Decorative cedars for the garden.

Troyandi Cedar is a tree of the first size. Its primary height is 25 meters.

The cones are grown inclusively at the upper part of the crown.

This kind of work is an important physical task that will soon threaten you with the danger of falling out of the woodwork and hurting yourself. True “full-size” cedar is hardly suitable for homesteading. When grown in full light, the height of the mature plant is about 20 m2, and the area of ​​the horizontal projection of the crown is over 100 m2. The relevance of the findings is obvious low-growing varieties

All three changes to the complex are characterized by increased growth, earlier and clearer fruiting, an unusual shape and structure of the body - caused by mutations that are "unsightly" from nature: the genotypes "entrained" by them are not visible in natural ecosystems the comfort of competition with critical growths and perish.

Well, in nature it is practically impossible to find a tree that might want one of the signs we need, and then simply propagate it into seedlings or wood chips.

How about it?
We use two main methods.

The first is the search for nature to not have whole trees, such as saplings and genotypic mutations (in scientific terminology - somatic mutations). So, this happens, but even more rarely, in about 1 tree in tens of thousands. Another method is to control the crossbreeding of genotypes contrasting with certain characters, the mass production of genetic offspring for the minds, which excludes competition and natural selection, with the current individual selection of valuable plants.

The sawing is controlled. The natural diversity of “wild” species is not so great. To expand genotypic polymorphism, it is necessary to combine genotypes that contrast with geographic differences and authorities.

Currently, we are testing hundreds of genotypes, selected in one way or another. Please note, for several dozen of them, the stability of selection signs when vegetative propagation

  • can be taken into account. Therefore, these genotypes can be mentally designated as varieties. The characteristics of varieties consist of many signs that differ in their skin:
  • evidence of fruiting (fruitful and sterile; the first ones bear fruit 1-2 years after chopping, others are bred specifically for
  • landscape design
  • This place, where there is no possibility of burying the plants well: unfortunately, hooligans break off the buds that ripen at once, otherwise they will immediately burn all the chips);
  • the volume of fruiting is great (all fruitful varieties bear fruit very well, and among them there are “record holders”, as every time the splitting of the hard soil produces one or two dozen cones);
  • the size of the cones (large varieties are inconceivable, possible emergency, frivolous and even frivolous, in essence, decorative);

thickness of the crown (in all varieties the crown is significantly thicker than that of a standard cedar, which creates the main decorative effect; prote, and the differences between varieties are great: like super-strong (look It’s even more exotic, but it’s much easier to see behind it) to a simply enhanced (maybe does not require special scrutiny));

crown shape (the main shape is culyasta, but in other varieties there is a clear tendency towards a cone and cylinder);

the color of the needles (most have a basic color, but there are also varieties with a tendency towards the black (blue, bluish) and yellow side).

Yak bachite, a sign of richness.

Of course, not all ideas are possible.

Variety 02 "President".

Age of wood chips – 15 rocks, age of wood chips – 7 rocks, height – 50 cm, number of cones – 22 pcs.

In the photo is the very same growth that, two years later, was donated in the name of the Tomsk region by the President of Russia V.V. Putin on his 50th birthday.

There were exactly 50 cones on the new one Variety 03 "Oligarch": a copy prepared for presentation to M.B. Khodorkovsky. Age of wood chips – 18 rocks, age of wood chips – 9 rocks, height – 90 cm, number of cones – 18 pcs.

Shift to an asymmetrical crown shape

The same variety.

Variety 014 "Ikar".

Age: 20 rocks, wood chips - 11 rocks, height 150 cm, fruiting day

Variety 014 "Ikar".

Age of wood chips – 9 rivers, wood chips – 1 river. To restore respect for the clear manifestation of the varietal power of the split (the dominance of the leader and the vertical orientation of the current) even in such a young age
It’s the very best to demonstrate the diversity of varieties for their functional purposes.
There are varieties of a complex nature; those that are especially garnished with nuts (Recordist, Plantation); including decorative ones, ideal for rock gardens and garden landscaping (Narcis, Biosphere, Emerald);
є very promising bonsai cultures (President, Oligarch, Highlander).
Below is a table - the characteristics of various varieties of wild cedar (wild species), whereby - % of the species). Variety Shvidkistost
growing 30 500 80 400 Obviousness and spread of fruiting 70 Cone size
thickness 25 750 50 500 Obviousness and spread of fruiting 70 Cone size
kroni 20 10 40 900 Crown shape 60 Dovzhina needles
Color of needles 35 200 50 600 Crown shape 70 Cone size
02. President 35 750 40 600 Cone 50 Dovzhina needles
Zvichainy 40 300 75 300 Obviousness and spread of fruiting 70 03. Oligarch
06. Narcissus 30 1000 75 600 Crown shape 70 Cone size
Kulya 40 400 65 400 Obviousness and spread of fruiting 70 Bl.-green
08. Biosphere 25 25 40 1000 Crown shape 60 03. Oligarch
014. Icarus Cylinder 020. Subalpine 50 300 70 200 Crown shape 80 Cone size
Siziy 30 750 70 800 Crown shape 60 Cone size
032. Record holder 50 400 100 200 Crown shape 90 Cone size
034. Smaragd

Bright green.

036. Kamikaze 038. Vin-i-. All stinks, bred by methods of intensive (mutational) selection, retain their properties (shortness, decorativeness and compactness) regardless of the climate (obviously, within the forest and forest-steppe zones of the world zone). Apparently, another 10 thousand years ago the cedar tree was covered with rich smog from Western Europe to Western Siberia.

The warming climate has led to the destruction of the habitat: cedar has been preserved in the middle (taiga) zone of the European mountains (Alps, Carpathians) and Siberia. In the European part of Russia, the only thing missing is that for today’s climate-conscious minds, wine cannot successfully compete with other trees, mainly the European ash tree, and will gradually be overwhelmed by them. However, the wine culture feels good in the forest and forest-steppe zones. This is supported by ample evidence: completely successful landings, not just last night medium smoothie

, but not in the Central Black Earth region. Apparently, all the described varieties are entirely suitable for cultivation in the European part of Russia. The selection process of the robot will continue.

Cedar needles are goal-like in shape, harsh and prickly, tri-angular, silver-gray and blue-green in color.

The stench was collected in bunches of 30 pieces. On long or shortened pagons they are arranged in single or spiral patterns. Cedar needles are alive from 3 to 6 years.

Color the cedar of spring.

Women and human cones spread all over the crown.

Human cones

- single, sharpened with bunches of needles, and the female cones are 10 divs and about 6 divs wide.

For the shape of the cone, predict an egg or barilo, 10 cm long, 6 cm wide, erect, single, ripen on the 2nd round, then disintegrate.

Broad-necked nasal buds. Full length 12-18 mm, resinous, tricute, with wing. Cedar is a giant tree.

It can reach a height of about 60 meters, and the diameter of its crown is about 3 m. Krimtsy, whose great longevity: the triviality of his life is 3000 years.

As a rule, cedar grows in the mountains at an altitude of about 1500-3600 m, growing between foxes, yalin, oak and pine.

There are only 4 types of cedar.

Cedar loves fresh, well-drained, loamy soils.

It is too bad to endure the sea winds, and also suffers from chlorosis on the dry, dusty schyla. Saditi at its best early spring

(before the blossoms bloom) or autumn (after the leaves fall).

The place for cedar is spacious and open, bright, so this tree loves to grow in sunny and spacious plots.

When replanting cedar, the most reliable ones are 9-line plantations.

They need to be dug up from the earth and transferred to the planting site, first covered with spit or cloth.

Plantings need to be prepared ahead of time.

Mix the drained soil with fertilizers (humus, peat, rotten soil, wood ash).

In natural minds, cedar reproduces in the wild.

In this culture, wood chips can be propagated. More than 130 species of comas, like cedars, have been identified. The greatest quantity of whippings is caused by: - ​​cone fever.

Method of control: sprinkle the sprout on the cob with Lepidocide.

Repeat the process every other week.

The old cedar is greatly harmed by the line-red rottenness of the stovbur, which resembles a pine sponge.

The tree is about 40 m tall, with a pyramidal, downy crown, stiff bluish-green needles and egg-shaped or cylindrical, shiny, slit, light brown cones.

In youth, the satin cedar grows faster, and in the spring it collapses as it matures.

Atlas cedar is frost-resistant, withstands temperatures as low as -20 ° C, very light-loving, and resilient.

It’s disgusting to endure the war at the ground.

Suffering from re-incarnation. May have low decorative forms. In nature it grows in the Himalayas, Afghanistan.

The tree is about 50 m tall, with a broadly cone-shaped crown.

Mature trees have a flat crown, with stripes on the tops.

The young cartilages are pubescent.

The Himalayan cedar has needles with a bluish tint, light green, long, lower in other species, in tufts.

Cones are 10 cm, ovoid, white when young, then red-brown.

Species of the genus Cedar (Cedrus) from the Pine family (Pinaceae) are naturally found in the Mediterranean and Western Himalayas, and grow in the Georgian forests at an altitude of 1000-3200 m above the sea level.

The scientific name of the genus is similar to the Greek name for these trees - kedros.

Cedar is a great and beautiful tree. Compact garden forms of cedars can often grow in rock gardens, while weeping ones can be found on the banks of stakes and in similar cages. Decorative forms of cedars are good in comparison with other conifers and rhododendrons, both bright and clear buttermilk chagarniks.

Despite the fact that more than 260 years have passed since Linnaeus described the first type of cedar, there is still no consensus among scientists about the number of species of cedar.

Some botanists, relying on the fact that mature cedars practically do not suffer any damage, believe that there is only one species - the Lebanese cedar (Cedrus libani).

Other fakes see this

different species

: Lebanese, Himalayan (Cedrus deodara), satin (Cedrus allanfica) and short-coniferous (Cedrus brevifolia).

Three types of cedar

To clarify the situation with the cedars, we go to the “Life Catalog” - an authoritative international project that takes inventory of all types of plants, fungi, bacteria and creatures on the planet. The database for this project, supported by international experts, contains records of 1.6 million species (up to 84% of the current diversity). Well, “Katalozi Zhyttya” has three types of cedar;

Lebanese, Himalayan and satin.

It should be noted that cedar pots, so popular in Russia, do not soak up fresh cedars of water.

These are cedar pine, or Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica), which is called Siberian cedar.

The present age of cedars is unnatural.

Tsinna breed

The fragments of the family's habitat are cultivated in the areas where ancient civilizations developed, and the cedars have lost a significant trace of the spiritual and material culture of mankind.

They are revered as divine trees in Hinduism, the ancient Egyptians used their resin for mummification, cedars have received many mysteries from the Bible and the Talmud, and from the Sumerian epic. The Phoenicians had ships from their villages, and other ancient peoples had palaces and temples, and prepared cult objects. Cedar wood is not only beautiful and valuable, it has a pleasant smell and bactericidal power.

Speeches that are preserved in shawls and cedar screens are not attacked by moths.

In the more enlightened era, more prosaic speeches were made from the cedar, the spreaders were closed for lifting, which, among other things, removed the shoes and booties.

Decorative forms of cedar Nowadays there are many decorative forms of cedars. The stinks vary in size (major trees and dwarf elfin trees), crown shape (

pyramidal, conical, weeping, columnar

), dovzhina and barred needles (blakitna, sriblyasta, golden, strokata).

Kedr Levansky

In youth it is characterized by rapid growth.

Visible to short-term temperature drops down to -20 ° C, light-loving, resistant to cloudy weather, dry.

Poorly reacts to the presence of a vapor in the soil.

Himalayan cedar

Himalayan cedar (C. cleodara) naturally grows in the snow-west Himalayas, Afghanistan.

In the culture of Vidomy iz 1822 r.

Tree up to 40-50 m (sometimes up to 60 m) with a height and drill diameter of up to 3 m. The crown is cone-like with a clearly visible layering of shoots, young stems that are drooping. Mature specimens form a flat crown. The needles are light green or bluish-blaky, up to 5 (sometimes 7) cm long.

Cones are 7-13 cm in diameter, 5-9 cm in diameter.

Himalayan cedar is fast growing, durable, and can last a thousand years or more.

It is easier to put up with shading in comparison with other species of the genus.

It shows the moved moisture around the ground. It can grow on wet soils, although it often suffers from chlorosis. Tolerate frosts down to -25 °C.

Unstable up to strong winds.

It's not good to have to endure a haircut.

Peculiarities of cedar growth

Cedars are susceptible to a number of fungal diseases, the most widespread of which are pine needles.

For treatment and prevention, fungicidal preparations are used.

Excess moisture in the soil can lead to chlorosis: the needles of the trees become yellow, the needles become twisted.

The most important pests of this village are bark beetles and Hermes Siberian.

It is impossible to tear down a tree heavily damaged by barks; it will be cut down and deteriorate.

Decorative forms of cedar To combat pests, use insecticidal preparations (decis). Cedar propagation

Nowadays, the propagation of cedar gives bad results.

In the planted crops, carry out the following steps: birch - on the cob, stratification begins three months before.

Soak the head of the head for 2-3 years in manganese, then pour in hot (40-50 ° C) water for 3 days, changing it daily. After this, place heavily softened sand (you can add peat) and stir at a temperature of +4 ... 6 ° C. Mix the two layers of the substrate - mix. The springs hang from the ground, covering a two-centimeter ball of earth. Cedars in the garden decorative gardening

In mild winters, the cedars begin to stagnate and grow widely. From these majestic trees emerge enemy alleys and parks. Alone, large specimens with a well-developed symmetrical crown and a non-binding component of English marks.

The cones are single, erect, egg-shaped or barrel-shaped, measuring 5 to 10 cm long, about six cm wide.

The stinks ripen two or three years after they appear, and it’s great that they dissipate not immediately, but throughout the autumn-winter period.

The cedar tree has a tricut shape, with a thin skin, resin, and is 12 to 18 mm long and unnatural.

  • All cedars are heat-loving plants, widespread in subtropical latitudes, but do not take root in the middle zones (therefore, cedars from Russia are actually like pine trees).
  • The growth grows in the Georgian locality, at an altitude of 1.3 to 4 km from the sea level, next to ash, elissa, pine and other coniferous trees.
  • And it is bad for the axle to endure the strong sea wind and may not take root on the dry, waxy skhila.
  • There are four types of cedars:

Atlassky - has a pyramidal crown, the needles are black-green or bluish-gray, growing in southern Africa, in the Atlas Mountains;

Lebanese - it is a symbol of Libya, images on the sovereign ensign, the land in the region, which was previously the main exporter of trees, has lost more than a handful of trees; Himalayan - has a pyramidal shape and thin bluish-green needles, growing in the territory of deep-water Asia, from which, like other trees of the genus, comes the aromatic essential oil of cedar; Short-coniferous - has pubescence or bare stems and short dark green needles, similar to other species, can be grown in Cyprus.

Representatives of the pine family

On the territory of Russia, spring cedars can be grown in any

The cedar pine is a coniferous tree with a height of about 40 m and a drill diameter of about 2 m. Young plants have a crown of a pyramidal shape, while older ones have a wide-roses and often have a splinter of tops.

The bark has a gray tint and changes color over time: the buds of young pine have a grayish-silver tint, then gradually become grey-brown. The length of the needles is 5 to 12 cm, the pine tree is triangular, dark green color

From bluish water, collected in small bunches - 2 to 5 needles.

Mature cones are 6 to 13 cm long and about 8 cm wide, have an egg-shaped shape, a light brown color and a density of 80 to 140 today, which we know as pine peas.

These pine cones are natural, very tasty and alive.

Those who differ so much from one species of cedar and Siberian pine, say the same fact that it is practically impossible to cross them one after another. And as soon as a tree sprouts, it is not alive for long and is quickly broken by the wind. It is expected that we will have different rates of growth: the first few cedar trees in Russia grow in height, while the same species grow in thickness. Therefore, in thirty years, the diameter of cedar is 20 cm, pine – 14, which cannot but be included in the hybrid tree. Canadian Tui

Also, trees that do not last long enough to grow into fresh cedars, and thujas that grow in Canada (many sellers of household material often deceive buyers in their diet):

Red Canadian cedar is actually a member of the cypress family.

People have long noted the brown power of the cedar tree and have found stagnation in all spheres of human activity: cabins, furniture and other wood products are made from the tree.

Russian cedars are also used in medicine and cooking: urchin is prepared from husk, cedar oil, pine bark, oleoresin is used to prepare medicinal preparations, cedar essential oil.

Oil Cedar oil is unique and has no equal to the authorities. Prepare an oil of pine peas using the method we vidzhima from the bottom

Siberian pine

, and to take out all the bark power, power olive, coconut, sea buckthorn and turnip oil.

For example, pine pea oil contains five times more vitamin E and less olive oil.

Essential oil of cedar is extracted from both the sage tree and the Siberian pine, thuja and other conifers (the authorities have little control over one type of the main component iv).

As a substitute for algae oil, cedar essential oil is prepared from detailed bark, wood, and young logs. The ethereal oil of cedar has miraculous antiseptic, calming, anti-viral properties, which is successfully used in cosmetology. However, the essential oil of cedar should not be inhaled: inhaled, applied to the skin, soaked in baths and other procedures.


Cedar oleoresin (tree resin) is also successfully cured in a curing bath when it undergoes the first cutting: in a clean appearance, it is impossible to vicorize, the fragments will quickly catch you.

As soon as it turns out that pine peas are the fruits of the pea family, cedar peas cannot bear fruit.

The essence of the cedar tree is natural, and the pots, as we know them, are the essence of cedar pine.

However, this does not in any way change the power of the plant: they, as well as the preparation of an oil of pine peas from them and a tincture of vikoryst, are used in medicine, nutrition, cosmetology, and during aromatherapy sessions. For example, pine peas often improve immunity, vision, and prevent cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, anemia. Pine peas are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, P, and contain great quantity

minerals, including manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc, salt, phosphorus, iodine.

Regardless of the fact that the kernel of pine peas contains a lot of fat, protein and amino acids such as tryptophan, methionine, lysine, which actively contribute to weight loss: pine peas are not only life-giving, but also stimulate has activity on the hormone cholecystokinin, which signals the muscles about saturation .

A special bark to bring to the body is prepared from the natural oil of pine peas.

The infusion of pine peas is used not only as an alcoholic drink, but also as a remedy for illnesses of the musculoskeletal system.