Dobriva and growth stimulants for coniferous roslins. Yalina zvichayna: the characteristics of that for the sake of a closer look

Yalina zvichayna: the characteristics of that for the sake of watching closely - report description our catalogue. All characteristics of the best fakhivtsiv of European nursery gardens. Please look after that landing. Yalina Zvichayna: characteristics and for the sake of a closer look - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence, rosemіri, fruits and flowers, ґrunti, root system, especially frost resistance

Yalina - Yalinka Zvichayna - Picea abies

Starry look Yalini green fox:

A straight, large, conical tree, 25-40 (60) m crowns, 6-8 (10) m wide, the largest wild tree in Europe, the chicks lie in balls, bent uphill, the frogs hang down. The speed of growth of the yalinka should be 30-40 cm on the river.

Flowers of green fox yalinka:

Women's flowers are vertical, they are large, bright-purple, in cones, flowers are near flower-grass, people's flowers are red, at the sawing stage they are yellow in bunches.

Fruit or green fox:

Light brown yaline cones, up to 15 cm long and 3-4 cm in diameter. Hanging, cylindrical.

Needles or green fox:

Evergreen needles 1-2 cm long, chotigranna golchasta. Zagostrena, prickly, dark green.

Root system of green fox yalinka:

Surface, widely galvanized. On important, simple soils it is tar-like, on well-drained soils it is often deep, which makes the trees hope to stay up to the wind. Yalina is very sensitive to the deepening of the soil and flooding.

Vimogi yalinka green fox:

Sun/pivnich. Cold weather and water. Yalina is extremely frost-resistant, in the extreme minds of young people it is sensitive to winter frosts.

Grunti or green fox:

In case of cold weather, with wet weather, with rainfall in the average of 600 mm on rivers, only on soils with good water supply, you can see less rainfall. Before ґruntіv do not set up special vimog. Vіddaє perevagu fresh, pishchano-argillaceous, with pH values ​​between 4 and 5. Vine also all neutral and strong soils. For the cultivation of forest crops, fresh, non-clay soils are necessary, since on clay soils, the yalina is not a vitrostiya. On weakly puddle soils, it is necessary to hang a yalinka at the same time with other village roslins (to increase the acidity of the weeds, the established humus, which has rotted).

Yalina is good to have a haircut, dense live flesh can only be in cold, wet places with full lighting. It is nasty to endure periods of dryness and sintering, not to endure smoke, gas and industrial wikis. Yalina can live up to 200-600 years old.

Also you can be asked:

Frost resistance:

Jerela: Bruns and Lorenz von Ehren

Description of varieties


Starry look


Contaminated needles




Wide, conical, great chagarnik, scho povіlno growth. Jacks to hang.

dark green

Decorative red women's suits, smaller numbers of cones, navit as a pagonist

Cushion-like or dome-like, more compact chagar

Green, prickly

Even better, only up to 60 cm wide in 20 years

Marvelous, curved, columnar tree, chicks, which hang strongly, close to the head stovbur, the lower pagons lie on the ground

Rosemary to fall in the trunk, unseen roslina


Little Jam

It is also quite large, compact, pillow-like, or rounded shape

Light green, thin

Miniature copy of "Nidiformis"



Additive, wide-ended yalin, somewhat dome-shaped

Light green, zagostreni, hostri

Reversing the testing variety

Zvichayna Nіdiformіs

Small chagarnik with a drenched middle

dark green

Pagoni sound horizontally, balls


Pumila Glauka

Additive, flat, rounded, fairly growing shape

The back of the head is bluish-green, then darken

Bluish-green alternative to green pillow-shaped forms


Shirokokonіchna, duzhe schіlna form

dark green

The oldest variety, stretched over

A kind of small tree with innumerable pagons, hilts from horizontal to vertical, bichnі pagons penetrate, often bent

dark green

Infinite chimera form



Evergreen vuzko - columnar, with densely ruffled bushes a tree. Fully growing.

dark green

It's bad to carry on dry land and sinter.



Great chagarnik with a broadly rounded, broadly rounded, narrower, broadly conical crown. Youth has more growth, with greater growth, it is better

Green, gleaming

Zvicyna Procumbens

Evergreens pygmy chagarnik, scho growth in width. The bottom jacks lie on the ground

Light - green, solid

Tinevitrivala, invisible to the ground.


Wils Zwerg

Vuzko - a columnar chagarnik, with a straight stovbur, which goes uphill

dark green, young pagons light green

Tinevitrivala, invisible to the ground.

The main types of varieties are described in our catalog.

Lower qi sorts are divided into groups according to deaky factors.

1. Old form

Vertically growing tree

The ends of a tree of average size

Yalina pillow-like

Vigadlivі forms

Trees are the longevity of our planet. The stench of the building will wake up hundreds of Earths, or create thousands of fates. The stench regularly vibrates new cells, which are settled in Stovburi river kiltsya growth. The stench itself helps to restore the vіk of trees. Fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, scho scho the rest of the hour, the growth of the rich trees is growing significantly. If it’s fast, then it won’t lie in the mind dovkilla. If you grow trees in your garden, then you can increase the size of your growth, as if you give them the right sight.

Like people, a young tree will actively grow, but in the world the old growth will grow, and then it will stick to it. Varto designate what is on the planet different types the trees are growing fast. The main significance for this process may be the weather-climatic mind.

Trees that grow fast

Trees, which seem to grow high, grow, grow in different patches of the Earth. You can divide them into the following groups:

  • arches swidko growing - for the river the stench grows by about 200 centimeters (acacia bila, paulownia, willow bila, black poplar, maple, eucalyptus, warty birch);
  • svydkozrostayuchi - for river growth to become close to 100 centimeters (short vyaz, yalina zvichayna, modrina evropeyska, ilm, sycamore, gorіh hairy, pine zvichayna);
  • peacefully growing - more than 50-60 centimeters are added to the river (Amur oxamite, prickly yelina, wild hornbeam, yalivets virginsky, polyovial maple, silver linden, caucasian egg, skelny oak).

For these types of trees, indications are presented, which appear in the phase of active growth, if the tree is young.

Trees that grow properly

So it is like a tree, which grows quickly, and such individuals, like growing at a faster pace. For the river of stench I grow by about 15-20 centimeters, or even less. Ce pear forest apple tree, pistachio tree and thuja skhidna, boxwood and cypress blunt, dwarf willow, Siberian cedar pine and yew yagidny.

The growth of the tree is slowly growing, it is gaining mass of the trunk. Tse v_dbuvaєtsya to that old tree poglayat Great number CO2 and that stench is added to the mass. As a result, it is possible to grow visnovoks, so that young trees actively grow at the height, and old ones. Tsі processes lie down in the form of a specific breed of a tree that minds the minds of a navkolishny middle ground.

Action rolled lawn 100% thin 150 rub.m.kv.

Yalina Zvichayna

Yalina is a tree of the pine family, which reaches 30-40 m, with a pointed crown. The bark of the yalinka is sira, which looks like thin slices of old trees; the jacks have drooped; juvenile tufts of late-borozen parts and slightly pubescent; needles are dark green, choti-grained, wedges 20-25 mm. The mature cones are cylindrical, brown-chestnut, blissful, 10-16 cm long, 3-4 cm wide after opening; nasіnєvі luski dozhinoy up to 25 mm, 18 mm wide. Yields are repeated every 4-5 years, in the breeding area or later. In other times, fruiting in Yalini is either daily or even weaker.

Yalina Zvichayna - conifer tree scho growth in European Russia, the main tree that makes the roots of the taiga foxes At the pivnochi of European Russia and Siberia zvichayna yalina through a series of transitional forms, step by step is changed by plantings of Siberian yalinka (there is no such thing as a clear between two species). There are two of them, in Russia there are more sprats of yalinka. On the vіdmіnu vіd pine and modrіnі, yalina - to finish the tree with a tіnyovitrivala tree, which in rich vipadkah is not good growth on vіdkritih treeless plots. Here, the yalinkas were often destroyed in the spring of the year, often in spring frosts, or they suffer from the sleepy windows of the canopy (mostly after the same frosts). Yalina absolutely can not tolerate herbal fires. In pivdennih regions, for example, in the European forest-steppe, yalina often suffers from great number shkidnikov and ailment. Great dash for planting yalinka in "small" regions New river- far from all young trees are able to survive sacredly.

In young Vіtsі Yalina growth is povіlno, after 10 years the pace of growth increases sharply; the growth of the crown falls at the age of 100-120 years. Lives up to 250-300 years. Dzhe tіnyovitrivala. During the spring months of planting, the young yalinka suffers from late spring and early autumn frosts. Yalina is remarkably viable to the mineral wealth of the soil. Plantings of yalin on loams and sandy loams, de give the largest growth of the tree, establishing a deep root system. On the re-soiling, a superficial root system is formed, which is why it suffers from windfall. Yalin blame the deyak for swamping less for saving flowing water. On the vіdmіnu vіd pine, yalina tіnyovitrivala. The lower hilts її do not die and are saved, so it is dark in the yelina forests. In yalina koreneva, the system is thicker, lower in pine, and ruffled in the upper ball of the ground, to which the tree is not stable and often strong in the wind to roll it all the way down.

Yalina is good growth under the canopy of pine, birch, oak. She, like in other shade trees, has a thick, thin crown, which allows little light to pass through. One of the features of planting yalini is its sensitivity to spring frosts. Turning the cold springs to ruin її young people, they appeared splendidly, they did not yet notice the chase. Poshkodzhenі frost planting young yalinok іnodi can bachiti on the cob of summer here in the open field (on the sap, on the great galyavin in the middle of the forest). Their part of the needles is green, old, and the young pagons are withered, storms, then ignited by fire. In the yalina, yak and in the pine, on the transverse rose of the trunk one can clearly see the river kilts of the village. Some rіchnі kіltsya shirshі, іnshі - vuzhchi. The width of the river ring of the great world lies in the minds of the middle, in which the tree grows (temperature, moisture, lightness, safety). lively speeches and etc.). Chim better mind, Tim wider ring. Yalina, the rocks are especially friendly weather minds the rings are especially wide. Shards of yalin create even more shaded, then under the canopy can be more than enough tіnyovitrivali roslini. There are few chagarniks in the yalinnik, on the ground - succulent greenery of the kilim mokhiv, on aphids that grow deyaki taiga grass and dense chagarniki (this type of fox is called the yalinnik-chornniknik).

There, de grunt is more likely to be provided with lively rivers and drain drainage, as a rule, a succulent sour curve develops - a small herbaceous roslini with three parts, like a stable, leaves ( Danish type foxes otrimav name yalinnik-kislichnik). On the soils, especially the ones and the arches of the orphans, under the yalins, it is possible to grow a succulent to make a kilim of the moss of the zozulin lion (the name of such a fox is the yalinnik-dovgomoshnik). In the spring fox, in the aftermath of strong shading, the overgrowth of the rich villages of the forests dies. However, the cultivation of the yalinka itself has been saved for a long time in their minds. Vtіm, vіn mає even more humiliation looked.

Yalina is smaller than the size of a human being, similar in shape to a parasol, her crown is mute splashing, like fluff. Live eagles or zowsim thin, with sparse short needles, stovbur - like a lizhna club. If we use a knife to see such a stovbur at the lower part, then on the transverse cut you can strike over the vaults of the river kiltsya, which can be invisible with a simple eye. Take a look at them, go away only for the help of a strong fool. The reason for this is those who, in a deep, dark tree, may not vibrate organic speeches, and also, they cannot vibrate a rich village. Planting a yalinka - mayzhe the same way, like a pine tree. At the fox, the stench trapleyayutsya seldom. It is explained by the fact that the thin weak root of our days is often not able to break through the tight ball of dry opal needles. Then there are a lot of plantings of yalinka there, there is no way to cross, - on rotten trees that lie on the ground, on rotten stumps, on grountu plots that have recently become bare, and so on.

It is practically possible to grow a yalinka throughout Siberia and the pivdni of the Far Gathering, as well as in the greater regions of European Russia (Crimea of ​​the pivdnya itself). Ale requires remembrance, scho to finish the lower tree, and the best way to hang її under the protection of more resistant trees - for example, birches or pines. Especially on apparently dry and dry soils (yelina will be rich and well-groomed soils, and badly on dry and dry growth). Dzhe korisno hang yalinka tree on the bottoms of yariv - in the minds of the forest-steppe, the most suitable for her mind. Yalina is multiplying now. This tree cannot grow in a dry climate. Do not blame the yalina and the dryness of the soil. At whom the vіdnostnі vіn richly vіbаgіvіsha for pine, like vіdminno growth on the arc of dry sands. Yalina does not grow on the edge of the bіdnih living rivers of the upper (sphagnum) swamps. Yalina is easy to grow out of our souls. The first river of life has a richer growth, the lower modrina is a pine, and rozsajuvati її syantsі after the fate of life is not maj sensu.

Standard, accessories for planting on the postyne mist sadzhantsya yalinka can be grown for three-chotiri rocks. Starting from the third or fourth year of life, yalina does not give up pine or modrina for swedish growth. Now, or choose the simplest: in the harvest season, it’s enough to pick up the sprat on the cob of winter spring cones and hanging at home at room temperature - enough of them hang from them. Stratification is good and corisna for planting a shedding seed, but not necessary (especially when you picked cones after frost and falling snow). The similarity of the present yalinka sounds good.
