Vetannya with the Day of the Police (Day of the practitioner of the bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation). Greetings on the Day of the Russian Police

Shanovni practitioners of the police, dear veterans of the bodies of internal affairs, I cherish you h Russian Police Day !
About the role of law enforcement officers in our country and about the interest, which is a huge stretch of the history of the organization of internal affairs, it is up to the service, to compare the name of the national cinematography. From the classics of the country's cinema to tell the fortunes of "Silsky Detective", "I'm A New Aniskin", "The Investigation of Knowing", "The People of the Revolution", "It's Impossible to Change the World of Sounds", "Petrivka, 38", "Ogaryova, 6", and also You can’t miss the current number of serials - “Killing Force”, “Kamyanskaya”, “Mentіvskі Vіyni”, “Vulitsі Broken Lіkhtarіv”, “National Security Agent”, “Glukhar”… overlaid with the Russian shield, protecting their life and health, honor and goodness, rights and freedoms, legitimate interests and mine against malicious encroachments.
The police are such a good service, like, like singing at the song “and not safe, and important”, - that’s the order, the stability of the suppleness, believe in the law, the commitment to tomorrow. And the profession of a policeman for a long time is becoming one of the most significant ones in our country. It is not for nothing that the right-wing guardians are called the two noblemen of a peaceful life. Adzhe vykonuyuchi their work, the police officers of the day are punished on the side of the malicious world, which is not fair, and, often, war against them and supplications.
On this day, we are rightfully silent, who, without calling for a special hour, fight against corruption and terrorism, evil-doing and law enforcement, inflicting economic evil-doing and countering the expansion of drugs, ensuring public order on the streets of our towns and villages.
Be fair to the policemen, it’s fair and tidy. Vіn goitre is no less than a knower of jurisprudence and a good representative of the law. The spivrobitnik of the police can be masculine and fair, honest and uncompromising, fair and humane, empathetic and foreign, to be kind in people and to be aware of them pidkhid, to think long-term and understand the essence of life. In a spree, a police professional can have a lot of gains. I own best capacity defenders of the law and order of goiters show in their everyday work, rozumіyuchi in their own, that from the operational and professional police officers of the great world to lie down socially, politically that economic situation in the city, region, peace of mind of people.
In the rest of the years, and yet, trusting the representatives of the law and order from the side of the bulk, innocently growing. Our citizens have become more active and eager to seek help from them, if they feel unsafe for aggression, attack violence or deceit, practice injustice, or they show vicious evidence of what they have imagined. More and more often, the population of the hromada helps the spivrobitniks of the police to intimidate the wickedness and the spryaєєїх rozkrittyu. The growth of mutual understanding and trust between civilized persons and law-enforcers is a great step on the way to the creation of a careless suspense, even with sleeping susillas, it’s more effective to fight against the wicked world, which, unfortunately, we still have to endure great.
Shanovni practitioners of internal affairs bodies! With a wide heart I soar you Happy Russian Police Day ! On this holy day, let the hearts of all right-wing guards be reminded of pride for the hard, but noble right, which they are entrusted with victorious! Keep faithful to the motto: "Serving the law - I serve the people" will become the main thing for you and help you honestly and hopelessly serve. I let you have success and success with whom.
All thanks to you for your service to the Batkivshchyna. Dyakuyu, scho you protect the peaceful life and work of the masses of the people of Russia, you will take care of the safety of our state. Upevneniya, scho nadalі you actively bortimetes zі malignancy, overwhelmed by uncompromisingly and zhorstnym quietly, who do not care about the Law, and people are fair in terms of respect to all law-hearing citizens.
Shanovni practitioners of the police! Remember, the Russians, with deep care, that love, will guess the names of the quiet ones, who, loosing their shoes, sacrificing their lives. The stench is rightly written by professionals, they have taken for themselves a not safe and noble job; to veterans of the police, who devoted the old fates of their lives to important police everyday life, made a contribution to the right to protect the law and order, and today pass on their wealth to the new generation of policemen. The stench from the hoardings is put up to the women in uniform, as if they carry on their tenditny shoulders burdens of victoriousness for the human lot.
All of you are dear to the law enforcement officers professional saint! Fewer anxious calls and more calm changes. Let your hearts be forever young and do not run out of hope for the growth of the world, the light of evil. Wishing you good health, good luck, happiness, good spirits, optimism, family well-being, encouragement from the side of relatives and loved ones, all the best!

Here is a collection of texts for congratulations on the Day of the Police on official occasions (ceremony, boss, deputies). All texts are written in prose (not in verse).

It is sacredly celebrated on the 10th of the fall of the leaves and May was confirmed (by the decree of the President in 2011) the name is the Day of the Companion of the Organs of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

All names, names of settlements and organizations, settlements, statistical data, etc. are chosen only for clarity (and for greater accuracy), do not forget to change them to your needs.

Option number 1

Shanov's colleagues!

On the eve of our professional saint, I want to welcome the entire special warehouse, veterans of the bodies of internal affairs, the best police officers from this miraculous day.

I hang a great tribute to a special warehouse for vikonannya put in charge. The great army of veterans hangs deeply for the creation of the traditions of our bodies of internal affairs ... For the creation of the medical foundation, the foundation on which all our work and dos is built. It is due to you for the knowledge that is being transmitted, and for those who, until this day, you give us all possible help in the fight against evil.

We wish you and your families good health, well-being, active professional and human life. Bring on a new professional career, bring new successes, achieve new goals, new cicavia, joy, love, and turbot of loved ones. I also wish to love and value everything that I can. Holy!

Option number 2

Shanovni spіvrobіtniki, veterans, cadets and everyone who hears! I cordially soar you from the advancing banner podієyu - Happy Spіvrobіtnikі v organіv vnutrishnіkh sprava.

Spivrobitniki organіv vnutrishnіh sprava at all times stood on the defense of the rights and freedoms of the people, ensuring the possibility of a peaceful life and praczyuvati. Tse - holily quiet, who does not harm himself every day to resist evil ... who ensures safety on the streets of the city and villages ... who is the first to come to the aid of everyone who has spent at the bidu.

Pratsya pracіvnіkіn law and order - tsіlodobova and in his profession sacredly rich, who among them is on a "combat" post. The good work of spivrobitnikiv is connected with the majestic risk and vidpovidalnistyu. The stench is waging an uncompromising war from the criminal world, waging especially unsafe jobs near hot spots. The names of spivrobitniks are written in the history, as they died at the hour of the service dressing.

A low mark to you - dear veterans, for that inestimable contribution, which you have grown from the right to fight against mischief. I hang out the words of deep gratitude to mothers, squads and children of spivrobitniks in the bodies of internal affairs, like they save the warmth of the home fire, succumb to the successes and failures, and with praise that trivogo check on you for services.

With a big heart, I wish you all success, health, family well-being. Let everything that you show your profession and people turn to you for seeing energy, optimism, vitality, spiritual zeal and self-confidence in their own strength.

Option number 3

In the name of the ceramics and in the name of myself, I especially care for the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia near the Bilebey district, all veterans and family members with a professional saint - the Day of the Defense Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

We commend the supporters for their service, respect for the rule of law, law and order. Gromadska security near the city is secure on the flat river. The price is the introduction of a skin spyware without blemishes.

Spivrobitniki deserve special recognition, as they perebuvayut this day at service teams, beyond the borders of our place. The stench is good at coping with the tasks set.

I pay special attention to veterans for making a contribution to the right vocational training, training in a special warehouse for the worker. Your knowledge of that knowledge is priceless.

I thank my colleagues, the whole special warehouse, veterans, members of families - mental health, family well-being, peace of mind for tomorrow, easy service, and clear weather on the professional sky.

Option number 4

Love friends! 10 leaf fall Russian police celebrate their profession sacredly! Today is the vshanovuєmo of all who stand guard over the law and the rule of law, who protect the hulks from malicious encroachments!

Masculinity, rіshuchіst i zhorstkіst character - nevіd'єmnі risi skin spіvrobіtnika. Zavdyaks of self-disciplined practice, fidelity of footwear, readiness to work in the smartest minds, the Krasnoyarsk police violate one of the most important sovereign tasks - the recognition of the rule of law and the rule of law in the native land.

For many days we have shattered our heads before the memory of our perished comrades, who gave life to the fight against mischief. Your masculinity, loyalty to the oath and obov'yazku will be a butt for the young and future law enforcement officers.

I salute especially the spirit of our veterans. Leaving the ranks, you take part in the protection of the law and order, pour on all the steps that are found in the city of that region. Your voice, your thought, your priceless message to serve the next generation as the ultimate guide for choice way of life. With your active life position, you show the example of honest and selfless service to your marriage.

A lot of spіvrobіtnikіv zustrichayut sacredly at the post, taking care of the calm and safety of the hulks. Nearly hundreds of people are waving their service ties to support peace and stability in the Pivnichno-Kavkazsky region. I am paying special tribute to that honor for faithful service. I thank you for us - a safe return home. Lovers and loved ones check on them.

Shanovnі colleagues, the entire special warehouse of the Mіzhmunitsipalny administratіnna MVS Rosії "Krasnoyarsk"! In the name of the Kerіvnitstva and the Board of the Head Department of Internal Affairs in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, I swear you in the name of the saint! I wish everyone good health, peace, successful service and family well-being.

Option number 5

Dear friends, colleagues, of the same mind! In the name of ceramics, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Zhovtnevy district, I am waving you from your professional saint - the Day of the Companion of Internal Affairs, as our holy day is the 10th leaf fall!

Not easy everyday life affects our skin with high professionalism, discipline, special knowledge and wisdom, self-giving and masculinity, constant readiness to self-sacrifice for the sake of those who have spent at the bedside.

However, it is necessary to recognize that for a successful vikonnannya (those who stand in front of us) order with professionalism, it is important and - mutual assistance, mutual understanding. I believe that they sounded them more often.

Okrema podiaka - to the deputies of our city Radi, the head of the city settlement Petrov Petr Petrovich and the directors of our great enterprises - Ivanov Є. L., Sidorov P. R., Vasiliev N. A., Kharitonov P. E., and to the wealthy of other scientists, who know the ability to help us with the improvement of the material and technical base, repair the administrative life, and also constantly check on all our prohannya and propositions are to strengthen the rule of law in our native region.

With a big heart, I wish you all an easy service... So that all the problems were solved, but in the end, they are roaring. I will calm that lull to you and your families - we ourselves are spiraling on them at the naivazhchi hvilini. Part of our worries lie on our loved ones and our task is to practice so that our children could proudly say: “My tato is a policeman!”.

Option number 6

Dear friends, shanovni colleagues and veterans! Today is our profession sacred, one of the most important dates on the river!

All the dates of the foundation of the bodies of internal affairs were reminiscent of heroic everyday life, everyday service to the law, giving the people of Russia and the oath. Today we can say that the Russian police have passed a glorious path and write about it.

We saved the traditions, the recession and the best fortune of the previous generations. Our profession, as if on the cob її appeared, is filled with demanded by people, necessary and costly. At whom, at times, the essence of її (professії) has become immutable. Tse is an important, everyday work is quiet, who fights against mischief, reveals violators of the law, protects the calm hulks, and ensures order in the household ... And order, that stability, as it seems, without intermediary injecting into the well-being, prosperity of the people of that region.

Vi - tі, to whom to come for help that zahist ... tі, hto є rebuffing on the path of lawlessness, chaos. You maintain order, at the cost of a good life. I didn’t show heroism, but our everyday routine, loved by the right, like we dedicated all our lives.

Today, large-scale sovereign tasks stand in front of the Novosibirsk police.

With a wide heart, I soar you with a saint and bazha, so that you do not doubt that your work is not marna. Peace to you and your families, peace and stability, professional success and realization of all ideas. Let your work forever be properly appreciated, deserved rewards will hourly punish you, and life will be only good people.

Option number 7

Dear colleagues and veterans of the internal affairs bodies of the Zmіinogorsk district!

In the name of the ceramics department of the OVS of the Zmіinogorsk district, I bring you from the professional saint - the Day of the Companion of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation!

All in all historical stages vyrіshuvali zavdannya, yakі put before you suspіlstvo that power. Today has become the foundation for the best traditions of today's generation of police officers.

Professіyny rіk, sho naє, buv is unforgivable for us ... We are not the first rіk pracyuєmo in new minds and we try to implement new style roboti. The tasks have been set successfully and successfully, and we will soon move on to stability - new minds will become more familiar and comfortable, stop embossing with novelty. The positive dynamics of the robot is remembered already at the same time. All the credit to you, to your outstanding attitude, discipline and vibrancy.

Okrim tsgogo, vyslovlyuyu words of support to our satellite organizations - hromada and veterans. The administration of the district, the prosecutor's office and the next committee also made their positive contribution to our work ... Um - especially thanks for the extra help.

I wish you good health, energy, optimism, prosperity and successful service.

Option number 8

Shanovni spіvrobіtniki vnutrishnіh prava and veterans of the Perm region! In the name of ceramics of the Head Office of the MVS for the Perm Territory, I make you a professional saint!

In the light of your good work, it is not less than a rіven of supple security, but also a hope for tomorrow, a calm skin bag of our region.

Your service has always been and is being abandoned - the butt of self-confidence and readiness to come to the rescue, to maintain justice, order and law.

I bring glibok podyaku veterans. Perebuvayus on a well-deserved vodpochinku, you will continue to be left in the ranks with the dead fighters of the current police.

I thank all the well-wishers and veterans of the Perm Territory, as well as the members of their families - good health, non-violent optimism, family happiness and professional success. Let the skin of the day of service bring you satisfaction, the bulk will be law-hearing, family will be mitzna, healthy will be unshakable, colleagues and friends will be true to that, and energy will be inexhaustible!

Option number 9

Love friends! Spring 10 is professionally sacred for all practitioners of internal affairs. Previously, it was sacredly called the Day of the Militia, and after the re-certification of the militia into the police, another popular name for this saint is the Day of the Police.

In the name of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in the city of Bryansk - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, accept a generous tribute for your sum, self-confidence and husband's work. With a big heart, I wish you to turn around home with a leather folding task, as well as professional success, a show of courage, a good spirit of that great health, family happiness and well-being. Holy!

Option number 10

Dear friends, colleagues, all present!

Bypassing the river ... Our child has uncovered over 800 evils, and behind the skin of them there is a share of the human ... Having looked at the statistics of the opening for the last time, we can say that you are miraculously coping with your professional obligations and with them), functions, as it is laid on you. The situation in our district is steadily stabilizing, the number of evils is decreasing:

  • for serious and especially serious mischief for the last few years, a decrease by 18% is expected;
  • effective work was carried out jointly with the district prosecutor's office and the Federal Migration Service to support illegal migration. Over the river, passing, over 65 illegal migrants were deported from the territory of our district. Danish mehanizm sche vimagaє doopratsyuvannya, the robot over cym is conducted, and it is not a problem to ochіkuєmo on stabilization and ciєї situatsії tezh.

Statistics cause optimism. I express my hope for the continuation of the positive dynamics of Nadal.

Our cadres, our spivrobitniki are the main value of our Administration. Let us thank you for the summation of your service, for those who have chosen such a difficult profession and save the correctness of the binding with all folding.

From the bottom of my heart, I pray to you that your skin profession is sacred to you from the satisfaction of the heart. Let the service bring you bazhan vіddacha, professional growth and not bring roses. I believe that relatives and relatives gave you a podtrimka, showed that rozuminnya turbota. Sob your health was the mіtsnim dovgi rocky. I believe that you wrote in your chosen profession and with your achievements in your chosen field.

Option number 11

Shanovny spіvrobіtniki polіtsії, radium vіtati you at the walls of tsієї budіvlі, we'll work with you for the day of your professional saint!

Everything is changing in our city, in our region, district ... Life is flowing, power is changing one thing ... But the police are left behind forever. The inhabitants of our settlement great kohanny to be placed before spіvrobіtnikіv polіtsії i tse not perebіlshennya. I’m constantly sticking with the zim on the zestriches from the local population and the hrompers are constantly hanging out in kind to the police officers.

With a wide heart I soar you with a saint! I believe that a new professional skin will bring you more and more radio hostility and success, as they will inspire you in the negative, which will tell you about the hour of service obov'yazkiv. Give energy, nervous nerves, a healthy spirit, that activity will in no way irritate you and encourage you at work. Let the warmth and care of your loved ones serve as a support for you Suvori weekdays fight against evil.

Option number 12

Shanov's colleagues, dear veterans! I take you from the professional saint - the Day of the Companion of the Organs of Internal Affairs!

You protect the citizens of Katerinburg, investigate and uncover mischief without regard to special hours, risk life and health ... Every day, leaves of valor come, for which I know that our fellow countrymen highly value your efficiency, innocence and masculinity.

I am grateful to you for professionalism, self-giving, for which you are serving.

Special words of gratitude to our veterans. You are a golden reserve, an eye for succession, good mentors. I pray to us (to the staunch spіvrobіtnik organіv vіshnіshіh prava), schob yakomoga used to preserve activity and independence, pass on the best traditions of service and share with us priceless dosvіdom.

Service in the bodies of internal affairs was by no means just a service, just a call. It is impossible to be born as a police officer, skin, who came to serve and retired from the service - having worked for the hearts of the heart with the call of the soul. I, like a kerіvnik, vydachny derzhnogo z you for that deposit, which you bring to the right to fight against malice and for those who adhere to the norms of professional ethics. Wanting, often, it’s even more foldable in quiet environments, with some vistas it sticks practically every day.

I wish you all success, passing through the service, showing off that simple family happiness.

Option number 13

Shanov's colleagues! Today is the day of the practitioner of internal affairs with you!

It was a good hour from that hour, if it was first formed as a working militia, then renamed into the police ... already over 100 years have passed. Over the course of an hour, power changed in the state, harmony, politics and that whole, legislation, but we always beat the same task for you - the security of life, health, the masses of the people, the community order.

I am the same with you and occupied until this day, without delving into the daily political games, without regard for the changing rules. Wanting to periodically change and warehouses of evil, some damage (for example, such as speculation and "moonshine") go in the past and cease to be respected by evil, otherwise - navpaki, people and give us work. Vtim, zavdyaki tsomu and we do not stand on the mіstsі - we develop, we improve our mastery, we take new priceless knowledge.

  • the professional rіk, scho mine, brought us (in time, like and forever) new achievements: the number of malices in our region decreased by 2% according to the deadline to the previous fate;
  • by way of propaganda and carrying out preventive visits, it was possible to reduce the number of dead people by 3.5%, equal to the last fate (there was an important task and mi yogo vikonali);
  • increased the number of severe and especially serious mischief by 28% compared to the previous period.

I am grateful to you for the sumlіnnu service. Thank you for working your right in such a way as it is necessary for you to work - you don’t get drunk, calmly that husband swears, whether it’s a task at any time to finish.

I thank you for patience, health, understanding of relatives and loved ones. Let the rest of your service life always have an hour to talk with dear people and that in the power of hoarding.

Option number 14

Shanovni practitioners of internal affairs bodies!

For the sake of the deputies of the city's district, Yelets, and for myself, I especially make you a professional saint!

Allow me to give you credit for your poor, difficult and important work! Your service to the community is not less important than the work of a doctor and a teacher. You stand on guard of law and order. Life, goodness, health, safety of the masses are not empty words for you. Dyakuyu, scho vykonuete svіy ob'yazok, protecting us. For a skin person, it is even more important for a mother to feel thieves and not be afraid for her children.

Your work is bound up with a risk for life, be ready to be vigilant about the most unusual tasks, mothers from the right with out-of-the-ordinary situations, dorimuyuchis under this law, showing masculinity and self-control.

I wish you a quiet service, good health and special happiness.

Option number 15

Shanov's colleagues, dear veterans! I warmly welcome you from the Day of the Companion of the Internal Affairs Organs of the Russian Federation!

It is sacred to all who dedicate their life to serving the people, the law, the patrimony. The profession of a police officer is one of the most important and necessary. Wimogi before her never stale at the hour. High strength, honesty and masculinity - the axis of strength, as if the mother is guilty and may be skinned for you.

Before the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is not an easy task to face: the fight against extremism, the drug business, corruption, illegal migration. And it’s far from all direct, de suspіlstvo chekaє vіd us rіshuchih diy.

The leaders of your efficient work on the streets of the city become calm, the level of protection of the population is rising, and as a result, the prestige of the service is growing. Our rows are filled with promising and enlightened young people. This year, the special warehouse of the MVS of Russia demonstrates professionalism and sports training, about celebrating the victories in international sports.

What a day it is impossible not to guess about the girki spend. 18 of our comrades (within a short time) lost their first hour of professional dressing. Over 700 were wounded. We bow our heads before the feat of our dead colleagues, and forever save the light of the memory of the heroes.

Today we celebrate our veterans. Dosvіd, fidelity obov'yazku, thrifty shutter to the tradition - priceless for the dying spivrobitnikiv, as a guide to follow your way.

I pay special tribute to your family for turbota, warmth, patience and encouragement.

Thanks to all of you for your total service.

I wish you success with the victorious professional heads, unconditional health and life and love, well-being, peace, goodness and peace.

Option number 16

Good day dear friends, shanovni veterans! I take you out of the holy - the Day of the Companion of the Organs of Internal Affairs!

Today we are completely quiet, who, having chosen the most important, but even more difficultly, I will need our welfare work from the protection of our order and law. Tse people, for some special order, that reputation is not an empty word.

The best traditions of service were laid down by the generations of your successors... Also, today veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs merit special words. You deserve it for the fact that no matter how difficult the situation is for your health, share your knowledge and knowledge with your young colleagues.

We forever remember and quiet the right-wing guardians, who until the end were deprived of their virny oaths, quietly, who did not flinch and did not come to the most critical whims ... Tsgogo fate, at the hour of the service bandage, 26 spіvrobіtnikі in the police region died. The memory of them will forever be lost in our hearts. Tse is an irreparable waste not only for us, but also for close friends. For us, and for the future generations of spivrobitniks, the stench will forever be deprived of the butt of valor, honor, and a moral guide.

The greater warehouse of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is more important than ever, and honestly and permanently weaves its shoes, to make a great contribution to the security of the rights and freedoms of our citizens. Your very deeds instill a great respect for the people. You know better. And you had to work hard for a thorough special warehouse, so that the skin spy worker could see the world of special viability in front of the suspіlstvo and the power for the skin made decisions by him.

To all of you for your service. I thank the whole special warehouse of my health, the instilled professional development, the new realization of my talents and talents in the chosen field, and - the joys of the attained successes.

Option number 17

Shanovni colleagues, veterans! I cordially shake you from our main professional saint - the Day of the Companion of the Organs of Internal Affairs!

More than 100 years have already passed since the day of the establishment of the Russian police, and many changes have been sacredly recognized, but not once have they been censured.

Tse sacredly symbolizes the honor to the best traditions, accumulated throughout the glorious history of the organs of internal justice. Three more than 100 years - not so much more than a historical scale, but more than 100 years have contained in themselves the whole era of the development of the country and looking at the price, live a hundred years - not so little, it's more, but at the same time from the country and the police recognized the radical change.

This year we have an important date with a large organization, with a solid personnel potential and a great work record in the field of public security. Rock after rock, day after day, the defenders of internal justice did not lose heart, saved their ranks, forfeiting their virniy oaths, repeatedly brought their recognition to Russia and the people.

We are entrusted to protect the life of that calm people, the interests of the state, to fight against the violations of the law and order. Tse is not easy, it is worthy of a mission. We are rightly written by right professionals, as it is appropriate to weave our own shoes and today. We write to us, who, resurrecting life, overcome wickedness, take care of the honor of the uniform, with a vision of orderliness and principles. And so spіvrobіtniki - at the most important. Today's stinks are the main support of the internal affairs bodies of the Volodymyr region.

The most important assessment for the bodies of internal affairs, the price - dovira hromada. Dovira to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and - to a specific skin specialist. Such a trust must be cherished that day. Citizens are guilty of guilt, that the stench day and night will know that we will help that support, that our rights and legitimate interests will be nadialy protected by all the power of that power, as given to us by law.

I bow my head in front of the masculine widows and mothers, who could stand up after an important waste. We always remember dearly (and mi dbaily zberіgaєmo її) about friends, comrades and comrades-in-arms, who perished under vikonnі service obov'yazkіv.

On this day I want to give a blessing to our veterans. Today's stench is to make a grand contribution to the formation of young spіvrobіtnikіv, to pass on wealthy achievements and best traditions of service, to give strength to the siblings of dead comrades.

Dear colleagues, I thank you for honesty, summation of work and convey it myself warm air members of your families. All our professional achievements, successes, stars on shoulder straps - this is the merit of tezh.

With a wide heart, I wish you good health, good luck, long life and prosperity. Holy!

Option number 18

Over 100 years ago, on the 10th of the fall of 1917, the law on police officers was approved. The very same day is marked as professionally sacred to spivrobitnikov in the bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation (also - "Day of the Police" and "Day of the MVS").

Pass through large number the reorganization of the militia woke up until 2011. A lot of those who are among the young spivrobitniks, having rozpochav their service to himself in the militia. Deyakі hulks dosi call us militiamen. On the given moment, regardless of the changes that happened (for the whole hour the police were called), the main functions of that MVS task did not change ... The most important thing is in life, tse - peace, peace and stability. That is why, unsurprisingly, for the history of the foundation of the police, she inscribed a few bright sides in the chronicles of our country. And as if the service was not called (like in the past, so in the future) all day long, the saint is quiet, who heroically defended, and today stand on the defense of the national interests of the state, leading an uncompromising fight against evil, protecting the peace and security.

It’s not skin to dare to learn your choice for such a profession. The work of a defender of law and order cannot be easy and simple. But in our Administration, professionals serve - sumly and honestly, vidpovidalni people, who came for the call of the heart to the profession, that dosі zalishayutsya virniy oaths, to the honor of winning their shoes.

I am generous to you for your service, patience and respect for people, more self-giving, masculinity, courage and firmness of character.

I cordially sigh our wonderful women, who have committed their lives to their service in the police. Regardless of the complexity of your work, you win your official duties as equals with people, and you continue to be deprived of right women - the guardians of the house.

The best traditions of service were laid down by generations of practitioners in the police. Low rate for veterans of internal affairs agencies. Love friends! І until this day, there is a lot of someone from you to rob your contribution to the right to train young spivrobitniks and generously share your professional knowledge, rich in life dosvіd.

Krіm tsgogo, slіd signify that we will always remember and viddaєmo Danin's deep povaga, resilience and heroism of our dead comrades. Showing strength of will, unshakable spirit, the stench of honor vykonali their service shoes, sacrificing their lives for the sake of others. To a riddle about them, we are suddenly turbulent їхної сім'ї, and also vislovlyuєmo deeply vdyachnіstі relatives and close spіvrobіtnikіv of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thank you very much for your patience, understanding, turbota. Your podtrimka that support helps us to stand in any situation in our difficult service everyday life, save strength, faith and kindness. I wish you warmth at home, cohanni, optimism.

With a big heart, I hoist the entire special warehouse of the Management for the summation of work and high performance. Let your skin know your well-deserved reward. Let your restless everyday life be accompanied by unchanging good luck, friends and comrades-in-arms, friends and relatives. Holy!

1. Under the hour of the creation of the free text, take care of the offensive plan:

  • Intro. At this part, it is necessary to welcome those present, to introduce themselves (to yourself and to be quiet, in the name of whom you will voice the promo) and to tell the hearing people about the drive of what the stench was picked up here.
  • Main part. For the most part, the speaker can start from the historical background (telling how many fates to that and the dawn of which it turned out holy), rediscover the successes that have been achieved for the last few years, talk about innovations, finish and future work, signifi- cant futures, announce plans (and hopes) for the future. They also tell about the importance of the profession for the welfare, for stability in the state and its role for the development, prosperity of the community.
  • Closing part. Here it is necessary to say words of gratitude to the veterans and veterans, to guess about the memory and the honor we will perish (when the service shoes are worn) to the comrades. At the same part, they bring up significant news (as they are recognized for a wide range of listeners), show direction and advice, set guidelines. I’ll finish talking about the best spivrobitniks away (as planned by the call program).

2. The words of the podiaki can be included not only in I will conclude part of the text, but on the cob. Prote, said in a similar way, similar words are more likely to be in the memory of hearing people, create a positive mood and be remembered for a long time. Spoken words can be “drowned” in the flood of offensive information ... For that very reason, it’s better to put them closer to the final part of the movie (after the historical revision, the statistical significance of that information that has gone to the vital movie).

3. As soon as you have scribbled a ready-made text (from scientific knowledge), do not forget to change the statistical data to the relevant ones for your country, district, region. In the case of inductions, there are more words of wisdom in mind (including for accuracy and clarity of speech).

4. How long does it take to prepare sounds, formulate statistics, etc., win the universal text with phrases that “wrap around”, unique riddles of exact numbers. Before such texts, you can add characters No. 1, No. 2, No. 17, No. 18.

5. If you don’t enter into plans to make a new move, you can practically pass the texts without wasting money. For whom to take from the text, which, having been honored, the first proposition, the words are worthy of that favor (remain rows of the text). Include from the text a historical conclusion, statistical data, whether it be a mirkuvannya about the role of the profession for the suspense. In this manner, you take away a short text.

Happy police day today
Accept welcome.
Our service is hot, not tsukor,
Don't hesitate.

Calling your day
For a share, carry it.
There will be no recock,
Like the sky do not ask.

Bring on the vistacha forces,
And the fire burns in the soul.
Nerves will be quiet mіtsnіshi,
Willpower, like granite.

Serve with the police
Chi can already not leather.
I wish you good health,
You are sacredly important.

Let's bring the robot
Joy, pleasure.
Kokhannya bazhaemo - the sea,
Good luck that spring.

I sow the guardian of the Russian police from a professional saint! I wish to see through, to develop, to reach that chic plans for the future. Let the robot go calmly and reminiscent of life with cіkavim podіyami, creative solutions and gіdnoy wine city!

You are a good police officer,
You look like a full guard,
Girls often marvel at the following,
You have nothing to do with them!

You are all at the robot, at the strain,
We are patient in you,
Sob not to shout and not to grin,
Get calm.

Let the Lord take care of you
Save yourself
Be healthy, more beautiful
І obov'yazkovo happy!

The police are a charge to the defense of honesty,
I pray for the services of the lungs and success,
Let everything have more luck,
I'm healthy, don't let me change
Worthy reach, good everyday life,
I know what you need more for people!

On the day of the police, I greet you,
Happy, healthy, good luck.
You are defending our country,
Be some kind of malice, wickedly evil.

I bazhayu kar'єri garnoї ta shvidkoї,
Good friends, love is bright and pure.
Let your bazhanya sing,
Dyakuёmo for the service, for your efforts!

Holy is our present day,
Happy police day pracivniki vіtaєmo!
Vsіm vіdomo - our service is not easy,
Buti on niy be brought from the wound that dopіzna.

The hour of the free call is not lacking,
Sob vіdpochiti, іz sіm'єyu pobuti.
Ale punish vikonuvati to come,
And forget about special officers.

Help you in the soul you want,
So that those close to you were enlightened,
They were put up to you from the turbo that heat,
And they cherished what they respected!

You police spivrobitnik, to that
I want to say hello to the holy
I encourage the kohannya that prosperity,
Sob must have done the job.

Let the robot have everything away,
The authorities are respected unequivocally.
I pray to drink all evil spirits,
Shchob life was all on five.

It is not easy to serve in the police,
Aja mother needs masculinity,
Sob your life, give up your risk,
Get over everything.

From the Russian police in the day
To you, colleague, it’s true,
All difficulties are overcome,
We thank you for all the blessings.

Hello police day
I want you, colleague.
Your mission is holy
Chi do not interrupt your run.

Come on, let it be a feast
Stand for the peace of people.
I give you strength, happiness,
At the right skin - remagnet.

Spivrobitnik of the Russian police
I pray not to lay down positions!
I pray for stamina and masculinity,
Tіsnogo command spіvtovaristva!

I pray for the success of the majestic,
Ambition not more modest,
Blessed with prosperity
Nothing, so that it didn’t fall in the fall!

In the OVS spіvrobіtnikіv, zvichayno, richly,
But today I graft only a part.
Quiet, who looks like that suvoro,
Tenditnyh fingers utrimuyuchi power.

Allow me, sir, to welcome you,
Bless you with prosperity in everything.
May I have good health,
Napovnyuvavsya, shchab lull that love budinok.

Lose your steel character,
With a sweet, girlish smile, beauty.
Do not marvel at life, prove that fact,
Follow the whole hour for your dream.

At the day of the guardian of internal affairs
I want to believe in success
Put the bar on the top boundary,
Vikonuyuchi be-yakі zavdannya!

Let me bypass you
On the robot, be it a problem,
І lie by themselves
Our life is a life dilemma!

Want to pass the arrow of fate,
And take your strength to the robot,
Stay with this habit:
Young that duzhe garnoy!

Charming guards in order! You help the mythical Amazons. Your womanly nature has been brought to perfection - to capture beauty, charm and professional skills to shackle, and intuition suggests the most elusive solution. Let the right people make you feel like they don’t compromise your virtues, bring the robot quietly at home, and fortune always favors your right.

Today in the OVS merry creak,
Aje holy miracle came.
And we use our human corral,
We want to adopt our beautiful become.

Vi, pani - our pride and vіdrada,
Vibachte, scho rude buvaєmo іnodi.
For us, your smile is the best of the city,
And your sum is truly bida.

It’s also possible to get along with your nature,
The character of mіtsny, beauty and nіzhnіst.
Let's live life in openwork,
I am happy, the world is that bezturbotnist.

On the day of the practitioner of internal affairs,
Shiro I'm giving you
Let kar'єra not know the boundary,
And your colleagues are shaming you.

Crooked shoulders, prettiness of disguise,
Let's hopefully take your vdacha.
Your good daughter, father,
I defender of the law is right!

You are so trendy thin woman but only a few give up at first glance. Aje ti pratsіvnik organіv vnutrishnіh prava and all evil spirits three times after you. Get rid of the old impregnable, cold call, but the lower one is good in the middle. There are more lives and joys in life.

Among the practitioners-choloviks
Shine, like a diamond in a setting,
With you - upevneniy hulk -
Calm panuє at yoga power.

Practice at the MVS dear,
Serve with cities, with ranks,
Be faithful to Batkivshchyna
I'm less young with rock!

Today's militia day has come,
Garniy drive for the cob,
Welcome our beautiful to become,
Want in the bodies of you, girls, that one is not enough.

Enchantment can be overcome,
Be a violator of order.
You can do it with accessibility, and you can do it with suvor,
І for be-yaku on the right, you take a grip.

Worthy of you praise that zahoplennya,
That's why we wish you better.
Respect for yourself, animal,
I win a bunch of lotteries from life.

Veterinary with the Day of the practitioner of the bodies of internal affairs

Shanovny veterans, practitioners of the police of the Chelyabinsk region!

Thank you for the Day of the Spivrobitnik of the Internal Affairs Authorities of the Russian Federation!

You are playing your profession in the holy fate in the minds of structural optimization and reformation, and with it, your appointment to sleep is invariably left, the top of the head task is the outrage of the hulks, the suspension of evil encroachments.

Today, like before, the Chelyabinsk region is protected for your professionalism, practicality, honesty and reliability. The very same people have always needed the country, so that the rule of law has ensured their well-being, promoting social and economic development.

On the day of the professional saint, we celebrate the veterans, who have preserved good traditions for the younger generation. I owe it to all the spivrobitniks for their fidelity to the right, pracity, masculinity. Perekonan, scho your charitable professional activities, to find the authority for entrusted to the right and far away to accept the effective activities of the internal authorities.

We wish you further success in your work, firmness and principles in serving the law! Good health, good luck to that family well-being!

Order of the Chelyabinsk region.


To the workers of the MVS in the Uysk district, veterans of law enforcement agencies

Shanov's friends!

Tomorrow is your profession sacred. Vіn inconsistently connected with the history of our country, with the vicissitudes of political and economic life for a decade. However, at all times you were challenged by the integrity of your oath, masculinity, readiness to serve the interests of the Batkivshchyna. These traits were especially manifested in the days and months of the trials, de vi and your comrades spun their shoes at the hot spots, the constitutional rights of the Russians, risking health and life itself.

Reforming the bodies of internal rights, new forms and methods of your activity do not affect the main task - serving people, ensuring their peaceful life, attaching any manifestations of extremism, other illegal actions. Go on some difficult path, you will always be accompanied by good luck.

Bazhaemo healthy, well-being to you, your family, friends and loved ones!

Administration and selection of deputies in the Uysk district.

08:00 "Oleksiy Teksler is looking for ways to earn more pennies for business, to increase wages and budget"

"The day of the governor's eye political scientists" is a traditional section of our newspaper. "Salaries may increase for the second time, and investments for the region - for two." With such power, under the sign of business zustrіch, this day is at the head of the Chelyabinsk region. Experts are convinced that Oleksiy Texler is right to rob, that he does not check from the sky for a new meteorite with a diamond in the middle, like in the movie "Shirlі-Mirli", but go along the third path, thinking about the good will of pivdennouraltsіv and the entire region. What is the other way and what, vlasne, happened?

12:00 Walk, Maslyana! Spend the Chelyabinsk winter on a calmly Russian scale

Maslyany festivities to pass near Chelyabinsk for two days at a time on the streets of the Maidan
