A short vitannya in prose on the day of the people. A short hello in the day folk in prose

Happy People's Day! I give you a wonderful mood, a good health, that of all the most beautiful. Let us shorten a new day for the next day!

Happy People's Day! Let your life be rich in bright moments and happy days, let your skin be a hundred times cooler, not a “vchora”!

Happy People's Day! Health, success, prosperity of that majestic human happiness!

Happy People's Day! I baptize the vikonannya bazhan that reaching all the goals!

I live in the day of the people! I want my mother to do everything she needs and what she needs, I want to live in a good life!

Don't worry about skinny life, it will be reminiscent of sleepy exchanges, kind words, bright people, positive thoughts and happy podiyami! Happy People's Day!

On the day of the people, hey the whole day, and all the days of your life will be miraculous, tsikavim, weary, quibbling and hostile. I bless you that bezmeless happiness!

Well-being in the house, calm in the soul, light thoughts at the head, love in the heart, health in the home, smiles on the face, success at the car, good luck in life. Happy People's Day!

I wish you health, luck, good fortune, high material prosperity, wonderful mood, vikonannya bazhan and family prosperity!

Happy People's Day. I keep quiet in the house, joy in the soul, love in the heart and unreal luck in life!

Happy People's Day! Start with a mustache and make it in you in openwork. Good luck, good luck, luck, most health!

Let your life be positive, wide and hopeful. Let all hope be true, good luck, and everybody good. Happy People's Day!

I want to live up to life, rise in price, love, add fears, expand the possibilities and boundaries, take care of the love that lives in the buzz!

Happy People's Day! I want to give you a favor, good luck, good luck!

I baptize, the life was fed up with yaskravny farbs, spoiled by the received gifts and warmed by the warmth of close hearts. Happy People's Day!

I live in the day of the people and with all my heart I bury the respect, kohannya, turbot, the needs of the native people, health, good mood, smiles, joy to your loved ones.

Happy People's Day! I am grateful for success, new results, happiness, optimism, health, cultivation of new peaks, cohannia and material well-being!

Happy People's Day! Come on from life everything will be sleepy that interchangeably. I wish you good health, happy days, and good and great people in good health!

I live in the day of the people and from my soul I am feeling the prosperity, love, joy of life, and for the mother the power of living in my world.

I live in the daytime from the people and from a wide heart I bachet bachiti only more beautiful, a little less for me, I see only joy, I see that love is less than happiness.

Pobazhaєmo nі little, nі rich.
The road went easy
Shcheb lived wee just wonderfully
The first robot bullet, now a picture.

Pobazhaєmo, the rockies did not torment you -
Aje life is more beautiful, love usi miti
І navіt yakscho raptom nastane vzhodina.
You have a lot of natchnennya in stock!

Be yak sonechko ti clearer
Good, dear, that is more beautiful
I don’t want to start tinkering for everyone
Garniy that wonderful smіh!

I love the happy one,
The baggage of the uninjured!

I say goodbye
Walk with friends,
Don't look healthy
I do not add nikoli.

I wish you happiness that warmth
Friends are kind and kind,
Great hopes, cheery benquets,
Accept signs and good words.

On the right, I bury success,
Kokhanni - happy days spovna,
I, as a starter, fun, smile,
On the right - no fluff, no feather!

Let your life be weird,
Let it be less evil than evil,
I wish great happiness
I dovgyh, svitlikh, dobrikh lit!

I bang you kohali,
I bless you, they gave them a gift!
I am fond of light and warmth!

Life will become light,
I add light and warmth
Healthy mitsny navi,
Usyogo, lyudin is happy!

Mriyam to lay down
I want to tell you -
Do not drive the dolly to do it
Not for rik, not for five!
Seize the moments
Shchokhvili on the ground ...
Quote of complements,
I will give you a lot!

Nice short fancy for prose

I wish good luck, a great bear, Good luck to the glorious sea, Lysha for happiness, success, success for the journey, All your worlds were not bargained for!

I want to say to me - I will not drive the dolly to get it over! Catch Shokhvili's moments on the ground ... Quite a few of the compliments, I will grant you a lot!

Take not on budget, їzh іkru, not biscuits! Let the champagne flow, Pinoyu embellish the company! Make peace, instruct the day, If the light is yours nig!

Let go of the way without potholes near the car salon of your world. The mandate is that, which is very rich, but far away, which is rich to say and not enough є.

I like more positive life, good decisions, good friends and good life turns!

I wish you health, luck, good fortune, high material prosperity, wonderful mood, vikonannya bazhan and family prosperity!

Let it be a skinny day, there will be a letter: so sweet and miraculous!

For you life is a shvidkisna trasa. Let’s get out of it, be it straight! Success and new ones!

The light of the dream and the blue of the sky, the light of the light and the aroma of the windows, have been released, the whole light is for you. Let your mustache be wonderful in you!

Yak is wonderful! Let your life be yaskravim, and your mood - drowsy!

I wish you a sea of ​​good, an ocean of luck, and a mountain of happiness! Don't let a penny not end, my health will not change, but my mood will be svyatkovy. Don’t let your share of love be great, and everything is good in your life - your growth day after day!

My love and the road of a human being, I am happy and my city, I love that bright day, the wonderful mood of that beastly diva, and welcome surprises and radiant moments. Had a day pass nicely and bring a lot of hostility.

Let the wonderful weather, the smiles of friends, the confrontation of the bosses, the garnishing news, accept the compliments, the wicked moments, the trickery of the diva, remind you of your present day and wonderfully delight you, the present!

Sonechko is more beautiful,
My devchinko road,
For me, joy is clear,
І I declare ready, you are khayuchi,
All life will be cowardly at once,
I now, yours is sacred dear,
I will give greetings with my name,
Aje not very often ti bula like that.

Yuviley sixty spovna
Nagoloshu this year's squad.
I want to give it to you
Nicholas do not add up.
Let the life be spared for happiness,
Do not be strong or not deprived of the wound,
Reasonableness from loved ones
And the warmth of the majestic from children.

Let's take a dozen, dear!
I will not get tired of nicoli
Tovchity without end
About those who I love you!
I'm healthy to you,
Happiness is in us and so.
Shorter, Happy People's Day, Zaya!
Having formed yaksho, I am a fool.

Sixty taka garn,
Yak will be at forty-five,
Yak devilishly obstinate,
You can quickly prikruvati,
Lyubish often have fun
Dance with a number of friends,
And this year, majstrina,
By the way,
Happiness, good health,
Viconannya mriya,
Mi in you for a long time that mіtsno,
By the way, all the zakohani!

Friends of the season - sixty,
Mi rich rock_v already with you at once,
I want to give you some success,
Happiness, luck, great.

I love you, dear, with a strong soul,
Ty rich rocky happy gifts,
I am happy, I love you,
I want it so much, I loved you so much!

Beautiful vitannya squad at 60 rocky near virshah

At my squad of yuvili,
60 seasons.
І, yak zavzhdi, syє looked,

I bore the happiness of the bezel-less,

Good luck, luck charming,

Tobi sixty sixty years old,
The date is even better,
Marvel at the same grandchild
Vikhovush, yak children prick.
With warmth and my wisdom,
Yes, dytyam povchannya,
I am on the day of your people,
I love a lot of light days!

Tobi, kohana, druzhino,
Sixty years old.
Hurry up, if there’s a life outside,
I shine young.

Unchaste to pass by the side,
I rainbow the whole world of the dovkola.
Leave the most beautiful ones check,
Zd_ysnyatsya mrії all raptom.

Naykrasivіsha woman on svіtі
New Year's Day
So, sixty - it's been a long time since,
Ale vіk grown-up, well-educated people.
Ty charivna, make a young soul
І svitish little son know that we are old.
So get lost and be hungry
With a dull glance, we are scorching, we are hollow.

We have lived with you chimalo
peaceful and happy rock_v.
I want you to know:
Friends on the lights are dumb!
I am dear to myself yak and earlier,
I catch light in your eyes.
Dilu with you mriya, hope,
I love it so much.
Bazhayu, schob vik tviy dovgy
not having shaved off nikoli,
і shchob smіkh thіv pure, dzіnky
flooding our hearts with light!

With sixty juveniles!
Success, Happiness, Cossack Peremog!
Up to a hundred rocky life, young,
We'll be vitonized, yak a sonnet!
Dream that world come to life miraculously,
Have good luck!
Love in the valley, do not hey the king, charmingly,
And at once from her - a turbulent laugh!

Beautiful friendship of the squad for 60 years in prose

On the Day of the People's Day, for the day .. yak vіdomo, zhіntsі - zavzhdi 18, as if the date was not indicated in your passport, hi navit tse і 60 years. I will say to him that it’s wonderful for such a young girl. Thy holy to you, and bless you in 60 years from now to your birthday!

I wish you, my gold squad, for your 60-riches. I bazhatya zalishatisya zavzhdi so kind, kokhana, dbaylivaya, broad, radish, successful in everything, kind, sweet, chuynoy, beautiful that neymovyrnoy.

The squad is the continuation of its own man. Because of that, it’s okay to lay down all the life of the cholovik. I’m happy, I’ve given my share to such a squad, yak. Garnu, I am an angel, I am intelligent and good, I am cheerful, I am happy to give the mudra. Behind you, our booth is warm and quiet. I visit you from your jubilee and bazhat you become so rich in rock!

The squad is in love, you have a special day, and a special garna. Dyakuyu, by me, beautiful, unreal red. Ti is the very low, the very charm. Be happy that happy, I’ll do my best to report on my whole world. Z yuvileum!

I’m going to see you with Chergovy, even if I’m seeing you, I’m waiting for you to see the date, I would like to see the date in the passport. І who only vigad in the passport !? This year's unique meaning will have happened forty other times, and I will tell you that it’s gorgeous for such a young girl. For the holy you, and let your eyes not fade away, the vognnik of madness and coquetry!

Road, my girlfriend is in love. Our friendship has been reversed for an hour. We are with you inseparable friends of the previous forty rockies. With a hand of life, we shared thoughts with you and gladdens about faces, then about people, then about children, now about onuks. I still want to be friends with you at 70 and 80 and at 90. Now, tell me, like miracles in you, great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters. My toast to you, my love! Nekhay your jubilees will not be happy.

My that dear squad is in love, I wish you with your 60th anniversary. Be you beautiful and nizna, let your health become motsnish ​​and motsnish. I wish you, my dear friend, good good and happiness, and also for the sake of all problems and illnesses, I’m sure to beat your pulse on a miraculous wrist.

Kokhana, dina, nіzhna ... It's your nation's day, I want to tell you a thousand times about those I love you. About those, like a lot of happiness - take a ride with you and bachit your little fool. About those who, for me, have more happiness, lower nobility, who are at home with me. Also, do not take care of you an angel from neglect and ailment, and your soul will be open for my boundless caress and viddanosti.

A beautiful meeting of the squad for 60 years

60 happy
Zhіntsі charіvnoyu
Good mami that squad,
Yaskravoyu, sweet, honest.

Bazhaєmo be healthy,
Be in the mood
Tsikavo do not let pass
Your glorious rock.

Rejoice at the smiles of onuks,
Lose yourself away from all souls.
There will be new ideas
Come on, take it, garnie.

60 rocky in the squad of the kohanoi mine!

I wiggle you and the axis I want you to:
Make sure you keep the ball so unmoved,
Schab happy boola ty, my love,
So good luck will make your order with you!

My squad is dear,
Chervoni cheeks to burn,
Ty is beautiful, yak,
I want you thistty!

I am wandering about,
I love even more,
I don’t think about it
Licorice your squad.

At my squad of yuvili,
60 seasons.
І, yak zavzhdi, syє looked,
Ty is beautiful, as it is quite rocky in that.
I bore the happiness of the bezel-less,
Healthy motsnish ​​and friendly motherland,
Good luck, luck charming,
І through rocky be nice.

I love you, my dear
Syogodnі, yak Todі!
For your days, do not need
Intertwined with rock.
Tobi vik 60 rocks,
Do not give nіkhto dovkola!
Ty mother my children, druzhino
Nadiyny, kind friend.
Be happy, my dear,
Marvel at the front
І all the trouble is tight, trivial,
Come on next door!

Beautiful greetings to the 60th brigade

Krasunya i rozumnitsya,
So very young
I’m not very tasty for the trigger,
Chim is the one in you,

Salads, salty,
You put us on the style
Such a part,
Do not visit the ambassador,

Ty at sixty,
Wonderful jewelry,
Become sweet happy,
And no more ailments!

I, kohana squad,
I see from a wide heart.
60 have your eyes
Yak and earlier, good.

I bade the world with yuvili
I harmony in the soul.
Aje with you, love,
Paradise doubled in kuren.

Sixty - call not vik,
Ty cholovik, hoch kudi,
Often donated troops of Trojandi,
Assign you, dear, be sure,
Have a good look,
Sivin to lychit,
Do not be in the life of the bush,
Yakshcho is necessary, I will help,
Know, cholovik, you are the most beautiful,
The most important and the most important,
Happy, in my life,
Є dear cholovik!

Sixty tobi, cholovik,
Ty my best friend,
You know my little names,
I love you honestly, without paws,
Having supplemented more than once at bidi,
I’m very good,
The handguard will be given to me by me,
We walked through the rock at once
We made money from you children,
Mily cholovik my, not sick,
Trim for good luck
Remember life, there є life!

All the year round,
I am bazhayuti deprived of good.
I know you will embrace,
I boil it to the bottom.

Also be, dear, the queen!
Cheerful, primly, mischievous,
Garni and proud bird,
And vik - zovsim vin is not yours ...

Be happy that kohana
Don't miss the season - be sure.
Yak and earlier, unrepeatable.
Bark, ale lishe inodi.

People's Day is just a miracle!
Use new dishes
Everywhere - there are a bit of backs everywhere,
It's super - the day of the people!
I will seduce the squad
But don't be happy, don't see me,
And, slyly, in reality ...
I’m livin 'for the money!
People's Day for the squad,
Tse come spring
It's a youthful day
Svyatkuvati, yogo do not molt!

A beautiful meeting with the day of the people of the squad of 60 rocks

My dear one, virna squad,
I'm grafting you on a jubilee day.
Ty is for me, yak is the best friend, -
Pidtrimuush at all, rozumiyush.

60 for the same year,
And all of you are young.
I love all the rockies with love,
Don't let me get old because I don't grow up.

I will gently snuggle up to your lips,
I'll take a picture of the first liquorice cake.
I will touch your cheeks,
I love you, I don’t know.

Cohanoy squad, gentleman in the booth
You bring joy to my life.
I want to shake it off, I didn’t know grief,
Be happy, love, with your own children.
Let the stars sit down, breathe in hope,
Let the sp_vom ptakh_v penetrate the soul
I don’t want to be a child, I didn’t earlier,
Vitonchenya, beautiful, everything is good!

Daruєmo my bouquet,
І month mіmozniy kolіr,
І baking, і boiled,
І in the right hands, luck,
І warmth in your soul,
Prospects of a hundred friends,
And shche - warmth and caress,
I’m talking to you ...

To you, oh my queen -
60 rocky in the squad of the kohanoi mine!
You know that I’m given to you,
I will burst with you, your smirk.

Would you be able to privatize a person without a few words, what if you don’t spend a lot of money on the senses and emotions that you want to convey? Zrozumilo. For the whole, there is a short meeting with the day of folk in prose - laconic, yaskravi, nadihayuchi. Be it sacred, you will become imperishable with them. Delight the birthday boy on his day of the people not only with gifts, but with short prizes in prose, until they are turned on. At any rate of your words, you cannot take away holy at a rich hour, when you can vitratiti on a rocket.

Happy People's Day. Don't want to be in a different mood at the vidminna, don't want to be lucky and lucky in the life of the smog!

I love a sweet life, joy, prosperity and happiness, Success with the robot, calm in the booth and easy life of the road.

Happy People's Day. Don't go from the important thing in your life, you will be deprived of the Hamanets, and from the gray - your light whale.

I like more positive life, good decisions, good friends and good life turns!

I love all kinds of joy, vikonannya of the famous bazhan and tsikavi vyvok. Majestic happiness that helpless positive emotions.

I wish you a lot of happiness, financial prosperity, good luck, unassailable love, and always in your mood. Happy People's Day!

I’m living in the afternoon of the people that I’m banging for it easy to see if it’s like a life of food that’s crazy, crazy, happy, that life is like a human being.

I live in the day of the people. Come on for the lives of the survivors of the power, let on the road until the great happiness will not be overwhelming.

On your day of the people, I am very happy with harmony in my own life, being together with nature, being happy with my loved ones, having fun with friends, and being happy with life.

I wish you health, luck, good fortune, high material prosperity, wonderful mood, vikonannya bazhan and family prosperity!

Vitaєmo s miraculous, iskristim, happy day - the day of the people! Wealth, love, prosperity and health, happiness and good luck to everyone on the right.

People's Day is a holy life, joy and joy! I wish you a lot of happiness, financial well-being, family lull, true hopes and great success!

I live in the day of the people. I love the picant relish of life, the happy blish in the eyes of that post-razkoshi bazhan.

I live in the day of the people! I wish you a chance to see the joy, changeable eyes, wide emotions, smiles and vikonannya of all bazhany! Happiness, good luck!

Happy People's Day. I love a gorgeous life, a charming world, a malty mood, a faint laugh from the long-term happiness of that great kohannya.

Happy People's Day. I love a bright dream in my soul and at the end, happy happiness in my life and bezvidmnoy luck on the way.

Happy People's Day! Nekhay tobi supervodzhuzh good luck. I baptize the vikonannya of all the famous bazhan. Be a happy people.

I live in the day of the people! I wish you health, success, goodness and goodness, love and love, and simple human happiness!

I live in the daytime of the people, and I bazhe in the soul of soulless success, unbearable performance, lifeless luck, and unfinished happiness of life.

Happy People's Day! Health, success, prosperity of that majestic human happiness!

Happy People's Day! I love the joy of life, family happiness and well-being. Don't let your dim not leave God's grace, and everything will come together, it is more conceived.

Happy People's Day! I baptize the vikonannya bazhan that reaching all the goals.

Happy People's Day! Happy days, good luck with life, sweet sleepers, old friends and mutual love.

I’m living in the day of the people and I want to pamper me with good happiness, that light hope, great joy and badorosti soul, wonderful health and wonderful mood.

From a wide heart, I want you to come to life without happiness, health and energy. And yet I would like to favor the vison of your world and the achievement of all goals.

I wish you endless happiness, joy, healthy health, good and good friends!

I love pennies, health, luck, cohannia, happiness, beauty, success, joy, hope, prosperity, with all my heart and warmth. Happy People's Day.

Mi on our site site We took found the words pobazhan from prose, today. Do not forget your relatives, you know those dear to you people, please them with kindly people. For the help of those who give him the warmth of that turbo.

Beautiful and kind words of fondness for prose

1. Accept all of us pobazhanya to the world that good, dream, warmth and light! Smile of friends and turbos of old people!
Let me be healthy, you will become a companion! Children only delight with their successes, cholovik dbaє that balu! Happiness for the family, peace of mind and peace of mind!

2. I wish you a sea of ​​good, an ocean of luck, and a whole mountain of happiness! Don't let a penny don't end, your health won't change, but your mood will be svyatkovy. Don’t let your share of love be great, and everything is good in your life - your growth day after day!

3. I wish you weren’t good at any of your enemies, I wish they were great stinks, but you weren’t happy, high-handed naymenshi, you weren’t fond of all your friends!

4. I love life without jealousy, for kohanna - for gods and addictions, for kar'єri - for arrivals of that power.

5. Nehay khvilina life will be yaskravoy, weeded, unviable,
more unforgettable enemies and pleasant surprises!

6. Yaskravikh podіy, happy moments, joy in life, smiles, kohannya!
Happiness and light, warmth, compliments! Zdіysniti all your bazhannya!

7. I say that I’m going to fix it for laughs and for the eyes of a life-changing epizode, if it’s good for someone to roll around, don’t hesitate to add that radio emotsiyu check continuously around the corner.

9. Everything, with a light joy, will calmly remind your beautiful dim.
We will be instructing you to shyokhvilini and bring happiness day after day!
To refine people dear - ti, z kim life and yaskravish, and svitlishe
Be aware of it, and be better off!

10. Life has the style of beautiful, priceless hilines,
Styles of different possibilities at niy! Come on until you can lead the road,
Planning shvidshe vіlyuyuyutsya. New ideas of bright and light ideas,
Dosyagnen, success of the greats! Let’s help you to get help from friends,
Razumnnya dear people!
