottom, adventitious roots are formed.


6. Kvitka - this is modified and shortened due to the boundaries of growth, intended for state reproduction. The fragments of the flower are altered by the flow, they disintegrate into parts that are torn by the stem and leaf movements. The stem and the stem are a modified stem, everything else is a modified leaf.

The head parts of the egg are the queen (female part of the egg) and the ventricle (human part of the egg). The matochka has a reel, a stopper, and an ovary. In the middle of the ovary there are sprouted ovules, in which the life is created. The larva is formed from venous threads and filets, where the supercaps ripen.

Other parts of the book:

    Vinochok - folded from pellets to serve for obtaining pellets.

    Cup - folded from sepals, it protects all parts of the flower in the bud stage.

    Kvitkolozha – the stem part of the kvitka is shortened. All other parts of the kettle are dissected on it.

    Kvitkonizhka is the place between the nodes under the kvitka. Flowers with reduced blood flow are called sessile.

The crown and calyx create the color. The perianth has the function of protecting the head parts of the flower - the utricle and larvae, and the function of obtaining pilus. There are simple and intermediate colors.

Simple coloring is not differentiated into a calyx and a crown, creating a collection of similar leaves that may have the same dimensions and distribution.

The natural color is differentiated into the calyx and the crown, which are divided into one type, size and preparation.

To identify the queens and larvae, the cells are separated:

    both articles - the utricle and the hymen (over 70%).

    Separate cells - either the queen or the chick are wobbling. Because there are only queens, the flower is called a weaver (female), and because there are only larvae, it is called a weaver (human).

It is important to separate single-item tickets on the lines:

    monoecious plants - plants that grow both female and human flowers (cucumber, corn, oak);

    dioecious plants - plants that in some examples grow female flowers, and in others - human flowers (doubleweed, willow, poplars, hemp, buckthorn, etc.).

7. Sutvittya is a group of quotes, in order.

Functions exist - collected at once, the different cells become noticeable for the sealers

Simple flowers - flowers are spread on the back axis:

    brush - flowers with eggplants one by one (convalia, bird cherry)

    ear - sessile flowers one after another

    kachan - kvitki on a thick axis (plantain)

    parasolka - flower stalks of flowers coming from the top of the axis (cybula, primrose, cherry)

    head – “sessile” flowers around a rounded axis (horse)

    cat – “sessile” flowers on a wide and flat axis (chamomile, dormouse)

Folding lights – on the folding axis there is a simple light:

    folding ear - with simple spikelets (wheat, rye)

    folding parasol - with simple parasols (carrot, crepe)

    voloti - from brushes (buzok, oats, grapes)

8. The plaid is the generative organ of the living tissues, in the middle of which the life is created.

Functions of the fruit: molding, healing and expansion.

The fruits are characteristically different from flowering plants. The fruit is released from the container after sealing. The main role in illuminating the fetus is played by the uterus. The lower part of the utricle - the ovary, which contains the ovules, grows and transforms into a plaid.

The fruit is composed of fertilization and saplings, the number of which corresponds to the number of ovaries. Sometimes other parts of the fruit (cell, stamens, color) also take part in the decomposition of the fruit.

Classification of fruits.

1. For the consistency of the fertilization:

    succulent fruits - succulent fruits (berry, drupe, apple, rich drupe, watermelon, hesperidium);

    dry fruits – dry ovum from mature fruits (bean, pod, capsule, pea, acorn, cherry, caryopsis, acorn).

2. For a long time:

    one-year-old fruits - there is one yearling in the middle (drussel, pea, acorn, simian, caryopsis, chrylate);

    rich fruits - rich fruits (berry, box, apple, bean, pod, rich fruit, rich pea, hesperidium).

Fruits of wild roses:

    Currant berries, blackberries, cranes, arus and others.

    Drupes - in cherries, peaches, wild garlic, plums, etc.

    Bagatokistyanka - in raspberries, cloudberries, and oranges.

    Garbuza - in garbuza, dini, kavun, ogirka.

    Hesperidium (orange) - in lemon, orange, tangerine, etc. in citrus fruits

    Bean - from legumes: peas, soybeans, stable beans, alfalfa, kvass, etc.

    Pod (pod) – in cross-flowers: cabbage, radishes, radishes, mustard, etc.

    Box - for poppy seed, blekoti, datura, bavovnik and in.

    Gorikh - near leschina, voloskogo gorіkh.

    An acorn is the white of an oak tree.

    Rich gorshok - in the sun, half.

    Krylatka - maple white.

    Today - for all complex flowers (culbabi, austria, daisies, dormouse, etc.)

    Grain – in all cereals (wheat, rice, corn, wheat, millet, barley, wheat, etc.)

9. The nasal plant is an organ of state reproduction, dispersal and the experience of unpleasant minds living in the living plants, which develops after the fermentation of the seed. Typically, turf is made up of husks (husk skins), germs and living tissue.

The nasal skin serves to protect the embryo from drying out and mechanical damage. It is formed from the covering of the ovum. On the surface of the skin you can see a small opening-micropile, which indicates breathing, as well as a scar - the place of further attachment of the ovum in the ovary.

The embryo now develops from a fertilized egg and has a diploid set of chromosomes (2p). The germ in the germ form contains all the main organs of the plant: the germ root, the stem, the stem and the first germ leaves - the cotyledons. Dicotyledons have two cotyledons, and monocots have one cotyledon.

Storage tissue (endosperm) develops from the sealed central nucleus of the embryo sac and contains a triploid set of chromosomes (3p).

The peculiarities of the plant are dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants.

There are a lot of water-bearing plants that have reserve words in the cotyledons, and their endosperm is young.

In monocots, reserve speech is located in the endosperm, which becomes the main part of life. Adjacent to the endosperm is an embryo, which has a good end, stem, stem and one cotyledon.

Expansion of fruits and life

After the creation of the present day, either the whole fruit or the present day (or the present day) that is located in the new one will be strengthened from the father’s lineage. The more popular the present day is, the less intense the competition is from the side of Father’s line. This also gives more chances to colonize a new territory, which will over time lead to an increase in the size of the population. The methods of dispersal of plants and fruits in flowering plants are very different.

Rozposyudzhennya to help the creatures. The fruits, covered with thorns and sods, stick to the skin or fur of animals that pass through, and can be transferred to the surface, first of all they will be lost or fall off. There are plenty of plants to produce fruits from the juice of the fruit to obtain birds and animals. These fruits are stolen due to overpoisoning in the grass tract and are immediately lost into the soil with excrement, germinate, and then in another place.

Rose every day in the wind. There are a lot of trees, which are blown everywhere by the wind, and special structures are visible. Before them can be seen flies (willow, willow, bayberry, kulbab fruits) and winged wings (from pine (voice), ash, ash, maple, hornbeam). In a number of roslins, for example in poppy seeds, there is a fruit - a box that sits on the stem when there is wind, so that numerous particles hang out through the pores at the top of the fruit.

Rose with water. A few fruits and vegetables are specially prepared for replenishment of additional water. The stench is to remove the windy empty water, so that it can be washed on the surface of the water. Coconut peas are a cluster with numerous potassium-bearing empty parts. The patches are protected with a thick membrane, which prevents them from sinking.

Self-frosting plants are expanding the growth of plants, in which the fruit is thrown out by the principle of a spring or metannia. Such a widening of the stem is typical for the said cucumber, sour sour, legumes, iris, lily, and primroses. The growths that scatter today tend to grow in such places, for these and other reasons it is impossible to vikorize other ways of settlement (wind, creatures). Most often, stinks linger in the remote corners of the forest, where there is no wind, where animals rarely pass.

In many fallouts, the expanded crop and fruit have an element of fallacy, and this fruit can grow in two or three ways. One of the main factors of episodic expansion is humans; The material may get wet or stick to your clothes or be transported with different materials on transport means. The discovery of grain crops in the buryans is a natural phenomenon that is observed throughout the entire earth. Peas stored in reserve by rodents may be deprived of sprouts in the coming spring. Poveni, hurricanes can also carry us far, far away. There are also fruits that can be grown and jumped (oats, kovil, etc.).

Vitality and reproduction of the plant organism, its integrity.

Plants, like all living organisms, die, live, grow, develop, and multiply. The plant body undergoes the exchange and transport of fluids and evaporation of water. Whenever the plant's organism undergoes the process of photosynthesis.

1) PHOTOSYNTHESIS The essence of photosynthesis is that green plants, with the help of solar energy from water and carbon dioxide with the participation of mineral compounds, create folding organic compounds. It is found in all green parts of plants, and in plants there are chloroplasts. However, the main process of photosynthesis (photosynthesis) occurs in the leaf. The energy is light, clayed with chlorophylls, where organic substances are synthesized. The result of photosynthesis is sourness. Organic substances, created during photosynthesis, contribute to the processes of life of the plant itself, and kisen - for digestion.

2) DIHANNA in plants during crop production, in response to photosynthesis. Gas exchange occurs through the respiratory tract, and if the stench is closed, the sourness comes from between the interclits. All organs of the plant die: stems (trunks) - through lenticels (pots with openings in the bark), leaves - through the vents, embryos - through the micropyle (opening), other organs - through the entire surface. When dried, organic speech oxidizes (dissolves) due to heat.

3) VIVILATION in plants is autotrophic (inorganic refluids). There are root (mineral) food, which is due to the help of root hairs, and vegetable food, which is photosynthesis. In mineral food, it is important to have three main elements in the soil: nitrogen (infuses the growth of plant organs), phosphorus (infuses the ripening of fruits), and potassium (infuses into the development of the root system).

4) Evaporation (TRANSPIRATION) - is emitted through the respiratory tract (main part) and through the surfaces of organs. The vaporization depends on the time of preparation, temperature, moisture content of the soil, the number of breaths on the sheet, etc. When water and salts are removed from the evaporation process, the plants are protected from overheating in hot weather. Vaporization is regulated by opening and closing the breaths. Excess CO2 at night, when the plants die and photosynthesis occurs during the day, causes acidification of the cytoplasm, changing the pH until the vents close. In the absence of light, photosynthesis in shutting down cells begins (as in other ears), turgor pressure decreases and the airways close. When there is no supply of water into the forest, the vents are also closed, thus saving the small amount of water available to the forest.

When there is moisture in the soil and in the air, the vents open, when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is low, the vents open, and at a temperature above 35 ° C, the axis closes. The liquid of the evaporation also lies in the wind, which blows from the surface of the leaf the liquid wind, so the plants of dry areas are often pubescent.

The amount of breath in the plants is stored and in the place of residence - the drying of the mind and the place where there is less breath per mm2.

5) TRANSPORT OF RECHOVINS in the rivers is due to the structure of conductive fabrics. Water and mineral waters are absorbed from the soil by root hairs, come from the stem and tracheids of the stem and rise up the hill behind the root pressure and transpiration (evaporation of water to leaves). Transport of organic substances consists of sieve-like tubes and bast companion cells. Along them, organic substances move in two directions – uphill and downward (to the side of the vessels, which water and mineral substances are transported uphill). The horizontal transport of organic substances to the medulla and back occurs along the medullary exchanges, which connect the bast and the medulla. The fluidity of the transport of fluxes depends on the temperature dovkilla. The higher the temperature, the faster the transpiration, the stronger the force of the root pressure and the faster the transport of streams. During the winter period, the sap of the trees begins to flow.

6) GROWTH - due to an increase in the size of growth and organs. This is for the shell of light tissue, grown in various organs, and for the shell of living tissues accumulated in the tissues. The root growth is a dowzhin for the rakhunok of the subclints, which were grown in the subzone. The stems grow at the bottom for the rakhunok of the split clumps at the cone of the growth, spread in the middle of the top layer (vertical growth) or for the rakhunok of the split clumps at the base of the internodes (insert growth). Inserted growth of the stem is not typical for cereal shoots. The growth of the stem in Tovshchina goes beyond the rakhunok to the subsection of the clitin cambium.

7) DEVELOPMENT - these are clear changes in growth during individual development. In the development of growths, care must be taken to distinguish between two generations: the unstated (sporophyte) and the stateless (gametophyte). The development of spore shoots begins with the sprouting of superechka.

In moss with friendly minds, superchicks grow into a protonema - a green thread that is silky. Special burrows are laid on the protonema, from which the gametophyte (the plant itself) develops over time. On human cells, sperm mature, and on female cells, eggs mature. Clogging is due for the presence of water. After mating on the female shoot, a diploid sporophyte develops - a capsule, and as a result of meiosis, haploid supercaps are created.

In fern-like sporophytes, the sporophyte has a rich growth, which causes complex formation and differentiation of tissues. The gametophyte is called a prothallus and is a small green patch that develops from a spore. Human and female gametes are created on them. Due to the presence of water (dew, fog, rain), loose human gametes reach the egg, the zygote is formed and becomes contaminated. Vaughn produces an ear of diploid sporophyte. From the beginning, the root grows, the stem and the first leaf are harvested for the shoot of the shoot, and then the development of the root system proceeds to independent harvesting and becomes a mature growth. On mature shoots, sporangia develop, meiosis occurs, and haploid supercells are created.


Roslina is a foldable living organism. To steadily enjoy the beauty of the growths near your apartment, you need to take proper care of the apartments, and also know a little about their life.

In order for the plant to successfully grow and actively grow near the apartment, it is important to provide it with food, wind, light and warmth. In order for the mother to be able to absorb the elements necessary for the growth and development of the element, special organs are formed.


When the plant begins to sprout, the first root appears. As soon as possible, the head root will come out. There are a lot of different barrel cinnamon coming out of it. All at once I create the root system. Long-standing type of growth root system there may be different options from the outside looking in. If the head root of the system is one-day, it is called a fibrous root system.

The root serves to secure the plant in the ground, as well as to prevent the plant from absorbing water and breaking down living elements in the soil. The more fibrous the root system will be room growth What is growing in the pot, this makes it easier for you to take water and living elements from the soil. The root itself contains not only growth, but also the decorativeness of the plant. It is important to gradually water the soil, fluff it up and prepare it.


This organ of the plant is a support, as well as a conductor of living waters and water from the root system to the leaves. The stem contains a lot of vessels, through which words are transmitted.

It's great! In some growing plants, green stems can also perform leaf functions such as photosynthesis, gas exchange, and transpiration.

The stems can be herbaceous or woody. They can also be divided into erect, creeping and curly forks. Before the original stems, you can bring the stems of cacti, which may be of a kula form or a stave form. In this part of the growth there is an accumulation of living streams.


Nirki serve for the propagation of plants, from them new leaves appear. Nirkas may be growing, and then the buds may be growing or leaves. Or soils will produce flowers if they carry the rudiments of a flower or a seed.

Potted brunettes from indoor growing plants are usually more rounded and large, lower growth brunettes. Many Rostov nirks will be deprived of tranquility during the last three hours, this state can be destroyed up to several times.

Also of great importance when growing room growth is the appendage broncs. The stench is an important reserve for the distant vegetative propagation Roslini.

Leaves and flowers

This is the main organ where plant photosynthesis, gas exchange and evaporation take place. The vein also acts as a reproductive organ. The petiole and leaf blade are formed. The shape and fertilization may vary depending on the type of growth. The leaves themselves give the skin its uniqueness and decorativeness.

The flowers are the color of indoor plants. The stench is silent. The color itself is an important final result of the development of qualities for rich shanuvalnye plants.

It is the primary vegetative organ of the plant, which has bilateral symmetry, dividing the top growth and the growing base.

It consists of leaf blades, petioles and bases. Leaves that do not have a petiole are called sessile (cereals).

on sheet plates noticeable number of veins. These are conductive bundles that connect the leaf to the stem. Their functions are conductive and mechanical. Monocots have veins that are parallel to the arc, and monocots have veins that are parallel to each other.

The leaves are simple. The edge of the leaf blade may be smooth, or it may be toothed, saw-shaped, or serrated.

Sometimes the petiole becomes flattened and a bunch of leaf blades sit on it. Such a sheet is called folding.

At the young Roslins leaves modified in connection with a non-specific function. The leaves turned into buds, the asparagus - into pieces, the cactus - into spines.

They separate the leaves, opposites and leaves.

The top and bottom of the leaf is covered with epidermis (skin). The epidermis protects algae and regulates gas exchange. In the epidermis there are special illuminations - vents, which serve for regular evaporation and gas exchange.

Breathing occurs automatically: as soon as there is enough water in the plant and the turgor (pressure of cell juice) changes, the cells that create breath collapse and close the stomatal gap. When there is too much water, the turgor moves, the airway valves move and open a gap, accommodating the excess.

Between the two balls of the epidermis lies the main sheet fabric- Green tissue or parenchyma. The cells lie in rows at the top (palisade parenchyma), and in rows at the bottom (lip parenchyma). The main function of these cells is... Vessels and sieve-like tubes pass through the parenchyma, which are used for mineral digestion.

Roslina, nerds leaves to ensure a healthy life for all anaerobic organisms on the planet.

In Russia, animals have special systems for transporting gases every day, so the skin independently removes acid from the body. The uniqueness of the plants lies in the fact that in the process of removing sourness and the release of carbon dioxide, a process occurs that accompanies the reaction of photosynthesis - the release of carbon dioxide and release of sourness.

For plants, gas exchange is characteristic, which directly changes in the sleep of the mind (at night the sourness moves into the plant, and in the day, not light, it is seen). The kisten reaches the parenchyma through the leaf apertures. The number of breaths is greater. So, for 1 mm2 of leaf, dormouse has close to 220 breaths; maple leaf is about 550. Cream of sour, which is a by-product of photosynthesis, smut, which in the leaf on the light bud is created by zukor, which is then converted into starch.

That. The green leaves of the roses create organic compounds from inorganic ones (carbon dioxide and water), resulting in sourness and vicorous energy of sleepy exchanges.

In the spring, the leaves become yellow and red, so that chlorophyll is released; Orange and yellow barnacles (pigments) in the chloroplasts of cells are thus preserved and become noticeable.

Until autumn, the leaf wedges will accumulate unnecessary growths and waste plants. The stench fades away as the leaves fall.

Leaf fall – tseroslin before change viparovuvannya water spring and winter.

The cultivation of plants for therapeutic purposes begins, one can safely say, from the very hour when the human race appeared on earth. The butt of the creatures clearly shows us that the world's living essences have an instinctive instinct about those who can bring value to the growing kingdom. The people, with their inquisitive mind, have long since begun to penetrate into the secret places of the wonders of this kingdom, and the guards have waited until the traces have begun to stagnate the growths for themselves. Among the people, before the development of medicine as a science, there were people who quietly planted plants for these and other medicinal purposes, and their testimony miraculously speeded up medical science, which in most cases goes to the king of plants stva. Propositions to our readers “Recent Russian Illustrations of the Dictionary-Herbal and Kvitnik” and our new popular versions, which we have assigned to serve the benefit of every Russian family and may be helpful to the reader with the light of the roses. This book has the following goals: 1) it is necessary to be an indispensable aid for every rural ruler, giving him valuable inputs of culture and the stagnation of these and other crops in his reign; 2) she is obliged to serve as a desktop pharmacist for doctors, paramedics, pharmacists, industrialists and anyone else who produces and trades pharmaceutical products; 3) there, as a matter of principle, we are willing to respectfully recognize the Russian family with the methods of cultivating the growing kingdom, both for domestic life, and especially for medical purposes - relieving and relieving illnesses with the help of simple inexpensive medicinal benefits, how to supply us with trees, flowers, herbs, roots, etc.


Having included here a description of the organs of the plants, we found it necessary, for the sake of precision, to illustrate them with little ones like mm. Readers will find on the front of the book, on the sides, that there is a title: “Organs of Roslin”,

Plants and flowers contain primarily vegetative organs (roots, stems, leaves), as mentioned above, and reproductive organs (flowers, fruits and flowers).

In the beginning, the plant growth consists of vegetative organs; Sometimes (for example, near trees) several rocks pass through, first the reproductive organs appear, so that the growth will bloom.

Let's move on to a description of vegetative organs, or food organs, which can be reduced to just four basic ones: root, stem, leaf, hair.

Korin. The root primordium of the crown is already found in the plant. When germinated, the root grows downward, buries itself in the ground, spreads out and develops there at the root.

The root has two purposes: 1) it serves for the growth of plants and 2) it draws water and mineral salts from the ground, which serves as a nourishment for plants.

It is clear that all external and internal authorities have dual purposes.

The root is cut from the stem by such powers: it will always grow downwards. This is the hidden power of the roots, although it manifests itself only in the head of the root, and their other influences can be directly affected; 2) there are no leaves or similar products on the roots; 3) the root does not present any nodes and 4) the root does not directly vibrate the stem, or just the root.

In addition, the root does not survive throughout its entire length, let alone its ends. The “point of growth” is that this group of young cells, which vibrate the roots in their reproduction, is not located at the very end of the root spreading, but is covered with a special layer of old tissue that is dying, I create є “root cokhlik”. When young roots are planted, they are covered with clear lower hairs, called “root hairs,” which serve to extract water and remove mineral salts from the soil. It’s also rich and clean anatomical features, then cut the root from the stem.

Behind the external appearance there is a “capital root”, which emerges from the development of the root of the germ and becomes, as it were, a direct extension of the stem, from the “branch or adventitious roots”, which extends to the first, as a beams to the head stem.

The head root is called “gillastim” (Fig. 1), because the root is divided into large heads, and “prostim” (Fig. 2), because the root that comes from the new one is very small.

Sometimes the crown root is even fleshy, cylindrical, spindle-like or turnip-shaped, like that of carrots, beets and turnips. However, it will not be long before you can kill the smut of the root. In many types of plants, for example, wheat, wheat, etc., the root germ dies on the ear itself, and other roots develop. The entire root then consists of a bunch of simple or gummy roots; such a root is called “loose” (Fig. 3).

Some of the juices from the lobes, like hardened cinnamon, are replenished with living rivers and strongly grow into thinner, forming bulbs (Fig. 4).

This kind of root is called “bumpy”. In the travails of life, the roots are one-dimensional, courtyard and rich. In similar and courtyard growing plants, the root dies out at once due to the drying out of all the growing shoots, in rich ones, the root tends to become woody and there are many fates, however, with the drying up of the growing shoots. However, in rich herbaceous plants, the head root can die before the death of the plant itself and be replaced by new successive roots. In fibrous and knobby roots, the lobes and bulbs gradually die off, being replaced by new ones, without destroying the life of the entire root system.

Young roots do not only develop on the roots, but can also develop on any part of the stem. In bushes with erect stems, the formation of roots on the stem is often avoided, especially at the nodes. Parts of the stem that have taken root become stronger and can lead an independent life. The erect stems in a normal state do not allow roots to grow, but if you bring them into contact with damp soil (bending the shoots to the ground or placing another pot of soil with damp soil on top of the stems), then the stench, after about an hour, develops in the roots. Hypodermic site. Let's do some gardening for gardening.

Stem. A stem is an organ that grows at the top and bears leaves. The germ of this desire is still in its infancy; When the remaining young stem sprouts, it begins to grow uphill at the same time as the root straightens down. This power of growth on the mountain is the characteristic rice of the stems, wanting to hide the blame for this rule.

In addition to the well-known power, the stem sprouts from the roots so that it bears leaves and can give rise to new stems and roots; Then he often imagines knots on his prostration, like wheat, life and so on. (Fig. 5).

The stem does not lose its growth in its top, but it grows in all young parts; Its growth point is located at the very end and does not have a cap, but is either covered with young leaves or completely bare.

Behind the external appearance, the everyday life and the travails of life, the stems present great diversity. The trees smell even harder and live richly for hundreds and thousands of years. Among the grassy dews, the triviality of life is separated by several months.

Some shoots grow on short stems, so they are called stemless, because in others they reach up to several hundred meters per day. The normal position of the stem can be maintained in an upright position, which is most often observed in multi-planted plants. However, it won’t be saved forever. In some growing plants, the stem tends to grow uphill, but rather weakly, in order to independently maintain an upright position.

Such shoots form a stem that is either curly (Fig. 6), or clings to third-party objects with tendrils, special attachments, petioles that bend, etc. Such stems are called climbing. In other growths, the stem spreads directly along the ground and often takes root. This type of stem is called subdued (Fig. 7).

As it turns out, in rich herbs, the part that is lost in the ground overwinters and in the spring produces a new stem, which dies until the fall.

These underground parts of the stem have different appearances, appearances, and appearances, and therefore have different names. They tease with a zagalo:

A rhizome is a smaller part of the stem that grows horizontally or obliquely under the ground (Fig. 8, 9).

The development of a rhizome is most simply observed in such a way that the growth that has grown from the ground retains its vitality throughout the winter, the head root and the base of the stem, which is in the ground. This part of the stem in the spring develops a flowering stem from the barrel of the top brunette, which dies until the autumn. It dies step by step, through several roots, and the head root, this part of the stem continues to live, continuously dying from the end and developing from the other. This way is used to create vertical or slanting rhizomes. The stench may be short and grows to the roots. The roots can be seen with traces of leaf attachment, the appearance of scars or rotting petioles. In other cases, the underground part of the stem begins to grow independently under the ground in a horizontal direction. Such rhizomes can reach even longer than sedges, like sedges. On them you can always find the germ leaves that look like small buds; on the shoots with a knobby stem, the rhizome also looks like clear buds. The flowering stems of such a rhizome develop submersively: 1) or the end of the rhizome changes in the direction of its growth in the spring, burning out and growing in the flowering stem, the rhizomes continue to grow like a barrel, which continues to grow horizontally ; Or, by chance, the rhizome will constantly grow in a horizontal direction, and the flowering stems will emerge in the form of barrel runners at the places where the leaves are attached.

The first ones are called “kintsevymi” (singing) rhizomes, others “neskinchenny” (insignificant).

The type of rhizomes is similar to the underground ones. The stench is caused by the fact that the roots grow richly and last a short time. Running under the ground in sight, the stinks begin to sound, approach the ground and then develop a rosette of leaves and wind their way to the ends, laying down new life-long speeches.

Then it flows all over the place and dies, and overwinters only its completion, which develops a flowering stem in the coming summer, as well as new pastures.

Up to the type of such pagons lie and those underground straightening of the stems, which carry bulbs in potatoes. These bulbs are the result of completed segments and are provided with “points”, like shoots, from which above-ground stems then develop.

Another type is represented by cibulini (Fig. 11).

This is also the underground wintering part of the stem; but the stem itself is very short and represents the so-called “bottom” of the cibulini; Numerous lice sit on it (to change the leaves), which create the head mass of the cibulini. The stench comes from a lot of living waste that comes from the light of the flower stalk. Cibulini can reproduce in two ways: in some, the central cibulin develops in the flower stem, and a new cibulin develops on the side; in others, the cibulin continuously develops from the internal shoots, and the flower stems are created from the stem shoots, which develop in the sinus of the lure.

Between rhizome and cybulum we can represent “tubers”, for example, in saffron. In appearance, the smell is similar to cibulini, but it is formed not from the lustre, but from the swelling of the stem. Their renewal is produced in the same manner as rhizomes and cibulin.

To complete the description of the stem, let’s say about the shape of the above-ground stems, which can also be varied, and itself:

According to its shape, the stem can be (in cut) round, flattened, 3-4 or rich-sided. These signs are often consistent for entire groups: cereals have round stems, sedges have triangular stems, labia flowers have four-sided stems.

Arkush. Leaves are biological organs that develop to look like scarves and sit on the stem. The leaves are preserved already in the embryo of the present day, where this is found in two species: 1) in the less developed form of the syllables and 2) in the appearance of the primordia of the advanced normal leaf. The leaves grow from the roots and stem with the following signs: 1) by their stem form, 2) because the stinks that develop on the stem can no longer vibrate anything (so they cannot develop anything else leaves, neither stem nor root) 3) way growing.

The leaf is formed before its top, to become the oldest part of the leaf, and the youngest to become its base. The arkush is made up of the following parts:

1) “plates”, which are the wide, flat parts of the ego; 2) “petiole”, on which the scarf sits, and 3) “pikhvi”, which is the widened petiole that hugs the stem, the shoots need to be brought to parts of the leaf and “leaflets” (Fig. 12). These are leaf-like structures that sit in pairs around the leaves. However, not all of the guilty parts are always obvious. Є leaves without a petiole, which sit without a center on the stem; The leaves are also called “sessile”. E leaves with a petiole, or without a petiole, or with a petiole, or without a petiole (Fig. 13), or, let’s say, without a petiole and with a petiole.

The leaflets are just a day old in some plants, but are constantly guarded in others (Fig. 14); the stench lingers in front of you different look, either leaf-like, like those of peas (Fig. 15), or they grow into short tubes (“cuts”), like Greek ones (Fig. 16), or transform into spines, like Arusa (Fig. 17).

Narrow, place the head part of the leaf, the leaf itself, maybe daily and replace it with a petiole or leaflets.

The leaf tissue is made up of “leaf pulp”, permeated with “veins” or “nerves”; These nerves resemble the petiole, unfolding in different directions and folding the skeleton of the leaf. Based on the nature of the nervation (i.e., the method of straightening the nerves of the leaf), the leaves are divided into “arc-nervous” and “angular-nervous”. The first nerves may not give a damn; Emerging from the base of the leaf, the stench either passes in parallel, as with cereals, or, bending in an arc-like manner, converges again to the top of the leaf. In the cerebral nerve, one or more of the head nerves come under the hoods of the body, which, in their turn, are unraveling again.

The leaves of the arcuate nerves are powerful, the head rank, monocotyledons, and the cutonerves are bicotyledonous, but the leaves here are sharpened and thinned out according to the legal rule.

Due to the growth of nerves, the angular nerve leaves are divided into: pinnate nerve leaves, if the petiole continues into one cephalic nerve, from which it goes to all sides of the leg; palmar nerves (finger nerves), if the petiole at the very base of the leaf splits into a splint of nerves, depending on the size of the nerves, which diverge into the fingers of the hand (Fig. 18); shield nerves, if the petiole ends in the middle of the plate, and the nerves, larger than the smaller ones, diverge radially on all sides (Fig. 19).

After the dismemberment of the plates, the following are cut out: the leaves are intact, since the stench does not indicate the hardness of blades and cuts; blades, if they are cut to a third or up to half of the distance between the edge and the head nerve (or one of the head nerves) and also the protruding parts of the leaf or the blades are short and blunt (Fig. 20-22); split, as they are cut to the same depth, and parts of them are narrow and sharp; separate, when the tissue is divided up to the brain nerve (Fig. 23 and 18), but parts are still connected to the base of the leaf pulp; The sections are divided into nerves, and the parts (which are called segments here) are united by the alignment of the brain nerve into the petiole (Fig. 24-25).

All leaf shapes are called simple. Folding leaves are those in which the plate is divided into adjacent parts (called leaves in this case) that sit on the flattened petiole and are connected to the remaining special joints (Fig. 26-27). These folding leaves show dissections, which often present a great similarity.

When a folded leaf is dried out or withered, as, for example, in white and yellow acacia, the skin leaf falls out of the lateral petiole, while the dissected leaf, without articulations, falls off entirely.

Behind the outer outline of the leaf, so that it does not fade away from the cut of the plate, leaves are revealed: rounded, which are approximately round (fig. 28), oval (fig. 29), ovoid (fig. 30), round, elliptic, la tsetni (fig. 31) and linear (fig. 32).

All these terms are also added to the adjacent leaves and parts of the leaf. The same leaves are heart-like (Fig. 33), nir-like (Fig. 34), arrow-like (Fig. 35), list-like (Fig. 36), blade-like (Fig. 37).

Stem-forming leaves are called leaves that cover the stem with their base (Fig. 13), pierced leaves because their edges grow around the stem (Fig. 38).

All these terms have meaning when describing the plants, since the shape of the leaves is an important sign of the grown plants.

The leaves on the stem grow differently. After the leaves are grown, the leaves are cut out: alternating (or chergovi), which sit on the stem one by one without any visible order, opposite, which sit in two, one opposite the other (Fig. 44) and in whole or in part, how to sit in rings up to the stem next to the stem (Fig. 45).

In addition, the leaves are divided: the lower ones, which are found on the underground part of the stem, when exposed, or in the brunettes of the villages, the stench often does not wash the green plates and appears like sweetness or luster; Verkhivka, which is found in white kvitok; They come in different forms, lower greens, and are prepared differently.

The significance of leaves for roslins is even more important. The stench, like the root and the stem, is the life-giving organs of the plant, vibrating from organic substances, just as the root delivers water and mineral substances.

Vusiki and thorns. Before the specific types of leaves there are spines and flowers. Weeds are the name given to long thread-like creations that appear on the stem or on the leaves of several plants. The stink reaches the roots directly, but sticking out from some third-party bodies, they begin to spin around them in a spiral and support the weak stem, allowing it to get closer and higher. In the shoots whose stems are added to the mitzne, in order to trim on their own, the flowers do not grow together.

The flowers show different patterns, ale, and halo, representing either the appearance of the stem or the leaves. In peas, the remaining leaf of the pinnate leaf, sometimes the entire pinnate leaf, is transformed. Sometimes the leaves turn into leaves, or the stem itself turns into a stem at the end, and the stem ripples like a barrel, like a grape. In some plants, the correct stems do not develop, but their role is played by the petioles of the pinnate leaves, which curl.

The thorns sway in the same manner as the ears. Thus, the very remaining leaf of the pinnate leaf can turn into a thorn, or the entire outer petiole can turn into a thorn. The same leaves can be turned into thorns, as in white acacia, or even whole gills, as in terena.

It is necessary to remove the thorns from the thorns, as there are scatterings along the spines in no particular order, as, for example, in the Trojan. The thorns are simply excrements of external tissue and have no connection with the organs of growth.

Nirka. Nirka is a folding organ that consists of a shortened stem and many leaf primordia. This is the deposit of a new future. From the beginning of the germ the stem develops; At the end of his life he carried the Verkhovka Nirka, which would serve for her further development. The axillary gills develop from the axillary gills and then extend from the folds of the attached leaf to the stem. This is how normal things become for nirok.

In the axils of the herbaceous stems, the nirki are rapidly beginning to develop. In tea gardens and trees, the springs that have started to emerge are covered with brown skinned meadows, spend the winter in this state and begin to develop in the coming spring (Fig. 40).

The fields serve not only for the creation of new pasterns, but also for the propagation of new shoots. Such nirkas produce fleshy leaves with a large supply of living substances, which is why they are called cibulins. At the same time, just as normal burrows are created first on the singing places, most head first in the axils of the leaves, so called adnexal burrows can develop everywhere: on the root, on the stem, and on the leaf. This is where you get the rare fruit, and then peel it to propagate the sprouts with cuttings of roots, like in many villages, or fleshy leaves, like in some begonias.

Hairs or trichomes. Hairs, one of the vegetative organs of the plant, represent the parts of the outer layer of cells, the so-called epidermis. In many plants, the stench is always present in the underground organs, in others they become tired and cover all the organs. Stinks serve different purposes: a thick coat of hair can protect the growth from severe cooling or, on the contrary, strong heating by the sun. The coarse hairs protect the growth from slima, and the harsh hairs, like those of a drop, and from the horned thinness.

You will find that there are slimy hairs that show different essential oils.
